How i met Shane

By Chaton20413

342 73 14

This story is about a girl who isn't like other people. Shes not a werewolf but you could say shes close to o... More

The beginning
The meeting
Who is he?
The coffee shop
the confession
im coming for you
blood part 1

Blood part 2

23 5 2
By Chaton20413

Shane's side:

we had been searching for weeks, feeling each day get colder. i missed Kiera's smile, i missed her laugh and the warmth that she brought with her, where ever she went. Me and Karma went searching for her every day, walking down roads and pathways she could of gotten carried through. I brought Karma with me as i knew he was in the army a few years ago and he was taught how to track people down in small groups.

I tried to find the scent of her blood as i had smelt on the night that she was attacked at her house, i remembered that night so vividly. i can remember crashing through her window, seeing shards of glass sparkle through the air like stars and then land on the ground making the floor look like a world of scattered shapes. i can remember seeing the fear in Kiera's eyes, as she laid there clutching her stomach, looking at the world as if it was going to end at that moment. i saw the same fear in her eyes on the night that Bruce had taken her. she may have thick skin on the outside but on the in, she's a frightened wolf running from hunters, scared that she will get cornered.

one early morning, when the sun was just rising, and you could smell fresh rain in the air, me and Karma drove out of town, wondering if Bruce had stored her around the out skirts of the area. when we finally stopped the car on a road side near the main road, i stepped out feeling the cold air hit me, warning me that winter was approaching. we walked for hours on end, searching and scanning the area as if it was some type of poem that we had to evaluate. at the point that i was starting to loose hope, i saw a man dressed in black walking down around this old abandoned building in the middle of nowhere, it was surrounded by dusty old crop fields and a few trees that were dying slowly. as he walked around, i noticed another two of them standing in front double doors. i knew they were Bruce's buddies just at the sight of them. i pulled my phone out of my pocket and dialled Freya's number, she picked up:

"Freya, i found Bruce's place just outside of town, his buddies are guarding the area."

"thats great, ill bring the reinforcements, send me the coordinates."

the call ended and i sent her the coordinates hoping that she would be here soon.

Me and Karma went back to the car and waited there, we didn't speak much. he wasn't the talkative type. while we waited, i imagined seeing Kiera's face again, her fiery red curly hair flying in the autumn breeze, her sapphire blue eyes pulling me, pulling me down slowly into the deep blue sea.

when the calvary finally arrived, we agreed that Karma and maya would take out the guards on the outside and that Scarlet would go hide behind a bush out front, aiming for them with her sniper. we waited for them too make their move, Karma snuck behind the first few vampires paralysing them with the tip of his finger, and maya bashed their heads together until it felt as if their skulls were going to crack.

we all sneaked inside, with stakes at the ready. once we had got through the double doors, we had 3 vampires surrounding us. i rushed to the one closed to me and pounced leaving a wooden dagger in his chest. the vampires body turned grey and pale, you could see the veins sticking out of his skin. his eyes became dull and grey as if the life had been drained out of him, which it had. once we had taken out the other two, we walked down this corridor which led out of the room. i could smell hints of fresh blood in the air, making my stomach churn. the others followed and Freya came towards me and whispered "i have a bad feeling about the aroma"

i whispered back"me too"

as we stumbled to the end of the corridor, we reached a flight of stairs which had another 2 guards upon it. as we went up, taking the guards out as we went, the scent of blood became stronger, i started to worry as i wasn't close enough to smell who it belonged too. incas worried that it could have been Kiera's, i could feel tears starting to prick my eyes but i had to be strong for her. as we reached the 2nd floor the smell hit me like an exploding grenade, it was Keira's! i rushed down another corridor, passing doors as i went until i reached a door where the blood was at its strongest. tears came streaming down my face as i reached for the handle, desperate to see Keira's face, worrying if she was dead. It was locked, i wasn't surprised. as worry and panic started to swell up inside my chest, i called out for maya and Mikka to sort out the issue. "Maya, Mikka come quick!"

they ran over as if they were running the marathon. Maya tried to kick the door down but it was no use, the door had some type of metal interior to stop things from getting in and out. Mikka tried to pick lock the door, and to my surprise it worked. we kicked the door open and ran inside but then i stopped in my tracks to see Keira sitting on a metal chair, limp and lifeless. the pyjamas i had given had been ripped to shreds, there was nothing really left of them, and the remaining bits had been stained with blood. There were healed up scars all over her body, covering from head to toe. her hair was full of knots and blood clots. she looked dead. There was blood scattered all over the floor and not just anyones, hers. i ran towards her, feeling tears in the corners of my eyes. i wanted to kill Bruce, i wanted to tie him to that chair and make him feel the pain that she did. i crouched down in front of her, she didn't move. she didn't even make a gesture to show that she was alive. i lifted her head and stared into her eyes, they were grey. the life had been taken out of her, her spirit, her soul, her wildness, had all been taken away. i couldn't bare to see her like this. i rapped my arms around her feeling the tears swell up in my eyes. as i cried into her, i could still feel the warmth that she carried, there was a sigh.

As i sat there, i heard a slight bit of laughter come from one of the corners of the room. It was Bruce. he walked out the shadows with a wide grin spread across his face. " ahhhh how touching, what a beautiful reunion although you are wasting your time, as you can see she's pretty much dead on the inside."

he pushed me away and grabbed her face. he faced it upon him and then dropped it.

"as you can probably see I've drained the life out of her bit by bit. you should have heard her screams they were heavenly. i can remember her screaming out your name whenever i sucked the blood from her poor innocent neck"

i climbed to my knees staring at Bruce as he stood there staring at Keira's lifeless body. i wanted to punch him so bad and just rip that devilish smirk of his face but i knew that Freya was holding me back and that if i strike out then all hope would be lost. i thought to my self how this would end. How this story book would close.

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