Mha Villains Dating Scenarios

By Detective_Annette

27.3K 412 312

Bunch of different scenarios of you dating date the different villains of My hero academia. literally my fir... More

What they think of you

When You First Meet

16.6K 199 172
By Detective_Annette

Yaaay my first story, OoPs. Its not the best but oh well.

     Tomura Shigaraki

   You worked at a videogame shop in a mall. It wasn't anything special, quite normal. You were sitting behind the front desk scribbling on a piece of paper, only a few people were in shop checking out the games. A man walked in, he different aurea coming from him, it wasn't anything bad though. He wore a black hoodie with the hood up, his long blueish hair covered his face and his hands were in his pocket.
     He walked up to the desk, "Do you guys have any of those new controllers? I broke mine..." He scratched his neck. "Oh, yea. Hold on," you reached over and picked up a new controller and put it on the desk in front of him. "How'd you break your old controller?" You asked curiously. The man tensed, "Oh, quirk ruined it..." He scratched his name again. "Oh! Well, be careful with this one," you chuckled and put it in  a bag.
    He puts the money on the counter and took the bag. "What's your name?" he asked suddenly after you finished typing away at the cash register. "Oh," you perked up, "I'm (y/n) (l/n), how about yours?" You smiled widely. "It's Tomura Shigaraki..." He said quietly scratching his neck again. "So obviously you like videogames, what types have you been playing recently?" You asked leaning against the counter.
    Tomura looked at you almost surprised, "Oh, uh, nothing special. Just a few RPGs and such like that," he replied. "Ooo! RPGs are pretty fun, I'm more into horror games myself though." You clapped your hands together giddily. "I actually think we have a wall back there for RPG games if you'd like to go and take a look. I'm also sure we're getting a whole truck load of new games here in two days." You ranted slightly, interested by the stranger, "If you'd like, I could take you to see some of the new ones before they're shelved?" You offered quietly, leaning over towards the male.
     "I'll have to think about it," Tomura said again after a pause, you clapped and and sat back down. "Perfect!" You exclaimed happily before noticing Tomura walking away towards the exit of the shop. "I'll see you in two days then, maybe," the man said before exiting the shop.

(Thanks to my lil brother for the idea, lmao)
    You worked at HotTopic, which is always fun. You got half off on shit, too many buttons on your vest and met some kick-ass people. Today was the same as always, you were stocking the shelves with the new stuff when someone got your attention. You turned around to a chest, a taller gentlemen standing now right in front of you. You looked up at him, he had black spiky hair, blue eyes and multiple piercings(?) But what was most interesting was his arms and lower face, they almost looked...burnt? "Yes? What can I help you with?" You asked, still analyzing his face.
     "Where do you guys keep your piercings? I'm having trouble finding them," he sighed out clearly he didn't want anyone seeing him in there. "Oh! Yea. They're over there in that corner. We're having a sale buy one, get one free, if you'd like," You smiled and pointed to the corner of what he was looking for. The man nodded and walked away to the corner. You turned around to finished stocking the shelves before going back towards the counter.
      You looked back towards the corner, he was looking at two little packages with different piercings, he was truly interesting. You had seen lots of people with mutant type quirks or scarring but you haven't seen anything like his, it was almost pretty. He also had very gorgeous blue eyes which you noticed as he caught you staring at him. You looked away bashfully, scratching the back of your neck outta embarrassment. After a few more minutes, The tall man walked over putting two clear packages with the shiny silver jewellery. Ringing him up and putting it in a little bag, telling him the price.
      He paid for it and taking the bag, "so your name is (l/n)?" The man rasped tilting his head slightly. You brought your hand to the name tag on your chest and smiled, "(y/n) (l/n), yea. How about yours?" You chirped. He hummed, "my name is Dabi," he simple said before starting for the door, "I'll see you around, (l/n)," was all he said afterwards and left. You watched him go, tilting your head slightly interested him before another customer came up to the to the counter to check out they're item.

Twice (Jin Bubaigawara)


    You were at the store, getting small snack items for the personal movie night you were gonna have with yourself. You had just gotten outta work, you were one of the very few women that worked under best jeanist. You're quirk was creation, except you could only make clothing. You helped a lot during natural disasters which is why you got noticed easily as a rescue hero. 
     You had just finished a week long job and were gonna do nothing but sit on the couch, shut yourself from the outside world, eat junkie food and binge movies and series. You walked down an aisle that already had a man there. He had blonde hair and dark bags under his eyes, he wore a green jacket, dark pants and white tank top. A huge scar on his forehead was an eye catcher.
     He seemed on edge, before he reached into his pocket aggressively searching for something. This startled you at first before you noticed he was breathing heavily and shaking as he threw his hands over his face. He started to make noises of distress before falling on his knees and yelling. You dropped all your things and ran beside him, "Shit sir! Hey, hey, you alright?!" You yelled to him as his panicked seemed to get worse. "I need...fuck...I need a mask! I' hurts!" He begged and yelled, one hand clawing at his face while the other did the same to your shirt.
     You reached over towards your arm as it glowed and pulled the mask like fabric from the glowing area. The man cried and yelled as you did so, you pulled the mask over his face. His screams ceased, but he continued to breath heavily still holding into you desperately. The clerk was now approving you, "everything alright here?" He asked, clearly shaken up. "Yea...yea... He just had a panic attack." You said quietly, your hand resting on the blonde's back. "Should I call the hospital-" "no!" The blonde exclaimed, "no, I'm fine. Sorry for disrupting you." He said standing up. The clerk nodded and walking back towards the check out. 
     You turned back to the blonde,"you alright?" You whispered towards him. "Yea...I'm okay now...thank you for helping me," he said, "my names Jin Bubaigawara..." You smiled at him, "I'm (y/n) (l/n)," you nodded at him before picking up all the things you dropped. "No problem, you were clearly in distress. I'm glad to have helped," you smiled "oh by the way-." Turning back to ask him something, you saw he was already out the door, leaving.

     Tonight was one of the rare accessions you could go out and enjoy yourself. You were forced into a quirk wedding with an abusive man and he didn't like letting you do anything. He was outta town for the night so you thought you could get away with going to a little bar. You wore a nice white sweater and red pants with black flats. You entered a little and super empty bar, obviously besides a bartender.
     You walked over and sat at the bar, "could I get a sake?" You whispered towards the mist man. He nodded and placed a clear glass in front of you, pouring the alcohol into it before going back to cleaning another glass. You sighed, closed eyes and sipped on the strong liquid. "Not a busy night?" You asked the mist man, looking up at him. "Well, its a Wednesday and yea its usually not to busy," he said and placed the clean glass on the shelf.
     You blushed and scratched the back of your head, "oh...yea, its the only night I'll be able to get out so...yea." You stuttered and laughed slightly. "Oh? Why is that?" He asked tilted his head. "Oh! get super busy with work and such." You made up a lame excuse as your husband's angry face popped in your mind. He seemed to buy it though. "So what's your name?" You asked him, "Kurogiri, and yours, dear?" He replied. "(Y/n)(l/n)," you smiled at him.
     You and Kurogiri talked for a while, you crack small jokes with him and just talk about small things. As you talked you noticed something drip down your chin and onto your chest. You were talking so much your busted lip cracked open and was now bleeding all over your white sweater. "Shit!" You hissed and cupped your hand under your chin to stop the blood. Kurogiri jumped slightly and leaned over the counter, he cupped your face with one hand and pushed the rag he was holding again your lip.
     "I'm so sorry, haha, I talked so much my lip split back open," you muffled, chuckling slightly. "Well, be more careful with it," he whispered. He held the towel to your lip and made sure it stopped bleeding before he pulled away and throw the towel in the sink. "Thank you," you said blushing slightly before looking at the clock, realizing how late of was getting. "Damn, well," you pulled out some money placing it on the counter before getting up, "it was nice meeting you again." You sighed before leaving.

Mr. Compress (Atsuhiro Sako)
    You were a performer, it was nothing special, you just played piano. But even though it wasn't much, can you believe what a couple of rich assholes will pay and tip you? Honesty too much or at least that's what you always thought.
     Tonight was almost the same as always, except they had more then just you preforming tonight. From what you heard, they had an magician coming to preform, 'how childish' you thought to yourself. The entertainer was gonna go before you, which angered you slightly because he could possible get all the tips before you go up. That is if he was good, which most aren't.
     You sat out in the crowd still wanting to watch and be respectful of the magician. A blue light shined from the stage and a man appeared upon the stage. He had a mask, a top hat (typical), a red vest and black dress pants. "Hello, ladies and gentlemen!" He called out, opening his arms widely in greeting. Everyone around clapped, and you smirked, he looked like he had some potential and not failing.
     He had an interesting performance, doing well. This bummed you slightly cuz he most like just got all your tips, hands down. "Now can we have a volunteer from the crowd!?" The entertainer called out, his eyes running over the people in the room. Peoples hands went up, "pick me, pick me" some would call out. "Ah! How about you, young lady?" His eyes landed on you and he held his hand out from the stage.
     You tried to protest but he had pulled you up onto the stage along side him, regulars laughed knowing that you practically worked here. "Now, young lady, what is your name?" He asked leaning into you, "(L/n)," you said simply. "Now Watch as I make Ms (l/n) here disappear!" He showed out towards the crowd before putting his hand on your back. Suddenly your vision was filled with bright blue before going completely black.
     The bright blue filled your vision before you were brought back to the bright life of the room again. You staggered and gripped onto the magician for support. "What was that?" You asked him amazed, if you could see his eyes he probably winked at you before turning back to the crowd. "Thank you, ladies and gentlemen, for coming to my show tonight! Next up will be the beautiful pianist, Ms. (Y/n)!" He announced you before he started off the stage.
     You walked over to the piano and getting ready to play the instrument, still in awe at that magic trick. You're gonna figure it out sooner or later.

Stain the hero killer (Chizome Akaguro)
     You were a vigilante hero. If you don't know what that is, to some it up, its an illegal hero. Except you don't get paid or anything positive from the government. You like to save people in the back alleys where you know most pro hero's wouldn't really bother to go patrol. Even though that's where most crime seems to happen for you. Anyway you wore a full black outfit, fingerless gloves, knee length combat boots and a motorcycle helmet to hide your identity.
     You were patrolling the back alleys like always, listening around to see if you could hear any signs of distressed. You turned a counter before a fist came in contact with your cheek, you staggered and fell on your ass, your mask breaking limiting your vision. You looked up to see a thug and a few others behind him start to circle you, you were out number and at a disadvantage. "Looky here~ its the vigilante hero~" the main man cooed and crouched down in front of you. "Why do you show us what's under though clothes~" he purred.
     You popped him in the face before tackling him to the ground before jumping up and trying to running down the alley into another. 'Shit shit shit shit' you screamed in your head, knowing they would catch up. You stepped on a glass bottle and it slip out from under you, making you fall forward. How cliche. You turned around and pulled out your pocket knife and jumped up, still not going down without a fight.
     "You're so gonna pay for that, you stupid bitch," the man growled approving you. "Stay back, or I'll cut out your eyes!" You yelled backing up against the wall. The almost silence of the night was interrupted but one of the thugs screaming, everyone turned towards the scream. Another mam stood there, holding a now dead man by the neck and a katana. "I will cleansed this world from the unworthy, you disgusting pigs," the man growled, the thugs growled and ran towards him ready to attack. While most of them were distracted you lunged at the main man, stabbing him in the side of the neck. Pulling it out before he dropped and jumping at another.
     Less then a minute all the thugs were dead. You stood there panting before letting out a breath of relief. You looked over at the man with the many many knives, he had a mask and red headband. "Thank you," you said quietly, not sure if he heard you as he started walking away. "Yknow you shouldn't be out here at night, especially if you can't actually fight for yourself." He said before disappearing.

(This was probably rushed)(OopS)

     You were a thug in a small group, called the 'The Reisu'. The group bought and sold illegal weapons and supplied people with get away cars, so on so on. "Hey, (l/n). Com'ere," one of your friends you met here called out towards you. His name was Omo Kizuato, a blonde, well built man. "Wanna come get some supplies with me?" He asked, shaking his keys In the air. "Oh! yea sure, why not." You said followed him to the work truck and hopping in the passenger side. 
     After some driving down some sketch as hell streets and alleys ways, Kizuato pulled up into a garage. There were multiple wooden crates stacked on top of each other. A man stood in front of it all, he had a grey hair and a purple outfit, he had a lit cigarette between his lips. "Well howdy there," he chuckled out as Kizuato hopped out, "hello there, Giran," the blonde male laughed out. "Hey, (y/n), come help me put this into the truck," Kizuato yelled at you before you hopped out and joined him on the other side of the truck.
     Giran's eyes almost seem to light up upon seeing you, a rare sight. "Well well well, who's this pretty lady?" He asks bowing his head slightly. Kizuato smirked, "this is my friend, (y/n)," he smiled shoving you slightly with his elbow. You smiled and bowed your head slightly, "Nice to meet you, Giran, Ive heard a lot about you from this big dork." You shot at Kizuato before picking up a box and shoving it in the back of the truck.
     Giran smiled and snuffed out his cigarette, "pleasures mine, little lady," he winked at you as he watched the two thugs load the boxes into the truck. Kizuato handed the money to Giran before hopping into the truck, "come on, (y/n). Thank you again, Giran, seeya in two weeks." The blonde called out and started the truck. You turned towards Giran, "thank you," you said quietly and turn towards the car. "Seeya again, little lady," the silver haired male seem to purr.


     You were walking home one late night, which is in the most shitty part of the city. Any sane person probably would've asked their coworker for a ride home, but for some reason you didn't. It was a really nice night, the sky was clear and the stars shined brightly. So you would look up and watched the sky instead of the shitty buildings and the sketchy alleys.
     Almost lost in the thoughts in your head before you felt someone pull you into an alley and throw you to the ground. You looked up to see your assaulter, crawling backwards, "p-please, don't leave me alone," you stuttered out, panicking. "Awe come on baby~," the man said picking you up by your hair and pushing you against the wall. You tried to shove him away from you which only ended in you getting punched and thrown to the ground again. His hands wrapped around you neck and apply pressure, he was trying to strangle you.
     Not a second later he was pulled off of you and slammed into the concrete. He explored into a bloody mess as he was smashed into the hard ground. You looked over to see a very tall male, he had spiky blonde haired, and huge scar across his eye. He looked up at you, the bloody male released the dead man and stood up, he had a sadist smile. "Awe look at you, you're shaking like a leaf~," he purred, "I could kill you~," he continued and started walking towards you. You stood up fast and started to back up, "please...please don't," you sobbed out, now knowing what this man could do to you. He reached out and gripped your arm, pulling you towards him. You struggled and clawed at his hand, trying to pull away from him and sobbing.
     The taller man leaned down towards you, getting a good look at your reddening face. "Awe, you're even cuter up close," he gripped your chin with his other hand looking at you. "Hm... I'm gonna keep you alive til I need you," he growled and shoved you away from him. You got up and ran pass him, not giving him a second chance to change his mind. 'Til I need you...?' You panic and kept running til you were outta breath.

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