Hannah Montana: rock the wave...

Bởi Mardy_128

200 11 2

It's summer time and love is in the air.Miley meets a boy in summer school and he so happens to be the famous... Xem Thêm

~Chapter 2~
~Chapter 3~
~Chapter 4~

~Chapter 1~

94 8 2
Bởi Mardy_128

Miley's POV

Ride the wave
Summer sun,summer fun,
Summer love
Ride the wave
Let it bring to what you're dreaming of

The sun had already risen high in the cloudless sky over Malibu by the time fifteen-year-old Miley Stewart woke up.She pushed a strand of brown hair out of her eyes and blinked sleepily at her bedroom ceiling,sensing that there was something different-------something delightful-------about this morning.The only problem was that she couldn't quite remember what it was.

Two birds sang sweetly to each other in the jacaranda tree outside.She turned her head toward the window,smiling,then realized that this was the first thing that was different: she couldn't actually hear the birds.Usually,the gentle sound of birdsong would be totally drowned out by the painful sound of her older brother,jackson,singing loudly and incredibly off-key in the bathroom.

She lay still for another moment,luxuriating in the sense of peace and watching dust mites dance lazily in the sunlight that slanted through the window curtains.

Then she stretched her arms over her head,enjoying the feeling of being completely rested and relaxed . . . which,now that she thought about it,was also strange.
Usually,every morning started with her desperately trying to find the braying alarm clock so she could hit the snooze button one more time-----

That was it! Her alarm clock hadn't gone off!Miley bolted out of bed,panicky,and raced to her closet.She should have known as soon as she saw the way the sunbeams crossed her room that the sun was higher in the sky than usual which meant that she would probably miss the first bell,which meant-----

She stopped abruptly in the middle of the room as she finally remembered the glorious fact that had been nagging at her since she woke up.

No,she wasn't going to be tardy.Because this was the first day of summer! Three months of fun and friends and freedom stretched out Infront of her,like a glorious present waiting to be unwrapped!

Miley did a little dance of joy before running out of her room and down the stairs.

"Good morning!"she called out to her father,who was mixing pancake batter in the kitchen.
"Well,someone's in a good mood today",Robby Stewart said teasingly."Hmm.I wonder why that is?"

"Because I'm free",she said happily."Free,free,free!"

Miley skidded to a stop and reached over the counter to put a finger in the bowl of batter."Free,"she repeated dreamily one more time licking her finger.

"Whoa,there,bud,you can lick the bowl after I've finished making pancakes for everybody here,"her father said.

"But there won't be any batter left after you've made the pancakes," Miley pointed out reasonably.She snuck her finger in the bowl again."Yum."

"Mornin'." Jackson,Miley's brother,wandered into the kitchen.His tousled dark-blond hair made it clear he'd just stumbled out of bed.So did the fact that he was still wearing pajama bottoms and a T-shirt.
Yawning.he grabbed a plate and held it out to his dad."The pancakes smell great.I'll have five,please.No,seven.Actually,
I'm starving,so how about eight..."

"Whoa,whoa,whoa," Mr. Stewart said "Don't you want to take a gander at my work of art here first?".

Miley rolled her eyes.Her father had grown very proud of his ability to create what he called "picture pancakes"----batter poured to resemble objects or animals----and insisted on asking his children to identify them before being served.

Unfortunately,trying to figure out what the pancakes were supposed to be wasn't always easy.Mr.Stewart would claim that the pancakes were alien spacecrafts or giraffes or pickup trucks,but they all looked like blobs to Miley.Tasty blobs,but blobs nonetheless.

Jackson peered suspiciously at the skillet."Oh,man.Is that a tarantula?You know I hate eating anything that looks like a spider."

"Now,why in tarnation would I make a tarantula pancake?"his father asked testily.
"Look closer."

Jackson tried again."An octopus?"

"No! open your eyes,boy!"

Jackson's stomach growled.His hunger drove him to start making wild guesses."An amoeba?A sailing ship?A car engine?"

"No,no,and no"His father flipped the pancake,looking hurt."it's a palm tree!I can't believe you couldn't see that!"

"Oh,yeah,now I do,"Jackson said,hoping to get back in dad's good graces----and get some breakfast-----as soon as possible."I must not be awake yet!Or maybe that gnawing hunger in my stomach is making me so light headed that I can't think properly."He held out his plate with a hopeful expression.

"Nice try,"Mr. Stewart said grumpily,but he slid a few pancakes onto his son's plate.As he was adding a touch of nutmeg to the batter ,the back door opened and Lilly Truscott, Miley's best friend,burst into the room carrying a boogie board.S he was wearing a T-shirt and shorts over her bathing suit,and her blond hair was braided in a no-nonsense way that meant she was ready for action."Hey,everybody! Happy first day of summer vacation!"
She traded a high-five with Miley,then sniffed the air."Wow,something sure smells delicious."

Mr. Stewart beamed as he carefully poured more batter into the skillet."That would be
my world-famous pancakes,"he bragged."Come on,Lilly check out this one."

Lilly gave Miley a long-suffering look;she had been subjected to picture pancakes on several occasions when she had slept over at the Stewart's house.

"Daddy,just let us eat breakfast!"Miley cried."We're so hungry!"

"In a second,bud," he said."Take a gander at this skillet,Lilly.You're usually good at this."

Reluctantly,Lilly went over to the stove."Um,is it maybe,a...

"A snowman?"Mr. Stewart asked,outraged."Snowmen are for amateurs.I moved past snowmen years ago!"

"A rose garden?A map of the United States?A line of ducks walking through a puddle?"Under pressure,Lilly was beginning to babble as much as Jackson had.

Exasperated,Mr. Stewart held out the skillet to the room and pointed at the pancake with the spatula."It's Mount Rushmore!"
he said,as if this were blindly obvious."Can't you see how I used extra cinnamon on Lincoln's beard?"

Miley,Lilly,and Jackson stared at the pancake doubtfully.

"Come on,"Mr. Stewart said."just squint your lefteye and tilt your head to the right and you'll see it plain as the nose on your face."

"Oh.Yeah.Of course,"Miley said,trying not to laugh."I can't believe I didn't see that from the beginning."

"I think I need to take you kids to the eye Doctor,"her father said grumpily as he started a new batch of pancakes."You're developing serious vision problems."

The door opened at and Oliver Open,Miley's other best friend,bounded into the kitchen,smiling."IHOLA" he cried.He had started taking Spanish and like to use his newfound vocabulary whenever possible."Cómo estás?"

"Hey,Oliver,"Miley said."Bueno."
Hi,Miley"he said."Morning,Mr. Stewart."He peered into the pan, brushing his brown bangs out of his eyes so that he could get a better look."That's an airplane,isn't it?"he asked"A 747 jumbo jet if I'm not mistaken?"

Mr. Stewart brightened immediately."Got it first time out of the chute!"he cried before turning an accusing glare on the others."See what happens when people take artistic creation seriously?"He turned back to Oliver."You feel like breakfast,

"You bet."Oliver's brown eyes lit up.True he had just finished eating two bowls of cereal and four pieces of toast,but he reasoned that he needed extra nutrition because he was still growing.Atleast,he hoped he was still growing.

Then grab a seat."Mr. Stewart put a plate a stack of pancakes on the breakfast table."And get to eatin',The pancakes might be pretty as a picture,but they ain't any good when they're cold."

"Thanks!"Oliver speared a few pancakes,poured on some syrup,and dug in."So,Miley,
what's so important we had to get up at the crack of dawn on our very first day of summer vacation?"

"That's what's importan,"she said."Vacation!I counted up last night.We only have one hundred days of freedom!We have to make the most of it.So I've called you here today for a summer-strategy session-----"

"You sound like you're running for president,"Jackson mumbled through a big bite of pancake.

"And you sound like you are talking with your mouth full,"she snapped back.

"Hey,be sweet,you two,"their father said "No fussin' or feudin' over the flapjacks! especially not flapjacks like these-----flapjacks that belong in a museum." He took one last appreciative look at his own plate."That's Elvis" he said,pointing to his breakfast before taking a bite.

"First,"Miley went on,thinking out loud,"we have to be sure to block out mornings at the beach."

"Absolutely.That's a given,"Lilly said.She gave her friend an encouraging look. "Maybe this will be the summer you'll finally let me teach you how to surf."

But Miley shook her head. "No way," she said with finality."You know I'd be taking my life in my hands."

Lilly was a total athlete.She loved skateboarding surfing,running,playing basketball.But even though Miley had grown up riding horses on a farm in Tennessee,she was a major klutz when it came to most sports.She was always the last one picked for the team in gym class,the first one to drop a ball or twist an ankle.
The thought of trying to balance on a surfboard while also braving the crashing waves of Malibu made her break out in a nervous sweat.So,as much as Lilly begged her to give surfing a go,Miley had always managed to resist.

"You'd love it if you just gave it a try," Lilly wheedled. "And we'd have even more to hang out once you learned.Just think about it."

"Okay." Miley put a finger to her chin and frowned to demonstrate how hard she was thinking.Then she shook her head again. "The answer is still no."

Lilly sighed."Well,at least we can hang out at the park.They've got a sweet new half-price."

Miley had silently resolved never to try skateboarding,either,but she decided this was not the best time to mention that.Instead,she tried a diversionary tactic."We also have to make time for shopping,"she said.

Her tactic worked.Lilly's face brightened.Here was an activity they could both whole-heartedly enjoy."Summer sales at the mall are a must," she agreed.

Oliver looked up from his pancakes in alarm.Once shopping entered the summer planning discussion,he knew it was time to make his opinion heard." 'Tis the summer blockbusters!"

"Yeah,"Miley said. "See what I mean? There's so much to do!" Her eyes narrowed in thought."Maybe we should try and make a schedule-----"

"Whoa,bud,slow down there!" Mr. Stewart said. "I hate to be the one to break it to you,Miley,but this summer isn't going to be all fun and games."

"It isn't?" Miley eyed her dad warily. "Why not?"

He eyed her back."Well,I've got some good news and some bad news.Which do you want first?"

Miley bit her lip.She hated these kinds of choices; they made her feel like her life was a game show,she had just entered the crucial final round,and she was about to give a completely wrong answer.

As she hesitated,Oliver jumped in with his advice. "Ask for the bad news first.That way, you get the worst over with right away.It's like tearing off a Band-Aid-------if you do it fast,it doesn't hurt."

Lilly rolled her eyes."The last time you took off a Band-Aid, you screamed so loud your mom called 911," she said.She turned to Miley."Ask for the good news first.Then you'll already be happy when you hear the bad news.It will soften the blow."

"How about no news and we will get to go to bed?"Jackson grumbled,spearing another pancake.

"What'll it be,bud?" Mr. Stewart asked "Your call."

"Bad news...no,wait,wait,"Miley squeezed her eyes tight,crossed her fingers,and finally blurted out: "Good news!I want the good news first!"

"Okay," her dad said. "Here goes.The breakpoint surf series is coming to Malibu------"

"The breakpoint surf series?" Lilly jumped to her feet,her eyes sparkling with excitement."Miley,that's fantastic! Fantastic,stupendous,awesome good news!Why,you ask?"

"Okay,"Miley said agreeably. "Why?"

"Because the top competitors in the breakpoint surf series is none other than"------Lilly paused before yelling that two words-----
"Talen Wright!"
"Talen Wright?" Miley yelled back. "No!"
She and Lilly started jumping up and down,squealing with delight.After a few moments,Miley realized that her father,Jackson,and Oliver were all staring at them in complete bewilderment.

"Who in tarnation are you girls talking about?" Her dad asked.

"Talen Wright!" Miley explained.
Still nothing but blank faces.Miley spared one pitying glance for their ignorance and set out to enlighten them."He's this Australian guy--------"

"Who happens to be one of the top surfers in the world!" Lilly interrupted,too excited to be quiet.

"Even though he's only sixteen!" Miley rushed on "Plus he's totally-------"
"------totally------" Lilly said.
"------cute!" They finished together.

Then they looked at each other and squealed again.

"Huh." Mr. Stewart didn't look convinced."Sounds more like he's totally,totally trouble to me."

But Miley wasn't listening.She had developed a crush on Talen a few months ago when he was chosen as the cover for Teen Talk magazine's Gorgeous Guys issue.She had instantly subscribed to Teen Talk to make sure she got the latest Talen Wright news;she had started watching surf competitions on TV;she had daydreamed constantly about meeting him.A nd now,he was coming to Malibu!

"Talen Wright," she murmured to herself.even the name sounded cute.

Oliver scowled and took an extra large bite of pancake. "What kind of name is Talen anyway?" He muttered.

But Miley didn't hear him because her father was trying to get back to his main point."As I was saying," he went on, "the good news is,there's going to be a concert in two weeks at the end of the surfing contest.And the organizers want Hannah Montana to be the headliner!"

Miley and Lilly just stared at him,too stunned to speak.

What both Lilly and Oliver knew,and most of the world didn't,was that Miley Stewart was not a typical high school student.She had a secret identity as Hannah Montana,one of the biggest pop stars in the world.Sometimes Miley had a hard time juggling her two lives,but most of the time she felt,as her hit song was called,that she had "The Best of Both Worlds."

Like,for example,right now
Lilly found her voice first. "Miley," she whispered."You're so lucky."

"I know." Miley nodded,her eyes wide.
"If you give a concert for the surf series you could actually get to meet Talen Wright." Lilly held out her arm. "Look I have goosebumps!"

"Me too!" Miley said,holding out her own arm.

Oliver pushed his empty plate away.He had been thinking about having another pancake or two,but somehow he wasn't that hungry anymore. "Big deal.So you're going to meet some sunburned surfer dude.I bet he uses words like 'gnarly' and 'cowabunga.' I bet he tells people he's 'stoked'."

"Who cares about his conversation?" Lilly sighed,a faraway look in her eyes.

"Who cares if he can even talk?" Miley agreed.

Her dad cleared his his throat meaningfully.Miley's smile dimmed.She didn't know anyone else who could clear his throat in such an ominous way.

"Okay,"she said. "The good news is way too good to be true.
So,lay it on me.What's the bad news?"

"I had a talk with your principal last week.It seems you got a little behind in your school work from being on the road for those concerts last winter.S specifically,you got a little behind on English class." He gave her a serious look. "Apparently,you were supposed to keep a journal all semester.
Ring a bell?"

"Oh,right." Miley's toes curled guiltily.Ofcourse she had meant to keep up with her journal,but somehow all the rehearsals and costume fitting and talk show appearances kept getting in the way.And then she had started putting off one assignment with the idea that she would double up the next week,and before long she had fallen so far behind that she had stopped even thinking about the class because it made her so anxious.She shuddered just thinking about it. "Maybe just a little."

"But the teacher didn't take off many points!" She went on quickly."I just got a B instead of a B plus.That's still a very decent grade-----most parents would be proud."

But her father shook his head. "We talked about this before your last tour,Miley," he said. "I'm willing to let you miss a few days of school here and there if you keep up with all your homework.But I don't want you to get used to taking shortcuts,even if your grades are still okay."

Miley bit her lip."I know,I know," she said. "I'll do better next year,I promise."

"Actually," Mr. Stewart said, "You'll do better this year.Turns you your principal came up with a way for you to make up that work."

"Really?" Miley brightened a bit at this news. "So,what,I have to write an essay or something?"

Jackson snorted. "Poor,dear,sweet Miley.How little you know of principal's evil ways.They're fiendish,they're cunning,they're------"

"Willing to give you a second chance," his father interrupted,
with a stern glance at his son. "There's a summer school class for students who need to bring up their English grades.You'll be attending a special two-hour tutoring session every day for the next two weeks with Mr.Dickson."

"What? No! Not every day! Not two hours!No" Miley felt as if she'd been in the middle of a beautiful dream,only to be awakened by a pail of freezing water dumped over her head. "That will ruin my entire summer!"

"Gee,that's too bad,Miley," Jackson said.He added pompously, "But I think it's about time you realized that actions have consequences,
don't you?" He stretched his arms over his head with satisfaction. "Now I,on the other hand,am as free as a bird.Yep,this summer,I'm going to be hanging out at the beach,soaking up the sun,and meeting beautiful surfer girls.Life doesn't get any sweeter than that!"

Jackson jumped up from the table and started moving in what Miley supposed was a victory dance,although she privately thought it looked like he was trying to get a bug out from underneath his shirt.

His father coughed and Jackson froze mid-twist. "What?" He asked apprehensively.His father's cough was just as bad as his throat clearing.Nothing good ever followed it.

"I also had a little chat with Rico's dad,"Mr. Stewart said. "Seems like summer is a real busy time at the surf shop,so he'd love to have you work a double shift for the next month.Which will also help you pay for that fender B you had with my car."

"What?No! Double shifts?For the next month?No!" Jackson said.

"Wow," Oliver said. "That's brutal."

Lilly rolled her eyes. "How hard can it be to make smoothies and hand people bottles of water?" She asked. "We're not talking rocket science here."

"Sure,it looks easy," Jackson said huffily."The good ones always make it look easy." He flopped back down in his chair and gave his father an accusing look. "My summer is ruined.I'm going to waste my time slaving over a smoothie machine,just because I had one teensy-weensy accident-----"

"Which destroyed my car's bumper," His dad pointed out.

Jackson's mouth fell open at this outrageous claim. "Destroyed? It was only dented!"he shouted. "In fact, it wasn't even a real dent. More like an I itty-bitty,teeny-tiny, practically invisible ding!"

"Which cost five hundred dollars," His dad said.

Jackson threw himself back into his chair and crossed his arms sulkily. "I should just open a body shop," he muttered. "I could be a millionaire by the time I'm twenty-five."

"Look at it this way,Jackson," Miley said sweetly. "This experience will help you learn that actions have consequences,won't it?"

He shot a poisonous glare. "At least my job is at the beach,"
he said. "But don't worry,I'll be sure to think of you,stuck in a boring classroom,staring out the window,wishing you could trade places with me for just o e measly minute-----"

"Okay,kids,remember,you'll still have time for lots of fun this summer," Mr. Stewart said hastily. "You just have to work a little bit,too."

Miley sighed as her dream of three whole months of freedom vanished before her eyes. "But summer school," she said mournfully.

Then Lilly caught her eye and mouthed the words, "Talen Wright."

Miley smiled,slightly more cheerful.
Lilly mouthed two more words, "Hannah Montana."

Immediately,Miley's spirits lifted.After all,she loved performing more than anything in the world------and what could better than doing a concert in Malibu,practically her own backyard? Plus,even if she never got to meet Talen Wright,for a few brief,shining moments,they would both be breathing the same air.

That alone would make this summer golden.


A/N: ok I just want to let u guys know that I'm a lazy editor so if don't expect me to be all fast and stuff so if you can pls vote,comment I can continue d hard-work,ok? even this chapter took a few weeks to

Luv u all


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