What Lurks in His Eyes

By Author_Imminence

177K 9.7K 3.2K

Death. What comes to mind when you hear that word? Darkness, uncertainty, or perhaps maybe a scary being clot... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1: Broken Beginnings
Chapter 2: Lone Wolf
Chapter 3: Captive
Chapter 4: Auction
Chapter 5: Slave Life
Chapter 6: Four Years
Chapter 7: I Ran
Chapter 8: Prisoner
Chapter 9: The Arms of the Alpha
Chapter 10: A New Start
Chapter 11: Not Alone
Chapter 12: Even Alphas Cry
Chapter 13: Draven
Chapter 14: Monster
Chapter 15: Rogue
Chapter 16: A Deathly Secret
Chapter 17: Wanted
Chapter 18: Fugitive
Chapter 19: Incarcerated
Chapter 20: Dolled up to Die
Chapter 21: The Fights Begin
Chapter 22: I, Predator
Chapter 23: Survive
Chapter 24: The Throes of Death
Chapter 25: The Aftermath
Chapter 26: Crowned Luna
Chapter 27: A Night to Remember
Chapter 28: The Reflection
Chapter 29: That Little Girl
Chapter 30: Mortality or Immorality?
Chapter 31: I am His
Chapter 32: War is Waged
Chapter 33: Ceasefire
Chapter 34: His Final Breath
Chapter 35: Despair
Chapter 36: Bought with a Price
Chapter 37: Assigned
Chapter 38: Liberty
Chapter 39: Cloaked in Mysteries
Chapter 40: The Dark Rain
Chapter 41: The Prisoner Clothed in Chains
Chapter 42: Rescued & Reunited
Chapter 44: Restoration & Heat
Chapter 45: The Mating Ceremony
Chapter 46: Carnal Completion
Chapter 47: Answers & Surprises
Chapter 48: Revenge is Red
Author's Note: Book Two

Chapter 43: I Am Legend

2K 150 58
By Author_Imminence

Song: I Am Legend by Tommee Profitt feat Colton Dixon



Draven's POV:

The dark blanket of clouds were torn in two and black lightening burst forth.

Thunder followed and shook the earth and deafened the vampire army. Black horses rushed forth, dark tails flaming and manes whipping in the wind. Their riders were clothed in black to match their horses and were armed with arrows of fire.

The grass wilted and withered away where the horses hooves touched and the vampire army drew back upon seeing this frightening revelation. A thousand horses and their riders roamed the land, slaughtering every vampire in sight.

Their hooves sound like that of thunder, and the powerful animal's breath is loud like a waterfall. Their muscles bulge and contract with each step and their black eyes target any creature who is not on their side.

Their black coat shines in the darkness, oddly enough, and their size gives the riders an advantage.

The riders are just as fierce and deadly as the horses.

Each of the riders held a rugged, fierce look about them. Scars ran down their faces and marred their backs from hundreds of years of training and wars. Their eyes were piercing, either being the color as white as snow or as black as the darkest hour.

Their hair colors were either as white as snow, as black as a moonless night, or a dark auburn color.

Their facial hair was trimmed like a five o' clock shadow. Their hands were large and calloused, and black tattoos ran up their arms and wrapped around their back like a dark blanket.

They were the epitome of darkness itself.

They carried double-edged swords in their belt and bows were slung over their backs clothed in dark brown animal fur.

Their aim was excellent. Every single one of the riders could shoot bull's eyes from hundreds of feet away.

It's no wonder they are called The Dark Army.

Shouts and their echos followed across the the land, haunting anyone that heard the war cries of death and destruction.

A rain of fiery arrows showered the earth like a winter's storm. Blood of the enemy watered the lands and drenched the earth like a flood.

Swords clash together in an epic fight: Life versus death. Freedom versus captivity.

Sweat drips into my dark brow as I thrust my sword forwards into the heart of a vampire. He falls to his knees and I press my foot against his chest and dislodge my weapon. I kick him to the ground and move onto the next vampire.

The wind carries the scent of blood into my nostrils and my eyes glaze over with anger.

I tuck the sword away back into my belt and summon death's mist to rise within me. Breathing deeply and closing my eyes, I feel the coldness of the substance curl around my fingers. I form it into a ball on each one of my palms.

It shoots out and licks the skin of a vampire. His skin sizzles and bubbles, and he groans in pain. Wasting no time, I bring my hand down and slice cleanly through his neck.

I look down at his mangled body.

The skin around the severed head and neck still sizzles and blisters.

In the distance, I see Kamaria on the back of a horse. She wields a bow over her back and fires arrows at the enemy's hearts.

My jaw drops.

Where did she learn to ride a horse and where did she learn to use a bow and arrows? She skillfully draws back the arrow and fires it right through an attacking vampire's heart. Her dark hair whips around in the breeze and her eyes are glowing.

Her eyes are glowing silver.

She wears a tight black leather body suit and black boots to go along with it. A shield is strung over her shoulder and across her chest and part of her abdomen to protect her from the enemy's attacks.

Who gave her the clothes, weapons, and the horse?

She looks fierce, stealthy, and hot.

But then I'm irritated.

She's not supposed to be fighting. I just got her back, I can't lose her again. I don't think I could bear going through that again.

I don't think my wolf could, either.

I pull out my sword once more and thrust it into a vampire's chest. He chokes and coughs as I forcefully drag the blade up to his heart. I know I've punctured it when his eyes turn glassy and he's dropped to the ground.

As I continue to fight with all the strength I have, I suddenly find myself surrounded. I fight off the vampires as I search for a way to escape.

But then I am deafened by the sound of roaring thunder. It's so loud I wince and have to cover my ears. In the blink of an eye, the sky flickers between light and dark.

It's like the sun is a fading light-bulb.

It flickers once, twice, three times.

And then all goes black.

Werewolves can see in the dark as can vampires, but the fact that the sun went out scares all, no matter how tough and monstrous they may be.

Then suddenly, the light appears once more. It's a blinding white flash that stuns the eyes of all. The sun has turned back on, and when I turn my eyes behind me, a large cloaked figure stands on the hill above us.

And I already know who it is.

The figure withdraws his hood. His golden eyes burns with such fire and rage that it strikes terror in the hearts of all who oppose him.

Who is he?

He is my real father who saved me from prison and will save the world from the vampire's wrath.

Black mist surrounds him, drowning the grass in its deadly power and wraps around his body like some sort of snake. He looks dangerous and lethal. A loud, thunderous growl emits from his throat and he takes a step forwards.

The Dark Army backs him up, the black horses stomping and neighing loudly behind him. The vampire's eyes widen at the  sight of the large figure looming over them. The vampire army had already suffered such a great loss that they were hesitant.

But then the general of the vampire raises his sword, commencing the fighting. Foolish he is, fighting a war he won't win.

But the vampires are a prideful species.

My father tolerates none of that, and with a simple motion of his hand, he forms the black mists into large balls in his palms. The vampires are stunned as he brings down his wrath on the evil beings.

The smell of blood and burning flesh filled the air as the beings faced his wrath, and I watch smugly as the vampire army started to draw back.

They were fleeing.

And our soldiers are commanded to capture them dead or alive.

The horseback riders are sent out after the fleeing vampire army, and one by one, the fleeing vampires are plucked from the ground and thrown atop the horses where they are bound with strong chains and gagged.

Some vampires choose to turn around and attack because they'd rather die than get captured by the enemy. My eyes search around for Kamaria, but she's nowhere to be seen.

My anxiety peaks.

Where is she?

"Line them up." The second in command of The Dark Army commands the horseback riders. His voice is cold.

They do so, and throw the vampires off of their horses. They hit the ground with a thump, but they don't show their pain. Soldiers drag them off of the ground and line them up. Once they're lined up, they are thrown to their knees at the soldier's feet.

Barrels of silver guns are immediately pressed against their backs, where their hearts are located.

The second in command paces back and forth in front of them. His hands are clasped behind his back as he eyes them with cold, calculating eyes.

"You thirty vampires have been accused of attempting to do away with our peace treaty among the differing species. For breaking our sacred code, only death will suffice for your sins."

The vampires on death row don't move. They don't show any fear or emotions. They just sit there, staring blankly at the ground as they except their fate.

"Ready!" The second in command says.

The soldiers cock their weapons.


The soldiers proceed to press the barrel of their guns against the vampire's back, making sure to settle the weapon on where the vampire's hearts would be.


The sound of thirty guns going off at the same time is deafening. My ears ring for a moment and I watch as their bodies fall limply to the ground, blood spewing from their chests. Eyes wide open and bulging.

The soldiers who had shot them march away in a straight line, and a second line of soldiers come in to clean the bodies up.

But there's a problem more concerning than this.

Kamaria is still nowhere to be seen.

Trudging over the little grassy hill, I see my real father dragging two men in the dirt. Thick metal chains are connected to their wrists and ankles, and as I approach them, I notice they are covered in dirt and dried blood.

Beside him, though, is Kamaria. She is alive and well as she walks along side him.

Relief washes over me and soon, I'm hugging Kamaria so tight that I lift her up off the ground. I spin her around and kiss her, in which she returns the kiss back fervently. Sparks shoot between us and Kamaria giggles against my lips.

My father clears his throat and the vampires he holds as prisoners look at the ground with scowls on their faces.

But I don't care. My mate is alive and well, and I really haven't had the chance to hold her and love her yet.

Kamaria kisses my cheek, her eyelashes fluttering against my skin before we finally pull away.

I turn my gaze to the vampires that are bound in chains before me. One of the vampires I don't recognize but the other one.....the other one I recognize as Sir Cason, Kamaria's father who left her.

I burn with rage and clench my fists.

My father drops them down into the dirt, and as usual, a passive look is on his face. In the short time I've known him, he's one who's calm, collected, and deadly. At first, I was livid that he had left me as a baby. I didn't understand why he would do that.

He's my father.

He was supposed to be there for me.

But then he explained that demons of the underworld were after me for power, and it was better for me to live in the real world at the moment rather than live in danger with him. He was surrounded by evil and was forced to give me up to the physical world.

I go to attack Sir Cason, but Kamaria stops me by laying a hand on my shoulder. I turn my head to look at her.

Her eyes shine a brilliant silver and she pulls out a long golden sword. She runs a single finger gently along the blade of the sword, and her eyes twinkle as she does so.

For the first time, I see an evil glint in Kamaria's silver eyes that flicker with interest as she examines the weapon designed to kill in her hands.

"Revenge is mine." She says, her voice low and full of danger, sending chills up my spine.

What she does next takes me by surprise.

She points the golden sword at Sir Cason's neck, and runs the blade along his throat until she reaches his jaw. She flicks his head up with the point of the sword. Sir Cason's mangled black hair curls into his face. Sweat drips down the bridge of his nose and his eyes are stern.

He clenches his jaw as he looks his daughter in the eyes.

May the guilt eat him alive in hell where he belongs.

"Firstly, you betray my species by siding with the enemy. Then, you go as far to betray my pack, my family for your greedy desires. Your actions caused me pain. So much pain. I saw things no young wolf should have to see."

Kamaria hesitates for a moment before she speaks once more. Her voice is strong and unwavering.

 "I saw my own mother getting raped before she was shot brutally in front of me. I was sold like cattle and beaten within an inch of my life everyday. I was used, over and over again by multiple men. People that I love died because of the one action you committed."

Kamaria's voice wavers just a bit this time. Her wolf is pushing through, begging to be released to rip the bastard to shreds.

 "Your death will bring me life. Your end will bring me peace. I only pray that Satan gives you mercy that I am unable to give, but I think Satan will turn up the heat when you step foot in his fiery furnace."

With those words, Kamaria drags the sword down from his jaw to his chest where his heart lies. She lets the sword rip through the flesh all the way down, before slowly and forcefully plunging the knife in, puncturing his heart.

She keeps eye contact with him as she does so.

Blood runs down the blade of the knife, stopping when it reaches the handle. His face contorts in pain and he coughs once, twice.

Then slumps against the sword lodged in his chest completely.

Kamaria pulls the sword out and lets the lifeless body of the man she once knew as father fall to the ground in a heap.

She then turns her attention to the vampire I don't know.

"Ah, Master Hale." She mocks.

Master? What?

"From the moment we met, I knew I wasn't going to be an easy toy to break. Remember that time you gifted me a horse to bond with and tame but you ended up killing her only months later? I'm going to assume that you don't have memory loss so I'm just going to say yes, you do remember."

I quietly chuckle to myself at her newfound sassiness.

"'Most mustangs can be broken, and you are no exception.' Remember those words you uttered? I know you do. I then asked, 'And what about those who refuse to be broken?'" Kamaria laughs darkly, "You said, 'they die.' And you know what?"

She pauses, glancing down at this Master Hale as if expecting an answer.

But of course, he doesn't answer.

"You were right about one thing," She says, using the tip of the sword to tilt his head up to meet her eyes, "They do die."

And in one swift movement, she plunges the sword into his heart and sinks the blade down to the hilt. The tip of the sword pokes out of his back.




Crimson leaks from his lethal wound. Kamaria keeps eye contact with him to watch the flame flicker and suffocate in his eyes.

Then he slumps against the sword.

He is dead.

She withdraws the blade and gives it back to my father. His eyes glint with pride and I watch as Kamaria's eyes fade back to their regular blue. 

When she sees me, she runs to me and throws her arms around my neck, burying her face into my shoulder.

"Let's go home." Her voice is muffled as she mumbles into my shirt.

I nod my head. "Let's go home."




So What Lurks In His Eyes is coming to an end! Only a few chapters left!

Bittersweet moment....

BUT! I have a new story coming out, it will be called The Mistake That Broke Me. I'm waiting for my cover to be finished, once I receive the cover I will publish the first few chapters.

So be on the look out :D




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