The Worst Of Us

By mxsxkx

796 1 0

Sexy one shots about a guy and a girl who aren't toxic for each other, but everyone else. To put it bluntly... More

their first time
the morning after
emotional attachment phase 1
unintentionally staying over

meeting the parents

44 0 0
By mxsxkx

Rich was impressed. Kaya had managed to sustain decent small talk with his parents through starters and mains. Now she just needed to get through dessert. She'd appeared to have found the entire situation exciting but he'd just found it boring and bland. His parents were, after all, putting up as much of a front as Kaya was.

"Even though we day see our Little Ricket much, it's still pretty important for us tuh' meet his lass. Especially the one that forced 'im to call his old man. Nobody can ever force Ricket to do summat' he day wanna' do."

Kaya sat up a little straighter, though it had nothing to do with the fact that Jim had pointed something out that was...actually pretty accurate. She'd actually felt a hand place itself on her knee underneath the table. It was soft and warm against her bare skin (her trousers had slits along the side that didn't cover her legs whenever she sat) and was a very familiar touch. She didn't even have to glance next to her to know it was Dick.

But she glanced anyway and saw that he was still working on a rather monumental slice of chocolate fudge cake. Son of a bitch was this dude actually trying to multitask. He had no hope of doing that.

Then she felt him push his thumb over her skin and she knew that he was definitely trying to make this some kind of twisted challenge.

Was he crazy? (Probably.) Doing this in front of his parents? (Definitely.) Kaya wasn't above doing freaky shit in public, but in front of his parents ? Wasn't that a little bit, dare she say, disrespectful?

"I'm glad you appreciate that," she said to Jim, trying to keep her voice casual as Rich squeezed slightly and then moved his hand a little higher up her leg. She felt a hot sensation shoot through her and...Shit. Shit. Fuck. Was he really going to initiate it right now?

"He ain't met your Mam and Dad yet, has he?" Jules asked.

"I mean, we're just taking things slow when it comes to that kind of shi-shtuff-stuff. That kind of stuff." Kaya pointed out. "We're both new to this."

Jules and Jim looked at each other before bursting into arrogant sniggers.

Kaya smiled awkwardly, looking at Rich who was glaring at them indignantly, then turned back to them. "What's funny?"

Jules swirled the straw in her yellow cocktail. "Ya' never told her about Alice, Ricket?" Crumbs sprayed from Jim's mouth as he tried to contain his laughter.

"Who's Alice?" Kaya pried. She really didn't like where this was going. She assumed it must have been the girl before her, but what was the big deal about this chick that had the parents in stitches?
She felt Rich's hand slide along her leg, her thumb trying to press distracting patterns into her skin. God that felt so good right now.

Jim took a swig from his can. "The ex...fiancé."

Rich's hand reached where her leg met her hip. She let out a silent, shallow breath.

"F-fiancé?" Kaya stuttered. She wanted to look at Rich right now. See his face. But she didn't want him to see the mixture of lust and jealousy on her face. She was the one that had her emotions in check the most between the two of them. She tried to distract herself as his fingers ghosted over the front of her thong. Fuck, they were talking about a girl that wasn't her and yet still she was still so wet. She couldn't hide from her Dick.

"Imagine," Jim wheezed, him and Jules unable to contain their uproarious cackles. "He completely jilted her at the altar. Practically tripped ova' the flower girls as he tried to run aff'. He couldn't have gotten away quick enough."

Rich paused in his probing to defend himself. "You wouldn't understand. It wasn't until that moment that I realised I was throwing my entire life away." He grated. Rich then pressed against her sex through the soaked material.

"Then..." Jules continued when her husband became to breathless to continue. "He had the nerve to drive to the reception 'Just married' car and steal the cake and alcohol."

Kaya couldn't help but laugh at that (whilst also ignoring the grain of satisfaction she felt knowing Rich was the one to have 'called things off'). Sounded a lot like Rich. Sounded a lot like her to be honest. "Let me guess, all the Bourbon was gone but all the crab cakes were left untouched."

Jim was slapping his hand on the table laughing and Jules clapping her own at how spot on Kaya was.

Rich frowned at the way his girlfriend had already managed to find some mutual ground with his parents; laughing at him.

"That's such a Dick thing to do." Kaya joked, the play on words not getting past Jim who chortled boisterously.

It baffled him. The objective rapport between Jimmy and Kaya, especially. The way they all found "little Ricket's" misadventures amusing. Kaya knew how he felt about his parents as well. He'd opened up to her about some of the shit he'd had to put up with from his parents. Yet, here she was, trying to help form some sort of bond between him, her and his parents. Instead of being the passive-aggressive, blindly loyal girlfriend he'd assumed.

Even after so long, Kaya was still surprising him.

Kaya almost choked on her cider when she felt Rich move his fingers over her clit through her undies. He did it once, twice more and Kaya had to clear her throat discreetly, trying to fight off the inevitable flush to her cheek.

Jules looked at Rich and then back to Kaya, and for a brief horrific second, Kaya worried that Jules knew exactly what her son was doing to her.

But then she said, "Sorry, is this something that we shouldn't be talking about. Little Ricket gave us a list of things to say and not say..." and looked back Rich, realising she'd probably said too much. Kaya let out a relieved breath just happy that her boyfriend's (ugh! still weird to think) mom didn't know yet know how much of a slut she was.

"Mom, please just be quiet." He urged. "It's like you want this to go as badly as possible. To think, you've still got at least another hour to make an impression." He's angry but he's also teasing. Kaya knew his cynicism was actually just his way of declaring that she still had an hour of this, an hour to make her cum at least once. Kaya would have glared murderously at him for that if he hadn't chose that exact moment to move his hand up and push his fingers past the waist and of her underwear.

He was choosing to do this here and now and Kaya wasn't sure if it was to actually help him get through the dinner or simply because he was bored.

"I know we're not doing very well so far."

Rich dipped a finger shallowly into Kaya and then another and it took everything Kaya had not to shudder right there and then.

"It's fine." Kaya reassured his parents. "It's hard to know what to say when you've got Richie here trying to dictate your every move. He's such a control freak, right?" At that, Rich rubbed his fingers against her, spreading her own wetness over her already soaked pussy. She breathed in sharply, her throat dry as the Sahara.

She hoped his parents really were oblivious to all of this. "The biggest control freak." They agreed.

It had only been a few hours ago that they'd got each other off and yet here she was, now ready and willing for him to get her off again.

"You like football?" Jimmy queried. Rich rolled his eyes and Kaya shook her head. "So what do the two of you have in common? What do you guys do together? Ricket briefly mentioned that the two of you don't really go on dates." Kaya couldn't stop her cheeks from flushing as Rich drew a light circle around her clit, forcing her to bite her lip to stop from moaning.

"Oh, you know. We fool around." He circled her clit again, this time with a little more pressure this time, and she fought and swallowed down another moan. "There's...there's not a lot lot of things we have in common" -besides the love of drugs, sex, alcohol and raving- "but whatever it is we wonna do, we're more than willing to do it together. I suppose we compliment each other that way." Rich used his foot to move Kaya's ankle, hooking it around the back leg of her chair so that her legs were spread even further apart.

"Kindred spirits." Jules stated simply. Kaya had never heard anyone state anything so plainly. It perplexed her slightly but she couldn't help but grin at Jules' approval. It was okay with her.

Rich pushed a finger back into Kaya and she forced herself to say. "It is I suppose something like that," she said laughingly so that she doesn't moan out Dick's nickname instead.

"No, honey, that's what it is." Jules' smile managing to look both cute and savvy at the same time. "You're clearly very physically and emotionally inclined towards one another."

"You guys spend a lot of time together? I know Ricket has a busy schedule with his whatsitcalled, errr, his..."

"Architecture." I just about managed to finish for his father who nodded once. Rich slipped another finger into her, working them in and out of her a little faster and Kaya swallowed, hard.

"I guess." Her voice was mostly even. "What with his back to back schedule and me in my final year of uni we tend to just spend time together on the weekend and whenever we can during the week if we're both free- just an hour or two here and there if we can."

Jim furrowed his eyebrows. "You guys can get a lot done in an hour, eh?"

Oh, god, Kaya thought. If only you knew, Mr Streetly.

As if it weren't enough to have Dick fingering her underneath the table, alternating between circling her clit and rubbing her sex. But now she was thinking back to the last few days—Dick, his dick, sinking into her against the wall, making her touch herself, talking her through an orgasm in the middle of a goddamn lecture, going down on her as she downed as many shots as she could in ten seconds before they headed out to a rave... She knew he was thinking about that stuff, too, because he increased his thrusts and flattened his palm against her clit, finally drawing a soft, soft moan from her.

Jules blinked, watching Kaya as she reached for her cider, using the movement as an excuse to roll her hips against his hand again as she straightened up, and took a gulp of the fresh cider to keep from whimpering, knowing she was so close.

"Quite a lot, actually." Rich said, as he glided his fingers over her sex. She'd forgot Jim had even asked them a question. Her free hand slowly came down and practically clawed at her chair because, oh god, she was two seconds away from coming right here in front of his parents—

Then Rich stopped moving his hand altogether. Her legs quivered, and when he pulled his hand away, he grazed her clit one last time and she cursed loudly.

Jimmy chuckled. "Ya girls got a potty mouth on her, ain't she?"

Rich smiled sweetly at her. "The worst."

"Sorry," Kaya breathed, pushing her chair back. Rich tried to catch her eye as she stood up, but she refused to look at him. "I've got a bit of a headache."

"Oh do you want me to—"

"It's fine," she said quickly. She could still feel herself trembling, her wetness starting to dampen the crevices of her legs, and she fought the moan at the back of her throat when she begun to walk away and could feel her slick sex rubbing together. "I'm just gonna go get some fresh air. I'll be right back. Text me if dessert comes and I'm not back."

"I'm sure it'll be coming soon." Rich smiled with his eyes.

Flipping him off is her instinctive reaction but she refused to be so crude in front of his parents. Instead, she pinched his shoulder firmly before slipping out the booth. Prick.

She didn't even bother turning on the lights when she made it into one of the singles bathrooms near the far entrance to the pub restaurant. She fumbled with the lock, leaning back against the cold tile of the wall as she spread her legs, circling her clit and tipping her head back against the wall and not even trying to stifle her moan as she brought herself to a quick and fulfilling orgasm.

She cried out his name as she came. She would like to think it's because she was so frustrated at him for doing this to her in the first place but it was probably because she wished he was with her in this bathroom right now.

He was going to pay for this. Fucking. Dick.

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