...and The Chase Begins.

By Mystery_itself

514 74 37

Searching for a girl who left him heartbroken. Lucas would do everything in his power to know the answers. More



32 4 2
By Mystery_itself


Past comes in present.

Luca's condo.



Lucas turned off his alarm which is buzzing non stopped . He quickly left the comfort of matress and baths. He strip off from his clothes and turned on shower. Soon warm water droplets ease his non-stop working brain. From yesterday he has been planning on the meeting with the asian tycoon. He along with his secretaries ,PA and whole department is working on that project. The project is so important for him. He can't bear to loose it but he knows there is something which he can't pin point but there sure is something . his instincts has been telling him this but he don't know what is this and he is not going to waste another minute to think about this and his bastard of father. Its not like he hated him its just that his father clearly knows how to push his buttons. His father gets on his nerves as soon as he saw him and now he is leaving to mexico because his so called father appointed that meeting over there he is just glad that he himself didnt cancel that metting because if he did so, than it would cost him so much.

He relaxed and after taking 30 minutes warm bath he exit bathroom. His house keeper came and told him that his breakfast was ready but he have not enough time he have to be on his private plane in an hour so he have to skip the meal. Its not a big deal for him he usually do this and now he couldn't care less. He just said in his arrogant way and left his condo. He walked towards elevator and beside him there was a man in his early thirteen and a child of probably six. Lucas looked at them with longing but quickly darted his attention towards the grey metal door of elevator. He can't bear to look at them and felt nothing because deep inside his heart he knows the bond of a father and a son but now that relationship he once have with his father seem to be so long ago. He still have the memories of his father and him playing football at the back of his house garden,surfing with him,playing indoor games like hide and seek but now there is none. He himself don't know what went wront along the way ,he once want to find the reason behind his father acts but now he don't, he actually don't care now. He is living but there is nothing which can make him happy and sad. He just don't give a damn of what people think and say about him. For him , his father could burn himself and still he will not give a damn.

Elevator stopping sound pulled him back from His thoughts and he walked gracefully towards his car. His driver saw him ,well who could miss a intimidating figure like him,and opened back seat door for him. He wished lucas a 'good morning' and just like other he gets a curt node in response.


In mexico

Same day.

He started walking off fron the plane. Its a long journey to mexico and he have a day to arrange everything. From place to the people living around it. He quickly descend the staircase and walked towards his chopper .

After 30 minutes ,pilot landed the chopper in a desrted land and he gets off .he gave a curt node to the pilot before stalking off towards the direction of his limousine.

"Goodmorning sir." His driver said to him when he sat in the back seat of the car. He gave a nod to him as a response but didn't say anything.

Something is wrong,he can feel. He can't pinpoint why he is felling like this but there is surely is something. He don't know wheater he it is good or bad. But he can fell it. Its like some thing is making him nervous which don't happen usually but he brushed it off by saying himself that its because of his meeting. He have to pay attention to his meeting rather than his feeling. That's what he is doing from past 5 years and he is still going do this. Nothing is going to change or so he told himself.

He was pressing buttons back and forth on his laptop when limousine stopped by a sudden halt. If he wasn't wearing a seatbealt he would surely damge his head. His looked irritatedly at his driver before saying.

"Why you stopped?" He asked rather harshly.

"Sir I think we have got something in the car. I would check it. Just wait a minute." His driver said.

"Just make it fast." He said. His driver exited the car and opened the car bonnet. He does something for a moment before going to lucas window side and tapping. Lucas rolled of the glass and looked at him questionably.

"Sir I think we have got the problem in the engine. I tried everything which I could but its still not functioning." His driver said to me.

"What? The meeting is in fucking one hour.? He shouted at his driver.

"Sir I know I think you have you have to call another driver to bring a new car. " he said in an uneasy way.

"God dammit what the fools you are." He said before dialing number in his phone. He pressed his phone to his ear. Some one picked up from the other line. And he gave his orders. The other line went dead before saying he have to wait for sometime before they came up.

After 15 minutes lucas stomach maked a grumbling noice which him realize that he didn't eat the breakfast or anything for that matter.

His driver looked at him from the mirror before saying. "Sir,there is a small market just outside this lane. You could eat something there."

Lucas debated over it before agreeing. He shut the Door behind him and walked the directions his driver gave him. He has left his driver to his car to take care of it. And although because if his another driver came someone would be there.

He entered the market and soon various smells entered his nostrils. They are no bigger shops he noticed. Although its not upto his standards but he didn't fuss over it. He walked by all the shops and than he saw a cofee shop. By the looks of it Lucas can tell that it is not the coffee shop he would ever enter if he would be in his home town. But nonetheless his legs keep moving and stopped just front of the coffee shop.

There is a nervousness in his pit of stomach but he brushed it off. He jingle the door knob and entered the coffee shop. The coffee shop is much more bigger than its front he noticed. When he entered the shop, a bell jingles as if to telling the owner of a new coustomer. Lucas sits on the corner table beside window. And soon a waitress came ever.

"Hello sir im maria. And I would be your waitress for tonight. What would you like to have sir?" The waitress asked him polietly

"Your special coffee." Lucas answered as he didn't Know much about this place.

"Okay. Right away sir. " the waitress said and he looked at her back. The waitress goes behind the counter and pressed the computer screen. Lucas diverted his attention towards outside. He hears a click of a door and he looked towards the source of voice. As other than there ate only two people in the coffee shop,there was a pin drop silence.

He looked at the voice and saw a women entering the coffee shop from the back door. He cant see her face because she is making the coffee. But something inside him shifted due to her presence. As if he knows her. He narrowed his eyes and shifted backward to catch a glimpse of her face but everytime he moved, she moved too which resulted him not seeing her face.

After another try lucas burshed it off and started watching outside again. But he couldn't concentrate on any thing else. It was like that girl who has entered the shop is pulling him towards her. Which is a surprise. He was about to look at her again but stopped when his waitress bringed his coffee to her. He gave a curt node to her. And asked for cookies.

He placed his face on his palms amd rubbed his face. He is exhausted in this particular day. Because today is not usual . his fellings is all over the place and he don't even know the reason of it. He heard a tick tick sound of hells and looked upwards to his waitress placing his order.

"Here is our special cookies sir. " she said poliety. And lucas nooded.

He eated his cookies while drinking his coffee. When his coffee finished he tried to find the waitress to give the bill but she was nowhere to be seen. He stand uo and decided to leave the money by the counter. He spotted the same girl which entered the shop after him. But her back was to him. He can see that girl is beautiful . she has a slim waist, her hair is glodenish-brown which is covering jer waste and her pencil skirt is just above his knee. He placed the money with a thud and the girl turned around by the voice.

She turned around slowly and at that moment his world stopped . every thing stopped as if there was only the girl and lucas in the coffee shop.

"Camy." He said in a whisper. Surely his eyes are betraying him. She is not here,she can't be. Same eyes. Same face. Same nose. Same lips. Everything was same.

She was same.

At that moment every felling came back to him. Every hurt. Every betrayal. Every happiness. Every laugh. Every promise. Every kiss.


He looked at her eyes and he knew that she remember him. He can see it in her eyes. Those chocolate brows eyes in which he have fallen for is looking at her with unblinking tears. But in that momemt. Of all the feeling,one stands out the most- Betrayal.

He looked at her and remember her betrayal. He told himself that he hate her because she left her. She left that day without even saying good bye. She betrayed him.

He hate her. He told himself but he can't stop himself for looking at like its the first time he ever saw her.

He told himself he needed answers, every answer by which he could sleep at night peacefully. He told himself that.

He have to get answers from the same person whom he loved for as long as he remember. He have to ask questions to the only person who left him hollow. But the question is.

Is she going to answer?



Not much to say... Just one thing...I'm currently now focusing on NYBL and after that I would update this book along with "Waiting." And "Married to a right man,who turned out wrong." And although I would update all the three books when theirs descriptions would reach 100 votes. I know you guyz would be thinking what kind of a writer I'm and so on. But that who I'm . sorry but you have to wait.

Pls share my stories with your friends.

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Join this... And do tell me do you like this chapter or not. If not I would re-write it.

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