PART 4 - Official

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About an hour later I heard Corbyn wake up, he saw that I was awake and said good morning to me.

Corbyn: Good morning baby
Melody: good morn- wait what did you say?
Corbyn: Baby... I'm sorry I should've just said Mel Mo
Melody: Anyway good morning baby

I got off of Corbyn and went to the kitchen where Jonah was.

Jonah: Hey Mel whats up?
Melody: Hey Jo. Would it be bad if I told you I'm falling for Corbyn
Jonah: Aww Mel no it's fine he fell for you too, tell him you love him now!
Melody: I think I should wait for the perfect moment.
Jonah: What ever you say :)

I left Jonah and went back to Corbyn who sat up and was scrolling through his phone. I sat next to him thinking if Jonah was right, is now the right time? I rested my head on corbyns shoulder and looked at what he was doing. He was messing about Twitter tweeting random stuff like "we on something different"

Melody: he what you mean by something different?
Corbyn: Well there's 2 things. Me and the boys are working on a bit of music, and I'm also working on a small song of my own for someone.
Melody: this special someone must be really special to you.
Corbyn: yeah, she's really pretty and I love her personality, she's amazing
Melody: plan on marrying this girl?
Corbyn: hopefully
Melody: well there's a few things of mine you should know.
Corbyn: ok... and what are they?
Melody: well Jonah told me you fell for me...
Corbyn: uhh yeah I did
Melody: but there is a problem
Corbyn: you don't like me do you?
Melody: no it's not that-
Corbyn: so you do like me??
Melody: let me finish, I now know who this special someone is, and for a fact I also know she fell for you too.
Corbyn: wait what?!!

I just smiled at him, he smiled back. His smile was special it gave off a feeling I had never felt before.

Corbyn: uh melody, I have something to ask you
Melody: ok...
Corbyn: well you know your an amazing person and I love you, i was wondering if you would like to be my umm... girlfriend...
Melody: Corbyn don't be scared to ask, of course I would!
Corbyn: aww I love you Mel Mo
Melody: I love you too Corbs.

Suddenly he pressed his lips to mine. His hand made its way to my waist, the other to my face bringing me closer. His lips were so soft and the kiss was gentle. I put my hands around his neck and kissed back. I was so happy I had Corbyn all to myself. He pulled away and looked into my eyes, his blue eyes glistening like stars.

Corbyn: when shall we tell the fans?
Melody: We should wait till tomorrow so we have a day by ourselves and then we'll tell them.
Corbyn: sounds good.

He picked up his phone and went to Instagram.

Corbyn: let's take a selfie, I'll post it but only put the caption as "hanging out with Mel Mo" see if they ship us without knowing we are together?
Melody: that would be cute if they did.

Me and Corbyn took the picture he posted it and all the comments came through.

Corbyn Besson: Hanging our with Mel Mo ❤️
_.whydontwe._.limelights._ : Aww you guys are so cute I totally ship it #morbyn
Whydontwe_ny: AWW THE NICKNAME HE HAS FOR HER!!! Mel Mo :) #morbyn
Whydontwe4lifeee: This is terrible he should be hanging out with me not that idiot.
Jonahsjawline: anyone else think this is the cutest thing ever? #morbyn
Corbynishot: whoever ships #morbyn it's fake and will never be real! #corbina should be the right couple why did you break up with her Corbyn ugh.

>end of comments<

There were a few hate comments I saw which were brutal. What are they gonna say when we reveal it... TOMORROW! I just forgot about it and got on with my day.

~night time~
I was about to go upstairs to bed when Corbyn called my name from downstairs where he was getting some water.

Corbyn: Mel Mo!
Melody: yes corbs
Corbyn: can I stay with you tonight? I don't want to sleep by myself.
Melody: sure corbs I'll meet you upstairs
Corbyn: thanks baby

I went upstairs and changed into my pyjamas. It was a cold night and I didn't have anything comfortable to wear that would keep me warm. I always seemed cold so before Corbyn came up I went into his room. I walked over to his closet and pulled out one of his hoodies that was oversized for me and crept back to my room. When I got there I sat on my bed waiting for Corbyn. I hear Corbyn open the door whilst I was looking at today's tweets.

Corbyn: hey babe
Melody: Hey babe
Corbyn: starting to steal my hoodies already
Melody: you won't have any left at the end *you giggled*
Corbyn: haha I better have at least one the only thing I wear is hoodies.
Melody: the only thing I'll be wearing is your hoodies too then :)
Corbyn: babe they literally go down to your thighs.
Melody: I don't care it's comfortable. Anyway let's go to bed I'm tired.
Corbyn: alright babe I'm tired too

We both got into my bed. I rested my head on corbyns chest, Listening to his gentle heartbeat. He wrapped his arm around me and intertwined his fingers with mine. I was short enough that I was able to feel corbyns feet next to mine but my head aligned perfectly with his heart.

Melody: babe why do I have to be short that my head aligns perfectly with your heart.
Corbyn: well that's good
Melody: how is that good?
Corbyn: well you can hear my heart which will only ever beat for you.
Melody: aww corbs I love you
Corbyn: I love you too Mel Mo.

I drifted to sleep thinking of two things, how lucky I was to have Corbyn as who I can call mine but also what are the fans going to think when we tell them TOMORROW!...

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