The Angel's Demon


943 27 11

Heaven? Hell? War. More

Prolouge - Mission
Chapter 1 - Did It Hurt When You Fell From Heaven?
Chapter 2 - Finder's Keeper's?
Chapter 3 - Report
Chapter 4 - A Loss
Chapter 6 - Under My Wing and Inside My Heart
Chapter 7 - Traitor
Chapter 8 - Greater Wars
Chapter 9 - Yesterday
Chapter 10 - Heaven? Hell? War.
Author's Chapter
Epilogue - Rising Sun

Chapter 5 - School's Not Out

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   "You were right. This is where Hell broke loose." I swipe my foot in the rubble. A portion of the school had major damage and was abandoned.

   "Yeah, and it took the least amount of time," Moden sighs, almost wistfully.

   I begin to walk inside, Moden trailing after. I finally am under the roof, when we hear crying. Sobbing, actually. I glance at Moden who shrugs. I roll my eyes at him and begin to follow the noise. With every step, I hear it better.

   "Hello?" I call out. Abruptly, the crying stops. I hear shuffling, and then a light brown forehead with dark eyes below peeks out. The child sees me and starts to come out. A young girl stands in front of me with two puffs as pigtails.

   "Hi there, I'm Ally. Who are you?" I say, using my nickname.

   "I-I'm Andrea," she stutters.

   "Are you okay? Why are you upset, sweetie?"

   "The mean boys are ruining the school, and they beat up my brother real bad. He's back there," she says, sniffing, and pointing to a storage room.  I look at the room, then Andrea, then back. I walk towards the door, Andrea at my side. Grabbing the knob, I twist, and then see a teenage boy bleeding. He looks at me, and then shuffles away, grunting in the process.

   "Don't worry, I can help you. What happened?"

   Reluctantly, he moves his hand away from the cloth and shows me what's below. A stab wound.

   I rush to him, and ask, "Does it hurt?" He nods. I raise my hands, and glance at him, waiting for consent. He nods again. I place my hands on his wound, and light begins to radiate from my hands. Slowly, I feel the wound seal.

   The boy's eyes widen, but before he can say anything, I say, "Walk to the town's welcome sign with your sister, then head southwest, or follow the face of the sign. You'll find a church, stay there. Don't worry about the people inside. They will help you." He stares, but then nods. I look at his sister and say, "Listen to your brother, okay?" She smiles. I could only heal the wound so much. . .

   I move to the door when I hear "Thank you." I stop, and give a short nod.

   Then, I turn around, "Actually, do you know where I can find everyone else?"

  The boy points to a rock filled room. Great.

   As I move to the room, I realize Moden is nowhere to be found.


   I hear heavy swearing, and I know I'm in the right place. Soon, teenage boys and girls come into view. And Moden.

   I begin to walk to them and I know I've been spotted when I hear a cat call. The girls and boys turn to look at me like predator would prey. I open my mouth to sing.

   "Stop and help this town." It doesn't take anything to influence.

   The adolescents stop and look at me. I see their eyes lighten. I know I must go on.

"Spread good and good will go onto you!" They smile. Soon, they begin to move out, telling each other how they could help. Moden suddenly comes into clearer view. He looks at me and, yes, smirks.

This was too easy. . .

"You went through that faster than we ruined it, congrats!" he congratulates, as he walks closer. "Now what?"

"What were you doing here?" I ask.

"I got curious," he shrugs. I roll my eyes. "Well, now we check in on the town. Things have changed, and we can also help rebuild. Gabriel will probably call in some Angels."

Moden's eyebrow raises. "Gabriel?"

I stop myself from answering. He's a Demon. I almost forgot. He's the enemy. "Let's go!" I exclaim, running out of the structure. Moden soon followed, but the question still lingered in the air.


   After the check up, Moden continues to follow me as I make my way back to the church. And then. . .

"Can I ask questions about Angels?" Moden suddenly asks.

"Um, sure," I respond.

"Why can you heal, but not revive someone?"

"The working heart does everything, we just boost that. And in death, the heart is anything but."

He nods slowly, and then looks down.

"How come you feel so much? You showed guilt, and sorrow at the town. I expected less emotions out of a Demon," I say.

   And as Moden would say, shit hit the fan.

"Yeah, like I chose to be a Demon? Supposedly, all Demons are bad. And if you're not bad, you're mocked. I am tired of causing destruction. I actually felt happy destroying the bad. I'd rather just help you all day non-stop than be planning how to ruin a life. But I have to. Why? Because I'm a Demon. It sucks," he finishes lamely. I stand still, shocked.

   Soon, Moden stops walking, turns, and sees me standing there in awe. Suddenly, he blushes.

"Just forget I said shit," he mumbles. Then, he begins walking away.

I run up to his side and say, "Your the best Demon ever."

He reddens more.

"Shut up. I have to go," he mutters. He walks off into a cluster of trees, and I turn away. I keep walking, and finally, the church appears.


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