Mini Maynard

By rachelwritesxx

32.1K 615 96

Isabelle Jensen, also known as Belle, is a ten year old girl who was abandoned four months ago by her mum and... More

Mini Maynard
Part 1- This is my life!
Part 2- Whimpering!
Part 3- Help!
Part 4- Orphanage!
50 reads!
Part 5- Say that again?
Part 6- Getting to know you!
100 reads!
Part 7- Meet your uncle!
Part 8- Niece!
Part 9- Lilac!
Part 10- Meeting the boys!
Part 11- I'm sorry, you can't!
Part 12- Advice
200 READS!
Part 13- Angel
Part 14- Coming home!
Part 15- Cinema
Part 16- Visit!
300 reads!
Part 17- Meeting the family!
Part 18- Matilda and the make up bag!
Part 19- Jade!
Part 21- What have I done?!
400 reads!
Part 22- Regret!
Part 23- Babysat by Anna!
500 reads!
Part 24- Zoo!
Part 25- I'm still allowed a life!
Part 26- Little Brat!
Part 27- Confiding!
Part 28- Girlfriend!
600 reads!
Part 29- Mistake!
700 reads!
Part 30- Disgrace!
Part 31- Moving in!
Part 32- You're no daughter of mine!
800 reads!!
Part 33- I regret adopting you!
Part 34- Three month visit!
900 reads!!!!
Part 35- reality check!
Part 36- Bye!
1000 READS!!!!
Part 37- Police!
Part 38- Custody!
Part 39- I'm back!
Part 40- Arrest!
Part 41- Set up!
Part 42- Over!
Part 43- Please forgive me!
Part 44- Custody Battle!
Part 45- Birthday girl!
Part 46- Just her!
Part 47- £20,000!
Part 48- Stay with me!
Part 49- Giving back!
Part 50- You're my dad!
Thank You/New book(s)!
2000 reads!!!!

Part 20- Party!

470 13 2
By rachelwritesxx

Jack's POV

It was Saturday. Belle's first week of tutoring went well; she did fairly good on all her starter tests and she's starting to trust Jade!

Although I love having Belle, my life has changed dramatically; I can't go out to clubs anymore as there's no one to look after Belle. It's not that I regret adopting Belle, I just sometimes wish things were different. I miss the partying and the laid-back life, everything is just the complete opposite right now. I don't think i'm fully happy!

I decided to text Conor. I really want to go out with the boys tonight.

Me: Who's going out tonight?

Conor: All the lads. Why?

Me: I wish someone could look after Belle. I haven't been out to a club or a bar for over a month. I really wish I could go.

Conor: Well you just have to go with it. You signed up for this.

Me: I know.

Conor: It's not like the club can be your flat is it!

An idea shot through my mind!

Me: Conor you're a genius!

Conor: I am?

Me: House party at mine tonight!

Conor: Jack, you've got a ten year old!

Me: She can stay in her room.

Conor: Jack I don't know about this! This isn't right!

Me: Just spread the word! Belle will be fine!

Conor's POV

Jack having a party at his flat worried me. What about Belle? It's one thing to have her staying in her room, but there's gonna be so many people there; she might get frightened.

As much as I don't want to go, I'll go. I'll need to make sure Belle is ok!


Belle's POV

It was just after 8pm and for some reason, Jack was setting up loads of glasses and bottles. He came up to me.

"Belle i need you to go to bed now!" he said. "And I need you to stay in your room for the rest of the night. You can't come out, you're not allowed. Do you hear me?"

I gave a weak nod. I didn't want to question him as he seemed really serious. So, I just went with it.

Jack put his hand on my back, guiding me to my room.

What was going on?

Jack's POV

In no time, the doorbell started ringing and people started flooding in.

"Let's get drunk!" someone yelled.


Belle's POV

It was after 2am. Like the past six hours, the noise was still deafening. I couldn't sleep.

As I was trying to sleep, a loud thudding noise started to scream against my door. Yelling filled my ears.

I'd never been so scared! This was worse than being on the streets! I was used to hearing rowdy people, but not anything close to this!

As the banging and my sobbing continued, the fear started to turn to sickness. I ran into my ensuite and let my fear spill into the toilet.

After a while, although the yelling didn't die down, me throwing up did.

Although I didn't want to leave my room, I remember Jack telling me if I ever felt sick or was sick, then to go to him straight away and tell him. Although I was a shaking mess, I left my room to find him.

"Who are you?!" I random man yelled as I walked through.

Out of fear I didn't say anything, I couldn't speak.

I ran through to the crowd, being barged into people every other second.

The yelling caused waterfalls of tears to spill out my eyes. As the noise got even louder, if possible, I felt someone grab my shoulder, which caused me to yelp. I turned around to see Conor, looking concerned at me.

"Belle" he said. "What's wrong sweetheart?!"

The sobs just kept on coming. I couldn't speak.

Just as I was about to speak, I was interrupted.

"Isabelle!" Jack yelled. "What the hell do you think you're doing?! I told you to stay in your room!"

As Jack yelled at me, I flinched. Conor wrapped his arms around me.

I turned to face Jack. I could tell he was drunk.

"I -I was sick!" I lightly sobbed.

"I don't care!" his voice boomed, to which I backed further into Conor.

"Jack that's enough!" Conor yelled.

"Lighten up bro!" Jack laughed drunkily. "You haven't even had one drink!"

"I only came here to make sure Belle was ok!" Conor said. "And i'm glad I came because she's obviously not alright!"

"I don't know why she's here!" Jack laughed drunkenly. "She's spoiling the fun!"

"She's your daughter!" Conor yelled.

"Well, not really!" Jack slurred.

Those words broke my heart.

With that, Conor took me into my room. He put me on my bed and started packing some of my things.

"W-what are y-you doing?!" I sobbed.

"You're gonna stay with me tonight!" Conor said. "I'm not having you be scared all night by yourself!"

This was all my fault! If I hadn't have left my room, this wouldn't have happened.

"I-i'm sorry!" I sobbed.

Conor crouched in front of me and held my hands.

"Hey, you've done nothing wrong!" he said.

"I- shouldn't have left th-the room!" I sobbed.

"Hey now, you'd been sick, of course you're gonna tell Jack!" Conor said.

I couldn't help it, I burst into even heavier tears. He gave me a comforting hug.

As Conor finished packing my stuff, I grabbed my diary and held it close to me, not wanting to leave without it.

"I'm sc-scared!" I sobbed. "Someone might grab me wh-when we walk thr-through!"

Conor picked me up and set me on his hip, grabbing the bag with my stuff in with his other hand.

"It's ok" he said, kissing my forehead. "I've got you. I won't let them get you!"

Conor carried me through the crowd and we left.

I was starting to believe Jack loved me and cared about me.

But I was wrong.

My own parents don't love me!

Why would Jack?!

End of part 20


Longest chapter so far! Love you all! Thanks for all the support! Well, until next time!

Rachel x

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