Camp Neon

By Agentmystery789

698 37 3

Sora, Riku, and Kairi all plan to go to a camp during summer. It doesn't turn out as expected Best Ranks #12... More



45 2 0
By Agentmystery789

Hey guys it's me again.
Long time? Trust me, I know.
Here's the fourth chapter, enjoy...


Sora smiled in his sleep as he hugged his pillow close to him. "I'll protect you, Kairi", Sora breathed as he cuddled into his pillow again. "Gooooood morning, campers! Get up, get up, get up! It's Monday morning, time to get up and get movin'!", a loud and peppy voice came from the speaker. Sora yelped and fell to the floor. Everyone else gasped, sat up quickly, and started to groan loudly.

"What time is it for that freakin' speaker to wake us up?" Riku yelled as he rubbed his eyes. "Oh my god! It's 7 a.m.! Why the hell would anyone wake up at 7?", a guy named Jay yelled in frustration as he looked at his watch. "Now, guys, you just have to get used to it. Trust me, it won't be so bad", Max smiled as he started to make his bed. "So bad! I was in the middle of an awsome dream!", Sora complained as he rubbed his aching head and got up from the floor. Everyone agreed and started to yell different things.

"Guys! You have to calm down, alright?" Max screamed through the guys. They all shut their mouths and stared at him. Max got on top of the bed. "Ok, now listen to the schedule. We're gonna get dressed and go to breakfast. Remember the schedule I gave you yesterday? Well, you're going to go through the Monday section. Your parents picked out the activities. You're going to follow the first 4 periods. The period ends when the speaker says to go to your next activity. After the fourth activity, you're going to meet up here at the cabin and get relaxed for a couple of minutes. Then we're going to lunch. We're then gonna give you the mail that you recieved and you're gonna rest for an hour here at the cabin. After that, you're going to finish your activities and come back at 8. You're gonna go eat dinner, and we're going to a special assembly, alright?", Max explained. The guys nodded and started to walk around everywhere.

Riku walked out to the bathrooms and washed out his face and brushed his teeth. Sora changed into his Kingdom Hearts 2 attire and brushed his hands through his spiky brown hair. Then, Riku and Sora switched; Sora went to brush his teeth and all that stuff and Riku changed into his Kingdom Hearts 2 attire. Then they met up at the cabin with all the guys, already done to go to breakfast.

(A/N: I know that I made them 14, but they're gonna wear the KH2 attire, ok?)

"What's your first activity, Sora?", Riku asked, sitting down on Sora's bed. "Uh...I got archery. You?", Sora asked. "I got basketball, what's your second period?", Riku asked. "I got advanced bike riding", Sora checked his schedule. "Me 2, sweet", Riku laughed. Riku and Sora exchanged schedules to see. "We have advanced bike riding, blob, and rock climbing together", Riku pointed out. "I hope Kairi is with us, too", Sora smiled. "And Jasmine", Riku smiled. Sora grinned and punched his arm lightly.

"Ok, is everyone ready to go to breakfast?", Max asked as he walked into the cabin. He had a red cap, a red T-shirt that said 'Camp Neon Councelor' in neon colors (hehe, get it?), and baggy jeans that went up to his knees. "Yeah, I'm starving. I hope the food is good, not like the stupid wake up call", a boy with blonde hair named Roxas groaned and walked outside with the others (A/N: I don't know Roxas' personality, so sorry if I get it wrong).

As the Lion Cabin walked out, they noticed that they were the only cabin that was ready to go to the Chow Hall. The other boys were still putting on their socks and shoes. "Ok, I guess we're the first ones ready. Well not yet, do all of you have your schedules with you?", Max asked. The boys took out their mini schedule paper that was in a transparent cover. "Ok, now we're ready. Let's go to the Chow Hall", Max started to walk on the road that led to the Chow Hall.

Sora and Riku looked around to see all the different kinds of activities that you could see. There were councelors putting up stuff or just supervising, making sure no one went in. They entered the Chow Hall and saw the smaller boys already eating and all the girls eating and laughing.

"Any sign of Kairi and Jasmine?", Sora asked, looking through the tables of girls. "No, they're probably getting seconds or something", Riku shrugged. Sora kept looking though. "Look, Riku. Over there", Sora pointed to the door. Jasmine and Kairi were walking through the doors, only this picture was different. Jasmine was holding her stomach and was bent a little with a sick face and Kairi had a hand on her upper back with a worried expression on her face.

Riku and Sora immediatley went over to them. "What's wrong?" Riku asked immediatley. "Since yesterday, Jasmine was feeling dizzy and she felt sick to her stomach. Right now she threw up", Kairi said. "I felt like that yesterday, I'm not used to going on airplanes as much. I took some medicine yesterday. Want me to give you some, Jasmine? It worked awsome on me", Riku put his hand on her back. Kairi immediatley put her hand back by her side and grinned with Sora. Jasmine smiled and nodded a little. She clutched her stomach again, "And we better get it quick before I throw up again".

Riku and Jasmine walked out of the Chow Hall. "Are you sure it was dizziness or is it because she got busy with someone?", Sora grinned. "Sora, you're such a pervert. No she's not pregnant", Kairi punched his arm lightly. "I was just asking, geez", Sora laughed. "Come on, you better get something to eat", Kairi smiled.

With Riku and Jasmine...

"Hello again, Riku. Are you feeling sick again today?", the nurse said. Jasmine and Riku were at the Infirmiry that was next to the Chow Hall. "Not today, Nurse Lola, it's my friend. You think you could give me the medicine I had yesterday?", Riku smiled. "Of course, wait right here, Miss, I'll be right back", Nurse Lola quickly ran into a room.

"Thanks Riku, I don't know how to repay you. My stomach has been killing me. I bet it was that stupid sandwitch in the airplane", Jasmine smiled as she held on to her stomach a little tighter. "Don't worry about it, Jasmine. That's why I don't trust those airplanes", Riku laughed. Jasmine smiled sweetly.

"Here you go, this'll fix you good as new", Nurse Lola handed Jasmine two small pills and a cup of water. "You do know how to swallow, right?", Riku asked. Jasmine nodded and took the medicine from Nurse Lola's hand. She swallowed it and then handed the cup back to her. "Thanks, Nurse Lola", Jasmine now looked like she was better. "Any time, hon. What's your name?", Nurse Lola asked. "It's Jasmine", Jasmine replied. "Alrighty, dear. Off you go to breakfast", Nurse Lola laughed.

"You feeling better? You look better", Riku smiled as they both walked out of the Infirmiry. "Yeah, thanks Riku", Jasmine blushed. "No problem, Sora used to say I was born to be a doctor because I would always carry medicine with me", Riku laughed. "Seriously? Well then why would you carry medicine in your pockets?", Jasmine asked. "It was only one time when I was feeling a headache and my mom told me to bring it in my pockets in case it hurt again. Mine didn't hurt, but Sora's did. And so I gave it to him, and he's teased me ever since", Riku nodded. Jasmine giggled.

Riku and Jasmine went into the Chow Hall again and saw that everyone was still eating. "Are you feeling better, Jasmine?", Kairi asked. She and Sora were walking towards them. "Yeah, I feel much better", Jasmine smiled. "And what exactly were you two talking about while we were gone?", Riku asked with a grin on his face. "It's nothing like that, Riku. I was just telling Kairi about what Max told us yesterday; she was really curious", Sora said quickly. Kairi nodded, "I didn't know it was that creepy". "Ok, just wondering", Riku nodded. Kairi looked at her watch, "And we only have 10 minutes until we go to the activities, but before you guys go to eat, what's your first activity? I know that Jasmine got arts and crafts", Kairi asked. "Uh, I got basketball", Riku said. "And I have archery", Sora said. "I have archery, too. And Jasmine has DVD production", Kairi smiled. "I have that for second period. Tell me how it is, ok? I think it might be boring", Sora smiled. Jasmine nodded.

"Ok, campers, it's time to go to your first period. So clean up your tables and get going to your first period", Rebbeca said with a loud voice. The guys and girls ran around quickly, cleaning up their tables and everything and then walking out of the Chow Hall.

"Ok, so all four of us will see each other at the blog third period, right?", Riku asked. "Yeah, and we have to get moving before we're late for the first period. Come on, Kairi, let's go to Archery. Bye guys", Sora waved. Kairi waved at them and started to walk with Sora while Riku went to Basketball and Jasmine went to DVD Production.

Sora and Kairi walked along the open path that had already many guys and girls walking and laughing as they walked towards their first period. "Hey Sora, that's the way to the woods, right?", Kairi pointed to one of the arrows that said 'Don't go here'. "I guess so, but let's not worry about that right now. I don't wanna have to use this baby", Sora's keyblade appeared in his hand. "Ay, Sora. Let's just go that way towards Archery. You better put that thing away before people start asking questions", Kairi said. "Yeah, I guess we should save the wonderful glory of the keyblade for worthy eyes, like yours and mine!", Sora smiled like a little kid and put the keyblade away. Kairi giggled.

"Hey, so what about your keyblade, Kairi? Did you leave it at home?", Sora asked. "Yeah, I did, but I learned this cool trick on bringing the keyblade to me wherever I am. I don't need to worry about it that much", Kairi replied. "That's cool", Sora smiled. The two arrived to archery.

"Hey, so I have a totally awsome idea", Sora said as he and Kairi went towards the group. "What?", Kairi grinned. "Welcome to your first class of Archery. My name is Evan, and I'm gonna be your supervisor for these 2 weeks. I'm going to explain the rules, alright?", Evan smiled. "Ok, really quick, I'm planning on getting back Riku and Jasmine. I know there are sparks flying, so we should plan a way to get them embarrased like they did to us", Sora whispered. "Ok, after archery, the fun will begin", Kairi grinned. Sora and Kairi laughed evily...

Very quietly....

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