My Fix

By alexcia131

110K 7.6K 2.2K

High off you.. All rights reserved to Alexcia13Β© Disclaimer: I do not own any of the pictures or songs I put... More

A Question.
Knock Knock πŸšͺ


2.7K 173 33
By alexcia131

Thanks for all the love I received guys. Hope you all like it.


"I can't wait to see you baby." Amun said to Sarye as he got ready to take a shower. He had just come from practice not too long ago.

"Really? Because I been calling and texting you all day and you acting like you can't pick up. I'm two seconds away from snapping."

Amun internally chuckled.

"Yo chill. Why you getting all hype for? I was busy and I told you I would be."

"Okay but that doesn't mean that you completely ignore me. You answer me any other day. What the fuck is so different about this one?"

He shook his head sighing. He knew that she would be upset but in order to not reveal what he had in store for her, he ignored her. He knew that simply hearing her voice would break him.

It has been four months since he has been away at training camp and every minute away from her has affected him. He missed everything about her. Her smile, her jokes, her comfort and more, but this will be their life soon so they had to get used to it.

Five months ago he signed to his dream team the Miami Heat, and soon after the team was starting training camp in upstate North New York.

Although he got signed, he is still enrolled in school being that this is his senior year. Obtaining his degree was something he was going to do regardless of if he went pro or not.

However, Sarye is only going into her sophmore year so uprooting and traveling is something she can't do at the moment. Talking and texting everyday was helping matters but Amun failing to do so today angered Sarye. She honestly just misses her boyfriend. Their one year anniversary is tomorrow and not being able to physically have him with her is depressing.

"You really showing the fuck out talking to me like you crazy. We don't talk one day and you're acting like a spoiled fucking brat. Fix your attitude." He said shaking his head.

His flight was in an hour and everything was set and ready to go. He couldn't wait to see the look on her face when she saw him. Shock would be an understatement.

"Well sorry I'm upset that my so-called boyfriend wants to ignore me a day before our anniversary! The fact that you're acting clueless is pissing me off even more. Ugh. Leave me alone." That was the last thing he heard before the dial tone.

He shrugged. Typical hothead Sarye. Although he understood her anger, it's not like he could tell her the real reason why he left her calls and texts unanswered. If so, it wouldn't be a surprise anymore.

She'll be alright.


It has been a long and grueling four months. While all of my peers were living the life with their families for the summer, I was enrolling in summer classes in order to graduate early.

When I was younger I always pushed and challenged myself in school and this situation was no different. Amun going away for training camp opened up my eyes to what our lives would become.

He would be out of state most of the time and I want to be able to travel along with him. Being away from him was proving to be increasingly onerous and I miss him terribly. It's difficult going from seeing someone everyday to only seeing them on FaceTime.

I could've registered for online classes for the convenience, but that wasn't something that I desired to do. I actually liked the college experience, gaining connections, friendships, the whole nine and this was something I wasn't going to give up. I finally felt like a normal person again.

Being that I have not seen Amun in person in four whole months, the fact that he wasn't here already or on his way bothered me. Especially because I wanted to fly to him but he insisted he came to me. I'm not comprehending the hold up. Does he not miss me? Is he not excited to see me? An array of questions soared through my mind. I hope my assumptions are incorrect.

I called Zella to vent as usual. My best friend is always there when I need her.

The phone rung a few moments before she answered.

"Hey babes how are you? Excited for your anniversary tomorrow?"

"No I don't think he's coming." I sniffled.

"Aww don't cry sis. What brought you to this conclusion?"

"He has been ignoring me all day like I don't get it. It's our anniversary tomorrow and he's not here with me. That's a problem."

"Well there has to be a reason Rye. Amun would never stand you up. Has he ever gone back on his word? Especially when it involves you?"

"No." I answered meekly.

"So why would he now? That man literally worships the ground you walk on.This is the same man that woke up at two in the morning to get you your favorite ice cream because you were craving it, the same man that set up an all expense paid spa day for you FROM NEW YORK because you told him you were stressed out, the same man that had a thousand red tulips delivered to you because he knows how much you love them. That man loves you so stop overreacting and doubting him. Chill out psycho."

By the end of her rant my tears were nonexistent and my worries were as well. I don't why I was ever doubting my baby in the first place. He hasn't let me down so far and I'm sure he doesn't plan to do so.

"Thanks for that Z you always know what to say."

"Anytime. Relax, drink you some tea and read a book or something. Quit tripping."

I laughed. "I will. Thanks again. Love you."

"Love you too Rye." We said our goodbyes and hung up.

I brewed tea and grabbed a few cookies out of the cookie jar before scrolling through Wattpad to find something interesting to read.

My tea was done in no time so I fixed a cup while I read and pooped a cookie into my mouth. I got tired after a while and eventually drifted to sleep.

Hours later....

I woke up to loud knocking on the door and became frightened. I checked my phone and saw that it was three-thirty in the morning.

Who could be knocking on his door this late?

I was staying at Amun's place for a few days because Zella had been at Jarani's and I didn't feel like being at the apartment alone.

Walking to the door I peeped out the curtain and saw my favorite dreaded headed person in the world.

I disarmed the alarm and yanked the door open before jumping into his arms.

"Baby!" I exclaimed holding around his neck tightly.

He used one hand to wrap it around my waist and the other to get his luggage.

After getting his things, he closed the door and turned the alarm back on once again.

"Someone missed me." He lightly chuckled, now able to fully hug me.

"Yes baby I'm so sorry for the way I acted earlier. I missed you so much babe." I said kissing his lips.

"Yeah we gone have a talk all about that but stop with tears baby girl. You missed me that much?" He playfully asked, wiping my tears.

"You have no idea. I'm so glad that you're here. Please tell me you're staying. For a week at least."

He walked us to his room and sat down on his bed so that I was straddling him. His hands rubbing up and down my waist as he spoke.

"I'm home for a while. First game isn't for another month and a half. So what you been up to?"

"Nothing just trying to finish up this semester smoothly. That way I'll have year left instead of two. Everything is still good with Samsung. Other phone companies are looking to buy into my app but I don't see myself partnering with them."

"I'm so proud of you baby. But one thing we have to talk about your assuming and lashing out. You have to stop that shit. Seriously. This bickering back in forth is dead. We're adults we can communicate and address things properly. Don't let your lack of faith in me be the reason this doesn't work out. I love you with all of my heart, but you have to trust my word. I have not given you a reason to be uncertain about me or anything we have going on here and I'm not starting now. You're grown. Act like it."

I took in all of his words knowing that he was absolutely right about everything he stated. I has to fully put my trust in him and stop being afraid of the unknown and uncertainty of what the future may hold. He gave me his all and I owe him the same.

"I totally agree and again I'm sorry about my attitude earlier. Do you forgive me?"

"Nope." He replied as he delivered a hard smack to my ass.

"Now I do." He smirked.

"Ouch. I can't stand you." I pouted trying my best to break free from his strong arms but to no avail.

"I love you baby." He said gently kissing my lips.

"I love you too."

The next day.

I got up, slowly removing my body from Amun's arms

I grabbed my phone off of the night stand as I stood up. I looked at the time and it was going on nine o'clock in the morning.

After doing my morning routine I returned to my spot in the bed noticing that Amun was still very much asleep.

Not for long.

"Babe!" I semi-screamed shaking his body.

"What? What's going on!" He countered jumping up.

"Nothing. I'm just bored and you're sleep. Get uppp."

"Sarye if you don't lay yo ass down somewhere. Got me jumping outta my skin and shit." He mugged me turning around facing away from me in the process.

I grabbed his shoulders and proceeded to kiss all over his face, saving the last kiss for those lips I can't get enough of.

"Amunnn. Oh my gosh. Get up."

He turned on his back and put a pillow over his face, groaning in frustration.

"You're annoying as hell you know that?"

"So. Get up. I'm bored and hungry and with your help both of those things can be fixed."

He signed before getting up and heading to the bathroom. I laughed and got up along with him. Mission accomplished.


We're were now at some fancy spa. Apparently Amun had the whole day planned for me. First breakfast and now this. I'm hella excited. Going to the spa is one of my favorite things to do.

"Hello, welcome to the Relaxation Destination. How can I help you?" The receptionist said enthusiastically.

"I have a reservation under Sarye Jones. A full spa day with all the fixins."

I side-eyed him using his last name instead of mine and smiled at the gesture. He is so damn cute for that.

"It says here you booked a 2 hour massage and facial combo with a mani and pedi included. You also purchased our whole product line package for your at home needs. Is that correct?"

"Yes ma'am."

"That'll be $475 even."

"Babe you can't--"

I started to say but he tuned me out and handed the woman his card anyway.

"Money isn't an object baby. Especially today. Thanks for your help miss."

"No problem sir. Ma'am you can follow me this way." She said leading the way.

I looked up at Amun wanting him to stay. I've only been with him for twelve hours and we were sleep for six of them.

"Can you stay? Why didn't you get us a couples massage or something?"

"Because I want to pamper you today. Go 'head and enjoy yourself. There's plenty more where that came from."

I pouted but kissed him and followed behind the woman, still sad that he was leaving. I'm excited though. This massage better be good for that damn price.


While Sarye was having the time of her life, hopefully, I was headed to my jeweler to pick up the ring. And before y'all go crazy it isn't an engagement ring. Just a promise ring. A little token of my love and appreciation for her.

I drove the hour long drive to one of the only Black owned jeweler I know. Why? Because supporting black businesses is important.

"Wassup Joe. Is it ready?"

"Yep. Just finished it up not too long ago."

"How much is it gonna run me?"

"For you $500."

"I was looking through the catalog and with everything customized this ring comes up to almost $1500 dollars and that's what I'm paying you."

"You've been hard-headed all your life kid. Let me go get it."

He brought back the ring and it was everything I hoped for. I know she'll love it.

"Thanks man." I said dapping him up.

"Don't mention it youngin'." I handed him his money and left the building on to my next destination.


"Zella where are you taking me?" I was finally done with the massage and the price was more than worth it. My mani and pedi was everything and don't even get me started on the product line. I'm more than ready to try it.

"It's a surprise. You'll see."

We continued to drive for about thirty minutes or so until we pulled up to my favorite hair salon.

"Let's go it's almost time for you appointment."

In the course of twenty minutes I was washed, detangled, and blow dried. I just had no idea what style I wanted get.

"Hello? Babe." I had Amun on FaceTime. His opinion was needed.

"Wassup? You good?"

"Yes but I'm at the hair salon and I have no idea what hairstyle I want. I was thinking about just straightening it but I don't know. What do you think?"

"You look beautiful in any style baby."

"Aw that's cute and all but it's not helping the situation. Should I get curls?"

"If that's what you want." He said nonchalantly.

"You know what? You're no help. I love you. See you later." He chuckled.

"You hell girl. But I love you too baby. Catch you on the flip side." He said before hanging up the phone.

"Straight it is I guess."


"All done. Do you like it?" The stylist asked turning me around to face the mirror.

"Yes. I love it. Thanks Shanelle." I said running my hands through my hair.

"Don't sweat it. Your driver should be pulling up shortly."

Driver? I thought. He is really going all out for the kid.

"Uh okay. How much do I owe you?"

"Nothing. Already taken care of."

"Well let me tip you."

"Girl bye. Your ride is here."

I turned and looked outside to see a man in a tuxedo waiting for me with the door open to a Wraith. A freaking Wraith. Wow.

"Okay thanks so much Shan." I said making my way out but not before sneaking a couple hundreds into a draw at her work station. Somebody was going to let me pay for something today.

"Hello Sir." I greeted sliding into the car.

"Hello ma'am." He replied before closing my door and taking me to my next destination.


I sat in the dimly lit dining room of Ruth Chris waiting for Sarye to arrive. I had everything set for her when she got to my appointment so all she had to do was come straight to me.

I ordered a glass of pinot noir for the both of us as I waited as well as a glass of lemon water for Sarye because that's what she orders at every restaurant we go to.

It had been thirty minutes when she walked in and she honestly left me breathless.

"Damn. You look incredible."

"Thanks baby and you look handsome as usual. Thanks for today. This was the anniversary of my dreams. We Could've ate Chick fil a and watched a movie and I would've been happy. I genuinely appreciate you going the extra mile."

"I'm just giving you what you deserve." She blushed looking away.

"Hello Sir, ma'am. Are the two of you ready to order?" The waiter walked up and stated.

We hadn't even looked at the menu at this point and he told us that he was give us more time. After ordering we talked abour everything under the sun and thoroughly enjoyed one another's company as we waited for the food to come.


"Yes?" She responded.

"I have one last thing to give you."

"Something else? Baby you overly spoiled me today. At least let me give you yours first."

She got the attention of the waiter and the hostess that seated me earlier came a few seconds later with a Rolex bag.

"You didn't have to get me anything baby."

"Why not? This is a day for the both of us. Open it."

I open the box and saw the watch immediately knowing that it was expensive.

"Wow. This is dope baby. I know this shit ain't cheap. How much was it? I'm giving you your money back."

"Boy if you don't just take the gift. Dang. I want to be able to buy you things too."

"Alright. I'll let you slide this time." I thought thinking about how I was going to transfer the money for this to her bank account. Well an estimate anyway.

"Sarye, since I laid eyes on you, I knew that you were special. It's like there was some sort of gravitational pull that attracted me to you. It's crazy that we met when we're were younger, but got reunited almost 14 years later. I knew then that you would be my best friend and everything I prophesied became reality. Not only are you my best friend, but you're my lover, partner in crime and confidant. You give me a feeling that's indescribable and take my soul to heights that I thought were impossible to reach. I didn't know if I would see you again, but when I spotted you in the condition that you were in, I wanted to be one of the reasons you got better. Your motivation. And seeing you grow and continue to grow into an amazing woman as time goes by, is one of the most rewarding experiences I've ever lived through. We relate on levels only the both of us could get. You literally inspire me. Your evolution is my inspiration and I'm so proud of you baby. I want to give you this ring as a promise. A promise to always be by your side during the ups and downs, good and bad, trials and tribulations. A promise to love you uncontionally no matter what. A promise to always support in be in your corner. Will you accept this promise ring Sarye?" By this time she was a crying mess.

"Yes of course. Give me a sec babe. You really have a way with words."


"Why are you looking at me like that?" Sarye asked nervously. She has been with this man a whole year and being under his gaze still made her anxious.

"You just look so fucking sexy. Come sit on my lap."

"What no? Everyone would look at us weird." She said referring to the heavy crowd of white people that filled the place.

"Do it look like I give a fuck? Come here." He retorted sternly.

Not being able to deny that enticing demanding voice, Sarye scooted her seat back and got up to take a seat on her mans lap.

Amun smiled at his doings and rubbed the soft skin of her long legs.

"So fucking soft." He whispered in her ear, leaving a trail of kisses down her neck.

Sarye let out a shaky breath and squirmed not believing what was taking place right now. She looked around and everyone seemed to be minding their business. She was glad that their seats were somewhat secluded.

"You wet right now baby?" Amun asked seductively.

"N-No." Sarye tried to respond normally but failed.

"Word? So I should check then?"

"Wait no. I mean yes. I'm wet." She whispered shyly.

His chuckle was like music to her ears.

"How about we get this to go so we can go home and I can properly check."

Sarye could only nod, anticipating what was to come.

So they got the food to go and Amun led her into his Bentley.

Not being able to wait, Amun slid his hand onto her thigh and gave her a smoldering stare.

"Can I?" Again, Sarye nodded not being able to talk.

Amun inched his hand down further quickly finding his destination. He pushed her panties to the side already feeling the heat radiating from her sex. He groaned circling her clit, juices coating his fingers.

"Fuck. You was tryna hide this from me baby? You so fucking wet right now." He said, inserting a finger into her causing a gasp to leave her lips and her hand to shoot and grab his wrist.

"Baby wait." She moaned out loving the pain and pleasure she was feeling.

Amun decided to give her a break or they wouldn't make it out of the parking lot.


They barely made it into the apartment. They shed their clothes like a butterfly would shed it's cocoon.

They fell back onto his bed, breath ragged from the heated kiss that occurred seconds earlier.

"Make love to me baby." Sarye said. And that was all the confirmation he needed.

Hey you guysssss!

I'm finally back and better.

Took a long break because not only did I have writer's block, but I wasn't feeling inspired at all.

Reading my work again really gave me the motivation to get back to writing along with you guys hitting me up to update. I knew I couldn't leave you guys hanging any longer.

So how was it? Did you enjoy? Thoughts? Comments? Concerns?

What do you want to happen next or what do you expect to happen?

Don't forget to give me your feedback. I love it!

-Lexi 💓


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