It has to be you// Kiribaku

By TododekuisOTP

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(P.S this is not a collection of one shots. Its a full story. Thank you and goodbye) Bakugou didn't know wh... More

🎵If you were gay, that would be okay🎵
Flower Crowns and Parades
Fluffy Friend and Rainbows
Mountain Hiking
A pocky a day
Visit to the Kirishima's
Love and birthday cake
Chapter 15: Winter Wonderland


5.8K 242 692
By TododekuisOTP

(Hello, technical issues didn't allow me to say hi last chapter so sup. As you can tell, this is my first Kiribaku fanfic. Kiribaku is literally the my favorite ship ever, next to Tododeku of course. This story concept has been in my head for quite a long time and now I finally have the courage to put it online. This is very long, lol bye.)


"I think he is too."

That single freaking sentence has been swirling around in Kirishima's mind since that day. What the heck did Denki mean? Is he suggesting that Bakugou likes me back? But that couldn't be right, could it?

"Aargh!" he yells, hiding his face in his hands. I think it's time he tells the rest of the group about his frustrations.


"....and that's it, I like Bakugou." he finishes immediately hiding his burning face in his hands. There are a few moments of absolute silence until everyone in the room bursts into whoops and cheers.

Kirishima looks up at all the smiling faces in front of him. Mina is literally dying (#fuckingsame) Sero sighs and hands Denki a couple bills who smirks and counts the money. Of course those two bet on that sort of thing.

"I knew it! I knew it all along! "Yells Mina bouncing up and down on my bed. Kiri looks up at her.

"How did you know?"

Mina rolls her eyes "Isn't it obvious? I don't think I have ever seen anyone make you look happier than he does. Your eyes are always shining whenever he's near and you are always so happy. It wasn't very hard to tell." At that comment Kirishima starts to freak out. Was he really that obvious? And if so does Bakugou already know?

"But don't worry, he doesn't know." reassures Jirou who is currently sitting on Denki's lap.

Kirishima sighs in relief.

"And I am sure he likes you back," comments Denki wrapping his arms lightly around Jirou's waist.

"Okay but how can you tell?"

"Well, he treats you differently compared to everyone else. And he definitely is calmer when you're around. He also seems to smile more as well-Well as close as he can get to a smile anyway. Not only that but he also listens to you." Everyone nods in agreement and Kirishima screams internally (#permanentmood)

"It seems as if you are both oblivious." giggles Mina wrapping her arms around his torso, hugging him tightly. Kirishima shakes his head and sighs rather dejectedly, he places his chin in her candyfloss hair.

"I think you guys have got it all wrong, he considers me as a friend and nothing else."

"Dude stop being in denial, you're the only one who he considers as his equal, that bro has respect for you!" yells Sero and everyone shouts words of encouragement.

"So are you going to confess?" asks Mina unravelling her arms from her around him, her pink head tilted to the side. Confess? That has never really occurred to Kirishima. He likes Bakugou sure, but what if Bakugou doesn't like guys that way? Kirishima groans loudly and shoves his face into his pillow.

"He's gonna reject me for sure, I don't even know if he likes guys like that. And I really don't want to ruin our friendship." he moans voicing the words that have been swirling in his head for a while, his voice muffled by the pillow.

Jirou laughs "Bud he is super gay." she says through chuckles. At that Kirishima bolts up.

At his questioning look Jirou smiles,

"I mean I can kinda tell, being bi means I have like some "gaydar" or something." she says to which Denki bursts into laughter.

"I'm not gay and I can tell you that guy is as straight as slinky." Kiri gapes at him horrified.

"I don't think we need to go around assuming things like that but we can all agree he isn't straight," comments Mina to which Kirishima silently thanks her for.

"However the concept of losing the whole friendship thing is difficult." she hums rubbing her chin, her pink forehead creased in concentration. Murmurs of agreement follow. Kirishima is starting to feel quite faint from all the thoughts in his brain. Jirou eyes light up and she sits up straighter.

"I think you should just give it more time, spend more time with him and make your bond stronger. And when the time is right you tell him. At that point your friendship should be strong enough that hopefully it won't be as awkward." That is a good suggestion but when the fuck is the right time? Kirishima nods before Mina decides to speak up again.

"I have an idea on how we can confirm his sexuality." she announces causing everyone to turn her way. She smiles somewhat evilly, her golden eyes shining.

"Next month is pride month." she announces beaming. Everyone in the room starts to talk excitedly at the mention of pride. And so after that comment they all decide to go together to the festival next month and invite Bakugou along. All the while Kirishima sits and regrets his decision of ever opening his mouth.


The weekend wizzes by and now Kirishima stands in the doorway of the change rooms, riled up and ready to do some hero training. In the room people are already changing into their hero costumes.

Lugging his little briefcase along Kirishima picks a locker next to Bakugou's. The blond has already got his black pants and chunky combat boots on, his chest is left bare however and Kirishima can't help but to admire. Secretly he is extremely jealous at how freaking ripped Bakugou is. Even though he isn't far off himself.

"Hey Blasty, excited for hero training today?" he asks unbuttoning his school shirt.

"Tch, if you mean I am excited to kick all of your asses then yeah, I'm fucking excited." he replies.

Kiri smiles at the comment as he pulls on the large red cogs (I don't know what those are. Wtf are those things?) up his arms.

He watches as Bakugou straps on the knee pads and throws the singlet looking top over his torso. He then pulls out a little black stick thing. He pops off the lid and Kirishima notices that it's eyeliner.

Extracting a little mirror Bakugou attempts to do the eyeliner on one of his eyes. Kirishima has to admit that he is kinda failing at it. Before he can control his fucking mouth the words tumble out.

"Want me to help ya out with that?"

Bakugou's deep red eyes snap to the side eyeing Kirishima. It's a long minute till he sighs and nods. He straightens up and holds his hand out, eyeliner in hand. Kirishima's heart starts to pound uncontrollably. He swallows and can swear his face is turning red. What the fuck did he just sign up for?

He carefully grabs the eyeliner as Bakugou turns to face him. Hand slightly shaking, Kirishima leans forward. Their faces now a few inches apart. (two bros sitting in the change rooms 1 inch apart cause they are gay) He carefully starts to draw a straight line across Bakugou's eyelid. He swallows thickly,

"Do you want a wing? What is this for anyway?" he asks

"It's to fill up the places where the mask doesn't cover," mutters Bakugou much too softly "and yes a slight wing." he adds.

Kirishima needs more control with the pencil so with his other hand he gently holds Bakugou's chin. The immediate connection causes his stomach to flutter and flop inside his belly. Bakugou's eyes flinch at the sudden contact.

Rather quickly he finishes the other eye and pulls away his finger leaving Bakugou's chin. And without his consent both of his own hands reach out and cup Bakugou's face. He immediately tries to cover it up by tilting the boys head side to side as if he's checking the evenness of the wings. Either he was imagining it or not he could almost swear that the blonde's cheeks turned a satisfying pink.

"Welp, there you go, hope that works." he says quickly pulling away and turning back towards his locker avoiding any sort of eye contact. Bakugou mumbles a thank you before going back to his costume.

Later on Kirishima also helps Bakugou with putting on the second gauntlet. And once they were both done they head off together to the destination of the training grounds.

(So this was short welp and the next is shorter. I mean this one is 1343 words so hope that's enough. I just noticed that this chapter is all in Kirishima's point of view soo...Plus chapter 4 is probs my fave.)

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