The Werepanther | Meow I Love...

Da Werepanther

131K 5.2K 889

You'd think that being a Werecat-- A werepanther to be exact... Created by the ancient Greek Gods--that you w... Altro

Author's note
1 Betrayed
2 New home
3 Flash of underwear... Why?
4 The wolf boy
5 There's a vampire in the school!
6 Why do they always aim for my butt?
7 The Pride of Three
8 I left trouble for a reason now I have a wolf to worry about?
9 Uh... Werewolves are in now I'm just keeping with the times
10 The Wolves Gather
11 If We Ever Meet Again...
12 Meow Howl OW!
13 Guess who's back
14 What's he doing in my room?
15 cats hate water... but that didn't stop me
16 Sweet Revenge
17 Posieden's descendant
18 Luke meets Adrian
19 I just wanted to dance
20 He invades my life! And my dreams the asshole!
21 Camping... part 1
22 Camping part 2
23 Camping part 3
24 secrets revealed with a kiss
25 the forgotten myth
26 I didn't mean to it just happened...
27 Giggles, tickles and smart remarks
28 Olivia
29 Nope not dead just living with me
30 Oh Claire I think I love you
31 Yeah what I said before Claire just pretend I never said it
32 Failure after failure after failure after failure... etc
33 Impossible to be mad at her
34 Easily ticked off at this point
35 Full Moon: Different rules for every Were
36 Full Moon: How the fates love to mock me
37 There's nothing more personal than this...
38 The haunting of golden hair
39 Battle of the blondes
40 Uh who are you again?
41 Little girls have been stalking me...
42 They took him away!
44 I woke up in Adrian's bed&Cole spat on a cheerleader
45 The Devil kissed the wolf
46 Sometimes I think Gods are no better than me
47 The Wolves are out... OLIVIA LOCK YOUR DOORS!
48 It's Ms Wittle Puddy Cat
49 How can you hate a Claire when she does this?
50 A deal with an angel or at least half of one
51 Something is wrong... I can sense it.
52 Do you think happily ever after exists?
53 It ends with a Bang
(Important announcement) Medusa's Misfortunes
Hello Everyone 01/05/2019

43 The cat landed in the Dogs' backyard

1.1K 65 8
Da Werepanther


I know enough to feel better about Luke gone. His pack won't hurt him and the vampires wouldn't mess with the Alpha's favourite.

You think with that positive info I would just wait at home, relax a little and make a new plan.

Yet here I am on tree glaring at the Pack house.

Don't think this would be a typical Claire thing to do. She would let her 'lover' know she's stalking him by yelling out "Let's go shopping!"

But I let her pretend to be me to feel my mother's wrath at home. I just hope she doesn't do anything too weird that my mother doesn't look at her in the eyes. Actually it's probably the most stupid idea I've ever had but I'm too worried and anxious to just sit around. Now as I really look at this house it's really not that big. It couldn't hold probably more then 20-30 people so unless the wolves in this pack have several places it's going to be really easy to take over. No wonder the vampires chose this one. I can't really see inside it's a big house from the outside nothing regal or amazing about it just a plain white boorish house. I heard twig snap beneath and I whipped head down to see the Shadow hunter girl Angel. Gods what's she doing here? I leaped down ten feet to the ground landing soundlessly on my feet walked behind her. She kept walking ahead because she hasn't realised me yet. I reached out to tap her shoulder and suddenly she whipped around so fast and swung a dagger heading for my face but I put my arm up to shield me. The shiny dagger glistened under the moonlight as it stayed placed n my arm and Angel stared at me shoked with her wide brown eyes.

"That should have sliced your arm clean off." She whispered.

"What's it made of?"

"A holy metal that's supposed to kill demons."

"Well I was made by four Gods so I guess that makes me a holy being and uh I'm not a demon as much as I act like one." I smiled even though this really is just wasting my time and is in fact not amusing at all. She let the dagger down and held it at her side and I dusted myself off. I'm not dusty but I just feel like doing something to shake off this awkwardness. "What are you doing here?"

"Finding more info on the vampires plan. You?"

"Ditto." I said dully.

"I don't think you used correctly."

"Meow." I said in a way of 'meh'. "Work together?"

"Sure why not?" She decided to start walking but I grabbed her arm.

"Don't think we can just waltz. Beside I don't know how to do the waltz." I said humourously and she chuckled. The smile went as quickly as it came.

"I thought the Alpha of cats could change into a different person. Besides if we walk in like we own the place no one is going to notice."

"They're going to realise we don't smell like wet dogs that piss on every tree they sniff on." I paused when I realised what she just said. "What do you mean change into a different person? I can't do that?"

"The Alpha cat is supposed to be able to do that."

"Really?" I asked unbelievably. She scoffed.

"How can you not know that?"

"You would think werecreature have limitations." I mean already can change my clothes, and have Poseidon's power how much more amazing can a kitty get? "I don't know if I can do that Angel."

"OK well then I have this." She dropped her big bag and unzipped it to bring out a big coat the colour of diarea and smells of wolf to.

"You wear that. I'll pretend I'm your human friend or smething." I backed away from it and cringed.

"Ugh fine. It's not that bad and the only wolf smelling thing I could get."

"Did the werewolf who wore it before you sweat a lot? Phew that stinks." I gagged as she slipped on. It looks weird with her black skinny ripped jeans but it hides the shadow hunter weapons on her chest and her tattoos.

"Let's go in." We started walking towards the front of the house where two male wolves were hanging around talking smack about some guy they both hate. I tried to hunch over a bit more to stay hidden beneath my hood while Angel did as she said she would. She acted like she was a part of them. It's not like they'd kill a shadowhunter anyway. It's like group of ordinary people killing a police officer. They'd get into so much shit for it.

We passed the two wolves and the smell of all these different wolves was like a smack to the face and I almost fell back as my poor nose stung a little. We go through a little empty hallway and then we turn right to the only doorway that immediately leads to a large hallway crowded with heaps of other wolves talking. All talking and shouting about the same thing.


The hallways are wide and look bigger since they're painted white. To my right I can see a doorway to a livin room where more people were talking and hanging out and to my left more of a hallway and then a staircase to lead up stairs.

This place is a little bigger than I thought. It's not like where Sarah lives, her hotel magically looks smaller on the outside but then on the inside it's filled with a million and plus rooms. It seems to me the the hallway leads further underground where maybe there are more wolves and rooms. Maybe the Pack isn't as small as I suspected so how do the wolves think they can take them on?

"Where do we go?" Angel asked. I tried to enter her mind to create our own mind link. I trust her enough with that and I am successful.

'We musn't speak out loud because all wolves have sensitive hearing.' I say.

'OK. So what do we do now?' She questioned.

'I want to see if Luke's OK but I know the smart thing would be is to go to the vampires' right? Figure out their ploy?'

'That's what I wanted but I doubt they're dumb enough to talk about it even if they were in separate rooms to all these wolves. One is bound to hear and tell the Alpha.'

'True, well we can't just stand here like idiots.'

'Where should we go?' I thought about it before I decided.

'Left down there in that hallway.' I started walking and she walked with me our paces matching. So many smells it is really hard to concentrate on one. Where is my Luke?

Thankfully it seems that the fates are on my side for now because no wolf is bothered by my presence. I'm practically invisible to them since they're all freaking out about Luke being alive. I 'accidenlty' listened to two women as they leaned against the wall both with arms crossed facing each other.

"Why would Marcus lie about him?" The first one asked.

"I don't know it's all very strange."

"Do you think he made it up?"

"No it must have been a mistake."

"Yes well mistake or not we won't find out till tomorrow morning." Another woman interjected. "He's with with the Alpha. And so is Marcus."

Where are they though in this stinky place seriously!? His scent is so faint that I can't quite pick out from all the others.

'None of the pack members are going to find out about him until tomorrow.' Angel told me what I already know. I suppressed a growl of annoyance.

'I have to find him I need to know that he's safe.'

'Do you think the pack knows he's..."

'I doubt it. He wouldn't want to shame himself or the Pack if anyone found out he's working for vampires.'

'The death rate around here is getting higher. They're killing and putting the blame on you to anger the Alpha more.' My breathing hitched. I can't believe this. I haven't noticed anymore deaths are they seriously framing me?



I'm in my old room again and to be honest I haven't really missed it. My muscles ache and my head is splitting. I can't think straight with all this pain but I'm calming down to look stronger in front of my Alpha. He's sitting on my old wheelie chair at my computer and is staring directly at me. I expect surprise, relief, shock, happiness or even anger but his face remains blank. Marcus is lingering in the corner his head sloping down so I can't see his face.

"How are you living?" My Alpha suddenly asked breathlessly. Some emotion starting to appear on his face. I gazed over at Marcus and he whipped his head up glaring at me.

'I will tell him about your love with the Werecat.' Marcus threatened in my mind.

'Oh no you won't.'

"What do people think happened?"

"Answer my question Luke." He ordered with his Alpha tone but I didn't shrink away. It doesn't affect me.

"It was an accident. I was badly injured by vampires and I must have been unconscious when Marcus found me. He obviously made the mistake of me being dead." I said looking Marcus dead straight in his eyes. His jaw tensed.

'Why are you doing this?'

'Wouldn't want to humiliate yourself in front of your father right? And also you now owe me.'

"Attacked by vampires? Marcus I thought you said it was the Werecat."

"I assumed." Marcus repled stiffly.

"The Werecat wouldn't hurt a living soul." Vampires don't count because they're not living. The alpha looked at me sternly.

"That is a very big assumption you have made Luke."

"It's not an assumption it's..."

"Alpha!" The door swung open to reveal the Beta woman. She's close to her shifting for life age. "The Werecat she's here Deviline has spotted her." I gasped which hurt my chest I felt myself grow weak again.

"Send everyone after her; make sure she doesn't leave this house alive!" He roared shaking the whole building and hurting my ears.

"Alpha..." I murmured. He turned to me and stroked my forehead.

"Son rest while we kill this wicked creature." He ordered Marcus to follow and then they left alone in my room but not before Marcus shot me another glare. I can hear everyone running around frantically and I feel eyes starting to close from exhaustion. Abrubtly my window opened and someone leaped inside closing it behind her. She pulled her back her black hood and Elektra appeared underneath it. My heart leaped and I pushed myself up but she walked over planting her delicate hand on my chest nudging me gently down.

"Luke." She whimpered with sad but hopeful eyes and sat next me on the edge of the bed. She caressed my cheek with her and leaned down to kiss me softly. She pulled away too quickly and I made a wolfie whine. She pulled up the blankets at my feet to see my bandaged up leg where I was shot.

"I thought you left me." I whimpered helplessly.

"I would never leave you Luke." She looks like she wants to say more but than thought better of it and tucked the blanket around my feet again. "How are you feeling?"

"I'm fine."

"Man pride." She replied and I rolled my eyes.

"I am in serious pain and feel useless and weak. But I will feel better if you..." I pulled back the blanket next to me. She didn't make a fuss in fact she quickly snuggled in next to me. "See already I'm feeling better." I mused pulling her body in closer to me. As much as it hurts I need her right beside me where I know she can't disappear again. We stayed like this in comfortable silence for awhile although she did keep jumping when someone would yell or run past my room.

"I'm sorry this happened to you." She said after I think ten minutes. Not that I'm counting or anything.

"Don't be it's not your fault. I'm happy it happened to me and not you." I said honestly.

"It shouldn't be happening to anybody. I have no idea what to do I'm so confused."

"We'll figure it out together."

"But what happens if I'm never going to see you? You're stuck here now."

"We will work around it. We'll be sneaky I thought you cats were good at that."

"Of course I am. But..." I shushed her and kissed her lips. I tried to roll over to my side as much as it hurt but she stopped me and pulled her lips away from mine. "Kissing is going to make you feel better?" She questioned with a little devious smile.

"Oooo yeah." I said in a low seductive voice resting my hand on her hip bone and finally rolling onto my side so I'm facing her. I winced a little from the movement but sighed blissfully when she cuddled me and touched her nose with mine. "Marcus claimed that you killed me."

"The vampires have been framing me."

"This isn't going to be easy."

"I knew that from the start." Her smile disappeared. "That bitch Deviline called me out as soon as she saw me."

"I had a heartattack when I heard."

"I can imagine, no one else noticed which is good. They all chased after the shadowhunter girl."

"This is the same girl that attacked you the other day."

"Yep. She's no longer a stranger."

"What does she want with you?"

"Nothing I guess just my help, and with the information she has I could easily take down Dominic."

"We could."

"Right us... Now tell me what did the vampire mean about the Alpha losing himself?" She questioned. I sighed knowing I have to tell her. I need to. Especially now, that vampire said the more I shift the less human I become which must mean I could become a regular wolf sooner than I expected. I don't want to lose my humanity. That's what I fear the most.

"You're not reading my thoughts are you?" I questioned.

"There's a good idea." She perked up just realising that she can.

"Please don't, I want to say it out loud."

"OK." Suddenly my bedroom door swung open and she and I both stiffened in fright. Why is whenever I need to say something important someone storms in uninvited? She glared over me petrified and Adrian's annoying scent filled my nostrils almost making me gag. "Adrian?"

"What the hell are you doing? Never mind just get out of there before you're caught." Adrian ordered her. I grabbed onto Elektra before she could hop out of bed and hauled her back down. It annoyed me she was just going to follow his command. In fact it's infuriating. "Really mutt, your pack is hunting for her. I need to get her out of here." I was about to growl but then she sat up and glared at him.

"I can get out on my own." She stated.

"Not with all those wolves lurking in the woods."

"Why does she need to go right away?" I questioned. Suddenly there were loud thumps heading to my room and Adrian swung the door closed and grabbed Elektra's hand disappearing from my sight. He teleported her away from me! My breathing went rapid and I tried to stand up but my weak legs gave out and I fell forward smacking my head into the ground.

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