The Game.

By Kai-Jecht

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dark gritty world, set in te future where people can buy parts of others that they want, like bodies or minds... More

The Game.
Chapter 2 : The Escorts
chapter 3: Insertion
Chapter 4: Codename Part 2

Chapter 3: Insertion Part Two, Extraction.

126 2 1
By Kai-Jecht

The touch of the chair was cold against jared's skin making him shiver, Jared relaxed as he settled into the chair, the machinery above him light up making it give off a blue aura.

"ok, we will Insert your newly purchased mind in just a moment. Now your records show that you have not had a mind Insertion before so I'll run through what will be happening is that ok?" Dr. Godsing told him as he waved his arms I the air at the screen commanding things into there rightful place.


"well, firstly you wont be replacing your mind with a new one, we will simply holograft the new mind onto your own, your mind will be the dominate one, and the new one will be secondary." the Doctor said still waving his arms at the screen.

"you'll have access to the secondary mind and all it holds, so any languages it has learnt or skills it possess will be at your finger tips. Your memory will be better, we used this on people with alzheimer's and short term and long term memory loss victims at the beginning as a way of curing them."

jared listened to the doctor and remembered the list of languages and skills the mind he had bought had, he stiffened as a small electrical pulse ran through the machine.

"ok, we will begin now" Dr. Godsing said.

Jared looked at the holo screen as it decendd in front of him, a copy of a document he had signed was displayed n it awaiting his approval, Jared accepted the conditions once more and let them map a new mind to his.

Blue lights blinked as he was scanned, Jared laid his head on the chair and let them construct the mind within him. Jared's mind blacked out as they booted up the the holo mind.

Jared's eyes opened to a pitch black room, the blanket of darkness before him confused and alarmed Jared. His hands and feet were bound, he struggled against them as panic sprouted in his chest.

"Ah, awake Mr.Nox. Good" a bleak voice croaked.

A large crank resounded as a blindingly bright light flashed into life, the light blotted out every detail of the room just as the darkness had.

"what, what's going on? Who are you?" Jared said his mind fuzzy from the holo grafting.

"you dont need to know who I am. The mind that you purchased was a captured resistance fighter. Within his mind was stolen secrets and schematics for new technology, that once he had memorized it deleted every scrap of it from our database." the man spoke from behind the light, as if he was an incorporable being.

"what? What are you talking about? The profile said he was a seasoned traveller who worked as a photographer and had been in a coma for thre years and his liver was deteriorating." Jared babbled.

"lies, thats all. We couldnt tortue the information out of him and since they have placed a securuit device within their minds we cannot map it onto anyone within our company and so, we sold it earning money and credits while giving the mind to someone we could easily prise the information from them." the voice spoke again, the sound of a hard soled shoe clicked against the floor as he paced behind the light.

Jared processed what the man had said, he struggled again against the cable ties that cut into his flesh.

"now, are you willing to give up what we want quietly or do we need to ply it from you?" the man stepped out from behind the light jared could only make out his silhouette, he stood straight and stiff with his hands behind his back.

"yes of course just let me go" jared breathed heavily seeing his release.

"well, that wont be happening. See with that mind you'll know too much you'll be too dangerous to the company therefore you arent getting released." the silhouette said.

"so once you get the information out of me, what will happen?" Jared asked, but was met with silence, the air seemed colder to jared as the silence lingered.

Jared let everything sink in, panic rose in him like a volcano but something quelled it, from the far reaches of his mind something calmed Jared letting him think clearly.

Flashes of things from his newly acquired mind assaulted his, languages graced his tongue. He searched through the vast expanse of the mind and found a life times worth of information but nothing to do with what the man was asking him for.

"there is nothing in here! There' no information on anything like that, you've got the wrong man!" Jared yelled.

"nice try but we know it's in there, and we are going to take it." the man said as he disappeared behind the light again.

"i wont lie, i'm going to enjoy this." the man said in a deep growl of a voice.

A buzz echoed around the room as the man revved a olden aged electrical saw and stepped into the light again holding the small buzz saw. Jared could almost feel the bite of the blades and the smirk of the deranged torturer.

He came close enough for Jared to distinguish his face, long and thin with a maniacal grin plastered on, a small puckered scar ran down his nose. The saw revved again inches from his right eye.

Jared's emotions mixed with that of the rebel soldier's, they calmed him and let him steel his resolve against the sudden onslaught of pain as the saw ground into his flesh ripping it savagely and grating into his skull, the man dragged roughly down through Jared's eye. The sharp blades grabbed hold of his eye and burst the eyeball, blood and goo spluttered down Jared's face.

"still got nothing?" the thin man said as he pulled the saw from Jared. Chunks of flesh still clung to the saw as he held it in front of Jared.

"i told you there's nothing here" Jared cried out pain coursed through his mutilated face.

"i think that's enough" a new voice came, jared's remaining good eye was scrunched shut, but as he opened it he saw the torturer crumpled on the floor at his feet.

The world was plunged into darkness as the stranger turned the spotlight off, seconds later the rooms light bulbs flickered into life illuminating the room.

A man stood by the door, a gun gripped in his gloved hand, boots and combat tousers hung loosly to his legs while a green t-shirt gripped tightly to his muscled body. His face was obscured by a customized hockey mask, three claw marks scraped down it as a design leaving open wounds on the metal.

"who are you" jared said through gritted teeth.

"i'm the alpha, i'm the omega, i'm fucking god to you man, lets move." the man said in a scottish accent.

"um, still tied up bit hard to move you know how it is." Jared said the pain making him light headed.

"right you are. Names Kell." kell slipped round behind Jared and cut him loose.

"mine's Jared."

"I know, lets go my team wont wait for ever." Kell commanded.

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