Burning Stars (BoyXboy) (Sequ...

By XPerfectDistraction

196K 9.1K 816

Book 2 of the 'stars' trilogy [This is a sequel to my previous book, Falling stars. It's not necessary to rea... More

Burning Stars (BoyXboy) (Sequel to Falling Stars)
B.S 2
B.S 3
B.S 4
B.S 5
B.S 6
B.S 7
B.S 8
B.S 9
B.S 10
B.S 11
B.S 12
B.S 13
B.S 14
B.S 15
B.S 16
B.S 17
B.S 18
B.S 19
B.S 20
B.S 21
B.S 22
B.S 23
B.S 24
B.S 25
B.S 26
B.S 28
B.S 29
B.S 30
B.S 31
B.S 32
B.S 33
B.S 34
B.S 35
B.S 36
B.S 37

B.S 27

4.1K 217 19
By XPerfectDistraction

Chris's POV 

My days were taken up by tests and studying and I was glad for the distraction. Few things had been going on in my life, and for once I was actually glad for the absence of action. Not the kind of action that's appearing on most people's minds at the mention of...gosh, never mind. 

I still hung out with the gang, but usually didn't sit for more than 30 minutes. I was becoming aloof, reverting to my old self. The only way to not get hurt is not to allow yourself to get hurt. Loving anyone or anything was opening yourself to being wounded. I couldn't allow that to happen. 

I still spent time with Em without the others present, but I kept him at arm's length. I suspected he felt something for me and I didn't want to disappoint him so I made sure I never gave him an opportunity to ever utter the dreaded words. It was better that way. 

On the Wednesday afternoon I had just come from the doctor's office, doing a medical for Pentech. Apparently it was necessary for me to undergo a medical like a player who was about to be sold to another club. Claude had said it was just procedure, to make sure I was healthy and if I had any ailments they (Pentech) would take care of them. I found it odd, but I didn't complain when the doctor pricked me with needles and did all sorts of tests. He said I was fine despite my fragile body. 

When I got to my room Spencer was there. 

"Hi bender", he said. 

"Hi Spencer", I said. 

I was becoming immune to his insults. Being numb had its perks. His words just bounced off my anaesthetized existence. 

I threw my schoolbag at the bed and took off my shoes. 

"Your friend was here, the other pillow bitter", he said. 

I acknowledged what he said without looking at him. I had told Em where I would be. He must have forgotten. 

"What's up with you these days?" 

I looked up. "What do you mean?" 

"New hairstyle, new attitude", he said. 

I was surprised he noticed.  

"Nothing", I said curtly. 

My phone rang in my pocket. I removed it from my pocket, almost dropping it. It was an unknown number. 


"This is Chris, right? Chris Hart?" a girl's voice came on the line. 

"Yeah, who am I speaking to?" 

"You are speaking to Adriana Cortez. We spoke briefly the other day", the girl said. 

I balanced my phone between my shoulder and my ear, taking off my sweater. 

"I'm sorry. I don't remember talking to you. Maybe you can refresh my memory?" I said frowning, trying to remember that name and unable to. 

"It's okay, we only spoke for seconds. I'm Jake's girlfriend", she said. 

I almost dropped my phone. I steadied it with my hand, holding it firmly to my ear. I almost chocked on pure air. 

"Uh...what can I do for you?" I said, memories coming back to me. The pain I experienced that day was too, but I wasn't welcoming it. 

"What I'm going to ask you is for the sake of our baby so you need to understand..." she said. 


"Jake and I are having a baby. We are also planning on getting married soon, so I think for your sake, you should move on. I would appreciate it if you did not try to ruin my family". 

Her voice was sweet, like water flowing effortlessly down the river. The words she was saying left me with a sour taste and it felt like they were literally swords being driven into my heart. When I felt pain I realized my resolve had been broken. I was no longer numb. 

"Chris? Are you still there?" 

"Yeah", I said quietly. 

"So, do we understand each other?" 

"Yeah, perfectly. Good luck...with the baby and everything", I said feigning contentment I did not have. 

"Thank you. Maybe we'll invite you to the wedding, but that's up to Jake", she said. 

I wanted to hang up badly, but I couldn't let her know how much she was hurting me. 

"When is it?" I asked. 

"...In a couple of weeks' time. We want to do it before my belly gets big. I don't want to look ugly in a wedding dress", she said. 

In a couple of weeks' time Jake would be married? We broke up barely three months ago! He was getting married. He was freaking getting married! Getting married to some girl he probably knew nothing about! What did that say about his feelings for me? Non-freaking-existent. But on a serious note, what the hell had I expected? When you don't love someone when they dump you, you don't grieve. You move on! He'd moved on as was natural. Fuck being natural, this was not natural. He'd been with the girl for what, two freaking months and he was ready to tie the knot? 

Who said it had been two months? It could have been the period of our entire relationship. Maybe he had been already dating the girl when he told me I made him happier every day that he saw me. If I had needed any last push to move on, this was it.  

"Of course not", I said mechanically after some silence. 

"You know, you seem like a nice guy Chris, not like what Jake paints you out to be, but I suppose it's just ex boyfriend stuff. Anyway, I have to go. I'm glad we came to an understanding". 

"Me too", I said in the same monotone I'd used ever since I learned that my ex boyfriend was not only getting married, but having a baby, a freaking baby. 

I removed my phone from my ear after hearing the dropping tone. I just stood there, with no will to do anything. The part where the doctor had pricked me was starting to itch, but I ignored it. 

"You..." Spencer said but I interrupted harshly. 

"Don't freaking say anything!" 

"I was just going to say that you look like you've just heard bad news", he said. 

I moved over to my bed and sprawled on it. 

"I am not in the mood for your insults or anything you want to say", I said firmly. But inside me everything was just falling apart. 

Someone knocked on the door. I knew it could be Em and I wasn't in the mood to see him. 

Spencer looked at me and it was like for once in our roommates relationship, we had an understanding. He nodded and I half smiled. He went to the door, talked to the person who knocked and returned shortly. 

"You might wanna put your phone on silent right now, he's going to call you and he's still at the door", he said. 

"Thanks", I mouthed and did as he suggested. 

"It's not fun making fun of you when you are about to burst out crying", he said giving me a cheeky grin. 

I turned my head to the other side wondering what the point of it all was. Spencer knew I was going to cry, so why hide it from his eyes? 

"I'm going out", he said, clearly uncomfortable. 

I didn't say anything. I heard the door open and close.

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