Just Like Magic (Cedric Diggo...

By HarryPotterSaysHi

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This story is not mine what so ever it's just a fanfiction I read that I liked that was on fanficion.net, and... More

Chapter 1: Comfort
Chapter 2: Nerves
Chapter 3: Caring
Chapter 5: Jealousy
Chapter 6: Truth
Chapter 7: Honesty
Chapter 8: Hurt
Chapter 9: Changes
Chapter 10: Homesick
Chapter 11: Nightmares
Chapter 12: Expressions
Chapter 13: Revaltions
Chapter 14: Tough
Chapter 15: Interference
Chapter 16: Lies
Chapter 17: Disloyalty
Chapter 18: Need
Chapter 19: Joy
Chapter 20: Surprised
Chapter 21: Happiness
Chapter 22: Natural
Chapter 23: Worshipped
Chapter 24: Worry
Chapter 25: Revenge
Chapter 26: Hopeless
Chapter 27: Home
Chapter 28: Vain
Chapter 29: Weakness
Chapter 30: Separated
Chapter 31: Drunk
Chapter 32: Fire
Chapter 33: Luck
Chapter 34: Identical
Chapter 35: Wedding
Chapter 36: Cobwebs
Chapter 37: Splinched
Chapter 38: Rain
Chapter 39: Christmas
Chapter 40: Lovegood
Chapter 41: Twist
Chapter 42: Domino
Chapter 43: Brave
Chapter 44: Bliss

Chapter 4: Infatuation

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By HarryPotterSaysHi

I felt the heaviness begin to dissipate. Suddenly I became very aware that I was wet. Wait, not wet, but completely surrounded by water. The pressure of the water began to lessen when I was met with cold air as my eyes jolted open. I reached the surface. Not only, did I reach the surface but I was not alone.

Viktor Krum held me tight in his massive arms. I looked on as his face morphed from that of a shark. If I wasn't aware of his arms around me I might have thought a shark had saved my life from the murky depth below me.

"You're okay, Hermy." Viktor soothed.

Hermy. He knew I hated when he called me that. I scowled at him briefly as he paddled us to the structure that supported most of Hogwarts and the visiting schools. Igor—Viktor's Headmaster—and Dumbledore were there to lift us out of the water. Viktor kissed my cheek briefly before running off to be congratulated by his "comrades." My body began shaking with the need for warmth. Not only was I wet but I was cold. I looked around for a towel.

I felt a cloth wrap around me. "Thanks," I breathed.

When I turned around I was met with the grey irises of Cedric. His hair was wet and matted to his forehead but he was smiling down at me as he wrapped me tightly in the towel. He looked quickly over my head and scowled before looking back at me with another smile.

"I'm so glad you're okay. But he," Cedric nodded towards Viktor, "should've made sure you were warm before running off and being congratulated."

I smiled. "But, then you would have no excuse to be here."

"Very true."

His hands rubbed at my shoulders sending warmth throughout my body. I longed to lean into his touch to take full advantage of his warmth even though we were both wet. But studies show that the best way to get warm is remove all clothing and use body heat. I was certainly not opposed to that but the thousands of people around us might.

"So, what happened? Did you win?"

He nodded. "Cho and I were out of the water seconds before Krum and you showed up. Those few seconds were excruciating."

"Why?" My eyebrows knitted together.

"When we arrived here they had us line up at the edge and they told us we had an hour to look for something they took from us. Never would I imagine they would take persons we care about!"

His hands were still rubbing my shoulders and arms and I didn't know if he was aware of it since he was so lost in his story. "How did you stay under?"

"The Bubble-Head Charm."

I slapped my forehead. "Why didn't I think of that for Harry!"

Cedric shook his head. "It's well beyond the talents of a fourth year even one as quick witted as you. He managed though. When I went to collect Cho he was down there trying to save everyone." He chuckled. "I was about to save you and Cho before Krum came along."

"What about Fleur?" I asked.

"She never got passed the Grindylows." He pointed over to the edge of the structure. There was Fleur wrapped in a blue robe with her friends peering over the water no doubt looking for her sister.

As I watched after her I saw two figures coming from the water. They surfaced and I watched as Ron and Fleur's sister, Gabrielle, appeared and swam their way to the structure. Fleur gripped her sister immediately as Dean and Neville helped pull Ron out of the water. They wrapped him in towels trying to get him warm and I watched as Fleur walked over and kissed his cheeks. Ron blushed and watched as she walked away.

I turned and saw Cedric leaning over into a cupboard. He grabbed a grey robe for me and wrapped it around my body. I tied the sash around my waist and looked up at him. It wasn't sensible how badly I wanted him. If it was possible he might be even hotter wet. Add on the fact that he is standing here trying everything to get me warm and that he stated he cared about me and you have one hot Hufflepuff standing in front of me.

"Can I meet you later?" He asked.

I nodded.

"The woods right after they announce the winner."

He smiled and I knew it was because he knew himself that he won. Before I could say anything I heard a loud splash and I turned just in time to Harry shooting up from the water and landing on the structure. I quickly squeezed Cedric's hand and he handed me a towel. I bit my lip to keep from leaning over and kissing him and ran off to join Harry.

"Harry!" Dumbledore called out as he grabbed a random student. "Get him another towel!"

Harry was breathing heavily and I wrapped the towel around his body. He had marks all over his body and I listened as Dumbledore asked all the judges to join him to discuss the placements. I didn't care who won or lost just as long as Harry made it out of there safe.

"Hermione." He breathed my name when I reached him.

I kissed the top of his head and wrapped the towel around him tighter. "Are you alright? You must be frigid. Personally, I think you behaved rather admirably down there."

"I finished last."

Shaking my head I smiled at him. "Next to last, Harry."

His face perked up right as Dumbledore along with the judges approached where we were and calling attention to the crowd. My concern remained with Harry as I looked over the marks on his body. It was surely the Grindylows that left the marks. I recognized the unique marking that were similar to Fleur's and that I'd seen in books.

"The winner is.... Cedric Diggory!" Dumbledore called out.

My head snapped up in the direction of where Cedric was standing with his friends. They were congratulating him and waving around his jacket with his name printed on the back. He caught my eye briefly and if possible his smile widened. I blushed and quickly looked back towards Harry.

Dumbledore continued, "For showing unique of the Bubblehead charm." He paused and looked towards where Harry and I were seated. "The way I see it, Mr. Potter would have indeed finished first if not for his determination to save not only Mr. Weasley but the others as well. I, along with the judges, have agreed to award him to second place for outstanding moral fiber!"

My arms wrapped around Harry's neck as sounds of praise erupted around us. He returned the embrace wrapping his arms around my waist as he helped us stand. When I released him several other arms took him in. I watched in awe as my best friend received the praise he deserved.

Rough hands gripped mine and I turned to be greeted with Viktor. He led me away from the crowd to a secluded corner of the structure. Or at least it was secluded now that everyone was busy with their congratulations.

Before I understood what he was doing his rough hands gripped me and pressed him mouth firmly to mine. I resisted pushing at his chest but he was relentless. My eyes were wide with shock and I prayed that Cedric wasn't around to see this.

Finally, he pulled back and starred into my eyes. "I've never felt for someone what I fell for you, Hermy-own-ninny."


He interrupted me, "You come to visit me during the summer in Bulgaria. I show you a good time."

The boy was clueless. Not only did he not understand that I didn't feel this way about him but he was delusional enough to think I would want to come to Bulgaria? My eyes frantically searched for help and they stumbled upon grey right before Viktor crashed his mouth to mine again. My hands pushed at his chest once again but the force was useless.

The pressure lessened and I realized someone had pulled him off me and was now squaring off with him. That very someone was Cedric and he was very close to getting his ass handed to him. Cedric may be strong but Viktor lived and breathed muscles.

"When a lady is pushing at your chest she is making it clear that she doesn't want you snogging her!" Cedric yelled. "Especially after being so un-gentleman-like to her. Is that how they raise you to treat women in Bulgaria?"

My hands gripped his arm to pull him away from the confrontation. "Cedric, let's go! It's alright, he didn't hurt me."

"Yes, Cedric," Viktor sneered in his heavy accent. "Run off before you hurt your pretty head. Hermy, I kiss you later."

I quickly stepped between them before Cedric could rush him. The only bright side was that we didn't seem to be drawing a crowd. Cedric began to budge as I moved him backwards away from Viktor.

"You learn better than to touch what is mine. Your playboy hands will not touch her innocence. I deal with you in the next task!" Viktor called out when we turned out of his view.

Cedric was mere seconds from running back towards him. If only Viktor knew just how Cedric had touched me. My innocence was long gone and Cedric was the one to rid me of it. The phrase that stood out in Viktor's threat was "playboy." How did Viktor know of the rumors that went around Hogwarts? Was I being toyed with?

My hands remained on Cedric's chest as his breathing became less labored. The adrenaline that was sure to be raging through his system seemed to be disappearing and now he stared at me with his bright eyes in concern.

"Are you okay?"

I scoffed. "I can handle myself, Cedric. It's no reason to get killed over."

He pulled me close to him and rested his head on top of mine. The closeness of our bodies almost sent the wave of worry I had surging through me to relent. He smelled of the sea and I could hear his heart beating.

"You told me you could handle the horny teenagers." He nestled his head against mine. "That didn't look like handling it."

My body pulled from his embrace and I crossed my arms. "You don't have a hold on me, Cedric Diggory. Whatever this," I gestured to the space between us, "is, it's not a commitment. Just because a guy is kissing me does not give you the right to battle him. You don't see me fighting your conquests."

"What conquests?" Now it was his turn to cross his arms. "I haven't been with anyone besides you, Hermione. I'm not the one who has mates fawning over them left and right."

A snicker escaped me. "I would certainly hope not or I have reason to be concerned."

"You know what I mean." He looked around us. "Can you meet me in the woods? I think we should talk and it's too crowded here."

I nodded. "I'll be right there."

Looking around me to check if people were watching, I left the narrow crook and walked backed towards Harry who was surrounded by people and unbeknownst of my absence.

"All that moral fiber, eh?" Fred asked.

Ron wrapped an arm around Harry. "Blimey, even when you go wrong it turns out right."

"Well done moral fiber!" George screamed as everyone repeated.

We all jumped on the boat and made our way back to land. I knew I had to find a reason to leave the group but it turned out to be easier than it look. Ron and his brothers were off discussing the task leaving Harry and I alone. Right as I was about to come up with an excuse, Barty Crouch, a member of the Ministry, approached Harry.

"I'll see you back at the dormitory." I told him as I turned and walked into the woods.

I wasn't sure where exactly I was to meet Cedric and I wasn't sure if he even made it to shore yet. Instead of staying put I wandered aimlessly into the woods. This wandering gave my mind time to think. If Cedric was toying with me would it make a difference?

The fact remained that I was sure in my decision to have Cedric be my first. He was a caring and tender lover and no doubt handsome. And wasn't I the one who turned down his suggestion of just snogging all night? No, I couldn't regret my decision to have sex with Cedric. But, could I regret my decision to continue it? Cedric had girls drooling over him and he had the nerve to say he's fighting over boys to get to me. The only other guy who kissed me was Viktor. Other than that I've been spending most of my free time snogging Cedric.

A pair of arms gripped me and pressed me against a nearby tree. I was getting a little fed up with guys surprising me out of nowhere to crash me roughly into nearby surfaces. It was not helping my control. Thankfully, the soft lips were familiar and I melted quickly into the kiss. My knees weakened and Cedric pulled away.

"Sorry," he breathed as his forehead met mine. "I just couldn't stand the fact that the Durmstrang was the last person whose lips touched yours."

"Oh." I mentally slapped myself for such a boring response and i quickly recovered. "Are we getting possessive?"

His breathing fanned my face. "Am I wrong to assume you care about me? You did tell me you worry for me. Are you not happy I survived this task? That I not only survived, but won?"

"No, I'm happy." My eyes looked up to his. "Do you... care about me?"

He looked startled by the question. "Of course I do! I nearly got my arse kicked defending your honor like I told you I would that first night." He paused and pushed a lock of hair behind my ear. "I care about you, deeply, Hermione."

"I care about you, too." I stated, honestly, because I did.

Even if I was confused of my feelings for Cedric and our relationship I couldn't doubt that I cared about him immensely. If any harm came to him it would hurt me. I only felt that way about one other person who wasn't a relative and that person was Harry.

"Now," I released a breath, "can you kiss me because you want to and not because you're jealous?"

"That is something I'd be proud to do, Miss Granger."

He bent his head to mine and brushed his lips with mine with the lightest of touches. Our lips moved together in comfort before I felt his tongue against my lips and I granted him entrance. One thing Cedric Diggory excelled at was kissing. He had such an expertise in it I found myself whimpering at every touch of his lips and the taste of him.

He pulled back and we both sighed. "There."

"There?" He asked with an arch of his eyebrow.

"You kiss better when you do it as... Well, you."

He smiled. "Then don't mind if I continue kissing you... as me."

And he did.

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