Number 1322 (COMPLETED)

By anime_freak32

28.4K 559 136

There's a new inmate coming to building 13! But this person isn't regular like the other inmates at Nanba pri... More

Character info!
Chapter 1: Moved to Nanba prison
Chapter 2: Building 5
Chapter 3: The fight and some conversations
Chapter 4: That time of the month
Chapter 5: The new ninja inmate
Chapter 7: New Years Tournament Part 1
Chapter 8: New Years Tournament Part 2
Chapter 9: New Years Tournament Part 3
Chapter 10: Help...
Chapter 11: Welcome back.
Chapter 12: Back to normal
Chapter 13: Popsicles For Everyone!
Chapter 14: Rock's and Nico's Reward
Uno's and Jyugo's Reward
Chapter 16: The Fateful Encounter and My Reward
Chapter 17:One Of Nico's Diseases
Chapter 18: Taken
Chapter 19: Getting You Back
Chapter 20: The Fight and Waking Her Up
Chapter 21: Together Forever
Extra Chapter: ~Uno's Ending~

Chapter 6: New Years Preparations and a Strange Night

1.5K 37 1
By anime_freak32


Akira P.O.V:

Its been about 1 or 2 months since I transfered to Nanba prison. I loved it here! I've never been happier in my entire life, I made really amazing friends and am living a happy life. It was a day before new years and I was excited. Seita (nickname for Seitarou) told me yesterday that we were doing something fun today. Yamato busted through the cell door inturupting my thoughts. He was riding a pure white horse, on the back of his horse there were bamboo shoots with paper attached to it.

"Hello everyone!! I am here to bring you these sheets!! You are to make ornaments for the new years event tomrrow!!" Yamato exclaimed throwing the bamboo shoots on the ground in front of us. "You are to write 'Happy New Years' on them!! Also no.22 Warden Hyakushiki would like to se you right away!!"

"Could you take me to her right now then!! On your hourse of course!" I ask excitedly jumping up from my sitting position on the ground.

"Of course!! Come we need to get going there now!!" He laughed heartilly as I jump on the back of his horse. I smile to the others as they swoon over me.

"Leave some for me! 'kay!" I waved to them as we rode away, my low ponytails wiping behind me. I laugh and hold onto Yamato tightly not wanting to fall off.

---time skip---

We had finally made it to the wardens office, Yamato and I got lost a couple of times so it took about 2 hours to get here. I jump of Yamato's horse and walk over to the door, I did the secret knock Momo and I had established.

I heard a small squeal and then someone clearing their throat, a quiet 'come in' was heard. I entered her office and pounced over to her desk a large grin on my face. I looked around seeing the stupid monkey in here. I glared at him and put my head on Momo's desk kneeling down on the ground.

"Hey Momo! What did ya need to see me for!!" I say excitedly to her she chuckled and pet my hair, I grinned up at her liking the petting.

"I wanted to tell you that tomorrow is the new years tournament, I got your letter and that beautiful drawing. I wanted to ask you if you would write the large sign for it? You can draw a little cherry blossom tree in the corner. I will be hanging it on where I sit. I thought you could do it because your an amazing artist. Also because I love you so much." She whispered the last part to me and winked, I laughed a bit and nodded my head.

"Of course I would do that for you Momo! It would be an honor." I bow down to her doing a mock deep voice, we both laugh a little. "So, why's the stupid monkey here." I whisper so only she can here, my eyes flick over to him for a second.

"He's here to take you to his building, you have to make the banner in his building. It's a tradition here at Nanba. But for now why don't you join me for lunch, its a little past then and I would think your hungry." She said smiling softly to me, I nod hearing my stomach grumble as I rub the back of my head in embarrassment. Someone came in with a cart of food, Momo had gotten a chair for me so I sat across from her.

"It looks like the mokey is tired, why don't we let him sit for a bit." I say seeing the stupid monkey's legs shaking. She nods and I yell to him.

"Oi! Stupid monkey! Momo says you can sit down cause your shaking!" He glares at me mumbling under his breath as he sits down and looks through some papers. Momo and I chat while we eat, she tells me how boring its been for her, I tell her of what happened with Tsukumo and all that jaz.

We soon finish eating and it was time for me to leave. I grunt not wanting to leave with the stupid monkey yet. Momo laughs at my antics and tells me that it won't be that bad.

"Fine, fine I'll go. Bye Momo! Have fun with your paper work." I say walking towards the door waving my hand signaling that I was leaving. Monkey boy stood up quickly and followed me.

"Inmate 1322, I need to cuff you so you don't run away." He says glaring at me slightly. I scoff and look away from him.

"I wouldn't run away, since the warden gave me direct orders to go to your building. I would never break her rules." I say bordley looking away from him and begin to walk towards building 5.

"I can't believe you treat warden Hyakushiki with such disrespect. Even going as far as to call her by her first name." He sneers looking at me over his shoulder.

"The warden gave me permission to call her Momo, so I can call her that without disrespecting her." I glare at him. 'Such a stupid, ugly, weak monkey.' I think still glaring at the back of his head.

"I can't believe I have to take care of that gorillas inmate." Monkey boy said glaring at the ground in front of him, his fists cleched at his sides.

We made it to building 5 and entered, I looked around and found a large bamboo sheet. Putting two and two together I walked over there seeing that's what I was gonna use. The monkey scoffed at me and quickly walked in front of me. I saw Liang, Upa, and Qi sitting around the bamboo sheet talking to each other.

"Oi! What are you doing over here you need to be training."

"We finished all the training you gave us. We came over here to see what this was." Upa says pointing down at the bamboo sheet.

"It's for the vent tomorrow, this brat will be writing on it this year." Samon says bitterly, moving out of the way to show me. I wave to them a grin on my face, I walked over to the sheet and find the materials to paint and write. I grab the brush and begin to write 'Happy New Years' on it.

Once I finish that I begin to draw a cherry blossom branch on the bottom. I drew the pink flowers, having some of the petals and flowers flow of the branch and into the wind. Looking down at my piece of art I smile, it was beautiful. The soft browns, pinks, and yellows blended together perfectly complimenting the calligraphy.

"Wow Akira. I didn't know you could draw." Liang said looking up at me our eyes meeting making his face flush slightly. I wonder why..

"Thank you, I usually draw roses and sunsets. This is my first time making a cherry blossom tree." I smile softly at him our eyes still locked. I looked around seeing it was already getting dark out.

"I better get back to building 13, I wouldn't want them worrying about me." I say looking at Samon, he nodded and brought me over to a carriage. I jumped in as he stayed outside, I tilted my head confused, Liang jumped in the carriage with me making me even more confused.

"I'm having no.02 escort you back to your building. I'm to busy with my work to take your lazy ass home." I scoff at what he said and look away.

"Well hurry up and go so I can get back. I don't want to look at your ugly monkey face anymore." I insult him as the carriage starts to move. I stuck my tounge out at him and flipped him off, this made him yell curse words at me while stomping on the ground seeing steam come out of his ears.

"It's really funny to see how much you push Samon-sans buttons, you may piss him off even more than Hajime-san does." Liang says softly chuckling at my actions.

"I don't know why but he just pisses me off. He thinks he's so cool and the best, even though he's not." I say glaring at the ground.

"Are you sure its not for any other reason." Liang says, I look up at one of my closest friends. He had his arms crossed and one of his eyebrows raised at me. An amused looking plastered on his face, T-thump. I felt my heart skip a beat, wtf that has never happened to me, whatever I'll think about it later.

"He reminds me of him." I say looking down at my hands, seeing scars wrap around my wrists, where my old shackles use to be.

"Why?" Liang uncrossed his arms and leaned forward a bit still looking at me.

"His smug look reminds me of him when he tortured me... How he used to look at me after I screamed in pain while cutting me. I can't help but see a little bit of him in Samon." I say looking into Liang's magenta eyes. I sigh and look at the entrance of carriage, memories flashed through my head.

I looked back at Liang seeing him smile softly at me. "It will be alright, don't worry." He says as the carriage stops. I hop out and wave to him, turning around I walked into my building. I grip my shirt tightly right over where my heart would be. 'What was that weird feeling, it's never happened to me. Do I have a disease or something.' I think letting my shirt go and play with the ends of my hair.

I walked into the cell to find everyone asleep. Rock was grinding his teeth, Nico giggled in his sleep, Uno snored, and Jyugo was covering his head with a pillow.

Making my way into the bathroom, I take a quick shower and brush out my hair. I left it down and walk out of the bathroom. Flopping down onto my futon, gripping my shirt I looked up at the ceiling.

I swam through my thoughts, multiple different emotions filled me. 'Why is this happening to my heart, and why with Liang.' I sighed, not knowing what the slight ache in my heart was.

"You alright there Princess." I heard a slightly deep voice say. I jump slightly and turn around to see Uno lying on his side looking at me. He had his hair down, beautiful blonde and pink locks fell over his shoulder down onto his futon. He had a smirk on his face, as he rested his face on a hand. T-thump.. I gripped my shirt again, feeling my face flush a deep red.

"Y-yea I'm fine... I think." I say looking away from him, the blush not leaving my face.

"Are you sure? Maybe you have a fever, your face is really red." Uno worriedly says, he climbs onto my futon now sitting up. Putting a hand against his forehead then a hand on mine he felt my temperature.

"It doesn't feel like you have a fever... Maybe your blushing." Sliding his hand down from my forehead to my cheek. My face began to heat up even more, I looked into his eyes as he looked into mine. T-thump, t-thump, t-thump, my heart pounded in my chest as I felt a weird tingling feeling come from my stomach.

"I-I'm ok. My heart is doing some weird stuff though. First it was with Liang, and now with you. It feels like my heart is gonna jump out of my chest." I say honestly, still gripping my chest. Looking down to my lap, I began to think of the possible things going on with me.

"Well it sounds like someone has a crush, or might I say crushes." Uno says, still looking into my eyes, a small smile made its way to his face. I looked back up at him, tilting my head in confusion, my eyebrows furrowing together.

"What's a crush?" I question, not knowing what he meant.

"It's when you like someone, silly." Uno let go of my face and bopped my nose.

"B-but I like everyone? They're all important to me... Except Samon."

"That's not what I mean Akira. I mean like in a romantic way." My face flushes again at his words. He begins to play with the ends of my hair.

"I'm glad I get to be one of the special men you like romantically." He runs his hands through my long black and white  hair.

"T-that's not possible. I've never liked anyone like that before. So it's not possible. Right?" I mutter to myself looking down at my hands.

"Even if you haven't felt it before doesn't mean it's not possible." Uno purrs running a finger along my jawline and began leaning towards me. My heart was beating rapidly, getting faster as Uno came closer to me. He hovered over my lips, feeling his breath fan on me.

"I think it's time to go to bed." Uno pulls away, taking his finger off my chin. He sticks his tongue out slightly giving me a large closed mouth smile. He hopped back onto his futon and laid down, leaving me sitting there, wide eyed and red faced.

Jyugo woke up and groggily climbed onto my futon. He wrapped his arms around my waist and fell asleep, his face burrowed in my stomach. I pet his hair slowly lying down, my mind filled with thoughts for the second time tonight. This time there where double the amount of thoughts. 'I know I'm the closest with Uno and Liang... But that doesn't mean I like them. Right?' I think before falling into a dreamless sleep.


All right I know I said this would be the new year tournaments. But I decided to change it to this because I didn't want to start the new years tournaments to early.

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