brenton's girl

By seaannmarie

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" we are an empire rising " • Leah's father always warned her of the gang, Wayside, how they were ruthless... More

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fifty eight

twenty eight

8.9K 150 13
By seaannmarie

Things never seemed to change for me, things seemed more routine than any dieting athletes morning routine. One thing for certain was always going to be the same; Brenton was Wayside. No matter where on this lovely planet we stood together.

The first morning in The Keys, I woke up alone in our hotel bed. Brenton's side was completely cold meaning he'd left a good while ago. I was used to it, so I pushed the thick covers off my body and slipped on a pair of socks. Our hotel room was mostly tile and I didn't want to be cold.

I went to the bathroom, brushed my hair and teeth, and then threw my hair into a messy bun. I saw a couple of hickies on my chest and thighs and the memories of last nights events flooded my mind.

Brenton pulled me by my thighs, resting his broad shoulders against the quivering limbs before continuing his torturous love. He took his time, really admiring the taste, the feeling of my most vulnerable parts.

Last night he let me touch him, let me grab him when I needed something to grab onto. I didn't touch those sheets once with my fingertips. Only his own body.

His hair somehow felt softer, fuller, and much better under my angry hands. He allowed to pull him closer and push his away when everything became too much, but he didn't stop until he was one hundred and ten percent sure I was satisfied.

Then, he ravished me in the slowest and most enjoyable way possible. Taking his time to touch me and hold me. His hands were feathers against my hot skin, allowing me to submit to him in a way I never had before. I was putty in his hands.

The night was so slow, so blissful, it ended in tears. My body felt such pleasure and such love and devotion to Brenton last night, it almost felt like a goodbye, but I didn't let those thoughts surface any more than the once.

Now, as I threw on my bikini and sandals, I recalled something Brenton had told me. He told me he was going to be back, and that we were going to celebrate. I didn't know what exactly that meant, but I knew I wanted to look good when we do.

I rode the elevator down to the lobby of the hotel and then made my way to the beach. I had my sunglasses on blocking the sun from my eyes. When I got to the beach I couldn't help but stand and bask in the sunlight for a moment, the sun was my favorite place.

I had always had dreams of moving into a small condo on the beach, learning to surf, having an amazing sun kissed tan, and ever since I was a youngling I have anted to get married on the beach, just like my momma and daddy did.

I laid a towel in the sand close to the water and snatched a book from my bag. I was reading a book called Looking For Salvation At The Dairy Queen. I planned the day ahead before even opening to my marked page. My plan was to: tan and read and eat and nap.

Sadly that's not what happened. I only read forty pages when the clouds took over the blue sky, turning it a depressing gray. Before the rain even had a chance to fall, I closed my boo, shook out my towel, threw a sundress on, and packed my bag returning back to the hotel minutes later.

Brenton was in the room when I walked in. He had a towel wrapped around his waist, his top was shirtless but dripping water; he just got out of the shower.

"Hey," I said. "How was your day?" I asked hugging his waist, I looked up at him, ignoring the bruises on his cheek and eye.

"Fun for me," then he paused and chuckled. "It wouldn't be so much for you." He pulled away and replaced his towel for a pair of basketball shorts. He sat on the bed and I followed, he pulled me so that I straddled his lap.

"Tell me about it." Brenton was clearly shocked, he wasn't expecting my interest. He placed his hands on the back of my thighs and pulled me closer so that I was flush against his chest, I had to grab his shoulders so that I wouldn't fall. "Tell me." I said again, this time his kissed my lips softly and then nodded.

"Well, Brian told me about this small gang-it's kind of a Wayside rip off-whose trying to copy and sell our products. I went to the address and found everything to remake it, along with batches of it. Bullets came out of nowhere and it was four against one. I then got our product and for shot and giggles I took some diamonds and jewelry I found laying around. I dropped the product off, don't worry it's not here."

"Did you get hurt?" I took one of his hands off my thigh and studied his knuckles. They were busted so I kissed each one before kissing his bruised jaw. At least he wasn't shot, I kept reminding myself.

"A guy moved before I could land my fist, I ended up punching the shit out of a brick wall." I laughed at the thought and looked up at him again. His green eyes were shining, a shade similar to Avocado.

"Well," I smiled innocently at him. "I got this new bikini. Want to see?" Brenton kissed my lips and I push him back against the bed, I slid up from his thighs to his waist, placing my hands firmly on his chest.

"I'd love to, Princess."

I took Brenton's hands from beside him and placed his fingertips on the hem of my shirt, he smiled and removed it, throwing it on the floor.

"Do you like?" I moved around some, mostly to tease him but also to show him the black bikini.

"I defiantly do and im sure that every guy at the beach did too, my Love." He said.

"I didn't even notice, I was waiting for you to come home, baby." Brenton groaned and pulled my down to him. His lips brutally met mine for a second before his phone rings and he answered it.

"What?" He snaps. The person on the other end says something and I swear Brenton pales some before he looks at me. He grabbed my hand tightly and then sat up, he grabbed me with one arm wrapped around my waist and sat me on the mattress. "Okay, be safe. I will."

"Leah, I love you." He said and stood up, he pulled me with him. "I need you to do something, okay?" I nodded. He grabbed a hat box off the top of the closet and then a small bag, inside I saw a ton of diamonds on necklaces, bracelets, and rings. "Put all of this on, then a robe. Grab a book and sit on the balcony, okay?"

I didn't have to know what Brenton's plan was. I went along with it. I didn't know what was going on, I didn't have to. I just placed three diamond necklaces on with seven matching bracelets, and a ring on each finger. "Here," Brenton helped me slip into a white hotel robe, then he passed me a random book I brought with us. "Im sorry." He leaned down and kissed me softly before leading me to the balcony where I sat until I heard the door open.

My heart sank. It was the police, one man said. I couldn't look, that'd be too obvious.

"We need everyone to clear the room, sir." An officer with a deep voice said.

"Where's the warrant for that, officer?" There was venom to Brenton's words, then I heard him sit on the bed. I wonder if he was calm on the inside? I hear cops searching through out the room, too many footsteps doing to many things. There were doors being slammed and I could hear our luggage being sifted through.

I took a deep breath. If I get caught out here, it'll look suspicious. Or, perhaps I was scared that the cops would find something against Brenton and arrest him and I wouldnt be there. The adrenaline was too much.

I stood up from the safety of my chair and looked around, there was a hot tub on the balcony. I slid the door open and peeked only half my body inside-making sure the sleeves of my robe was covering my knuckles. "Sir, you promised me a trip to the hot tub." I purred looking at Brenton. I put my acting skills to the test.

Brenton looked angered but covered it up. He thought I was risking everything, but in reality I was saving our asses. Hopefully.

I pretend to have just now noticed the several officers clouding our room. "Oh, wow. Pardon me. How truly rude of myself? My Momma always told me to respect them lawful men and I cant even introduce myself." I could almost laugh at my performance but multiple of the men looked astonished and lolled by me. "Im Ana."

"Well," the officer cleared his throat and looked at me in approval. "We need to conduct a final search then we'll be on our way, ma'am."

"Oh a search?" I didn't know what was going on with my accent, it was an English and an Australian one. "How silly, did you check the box hat on the top shelf? You might as well make sure this room is spick and span before you leave." It sounded more to the cops that I was making fun of their little search party, I was, but poor Ana was just trying to be helpful.

"Ma'am, we don't need a guide to do a search, we've done plenty." I nodded my head with an admirable smile. I tightened my robe, making sure the silk hugged my frame before prancing over to Brenton, I sat on his lap. Brenton tightened his grip around my waist and held me there like he was afraid he was going to lose me, perhaps he was. But, I couldn't think like that. The men would be gone in no time.

Minutes past before the men said goodbye and left. There wouldn't be another search, one assured me quietly. After the door was locked I turned and smiled at Brenton. I took off the jewelry and placed it in the box hat. "Why-"

"They cant search what's on the body of the people who live in the house or in our case room, with the warrant they have. They showed the warrant to the front desk manager and when they told them the room Tony and Sam over heard." He said. "I knew they wouldn't search you, Leah."

I sat on his lap and gripped his hair firmly in my hands. "I told you i'd make a good extinction to Wayside." I pecked his lips but he pulled away and said a firm No. "I don't need your blessing, brenton."

He flipped us over so that he was straddling my waist this time, holding me in place. I couldn't help but smirk knowing that I was getting under his skin. "All that I have to do is get Brian's vote." I said.

"I swear to you, Leah, don't." He growled in my ear. I shivered.

"I mean, Brian and everyone else seem to enjoy my company. They should all be easily persuaded to vote in my favor. I wasn't joking around and neither was he. We've had this conversation too many times.

"To hell with it." He snapped. "Do whatever you like leah." Brenton got off me and the bed, then he went to the door and left, slamming it shut behind him.

Vi's Pov-

"Did you want to have kids?" I asked Carson.

"No, not really." She looked ashamed. "Well, I mean yes, I did at some point. But, not at eighteen, it's scary." I nodded my head. Im twenty and the thought of having kids scares me some.

"How is Cason about it?" I sipped my tea and scooted back on the bed, I sat indian style, just like Carson did in front of me.

"He was fucking happy. I don't understand. Like, I expected him to be mad or something. Not ecstatic." She rolled her eyes. "I mean, you were there! He was so happy."

"Is that a bad thing?"

"I think it worries me." She said. She kept biting her lip, debating what to say and what not to say.

"Why?" I really sounded like a therapist right now, but I knew this is what she needed. She hadnt really had authority asking her these questions just yet.

"He's super excited, so was he possibly wanting kids now?" Carson laid back and covered her hands over her face, she laughed some.

"What does he want?" I asked.

"He wants a family. He wants to live in the city and take the kids to the park everyday. He wants to have a dog named Rufus and a cat named Sméagol." I laughed at the Lord of The Rings reference. "He doesn't change his mind either, he knows what he wants."

"What do you want?"

"I want to make sure that im happy before I try and make sure someone else is happy. I want to be able to take care of myself before I have to take care of someone else. I mean, I forget to feed myself sometime! Imagine if I forget to feed the baby?" She sat up and looked panicked, she was touching her stomach.

"What about Rufus and Sméagol?" I asked.

She laughed before saying, "That'd be cool, living in the city but we need to be able to support ourselves before we make any decisions like that." I nodded.

"That's a good way to think."

"My mom has always drilled in the whole 'do not have children before youre an adult' and 'if you have kids at a young age I will not be the support system' lessons." Carson said. "Ever since I showed an interest in boys she always would tell me that if I became a teen mom she's make me abort the baby."

"That's your decision, Cars." I told her.

"What aren't you telling me, Viv?" She glared at me this time.

"My mom and dad forced me into aborting a child before. I was seventeen." Carson looked shocked. "My boyfriend of three years died, I met him in middle school and we dated all throughout of high school years. Then he got in a wreck and died. I was devastated and when I found out I was pregnant I wanted to keep it. The baby would be the only thing I had left of his. But they threatened me out of the house until I 'got rid of it'."

"That's awful." Carson whispered.

"People ask me why I've become very straight forward and bitchy. Maybe if I was straight forward with him and told him I was pregnant he would have stayed at my house a little while longer and avoided the wreck." I pushed as many thoughts of James out of my head and smiled at Carson. "Have you guys thought of baby names yet?"

"If it's a girl, Stacy and if its a boy, Phoenix." Carson smiled at the thought and traced her stomach some more even thought there wasn't a bump yet.

"Ha, you'll be Stacy's mom!" I busted out laughing and once she got the joke, she joined it.

"Whoa, sounds like dying hyenas in here." Cason said and I smiled when him and Ashton walked inside the hotel room. Then I got a bad feeling.

"You didn't corrupt sweet Cason, did you?" Ashton rolled his eyes and kissed me.

"No. He's still as pure as a dairy farmer." Ashton's voice was deep and it always did things to me. He gripped underneath my jaw and made me face him, my heart beated faster. "Why're you blushing?"

"Um," I didn't know what to say so I just kissed him instead.

"What were you guys doing?" Cason asked. Ashton lifted me off the bed and sat me on his lap instead.

"Talking babies and stuff like that." Carson said. Cason smiled big and kissed her cheek softly. He was really happy about the baby, it was sweet. "Do you ever want kids, Vi?" Carson asked me. I knew what she was doing and I hated it. I wanted no part of this.

"I mean, sure. One day." I looked over at Ashton, his eye brows were raised and he was studying my face. "I mean, if you wanted to . . ."

"I'm sort of old school." He chuckled and smiled. "I want marriage first." My heart dropped to the floor. I tried pulling air into my lungs but they went on a smoke break, no longer doing their job. "So, what do you say . . . ?"

"Did you just ask me to marry you?" I blurted. I scooted off his lap, expecting him to burst out laughing at his joke but his face stayed serious. I pushed myself back towards the headboard but he grabbed my ankle, pulling me so that I was laying down. He didn't care about Carson or Cason, he climbed over top of me.

Ashton kissed my pulse and then my jaw; my cheek; my chin; my lips. I was breathless from everything that was going on, him kissing me didn't help. "In some way, I guess I did."

leah's pov

"No, no." I pushed Brenton away from me. He walked into the hotel room completely drunk. He wasn't going to touch me, not when he was drunk. He reached for me but I pushed him away again.

"Baby," his voice was soft. "I want to hold you." I shook my head. I didn't trust drunk guys. He knew that better than anyone.

"Go lay down, Bren." I pointed to the bed. He looked where I pointed and then at me.

He shook his head and said, "you aren't there." His voice broke and I looked away. "Come here, please?"

"No." I said. I was firm enough, he should know I meant it but he kept begging.

"Leah, pretty please?" I smiled softly. "I miss you."

"Lay down." I said again. "I lay down in a few." He watched me before nodding his head and taking his drunkness to the shared bed.

I sat outside on the patio for a little bit reading a book until I read two chapters. When I walked back inside, I could hear the familiar sound of brentons snores. I took off my socks and laid beside him. "Thank you." I didn't mean to wake him.

Brenton wrapped his arm around my waist and hugged up to me. "Brian let me join."

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