Together (Sequel to Smile)

By johnnysasia

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After confessing to Kitagawa Johnny, Shori Sato starts to date Kanzawa Aya with no shame or secrets. Everyone... More

Together (Sequel to Smile)
Birthday Crash
Cracks or a Mission?
Plan In Action
New Phases: Dangerous?
Late night Tokyo
Prison Doors
Happy Ending


35 0 0
By johnnysasia

Shori's POV

The next morning, I woke up at 9:30 am. I looked around my room, remembering Aya's screams and cries on the phone on how scared she was and she wanted me to help her. It made me so sad, how I couldn't stay with her and comfort her. It was killing me.

Fuma was asleep on the chair with Sou in the other. Marius was asleep on the floor with a pillow and blanket. Kento wasn't present. I sat up in bed and looked at my arm. The doctor came in earlier and stitched up my wound and put a bandage on it. My head was wrapped in a wrap around bandage.

My head and arm was pounding. How could I see Aya today with pains in my arm and head? I heard the door open all of a sudden and Kento came in. He had a breakfast tray in his hand.

He put it in front of me and sat at the edge of the bed. I devoured the toast and eggs and downed the orange juice. was really hungry, but now I felt like throwing up.

"Kento, can I ask you for a favor? It's really important." I started. I needed to see Aya. It was killing me knowing that she wasn't safe in prison.

"This is about Aya, isn't it?" He smirked at me. I nodded and sat up straighter. "Can you take me to the prison so I can see her." I didn't ask it. I told him it like a statement. Kento just looked at me like I was crazy, but in a way, I guess I was.

"I don't know Shori. Your still adjusting to the treatment they are giving you. I don't know if I should let you."

I'm taken back by how serious he's being. He's usually the fun guy who used to get in trouble a lot. Now he's acting like an adult or like my father. Ugh, my father. That's another story, so I won't tell you about it.

Back to reality, I looked at him. "Kento, please! I need to see Aya. Yesterday, on the phone, she was crying and she kept yelling at me to help her. It made me so upset for her, I need to see if she's okay."

Kento sighed. "Shori, I need to ask the doctor. But, I'm pretty sure you may be able to if your careful." I look at him and push the red button by my bed. Its the call button for the doctors or nurse.

The lady who gave me the medication, Lila came in and smiled at me. "Ohayou, Sato-san, how are you feeling?" she asks perkily. I smile as best as I can. "Great, now can I go visit someone at the jail?" I get straight to the point. The nurse just looks at me. "W-What?" She asks.

"I need to go to the jail to see my girlfriend who's innocent." I explained. "I mean, I can go right?"

The nurse looks uncertain. "I don't know, Sir. You are still needing the treatment, so we may have to keep you here."

I shake my head. "No, you don't understand, I NEED to see her. She's alone and scared and..." I rambled, but the nurse put her hand on my shoulder. "Sir, I will talk to the doctor and medical staff and we'll let you know by noon.''

"NOON?! No, no no no no no no! I need to go ASAP!" I yelled at her grabbing her shirt collar and pulling her to me. "I NEED TO SEE HER ASAP!" I said again.

The nurse looked at Kento and motioned for help. Kento ran over and gently eased my fists off her shirt. "I'm sorry about him. We got into some crazy things in Tokyo. His girlfriend is the most important thing to him, and she got arrested for a crime she didn't commit. And he got shot." He points to me.

I nod smiling. The nurse looks at me sympathetically. "Oh, that's terrible. I'll talk to the doctor as soon as I leave." She smiled at us and left the room really fast.

Fuma and the other two wake up, looking around. "What just happened?" Sou asks, yawning. Kento grabs him and rubs his fist into his hair. "Kento STOP IT!" Sou pleads and Kento laughs.

I sit back in bed and turn on the TV. The news comes on, which is the only thing on.

Sexy Zone's picture is on the tiny square behind the anchorwoman. She stares at the camera, seriously. "Manaya Ichika here with breaking news from the music industry. Sexy Zone has been missing for a long time without attending any shows or TV music festivals. Is their musical career over?"

I gasp and collapse in bed. I turn off the TV and groan. Life as a celebrity is not a walk in the park. I needed to see Aya.

Aya's POV

The next morning at 9:30 was when Yuki woke up. I still was sitting in the corner rocking. My eyes were red and I had black circle under my eyes.

"Wow. What happened to you?" Yuki asks me, sitting up in bed. I shake my head and sighed. "I couldn't sleep. I can't sleep on the top bunk and you were asleep on the bottom one. I have a fear of the top bunk."

Yuki smirks. "Oh! Sad." I just look at her. "What are you in here for?" I ask her, attempting to be on her good side. "I robbed a bank and killed the owner." She says laughing at the memory. I just stare at her. "Okay."

"What about you, girl? What did you do?" She asks, going to the sink. She splashes water on her face.

"I was arrested for.... nothing! The lady who runs this jail is a stalker's aunt! So I was just "stealing" my boyfriend away from her and..."

"Okay." Yuki says.

"Alright, people lets get rock organizing!" Kayo's aunt yells through the jail. I shake my head and stand following Yuki out of the cell and into some courtyard. There were giant boulders, some in giant blocks, others in tiny parts. I gulped. We all lined up in a line and got our axes and went up to separate parts of the yard. I stood next Yuki.

She started chopping the stones with all her might. I copied and lifted the axe above my head and slammed it on the rocks. It bounced off the stone and landed on the ground next to me. I sighed. This would take a long time.

Shori's POV

It was noon when the doctor came in. He was accompanied by the nurse and a shot. I tensed up. I hated shots, especially the long ones. I gulped and grabbed Marius's hand. I squeezed it.

The doctor came towards me and patted my shoulder. "It's okay, Sir we're not going to hurt you. I did talk to the specialists and they said they think it's appropriate for you to visit someone. But this shot is filled with the medicine you need for it."

I gulped and nodded. I squeezed Marius's hand for support and the doctor put the needle in my arm. He pushed down the hypodermic and all the medicine came flowing into my body. It hurt and my eyes sort of watered, but it was worth it if I got to see Aya.

"Your done! Now, you better hurry. The prison's visiting time should be starting now." The doctor winked and rushed out with the nurse behind him. I sat up and looked at my band mates. "Well? Any one not lazy can drive me!" I say as a hint. Fuma gets it and jumps up, grabbing the van keys.

I stand up and walk to the doors, Fuma behind me. I can still walk, it doesn't hurt. My head is getting better and my arm is also. We take the elevator to the bottom floor and before we could even step out, we hear a million screams and cries.

I groan. 'Not now.' I think when I see the scene. A lot of girls are in the hospital lobby. They wave their hands and wave towards us. "It's Shori!" One girl yells and the whole group yells and screams. I cover my ears and follow Fuma who is pushing past all the girls to the door. I feel hands on my torso and hand, but I continue to push away.

Once safe in the vehicle, Fuma pushes on the gas and drives away as fast as he could. I sit against the seats and look out the window. "We need to get a new van." I joke to Fuma and he laughs. "Don't tell that to me. Tell Master." I smile.

Aya's POV

I gasped for air, my lungs pumping for fresh air. We had been chopping stones for two hours and my head hurt. I wasn't used to the heavy weight of the axe or how hard you had to yank down to break it. Kayo's aunt blew her whistle and waved us all inside. I followed the line in and sighed as the prison air conditioning blew my face. I saw a lot of unfamiliar faces lined up behind glass and my heart beat faster this time with excitement.

I could see Shori today, if he could make it. I sighed and went to my cell with Yuki behind me. "Anou, do you want family visiting?" I asked her, trying to be friendly. She shook her head and rearranged her earrings.

"Nah . My family and sister stopped visiting years ago. I just keep getting caught doing crime. I'm okay with it, though." She laughed and I just cringed. Who could like getting in jail over and over again? I hate it after one day! I smile as best as I could and laughed. "Haha yeah, overrated.'' I agreed, even though I was lying.

Kayo's aunt opened our cell and waved me over. "Someone's here for you, Miss. It's boys." She rolled her eyes like she didn't enjoy men coming to visit at her jail. Maybe she wasn't married? Well, she was Kayo's aunt, so she must be a stalker also.

I nodded and breathed in and out as slow as I could but it was hard. I was really excited to see Shori and the rest of the boys. Even though they would be on the other side of glass from me, I could still see their faces. I followed Kayo's aunt out into the hall and into a room. It looked like an airport.

I looked around and saw many prisoners talking to their families or friends. I gulped and sat down at a chair. Kayo's aunt pointed to the chair in between two boards. I was guessing that it was for privacy. "Put the phone to your ear and talk. That is how they will hear you." She nodded and left me.

I did as told and looked across from me. I didn't see anybody there. Just an empty chair. I started to get nervous. What if they couldn't make it? What if something happened to Shori and he had to stay at the hospital? What if he passed away?! I tapped the tabletop nervously and gulped.

Just then, I heard footsteps and talking. I sat up and looked ahead of me. Shori, and Fuma walked in front of the glass and I sighed with relief. They made it. But where were the others? I smiled at Shori who picked up the phone. "Hey, star girl."

"Hi." I smiled wider. I was so happy. Fuma smiled at us. "Aya, we'll bail you soon, alright? Hang in there." He promised and I nodded. "I'm so scared in here, guys. What do I do?"

Shori looked at me seriously. He didn't say anything. "Don't worry, Aya. We'll be here to bail you soon.'' Fuma repeated and I nodded again.

"Shori, say something.'' I pleaded and he snapped out of his gaze. "Oh! Sorry! I miss you, babe." He told me. I smiled. "Miss you too." I said.

Shori groaned. "Man, it SUCKS that I can't touch your hand, or hug you!" I laughed. Just then, a squeal ensued. I held the phone away from my ear and cringed at the noise. "Shori, what are you doing here?" I gasped at the scene.

Kayo appeared behind Shori and hugged him from behind. Shori flinched and shimmied out of Kayo's grip. Fuma rolled his eyes. I grit my teeth. Her aunt came behind me next.

"Ah, so your still trying to take my little girl's man, huh?" She sneered and I stared at her. "I-I," I started but Shori already was talking. "No, Kayo shot me! I, broke up with her." He said and I smile nodded. She gasped.

"Kayo, is this true?" Kayo's aunt thundered. Nearby prisoners stopped to glare at us. "Aunty, please! I was aiming for the girl, and he jumped in the way." Kayo protested. Shori shook his head. "No way, miss. I was just standing there and she shot me for no reason!" I smiled at him and blew him a kiss. He smiled back.

Kayo shook her head. "That's a lie!" She yelled. I hung up the phone. "She also got our charges for bail wrong!" Fuma pipes up. "She cost us our lives by almost shooting all of us!"

Kayo's aunt was fuming. "Kayo Nakayama. You are under arrest, young lady. Having a gun without a license is highly illegal." she stormed to Shori's side and she grabbed Kayo's wrists. Shori and Fuma high fived.

After getting Kayo into my old cell, her aunt came around to me. "I'm sorry for the inconvenience, ma'am. You are free to go." I gasped and looked at Shori. He smiled widely at me and Fuma gave me the thumbs up.

"Arigato, miss." I follow her to the locker room so that I could change out of my orange jumpsuit. She handed me my old set of clothes (that were washed thankfully) and I changed. The T-Shirt and jeans felt good.

I walked out of the cells and into the lobby. There, Shori and Fuma were waiting for me. I ran to Shori and collapsed into his arms, smiling.

He held me tight for maybe a couple minutes, until Fuma cleared his throat. "Hello? The person with your bail money is still waiting for his hug!"

I laughed and hugged Fuma next, but not as hard. I loved how he acted like the big brother that I never had. It made me more comfortable with the group.

"Come on, girl." Shori whispered in my ear. "Lets get you home."

---------- At the hospital -----------

"Aya!" The other three members yelled, running toward us. They engulfed me in hugs, which felt good.

"How are you all?" I asked them, not looking at Kento. I was still a little mad at him for letting me get arrested. I still looked at the other two boys, and they were smiling. "We're good, Aya! What about you?" Sou asked, crinkling his eye brows together.

"I'm doing okay." I told them. "Lets go home!" Marius said, and we all nodded, piling into the Sexy Van (that's what they called their van now.) I sat next to Shori, sighing as I sat. I was tired, since I hadn't gotten any sleep the night before. I put my head on Shori's shoulder and closed my eyes.

He put his arm around my waist and held me close. "Tired, Aye?" He asked me. I nodded and sighed again. "I didn't sleep. You know that." He nodded and put his head on top of mine. I yawned.

Before I knew it, I had fallen asleep, and in love with Shori.


A/N: Shori's so sweet. I wish I had a boy like that (^ ^) I think the next chapter is going to be the last.

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