Orphic (#1 in the Hajar serie...

By luhhgends

93.8K 4.1K 1.2K

"You can't love someone back to life, Israfil." She whispered. Her chest heaved with desperation, her heart t... More

a confirmed sequel - occhiolism (#2 in the Hajar series)
get excited !!!!


1.2K 66 10
By luhhgends

chapter thirty six - drink

song of the chapter ; god is a woman - ariana grande

guess whos a dumb sitch that didn't study for her science exam?? me !! lmfao alexa play stupid hoe by nicki minaj


"THIS IS OUR last day together," Lacey frowned. The two days they had spent together so far had passed quickly. They had gone out shopping, ate lunch together, and even had a spa night. "We need to celebrate, girl."

Farah looked up from her device, raising a curious eyebrow. "What did you have in mind?"  She glared at her phone when it started ringing, Israfil's contact name displayed on the screen. Farah switched it off, knowing that she was being petty. She would've felt guilty if it weren't for the reason why she had denied his calls. She knew that he could tell that something was up. Whenever he texted, her replies were short and dry, often leading to the conversations ending quickly. He kept trying to call her, but she kept ignoring him. It was childish, Farah knew it was, but for some reason, she continued what she was doing.

"Was that him?" Lacey asked, with a knowing smirk on her face. It only grew when Farah nodded and frowned at her screen as it began to ring again. "Damn. You going to ignore him forever?"

"What did you have in mind?" Farah asked again, deflecting the question. Lacey caught on but paid no mind, and maneuvered around the kitchen, reaching up to the liquor cabinet. She was so short that she couldn't reach it, so she had to take a bar stool to climb up.

Lacey pulled open the cabinet doors, "I don't know why Alexander puts these so damn high. He knows I can't reach them, but he refuses to put them any lower."

Farah shrugged, "I guess it's good though, that way, if you plan on having kids, he won't have to move them again."

Lacey nearly fell off the stool with a bottle of tequila clutched in her right hand and Bacardi in the other, her eyes wide. "No," She choked, "Not happening." She carefully climbed down and slid off of the stool, reaching into another cupboard for some shot glasses, sourcing a lime out and cutting it into slices. She avoided Farah's gaze as she poured some rum into a glass with a splash of the citrus fruit, sliding it to her.

"Why, if I may ask?" Farah stared at the clear alcohol in the cup with a scrunched nose.

Lacey sighed, "The doctor told me why, I just don't remember. It's really hard for me to get pregnant. Less than a five percent chance."

"Sorry I asked," Farah muttered, feeling bad.

Lacey waved her off, turning and pouring her own glass. "No worries. Now let's drink, bitch!" Together, they raised the liquid to their lips and allowed it to slide down their throat with a satisfying burning sensation. "Isn't Israfil going to be here in a few hours to pick you up?"

Farah shrugged, sliding her cup over for a refill. "Again."



FARAH COVERED her mouth to stifle a laugh as Lacey nearly tripped down the stairs. She released a slurred giggle, gripping the banister as they headed to the door. It had just rung, and because Alexander was taking a small nap, Lacey decided to answer. Suddenly, she turned to Farah, her smile now gone. "If it's Israfil, act sober. He's never gonna trust me again if he finds out you're drunk."

"Okay," Farah said, not realizing her voice was nearly a shout. The two looked at each other before releasing another loud laugh as they stumbled, limbs loose and far from sober as they walked to the door. Lacey wrapped her hand around the door handle, not bothering to look through the peephole,she swung it open to a bemused Israfil.  As she opened the door to him, Farah leaned on her for support, laying an arm over her shoulder, trying to appear casual- when in reality, her eyes were drooping and she was smiling like an intoxicated fool.

Israfil had been wearing a smile on his face but it quickly fell away when he noticed something was off with them. "Did you get her drunk?" He accused, moving to help Farah, only frowning when shoved him away.

Lacey covered a gasp with her mouth, nervously giggling. "Drunk...? Me? Never!" She laughed again, "Farah's perfectly fine, right, Farah?" As if it were perfect timing, Farah's feet stumbled back and tripped on a shoe, groaning when her small body lost balance and fell to the floor, hitting her head on the tile so hard the world spun.

"Oh fuck," She groaned, not stopping Israfil when he instantly pushed Lacey aside to help her up.

He held her face in his hands as she scrunched her eyes in pain, "Farah, are you okay?" He asked, worrying his lip. A sense of deja vu was hitting him hard, but he tried to ignore it. He sighed when she groaned again, nodding her head before she began laughing.

"I'm so stupid," Farah laughed, paying no mind to Lacey who was still watching them in surprise. She was so drunk her time perception was off by minutes. "And drunk. I'm sooooo drunk," She hiccuped and attempted to stand up straight, not wanting to feel babied. But he still guided her waist, his silver eyes glaring at the both of them.

"Where's your stuff?" Israfil asked, holding her upright when she began to lean downwards to the ground again. He watched as her shaky finger pointed at the duffle bag sat on the staircase and he slowly reached down to bring her legs up, carrying her bridal style. He didn't know how he managed to do it, but he leaned down to use a hand that was tucked under her to grab her bag, before he carried outside of the door, throwing Lacey a poisonous glare that had her grinning sheepishly. "Never letting you get drunk again," He grumbled, walking towards his car.

Because he had brought his convertible and the roof was rolled down, he didn't need to open the door to slip her in her seat, and he leaned over to buckle her in as she leaned against the door with her eyes still shut and her head pounding a little. "Liar," She muttered, her words slurring.

He raised an eyebrow as he opened the trunk and placed her bag inside before closing it and walking around to the driver's side. He opened the door and fell into the seat, shutting it behind him as he placed the keys in the ignition and started the car. "What do you mean, 'Liar'?" He asked, and began pulling out of the massive driveway, eyes concentrated on the side mirror as he did so. He turned his head to her when she didn't answer, "Farah?"

"You lied to me," She pointed a lazy finger at him.

He frowned, "No, I didn't...?"

"Lying by omission, sweetie." Drunk Farah was intimidatingly honest and condescending.  "You never told me about you and Lacey."

Israfil swallowed, and hard. Damn it, he didn't think she'd find out from Lacey. It's not like he didn't plan on telling her, he just didn't know when. "That's why you've been ignoring me?" He knew the answer, but he still asked, anyway. Now Karma was coming to bite him in the ass, and she was fueled by alcohol and confrontation. He glanced nervously at the road, then back at her.

"No," Farah scowled, "I ignored you for no reason at all. Of course, I ignored you because of that," She retorted snappily, sarcasm lacing her tone. Farah rubbed at the aching of her head, irritation scratching at her skin.

He sighed, "I'll explain everything to you when you're sober."

"No, I already know everything," She frowned, "I'm mad because I didn't hear it from you, Israfil. I don't have a problem with the fact that you had a relationship with someone before me, but I have a problem when you don't tell me and make me look like a fool. I shouldn't have had to ask from someone else." Farah sounded more... disappointed in him the more she talked, instead of angry, and that only worsened his guilt. He could feel shame churning in his stomach.

"I'm sorry," Israfil apologized, "I am... I just didn't know how to tell you, and I sort of panicked. I thought you'd be angry with me."

Farah furrowed her eyebrows, "Why would I be angry?"

"Because I didn't wait for you," He said after a moment. "I was raised to believe that you were only ever meant to have a relationship with your mate, and I didn't do that," His shoulders rolled back when he felt the muscles tense, and his hands tightened on the steering wheel. "We were supposed to save ourselves."

"Virginity?" She questioned, and she saw him nod. "But Lacey said you guys didn't have sex..."

"We didn't," He confirmed, feeling his face burn with embarrassment. "I haven't had sex with anyone, actually."

Farah's mouth dropped open.

"I'm-" She couldn't finish her sentence, and her intoxicated state only worsened it. She couldn't believe that the man sitting next to her, that was so surreal that he looked like he belonged on the cover of a magazine or a runway, had saved himself... for her. Farah felt speechless, and what was it... excited? She didn't know, but either way, it came as such a shock to her she couldn't actually form words, "Israfil-" Another broken sentence. It was so surprising to her, that this dark, archangelic, stunning being had done something like that. "Oh my god," She breathed.

He could sense the crimson rushing to his bronzed skin. "Yeah. It's not that big of a deal," He muttered. She was in such surprise that she was quiet until she fell asleep against the door of his car, and he felt a ghost of a smile gracing his lips.

This girl is something else, he thought to himself.


a sitch is tired


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