Broken: A Why Don't We fanfic

By garlandhollie

82.1K 1.5K 361

You are Jonah's sister and you have been having suicidal thoughts, you were ready to give up and ended up doi... More

PART 1 - Leaving
PART 2 - Moving
PART 3 - Secret Love
PART 4 - Official
PART 5 - Announcement
PART 6 - Suicide..
PART 7 - Gone
PART 8 - Miracle & Surprise
PART 9 - Tour?
PART 10 - First time
PART 11 - Forgivness?
PART 12 - Stolen & Freed
PART 13 - Christmas Eve
PART 14 - Christmas
PART 15 - shopping
PART 16 - Back Home
PART 17 - Pool Day
Thank You - Not an Update!!!
PART 18 - Trust Fund Baby Shoot
PART 19 - Argument
PART 20 - Video Games & Jonahs New Lover
Part 21 - Tour Day 1
Part 22 - Tour Day 2
PART 23 - Half Way Through USA Tour
PART 24 - The surprise
PART 25 - The Surprise (2)
PART 26 - Wedding Plan
PART 27 - The Marriage
PART 28 - The Apointments
PART 29 - The Honeymoon
PART 30 - Bella & Harry
PART 31 - Ariel-Mae Besson
PART 32 - Pancakes :)
PART 33 - Shopping Trip
PART 34 - Melodys Birthday
PART 35 - Opportunity
PART 37 - FortNite
Part 38 - Europe!
Part 39 - The Date
Part 40 - Broken...
Part 41 - Back Home.
Part 42 - Surpises :)
Part 43 - Double Trouble
Part 44 - Unexpected
Part 45 - Pre-versary
Part 46 - Anniversary - Part 1
Part 47 - Anniversary - Part 2
Part 48 - Who next?
Part 49 - What next?
Part 50 - We Were Why Dont We

PART 36 - Shes Walking!

673 18 0
By garlandhollie

Melody: OH MY GOD
Jonah: That's so cool! Is it just you or?
Melody: Well he said I can take someone with me
Zach: only one?
Melody: Only one.


Melody: Oh another DM, I wonder who it's from.
Jack: Probably a fan or something.
Melody: Nope Shawn again! He says "Change of plan, we were only able to get only tour van which happens to be the biggest they have. You can bring up to 7 friends including that band you know. Why Don't We? I want them to be my opening act :) So 2 more people! Unless you don't want to of course"

All they boys stood there frozen.

Everyone: WHAT?!?!
Zach: Shawn Mendes' opening act
Daniel: in massive arenas
Jack: For his 2018 tour
Jonah: All around the world
Corbyn: With the best people ever
Melody: and me as his photographer?!?
Everyone: THATS CRAZY!

I messaged Shawn back saying " I told the boys, they are excited and would love to be your opening act and I have decided not to bring along another 2 friends as I need them to babysit my dogs sparkle and teddy whilst we're gone"

Shawn replied: "Ok, fair enough! Here's my number (*********) Message me on the day we leave when you'll ready and I'll pick you and the boys up!"

I replied: "Will do! See you soon"

Melody: I can't believe this is happening!
Daniel: We're going to be touring with-
Jack: It starts in about a month right?
Melody: Yeah a month and a half actually but
Corbyn: That's so close
Jonah: This is going to be a once in a life time opportunity
Melody: It's going to be crazy!
Corbyn: Ok we better stop shouting or Ariels gonna start crying from how loud we are
Jonah: True
Melody: I'll put her to sleep now so be quiet or go upstairs.
Jack: Ok, I'm going upstairs, bye
Zach: Me too
Daniel: Me three, I'm tired
Jonah: Me four
Corbyn: guess it will just be me and you then.
Melody: Yes it will

I took Melody off Corbyn and went to get her a bottle. The other boys went upstairs probably to sleep or play fortnight. I sat back down on the couch next to Corbyn and fed Ariel. She fell asleep almost instantly and I went to put her in her small bed in the corner of the room.
After Ariel was in her bed I sat next to Corbyn and cuddled up to him. We decided to watch 'The Kissing Booth' on Netflix which we both enjoyed, if I'm honest it was one of my favourite films ever!
After the film finished me and Corbyn decided to act out parts of the film as a joke quietly before going to bed.
I took Ariel out of her bed downstairs and transferred her upstairs before getting in bed with Corbyn and going to sleep.

>The Next Morning<

I woke up to the sound of police sirens outside the window. I got out of bed and looked out, turns out a house down the street contained drug dealers. I saw the owners of the house being arrested and the police officer shouting "you are being arrested for possession of drugs in your house, this sentences you to 5 years in prison!"

Corbyn: 1) loud police officers 2) bad people in our neighbourhood
Melody: Oh your awake, and yeah it's terrible of what the world consists of.
Corbyn: well no need to worry, I want Starbucks, what about you
Melody: I'm down!
Corbyn: lets get ready and go!

Me and Corbyn got up and got ready before going to Starbucks. I woke daniel up so he could make sure Ariels ok if she wakes up and we left. We ordered the same thing as we do every time and made our way back.
When we got back I heard Daniel shouting and screaming from the kitchen

Melody: Daniel are you ok?
Corbyn: What is it?
Daniel: Just look!

Me and Corbyn walked in the kitchen and saw Daniel sitting on the floor with his arms out in front of him and Ariel walking towards him

Melody: OMG NO WAY!
Daniel: She was just sitting over there *he points across the room* and I was like "Ariel come here" and she decided to walk her way here!
Corbyn: That's crazy!
Daniel: oh and I fed her some milk as soon as she woke up so she'll be fine for a few hours
Melody: oh thanks.
Corbyn: Daniel, I can picture you as a good dad
Daniel: yeah that would be until I find myself a new girlfriend...
Melody: She broke up with you?
Daniel: Yeah, last night, she said she cheated on me
Corbyn: I'm sorry bro
Daniel: It's fine honestly, I mean there's billions of people in the world
Melody: more if you'll date a fan
Daniel: I mean I would but that's only if she's the one. If there's a connection then it doesn't matter if she's a fan. When it comes to a relationship you shouldn't section people by who they are to you, if you love them and they love you then what else do you need?
Corbyn: Oh wow bro, so true. Although the love of my life just happened to be my bestfriends sister.

We all laughed. The rest of the day we spent telling everyone that Ariel could walk and had some fun all together. It was a great day.

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