"Royalty" Charlotte x OC (Com...


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Brandon Powers is an international superstar on the Indy circuit, but was ready to take his career to the nex... More

An Invitation to the Big Leagues
First day in the WWE
Explaining the past
Takeover: Brooklyn
NXT Debut
The Standoff
Chilling With The Champ
Draft Day
Time in The Sun
The Return + Breaking Point
Relationship Issues
Road To The Rumble
Rumble To Remember
'Mania Moment
Now And Forever

Making Things Right

1.2K 13 0

After He got of the phone with the enraged Lass Kicker, he didn't say a word for the rest of the drive home. He just hoped in the back of his mind that Ashley would see it through, instead of leaving him.
As soon as they got to his house he pulled in to the garage got out and sat with his back against the driver side door to reflect over what just happened.
Ashley saw him beating himself up physiologically, and she couldn't stay mad at him. She gently sat down next to him.

Ashley: Hey.
Brandon: Hey
Ashley: You okay?
Brandon: I don't know. Maybe she's right about what happened. I'm not that bad, am I?

She looked at him to see a tear streaming down his face, she got a paper towel for him to wipe his face.

She reassured him.

Ashley: I know that's not the Brandon I know. Don't worry, we'll find out who let this rumor spread. And I assure you, that he, or she, will not have a nice time after we're through with them.

Brandon looked at her and smiled, to which she smiled back. They shared a kiss, got up from the garage and headed to bed to get some much needed rest from a hectic day


The two were up bright and early, and on their way to the airport, they were back on the road to their match at Takeover. They had live shows everyday including the Wednesday NXT Taping. For them, it was back to the good old grind!

After having some wicked fun at live shows it was time to get to the real braztax. That Wednesday, they both arrived at Full Sail for the first time in what felt like a while.

Ashley: Ready to get crackin'?
Brandon: Yes ma'am!

They high fives before heading into their locker room to change. Little did they know Becky was watching them from behind a pillar with that sadistic "I'm gonna hurt you" face. There were two sides to their locker room, one was Ashley's and the other was Brandon's. When he wasn't looking, she snuck in and attacked. She flung him into the locker, the the punches started raining down. All that pent up aggression, and Frustration behind every punch thrown. Brandon was not looking to good ,and he couldn't do anything. He didn't want to hit a woman, that wasn't part of his code. A few brutal moments later, she locked in the Dis-Arm-Her, and looked to break his arm, but before she could Ashley Rushed in and pulled her off of him and started dragging her towards the door.

Becky: I'm gonna Kill 'em! I'm gonna Kill 'em!! DO YOU HEAR ME BRANDON POWERS!!! THIS IS NOT OVER!!!

Brandon lay face down on the ground clutching his injured arm. Trainers immediately came in and took him to the trainers room for evaluation. Meanwhile, in Ashley's part of their locker room.

Ashley: What the Hell Was That about!?
She questioned her friend who was sitting on a chair while she was pacing back and forth.

Becky: Had to be done.
She said in a calm voice

Ashley: Had to be done? HAD TO BE DONE!?
Becky: would've been a justice to us all

Ashley nearly snapped, and put one of her arms in an submission maneuver.

Becky: Hey! Ow! Let go of me!!

Ashley refused.

Ashley: Listen hear, you sick, SICK, person. Brandon Didn't do any of what you said he did, NEITHER did he deserve what your sorry behind did to him.


Ashley was getting emotional

Ashley: How do I know? HOW DO I KNOW!! NOBODY KNOWS THIS BUT HIM AND I WENT TO THE SAME SCHOOL AS KIDS, AND NOT ONE TIME WAS HE "RUINING" OR STARTING SHIT WITH ANYONE FOR NO REASON. Maybe, if you were to spend a little more time with him and get to know him INSTEAD OF GIVING HIM DIRTY LOOKS EVERY-TIME HE ARRIVES AT CATERING, you'd understand that. HE GOT FRAMED BECKY, FRAMED. And if you can't accept that, then maybe another friendship needs to end. Now if you excuse me, I gotta go check on him!

Becky: Ash wait...

Before she could say anything else Her best friend was out the door on her way to the trainer's room leaving her by herself to walk outside, and chill out by a crate.

When Ashley got there, she was relieved to see him relaxing on a chair waiting on his painkillers for his shoulder that was taped up. She kissed him on the cheek.

Ashley: Feeling better?

Brandon: Yeah, much better, what about you, you must be torn emotionally.

She looked down in disappointment. Brandon took his good arm and put it on her shoulder, made herself comfortable in his grasp.

Ashley: it was harder than i actually thought it was gonna be.

Brandon: Hey, if it makes you feel any better, I'll try and talk to her and see if we can fix this.

Ashley: You sure, I don't want you to hurt your other arm too.

Brandon: don't worry I'll try and calm her down before she does anything she'll regret.

Ashley smiled at him and he returned it.

Trainer: Alright Brandon, Here are your pills. Remember, one a day and try to take it easy for a couple of days.

Brandon: No problem, thanks.

They exited the trainers room and started walking and talking.

Ashley: Hey, I got a singles match today just for, you know, hype for Next Saturday. You sure you're gonna be alright?

Brandon: Ash, I told you not to worry. I'll be fine.

Ashley: I know but... I just...
He kissed her as a reassuring factor.
Ashley: Ok. See you in a bit!

Brandon: Have fun!
She waved back as her music hit and she headed for gorilla.

A few moments later, Brandon was chilling in his side of their locker room when he heard a soft knock at the door.

Becky: Hey, it's me can we talk for a bit?

Brandon: Sure, doors unlocked, come on in.

She came in and sat down on a couch next to hiim.
The room felt silent just seconds before...

Both: I'm sorry.. wait what

Brandon: I'm sorry, I may've accidentally said something to him a long time ago, I didn't know he was gonna take my advice now, I feel like such a twat.

Becky: No I'm sorry, I'm the one that overreacted. I could've taken this the easy way but instead my temper just got the best of me. I got her mad at you, then harmed you directly myself and caused that sucker right there.

She pointed to his injured shoulder.

Becky: Bottom line is I put you through so much shit, so I think it's time for me to pay the price.

She stuck out her arm

Becky: Do it, you know you want to.

Brandon was taken aback, but he still had to abide by his code

Brandon: Becks, you know I can't do that, I have a code, plus I'd probably go to jail for that. Also, it's not worth injuring one of my best friends.

Becky was surprised, but respected where he was coming from.

Becky: So.... Are we good?

Brandon: I don't know
He held up the two sweet sign
Brandon: Are we?

Becky: Right on!

They put their hands together and then broke it up for a hug.

Becky: So, did you originally have anything for tonight?

Brandon: No actually, nothing really. Why?

Becky: Wanna go out to a local pub, just two friends?

Brandon: Sure, I'm down.

With that the two newly reunited friends headed out for a little friendly bonding time at the local pub in town. Later he opted to drive her to the hotel all the superstars were staying at. When they got there, he walked her up to her room where they hugged and said their goodbyes. He soon made it to him and Ashley's room, opened the door and flopped right on the bed.

Ashley: Had a good night out?

Brandon: Yeah, it's always fun to hang out with the Lass Kicker.

Ashley: Alright then, time to get some sleep, because from Tomorrow up until Takeover is gonna be a busy time.

Brandon: Agreed. Goodnight!

Ashley: Nite!

And as the night came to a close the Royal couple drifted off to sleep, and in the back of his mind Brandon knew that he indeed smoothened things out between The Irish Lass Kicker, and the American Powerhouse.

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