𝕝𝕠𝕧𝕖 𝕝𝕖𝕥𝕥𝕖𝕣𝕤 || 𝕔...

By chuerie

32K 1.9K 1.2K

finished kim jiwoo (chuu) x ha sooyoung (yves) "your happiness is contagious, if you smile, everyone around... More

new girl
english class
project partners


3.2K 216 212
By chuerie

·̩   。 ☆   ゚ *   。*  +   *  ・ 。☆͙  ☆   *

Jiwoo and Sooyoung had been talking at school on and off for the next two days after the project. It was now Thursday, and Jiwoo was heading home for the day.

When Jiwoo was home, sitting on her bed, coincidentally writing another love letter she was writing about Sooyoung, she got a message on Instagram, it was from Sooyoung.

ha.sooyoung: hey Jiwoo, I just noticed you were following me on Instagram so I thought I'd say hi!

jiwoo_jiwoo: Hey Sooyoung! How are you?

ha.sooyoung: I'm doing good, you?

jiwoo_jiwoo: I'm doing fine too!

They talked for a while, and Jiwoo was happy, she liked talking to her crush online because she couldn't be seen. Jiwoo didn't want Sooyoung to see her blushing, or something of the sort, she would be so embarrassed.

She had a great time talking with Sooyoung. She learned more stuff about her than she already knew, and Jiwoo told Sooyoung some things about herself too.

She hoped to become better friends with Sooyoung, she hoped to someday confess her feelings, and they could live happily ever after together.

Eventually, Jiwoo decided to go to sleep, so she said goodnight to Sooyoung, and changed into her pajamas.

·̩   。 ☆   ゚ *   。*  +   *  ・ 。☆͙  ☆   *

The next day, she got to school, and did some reason it felt like all eyes were on her. She walked down the hallway, and it felt like people were staring at her, judging her, whispering about her. Did she have something on her face?

She got to her locker, and found Chaewon there.

"Hey Chaewon," Jiwoo started, opening her locker, "for some reason I feel like everyone's judging me."

Chaewon looked at Jiwoo, "That's strange, I didn't notice. Maybe it's your imagination."

Jiwoo sighed, "It could be. Let's just go to class."

"Sounds good."

The two girls walked to class, but Jiwoo still felt eyes on her. She looked around, and a few people were looking at her, but not many. Maybe they noticed her looking and looked away, or maybe they weren't looking at all. Either way, Jiwoo had a weird feeling throughout first period.

Second period was much of the same, but this time she actually caught a few people looking. Was something wrong? What is her outfit? Her hair? There must've been something on her to make them stare.

When there was a few minutes between second and third period, she went to go find Chaewon, who was again, talking to Hyejoo.

"Hey guys, sorry to interrupt, but is there something wrong with my hair?" Jiwoo asked the two girls.

"What are you talking about?" Chaewon responded.

"Is there anything wrong with my hair? Or my outfit? Or my makeup? There's people looking at me." Jiwoo asked again.

"I don't see anything particularly wrong." Hyejoo commented, "It could be your imagination."

"That's what I said earlier." Chaewon added, "Jiwoo, just try to ignore it, I'm sure it's nothing, okay?"

"Alright, if you say so." Jiwoo walked away from the two girls, and headed to third period.

Up until lunch, it was the same. Jiwoo would catch someone looking out of the corner of her eye, but she tried not to pay it any mind.

At lunch, she sat with Chaewon and Hyejoo, and not much happened for a few minutes, until someone came up to her table. It was someone she vaguely knew, but not by name. Jiwoo did know for a fact this girl was popular.

"Hey Jiwoo, are you missing something?" The girl said. Jiwoo looked up at her confused, but then she smirked and pulled a piece of paper out of her pocket.

She handed it to Jiwoo, and when Jiwoo saw it her eyes grew wide.

·̩   。 ☆   ゚ *   。*  +   *  ・ 。☆͙  ☆   *

song recommendation: around you

Oh boy what was the paper handed to Jiwoo? Actually it's probably pretty obvious by the description of this very story.

Oh well.

I hope you guys like it so far! There's only a couple chapters left, I'm not sure how much, depends on how I write it, but probably two or three.

I'll probably add some stuff at the end though, like some author's notes and that kind of stuff.

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