Weak Link- Voltron Legendary...

By FantasyProductions19

1.4K 33 6

During an update in the Castle's defenses, something goes wrong and the team blacks out, only to wake up to t... More

Chapter 1- Blackout
Chapter 2- Lost
Author's Note (and profound apology)
Chapter 3- Forgetfulness
Chapter 5- Suspicion
Author's Note

Chapter 4- Progress

151 2 1
By FantasyProductions19

See end of chapter for notes

Chapter 4: Progress

"How's it going on the control panel, Coran?"
"Very slow." Hunk made his way over to the Altean, wiping his hands on a rag.
"The main power grid is all fixed. The lights should be working now, but for some reason, nothing's turning on... I may need to rewire a few things..."
"I'm not having that much luck with this panel. I've tried fixing as many things as I can, but the space inside is so tiny! I'm going to continue to repair what I can, and than I'll have to find some kind of tool to reach all the way inside." Hunk nodded, walking towards the bridge door.
"I'm going to go get something to drink. You should take a short break, we've been working on this for over five hours straight."

Coran stood up from his position on the floor and stretched, cracking his knuckles.
"Very well than, but we shouldn't wait around for too long. We're sitting ducks!"
"Don't worry! I'll be back in a-" The lights suddenly came to life, illuminating the bridge. The glowing purple aura, however, remained.
"Looks like you did fix the power grid, Hunk." The Yellow Paladin shook his head, looking around wearily.
"Um... but, the lights should have turned on a while ago if I had gotten them working... why did they only just turn on?"
"I'm not sure... but it doesn't matter. They're on!"

"Light's are on, Allura."
"Good work, Keith." Keith shut the control box in front of him, letting out a sigh. He didn't want to see another wire again for a very long time. None of the wires were color coded, and it took every ounce of patience he had to find and replace the many grey conduits. More than once, he felt like taking his bayard and just slicing the whole box in two. But if he did that, the chances of finding and helping Shiro and the others diminished.

He, Allura and Pidge all had a part to play. This was his at the moment. He would have much rather been out kicking Galra butt, and doing something with more action, but that wasn't an option. He stood, brushing his hands off on his black jeans. Now that the lights and main power was back on, all that was left to do was fix the control panel on the bridge so they Allura could fly the ship. Pidge, who was currently trying to fix it, would no doubt need some help, and Keith decided to lend a hand.

He turned to head out the door, and gasped, falling to his knees, one hand clutching his right side. It had been hurting since he had woken up on the bridge, but it had been a dull pain, one he could ignore. This however, was a different sensation; and a much more painful one at that. He winced, and raised his shirt to examine the cause, and gaped in horror as he caught sight of his side. A large cut, running up eight inches from his lower abdomen. Except it wasn't a cut: more of a dark line, and the area around it had turned a light purple. Keith swallowed hard.
"What on earth..." he carefully touched the mark, teeth clenched. It wasn't bleeding... but good grief, it hurt!
"Keith, are you still there? I need you to head up to the bridge. Pidge needs a hand." He'd have to take care of this later. He pulled his shirt back down, adjusted his jacket, and made his way slowly down the hall and up the stairs, his side aching all the way.

"Doctor!"Shiro stiffened, and turned, a small frown forming on his face.
"Professor Honerva, can I help you?" A petite woman in a dark shirt, black slacks and white lab coat approached him, a clip board in hand.
"I ran those tests like you asked me to. It appears the condition of your patient has worsened exponentially over the past couple weeks." She stared at him, her violet eyes boring into his grey ones. "I don't think he has a lot of time left." Shiro raised one eyebrow.
"I'll be the judge of that, thank you very much. The report?" She handed him the clip board, and he turned to leave.
"Oh, doctor!"He stopped.
"How did he do with the new medicine?"
"Glad to hear it."Shiro turned and watched as the woman smiled, and walked casually down the hall, her lab coat swaying behind her.

"Lance. Lance wake up! You're going to be late!" Lance started, sitting up in bed. He blinked, looking around blearily. He caught sight of a calendar on the far wall of the room, and his eyes snapped open completely. Suddenly very awake, he tore aside the bed-sheets, and leapt out of bed. In less than a fifteen minutes, he had showered, dressed and eaten a hasty breakfast.
He was tidying up his room and making some final adjustments to the contents of his duffel bag, when there was a knock at the door. He turned, a smile spreading across his face.
"Yes, Mama?"The petite women brushed a strand of hair out of her face, her blue eyes shining, her lips pursed.
"You almost ready? You have about half an hour before the bus comes by." She folded a t-shirt on his bed and placed it in the duffel back. "Just make sure you don't forget anything, because I'm not shipping the things you leave behind." She turned to walk out of the room, and Lance caught hold of her hand, stopping her.
"Mama, what's wrong? Are you upset at me?"She didn't answer, but simply turned and looked at him. She was a small woman, shorter than Lance, and she had to tilt her head back to look him in the eyes. As she did, a small tear rolled down her cheek, and Lance brushed it away with a thumb, wrapping his long arms around her. She buried her face in his jacket, sobbing.
"I'll be back." he said, gently stroking her hair. "And I'll make sure to call you on the weekends." She nodded, still clinging to her son.
"I know... but... I'll miss you." He smiled, tears forming in his own eyes.
"I'll miss you too, Mama."
"Just don't go flying off into space without telling me, okay?" He nodded, managing a week laugh."And when you do, make sure to keep your promise." He blinked.
"What?" His mother laughed, looking up at him, wiping away her tears.
"When you were a little boy, you told me you wanted to be an astronaut. I told you that you could be whatever you wanted if you put your mind to it. So, from than on, you were set on journeying through the cosmos. One day, you came up to me and said 'Mama, when I grow up, I'm going to fly a ship into space, and I'm going to bring you back a star.'" She smiled, putting a hand on Lance's cheek, as he smiled at the memory.
"That's right, I remember now... and you made me promise."
"I did."
"Then," Lance looked her in the eye, smiling. "I promise, I'll bring you back a star."


You know the chapter title? Well, I haven't made any of it- progress, that is. -_- I can't guarantee when I'll upload the next chapter, but I'll certainly do my best! XD 

Maybe then we'll find out what's up with the ship..... ;)

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