White Masquerade (Book 1)

Por angelspin

102K 3.7K 1.4K

After eighteen years of hiding her secret, Jules Moon decides to come back to her hometown Heaven Bridge. Bei... Mais

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Black Veil: Prologue (sneak peek)

Chapter 21

1.6K 77 39
Por angelspin

So I was wondering if you'd like me to do an instagram account, and post pictures and edits for the story, and inform you of the upcoming updates! What do you think?

Please this is important, so tell me your opinion on this :)

Dedication goes to @Monika0258 , thanks for the long comment! Always let your imagination run wild ;)

Don't forget to vote and comment please <3


The wind is starting to howl and the idea of a date on the roof suddenly seems inconvenient. Sam is awaiting in the cold for me up there, while I'm standing against the cold brick wall of the library, breathing the same thick air of my black winger.

The grass is starting to make wet crunchy noises under my heels, and I take a deep breath filled with the petrichor of the past few rainy days.

I really wish the darkness isn't covering the sky and bathing me with fret.

I look up into Alex's ice blue eyes and let out the breath I was holding through my nose. He doesn't break me free from his shield, and I remain speechless.

"Wow, I still can't wrap my head around the fact that I will get to talk, and you won't defy me." He chuckles and steps a bit back.

His black chemise is opened at his chest and he's standing in the middle of the coldness, baring his skin, indifferently. I look at his defined muscles, bright under the moonlight. But when I move my gaze to his eyes, they have a shade of darkness and chains.

I have seen these chains before. They are keeping him from telling me something.

"You know something Jules?" He pinches his nose and steps a little bit closer, until the distance decreases, and it lets me smell whiskey from his breaths.

I remain silent, only listening.

"You're a smart winger," He taps with his index on the side of his brain. "You always save the day. You've had the power to scare away demons."

I remember that day. Alex was there too, and he had these demons haunting him, and taunting him about a past he wouldn't share with me. They said something about his mission; how he failed to save her. I still wonder what happened to this girl until this day.

"Why are you starting to make bad choices?" He drifts his sharp look to the roof of the school building then back at me, as if he's sending me an indirect message about my wrong choice to be with Sam, as if my conscious isn't scolding me enough.

I shake my head and refuse to look at him.

He's tapping a sensitive subject that I don't want to talk about, especially with him.

"Hey, look at me." He orders and grabs my chin, forcing me to look back at him. The coldness in the air is pinching me and I faintly start shaking.

I am not sure if it is the weather doing this to me, or Alex's presence.

"Don't you think, there will come a time where he'll find out you're only with him for his sister?" He chuckles and shakes his head.

He's getting on my nerves and I'm fighting so hard not to punch him. If he makes the slightest noise, he will draw an unwanted attention and Sam will know something is happening.

I frown at him and fold my arms.

It's not like he's giving me much choices to react.

"Do you love him?" He frowns and sinks his hand in his jeans' pockets.

I grimace. Why would I be in love with Sam? It's true that it's been two years for me watching after him, but we didn't officially meet until two weeks ago.

I like him, and I have strong feelings for him, but it's not love. At least, not yet.

"Then why are you still here?" He challenges me, taking my posture as an answer.

I stay silent staring back at him blankly, as if to tell him that I can't answer his questions while he's linking me.

"I told you to leave Heaven Bridge, Jules." He repeats the demand he mentioned when I saw him in the masquerade. That damn masquerade that ruined my life.

"You think I'm the only black winger here? Remember the one I killed back at Claudia's house?" His tone rises a bit then lowers. The mention of the accident brings back painful memories that I've been trying to dissolve.

"New Hampshire is crawling with them, and they're looking for you." He threatens and I feel my heart stop for a portion of a second.

New Hampshire is crawling with black wingers? Why?

I shake my head slightly looking confused.

Alex sighs and walks a bit further from me then looks back at me after pacing back and forth.

"They're looking for you, stupid." He spits anger filling him.

Hold on.

Looking for me?

Why would they look for me?

I've never had a deal with black wingers. Alex is an exception.

He's the only pain in the ass I've been dealing with for several years.

"I've seen your white wings Jules," His voice softens as he approaches me. There is nowhere I can escape to. I end up laying my back flat against the wall, waiting for the storm to pass.

"They look beautiful, especially under the sunlight, or in the morning when you take your flight," He says in a soft tone, that his voice almost sounds like a lullaby.

Pull yourself together.

He's not putting me under his charm. He's not influencing me. No.

I frown at his words. When I take my morning flight? He has been watching me. I've searched for that bastard for the past few days but he didn't show up anywhere. Instead, he's been hiding on the branches of some tree, probably having nothing better to do than stalk me.

"But the moonlight's reflection on black feathers is much more luring." He steps away his voice going back to its normal sharp edge. "It's never too late."

I look back at him astonished. Is he asking me to turn into a black winger?

"You can always leave this mission behind, and join me."

I'm sure as hell Alex isn't interested in me the way Sam is, but there is some meaning in his words that makes me flinch back.

A moment he wants me to leave Heaven Bridge.

The other he's helping me with Amy's case.

Then he tells me to turn into a black winger?

My head is spinning and swimming with thoughts that almost drain me from energy. If only I can talk, I would ask him a thousand questions.

I only shake my head and look away from him. I can't imagine myself turning from my nature. I love being a white winger, and I only serve the good forces, against those of evil.

"I am warning you. If you consider me as your nightmare, those haunting you, are worse than me." He pinches his nose and steps back taking uneven steps.

"Haven't you noticed that ever since you laid your eyes on Sam, you haven't been looking for Amy properly?" He asks me expecting me to nod in agreement. I stay still without a word, but my breathing is accelerating with the seconds. "You're so caught up with this teenager that you're blinded to what's going on around you."

He steps closer to me again, his hands trapping me against the wall, using his body as my shield.

Keep focusing.

"That's your problem Jules. You get too caught up in someone, that you forget your real cause. You're becoming weak," He leans in and rests his forehead on mine. I don't want to use my shield and push him away. I want to listen for once.

I can't seem to find the strength to even fight him back.

His presence is overwhelming me and I just want to lie down and rest.

The touch of his skin against my forehead makes me shiver. It's like electric jolts are running through my body, making me tremble with anticipation.

What is happening to me?

"I can make you strong again," his words come out as a whisper as his lips stroke mine without kissing.

And it clicks.

The burning sensation runs from the two lines on my back, through my arms, until it almost strangles me through my throat. My lips are unsealed and I find myself able to voice my thoughts.

"What are you doing?"I ask him in a low voice frowning.

Alex's eyes shoot up to meet mine in surprise and shock at the same time.

He takes a step back releasing me from his cage, looks at my lips then my eyes again.

"How are you unlinked?" He asks himself rather than me. "I didn't release my shield."

I run my index on my lips retracing the evidence Alex left there.

"I told you I'm stronger than you are," I tell him.

But the truth is, I have no freaking idea how I released myself.

"How the hell did you do that?" He asks me again, anger filling him.

"You don't expect me to tell you, now do you?" I smirk taking a step forward towards him. It's my time to be the dominant.

"You have no clue how that happened either," He realises, but doesn't smile in triumph this time. He's as confused as I am. "This isn't even the first time it happens."

"What do you mean?"

"Remember the time I walked into your room?" Instead of smirking, he speaks deadly serious which concerns me. I sigh and nod. "I wasn't controlling your emotions."

He looks straight in my eyes and I feel like an entire bucket of ice has been thrown down my back.

"Of course you were," I snap at him.

"No, but you weren't very conscious either. And I got lost at some point too." He explains plainly, and I feel the truth radiating from his heartbeats. "I had a theory but I wasn't sure until now."

"Interested in enlightening me?" I cross my arms, worry settling in the pit of my stomach.

"Our powers linked." He plainly tells me and stands still under the moonlight.

I am a bit taken aback. I can't think of a comeback, instead I shake my head and look elsewhere.

"This doesn't happen between wingers, especially black and white."

"I know," He responds sternly. "But it did happen between us, which is enough reason for you to leave town and come with me."

"I am not leaving town with you Alex!" I silently shout. "I can't! Are you out of your mind?! I am a white winger. And I will always be until I save Amy, whether you accept it or not."

"You'd be surprised how right I am about the choice I'm giving you." His voice rises for a little then he lowers it, before it breaks the eerie silence behind the building. "I felt the link as much as you did, and I was also controlled by it."

"The choice?" I stifle a laugh then shake my head in disbelief. "I am superior to you." I take a step closer. "Even if our powers linked, that doesn't make me your follower. I serve Heaven, and I always will. Now leave, for good."

I don't even blink as I state my words careful not to let him feel my uneasiness. The news of our power linkage has stricken me but I won't let it affect me in any way. There has to be some logical explanation for that, and that is something I'm leaving for Liam to handle.

"I came here to say goodbye," He calmly replies. "At least for the meanwhile, but when I come back Jules," He gently puts a lock of hair behind my ear. "You'd better have called things off with Sam, and left this shitty town. Or else, Sam's last breaths will be between your arms, and you can hold responsibility for that."

I am about to make another comment on that, but I decide against it. I watch Alex as he steps back without breaking eye contact. He takes his chemise off, opens two mighty black wings and disappears through the gloomy sky.

Liam's POV:

I enter my study, and sit behind my desk. That coffee mug awoke me enough to stay through the night and go over my notes. Jules isn't back yet, and I've got the entire house for myself. I choose to walk in my boxers, since the fireplace has turned the room into an oven, even though it's raining madly outside.

I mull over every book I have purchased and borrowed for my parapsychology researches, but nothing helps me with the Elisabeth case.

Ever since she has lost her memory, or it has been shielded, her behaviour has turned odd.

We had a few moments together, that she wouldn't remember the second day.

Only general information that I am her boyfriend and Sam is her son, remain intact.

Whatever Alex did, is harming her more and more every day that I am afraid she will reach a point where she will lose a big part of her memory that would send her to an institution such as Reddel.

"You can't think this way," I tell myself aloud and sigh.

A paper falls off the desk while I'm rummaging.

Once I catch it, I realize what it is.

Claudia, kidnapped daughter, Hayden and other black wingers are seen on the spot.

I still wonder who the hell is Hayden, and if this case is close to Amy's.

I am more than sure Alex has something to do with her disappearance, but if I tell Jules anything, Elisabeth is dead.

I grab another piece of paper and scrabble on it.

-Black wingers.






Where will this get us? I start tapping with my pen on the desk thinking everything through. This can't be a coincidence. Amy's and Claudia's daughter's cases are similar but I can't put the link in the right place.

This is harder than I thought.

I spend an entire hour trying to come up with what could be the answer, but end up finishing another mug of coffee, until the doorbell rings.

I glance at the clock. It's 11 p.m. Jules must have come back.

Thunder claps in the sky and the sound of the rain against the glass windows is becoming steady.

Once I open the door, my eyes go wide.

"Beth?" I look at my girlfriend, soaking wet from the rain, her eyes as red as her lips.

Quickly, I wrap my arms around her and pull her inside the house, barely able to close the door behind me because of the wind. It takes me a minute to realise I'm still in my boxers.

"Crap, I'll be back. Just a second," Before she can say anything, I rush upstairs to the bedroom and put on my sweatpants then walk down again.

She's sitting on the couch, leaning on the side. Her body is shivering with cold, but something tells me it isn't only the weather that's affecting her.

"What's wrong? What happened?" I give her my night robe after I take off her wet cloak.

"Something is wrong with me." She rocks back and forth, her voice cracking at the end.

"What do you mean?" I ask her acting confused, but my head is spinning with infinite possibilities of the ways she could have used to find out about her temporary amnesia.

"I mean I keep forgetting things!" She looks at me sniffing. "My son just told me that he's going on a date, and I don't even know the girl. He said her name was Jules, but the last thing I remember was that he was dating a redheaded girl- What was her name? Oh yeah, Delilah,"

"Hey, hey," I caress her shoulder trying to soothe her. "Maybe he didn't tell you about her before."

"He did," She looks down at her shoes. "I remember clearly that he did. And he kept talking about her on the phone with Max, and I've eavesdropped, yes."

"People forget things, it's okay."

No, not that much, at least not when a black winger messes with their mind.

"Liam, it's not just that. Today, I woke up and I didn't remember you at all. I saw your message on my phone and I started wondering who that might be. But then, in the afternoon, I scrolled through our messages and it slowly came back to me."

I frown and sit back for a bit. This is dangerous. I didn't think she would reach that stage for three months at least.

"How can I help you?" I honestly ask her.

"I came here for a reason," She sits straight looking me in the eyes. Even when she cries, she looks beautiful. "You're a psychologist; you know how to fix this."

"Not all psychologists can help with memories." I try to keep that possibility of healing out of my head, but it keeps poking its way back in.

"But you can. I know you." She keeps staring at me dead serious, as if sending me a telepathic message that she trusts me.

"Do you trust me?" I take her posture in and realise she is fully ready to put her faith in me.

"I trust you with myself entirely." She swallows and stands up.

"Then we need to start working on your sessions from now."

"How long will it take?" She asks me taking my robe off.

My eyes scan the wet clothes stuck on her perfect figure, and it takes me quite the effort to focus back on what she's saying.

"Probably three to four sessions, depends on your responses."

I take her hand gently, and guide her inside my study. She expects us to start the session there, but I know I have to show her the other room.

When I open the door at the end of the room, she gasps in surprise, since the door is practically invisible with the same colour of the wall.

I flick the lights open, and she sees a long chair lying in the middle. The dim neon blue light, glows the middle of the room, so that the focus is only on the chair.

"I have to sit here?"

"Obviously," I chuckle and help her sit on top of it. She relaxes back and stares at the ceiling. "Are you sure you want to do this?"

"One hundred percent sure," She answers me confidently.

"But this type of therapy has been refused by the church," I point out since she's a woman who spends most of her time praying.

"The church refused it because some people used it for inhuman purposes. I trust you Liam."

I sigh and nod.

Time to get her hypnotized.

Jules's POV:

"What took you so long? I was worried." Sam tells me when I fly my way back to the top.

"I think we should head home," I yelled at the sound of the rain. It's true we're standing under the covering of the roof, but it's freezing and this entire date is ruined.

I just want to go back home and cuddle with Sam.

"Hey, what's wrong?" He walks carefully closer to me and gently lifts my hair.

"Nothing, I just... I lost my scarf and it has moral value to me. And now it's raining and this whole date is ruined." I look away from him refusing to let him see my bloody red eyes.

"Do you want to go back down again and look for it?" He tells me gently and I curse at myself for lying to him.

"No, it's fine." I tell him sniffing and gather my strength. "Can we go back to my house and just sit in my room like before?"

He sighs and runs a hand through his hair.

"Sure, I guess formal dates aren't our thing." He bites on his lower lip clearly upset this has gone downhill.

"Sam," I take his hand after a few minutes. "I'm sorry I ruined our date. Come here with me."

I start feeling bad for pouring my problems onto him. If anything, I won't let Alex's warning bring me down. This is my date. And even all the black wingers on earth can wait.

I feel the droplets of rain falling onto us. They become silent, as I gently lie my hands on Sam's shoulders and step closer to him.

He chuckles and looks down then up into my eyes.

"Dance in the rain?"

"You said formal isn't our thing. Let's make it a cliché love story." I smile widely and feel myself swaying with him.

He kisses my forehead, and somehow we're dancing to the rhythm of the storm and the chanting of the night, and nothing could be better.

It is all so perfect at this moment, if it wasn't for the alarming darkening presence around us that keeps awakening my powers.

And this time, it isn't Alex.




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