The Air Out Of [Wattys2018 sh...

By sophvergeletti

889 243 21

*wattys 2018 shortlist* *writer's awards sci-fi winner* It all started with an accident. Through vast conso... More

00 & 40 resemblance
ix (freebies)
001 - jess
002 - oscar
003 - leo
004 - ellie


6 4 0
By sophvergeletti

JESS WAS PRETTY HAPPY THEY'D PREPARED FOR THE SIMULATION IN ADVANCE because now that she was familiar with a few tactics she could use, it was so much easier. The simulation took place somewhere on the bare outskirts of Covia. It started normally, allowing the heroines to adjust to their setting and possible things they can use to fight.

Then out of nowhere, Avinians seem to pop up endlessly. Aspyn throws everyone a rifle and gives a two-second example on how to use it. "Use what you've learned. But don't waste all your energy."

Jess uses the water to catch the rifle being thrown to her midair and controls it so that the water pushes the trigger at the opponents. "Sector five!" She yells at Ellie, who stands at sector five and is being approached by a mass amount of warriors.

With the water using up her rifle, Jess puts her physical skills to the test, punching left and right. She's not as good as the others, but with the gun pointed to the warriors in the air, she is doing just fine.

Scar uses a similar strategy to hers by lifting himself way high up in the air. He's participating in a swift special attack to wipe the warriors out in one motion. His gun is stationed far away from Jess', but still in the air so that both couldn't be taken down in one hit.

Aspyn and Brea are something else altogether. Talk about all-powerful relatives. Aspyn is shooting light attacks from the palm of her hands, and Brea can slash five warriors at once with her quick reflexes and flexibility. She dodges each attack, and instead mirrors their force onto them, effectively putting a plunge on the warriors.

Jess, who finds herself surrounded, decides to enlist help from a struggling Louis, who can't seem to use the gun. Using one arm to ward off fellow Avinians, and using her mind to constantly hold the rifle up while shooting precisely at her targets, she uses her free hand to control Louis' gun. Flipping the locks in the correct way, she configures the settings on his gun using the water and shoots the warriors. She nods at him to begin shooting. "Thanks!" He yells over the simulation, before moving to Sector Seven.

One problem. She's still surrounded. There's an overwhelming amount of warriors at her section, sector two at the moment. Oh, and one of them has got her rifle in their arms. Shoot, she internally groans.

Patience is my friend.

But still, her brain is blank. But yet, she feels powerful, some sort of unstoppable energy force coming to life inside her. A fire inciting its' flame inside her body. Her mind is on fire. She can feel it, the power rising to her hands, the electricity burning at her fingertips. Her silver iris' shining brightly.

She can't breathe right, but it feels amazing. The necklace is gleaming. At the moment, everything seems possible, there might still be a plausible chance to beat the simulation. The light only brightens seemingly like a vibrance meter being drawn upwards. She continues the pattern.

The light still remains bearably bright, and although she knows that she can push it further, she remembers Aspyn's words, but don't waste all your energy. She uses it at its' current state, wondering what might happen. "Go, Jess!" Leo cheers.

Now, she instructs the necklace. It sends a blast, just the size she needed to supersede all the warriors around her, wounding them, including the one who took her rifle. Aspyn has made a shield against all her 'allies' to prevent them from taking the collateral damage of her blast.

She picks up her rifle, prepared for what was to come, and although some part of energy has been drained from her body, she can still fight. The simulation ends promptly.

"I'm proud of you." Aspyn congratulates her, once the simulation fully fades out and people are no longer gasping for air. "How'd it feel like."

"Like I took a pill in a hospital. Way to giddy filled me to the brim with adrenaline. I don't even know what happened." Jess said, honestly.

Aspyn only smiles. "It's channeled from within. Good job."

"I could've done that." Scar says smugly.

"But you didn't. So, Scar, until next time. Cheers." Brea waves in her Semi-American accent, but pure British slang. "I should get going. I'll see you lot soon. Tomorrow, preferably, but Luphoria's got a strict scheme for you now. Like a workout plan, if you ask me, but oh well. See you."

"Bye." Jess waves at the giddy girl. She had to be at least a full three years over Aspyn, but probably less informed given that she was Avine's daughter. What great luck that would've brought in a land where Avine practically thrashed out of greed.

"Nice work everyone. Jess, and Louis, you've both discovered how to unlock your specials, but this takes a toll on your energy, so use it wisely. Sometimes, it can also cause a distraction, which is proven useful." Aspyn hands us a cup of water and a towel. "Jess, if you remember how to use your special, yours can be used in varying degrees, which means, it can still be stronger, as you might've noticed."

Jess nods. She had a hidden feeling that it could've been stronger but didn't push it.

"As for you three, yes, your specials do exist, but as there is a different method to unlock it for each person, I cannot blatantly tell you how to find it. I can offer as much aid as I can manage." Aspyn taps her clipboard. "My mother, Luphoria, has designed a personal four-day core workout scheme for each of you depending on your stronger abilities."

"Wait, what?"

Aspyn rolls her eyes. Jess isn't sure if she's pertaining to Jess, herself, or her mother's new idea. "Queen Luphoria is unsatisfied with my progress, and has decided to put herself in control."

"Oh." She isn't sure of what to say to a sulking Aspyn, maybe it was because she was stuck in this awkward situation where she felt like she had to say something, but couldn't find the right words to use.

"But anyways," Aspyn coughs to sift the awkward tension forming, "It will be introduced to you later on this evening, you must do this in your own free time, because, clearly, your time to train in Covia is too short for my mother's liking. "Jess, Scar, follow me. The rest of you, please continue training with Mason."

Jess still felt impeccably awkward, and more importantly, shy.

The control room was far more advanced than any other portion of the castle. The technology looked as if it was taken from fifty years into Earth's future. Jess looked in awe as the automatic doors slid open after scanning Aspyn's iris and fingerprint.

Several camera footage screens were installed onto the front panel of the room, giving her a clear line of vision to possible circumstances including Avinian soldiers reaching the boundaries, or at least status updates regarding their progress.

"Reports," Aspyn demands from a man who passed by the group. He wore a blue suit, nothing particularly eye-catching. He had brown eyes. Not a royal, clearly. He was also missing the sash Mason seemed to carry everywhere.

"Your Majesty. Lavine's." He bowed, moving himself over so that she can see over his clipboard. He points to the front panel, where the border is shown through camera footage. "Ingrid Nova. Twenty-one years old. First Covian killed by an Avinian in seventy years." He sighs slightly jerking himself to his left to peek at the 'Analysis' department before returning his attention to Aspyn, who looked truly terrified. "Avinian progress has heightened to the ninety percentile. Ninety-two, to be exact."

"Ninety-two percent chance of discovering us within what time frame?" Aspyn asked.

"Six days." He answers. "In five days, as you estimated, it's a solid eighty-seven percent."

"That's high." Jess thinks aloud, a ninety-two percent chance of discovering Covia, basically meant that they would be no doubt be discovering it. The man snaps his head in her direction.

"Thanks, Jett." Aspyn nods and the man walks off curtly.

"The head, I presume?" Scar guesses, in a not-so-guess like a tone.

"I'm the head around here, thank you very much. But, while we're in battle, Jett will be directing us over headsets. Safe paths to travel, Avinian warriors in which areas, escape routes, you get the idea." She snaps. "That isn't the point. I brought you both here to oversee some analytical tactics." She walks over to a table where Jess notices about ten massively sized papers are sprawled upon it.

There seems to already be a group of people surrounded around the table working and debating on what else to write down, including Brea, who is currently jotting down a few notes on one of the papers, while a man illustrates her ideas in the form of stick figures on maps.

On the other side of the table are what Jess sees as the more artistic group. On their paper, they've got elaborate drawings of each of the lavine's wearing a suit of armor.

"This group, with Brea, are our tactical management, they will be fighting with you in war, and are coming up with ideas to help make our fight easier. Their specifically discussing loopholes and such." Aspyn says, "On the other side, are our analytical management, designing your suits for battle. Also, particular devices you might need to bring. We aren't taking any risks with Avine."

"Were these the plans?" She asks.

"Yes, but they require some form of improvement." Brea motions for them to sit next to her. Jess and Scar follow her instructions. "While most will be done as improvisation in the real battle, we need to have an actual process to achieve our goal. Bullshitting only goes so far."

"Jess, Scar. It's time to see if you can think while stressed." Aspyn says, "This is your first test that will actually affect our battle."

"But-" She trail, hoping that there's some form of help being given.

Jett smiles walking back and taking a seat with the group, "Correct. You need to be able to think while stressed, but, you have help from your companions, which are the people sitting on this table with you."

Jess' frown is no longer one. Instead, her newly formed smile is reflected onto Scar's face whose lips are now curved in an upward motion.

His smile conveys, now we're talking.

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