The Best of Me (Camren)

By BabeLoRegui

311K 10.9K 12.7K

Lauren Jauregui and Camila Cabello seemed like the perfect couple who were destined to last. However, when th... More

chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
chapter five
chapter six
chapter seven
chapter eight
chapter nine
chapter ten
chapter eleven
chapter twelve
chapter thirteen
chapter fourteen
chapter fifteen
chapter sixteen
chapter seventeen
chapter eighteen
chapter nineteen
chapter twenty
chapter twenty-one
chapter twenty-two
chapter twenty-three
chapter twenty-four (final)

chapter four

13.8K 595 1K
By BabeLoRegui

Camila's POV

Every day I did the same thing. I got up, made breakfast for Matthew and I, dropped him off at the subway, headed into the office for dozens of appointments with my child patients, ate lunch at a nearby café, finished work, then went right back home to wait for Matthew. And it was fine. Being a Pediatrician was my dream job ever since I could remember.

I could remember talking about my future aspirations with my friends, family and then girlfriend back in those days. When I was young, fresh and open to anything in the great big world. I remembered like it was yesterday.

"Where do you see yourself in life?" I unexpectedly questioned Lauren as we lay naked in bed one late night.

"With you," she whispered.

She earned a kiss for that.

As if I hadn't been kissing her all day since she graduated from high school today. I guess that just made me think about where I was going to end up later on as well. I had two more years but time wasn't ever slow.

"You're so beautiful," she breathed into my ear before hovering over me again. "I want to be with you forever. Like time doesn't exist and we have the rest of eternity to just be together.

I giggled at her also being a little drunk from her senior party. Luckily she always had a designated driver in me now that I had just passed my driver's test. "Oh you." Arms hooked around her neck to pull her closer into me. "I'll be here forever. Don't you worry."

"I never want a life without you, Camila Cabello. You are my whole life."

"You are mine as well. Nothing will change that," I responded truthfully, not holding back my soft smile since her eyes were astoundingly gorgeous in the moonlight.

"Which is why I'm staying in Florida for college. Just for you. Just for us and our future of forever," she met me in a kiss.

"Except that I'll have to drive seven freaking hours north for you," I pouted at the fact that she was going to FSU all the way in Tallahassee. She actually wanted to stay in Miami but it'd be dumb to turn down the full ride she received.

"I know. I'm sorry, baby," she pouted in return. "I can always buy you plane tickets."

"I don't want you to buy me anything. I'll still see you no matter how I get there. We'll figure it out," I kissed her for affirmation. It always made her feel better.

"You're the best thing that's happened to me. Hope you know that," she sweetly whispered.

"Oh yeah? How can I forget when you tell me that everyday?" I smirked.

"And I'll keep telling you that for as long as I live."

"Well, let me tell you something now," I started. "I plan to spend everyday with you for as long as I live. I want to wake up next to you each morning and go to bed with you each night. Build a family together in a quaint sized home somewhere in the Midwest, unbothered and safe."

"How many kids?" she grinned.

"Three or four," I shrugged.

"Only three or four? Damn, thought you'd want at least five or six."

"Nah. Two girls and a boy, or two girls and two boys will be just fine," I smiled, deep in thought about the family that Lauren and I will soon make.

"You call the shots, babe. I'm just here to make you happy."

But when I woke up every morning nowadays, I was met with a man and totally different aspirations. Well, we too wanted a family. But we were city people. I was changed, on a path to a new journey.

Sure, I was getting what I wanted with my ex, Lauren Jauregui. She was so lovely. God, she was everything one could want in a life partner. It was just me. It was my fault for walking out on what we had and what we wanted. And still to this day, I felt like a monster for it. But do I regret it for myself? I couldn't without denying my love for Matthew. He was the love of my life now. Ever since I was a scared, fragile 24-year-old just starting out medical school. He led me to be what I truly wanted to be which was overall to take care of children. To be there at their worst and help them to be at their best. Always.

But what I do regret is leaving behind the one little girl who barely ever left my thoughts throughout the day. Perhaps that was why I was ecstatic to see Bella again at the store. She not only had the name but the everything else. Everything I could've asked for in a child was right there in front of me. Probably sounded creepy but it was true.

Maybe... it wouldn't be too late. I was out of my mind at the possibility of it actually working, but if I had the chance to make things right with my Isabella, I would in a heartbeat. That was if I could find her again. Also meaning I'd have to find Lauren again. She was still in Miami. I knew that for a fact since she'd never leave. But I could very easily find her with the advanced technology we had today a.k.a. Facebook. Way too easy which made me way too scared. I could very well just message her and ask to meet our daughter... and her of course. But maybe she wouldn't want to. She'd just remember how selfish I was when I got up and left her and Bella that dreary, horrible October night. October 18, 2008 to be exact.

And would you look at today's date. October 18, 2018. Ten years ago today when I made both the best and worst mistake of my life. Yes, it was possible to do that.


Lauren's POV

"Why do I have to go to the doctors? They're gonna hurt me," Bella pouted and refused to get up from the kitchen chair.

"Sweetie, no one's gonna hurt you. If they hurt you, I'll hurt them. I promise." Crouching down to her height, I faced her kindly and seriously. "How about I treat you with some candy afterwards?"

"Really?" she perked up.

"Sure. But just one kind," I pointed.

"Okay, I'm ready!" she gladly got down from the chair and started toward the door. Too easy.

I wasn't the bribing type of parent but when it came to things she had to do but absolutely hated, it wasn't the worst tactic to use. Bribing with good things was always better than threatening with bad things. It got the job done and everyone's happy.

"Good morning. New patient?" the front desk lady greeted the two of us warmly. Word was that Heights Pediatrics was one of the best in Brooklyn. Not to be that mom but yeah, I listened to the other moms. Especially since I was new to the area. And lucky enough it was less than a 10 minute drive. I loved how a lot of things were close together in New York.

"Yes, my daughter Isabella," I answered.

"Okay, we just need you to sign in and fill out some paper work. Do you know the doctor you'll be seeing?" she questioned.

"Oh uh.. sorry I keep forgetting it.. it's..." I tried to reach into my purse to see if I still had the card of the doctor written on it. "Starts with an H I'm sure?"

"Harrison, Hadley, or Hussey?"

"Hussey! That's it. Doctor Hussey," I nodded, causing Bella to laugh at my embarrassment.

"Okay, great. Fill out these forms and we'll let her know you guys are here," she gladly handed papers on a clipboard over to me so my daughter and I could sit down.

"Wanna go play with the toys?" I teased her as we watched little kids and toddlers play around.

"Mom, I'm ten."

"Don't grow up too fast, kiddo," I said, writing in all information from our new address to a checklist concerning Bella's health. And thank the lord she'd been very healthy since day one. She also got her good amount of daily exercise from recess during school as well as soccer three times a week. And you know, I liked being a soccer mom. It was fun.

But this new Pediatrician we were seeing was also supposed to be one of the best. Dr. Hussey treated a lot of the other soccer mom's kids so I wasn't too worried about finding a good one.

"Isabella?" a nurse opened up the door, triggering my daughter and I to head in.

Bella reached for my hand which I could feel was shaking. Poor little thing. I remembered hating the doctors when I was her age. Some scary shit but I tried to be as encouraging as possible.

"So, we're here for a first time checkup?" the nurse asked.

"Yes. We're new residents in the area, trying to establish our place," I answered, looking over to Bella still shivering in her skin.

After she took basic procedures such as Bella's height and weight, eyesight, temperature, etc., we were back, awaiting the real deal. "Alright, good. The doctor will be in very soon."

"Thank you."

"Do you trust this doctor, Mom?" Bella mumbled as soon as she left.

"I haven't met her yet but I've heard the best things about her. Don't worry, honey, I'll never put you in any danger whatsoever," I took her hand to kiss.

"Okay," she nodded still unsurely.

"Do you.. uh... still wanna talk to her about puberty?" Her head let up. "It could happen to you any time now."

"Mommm," she rolled her eyes with a groan.

"What? I'm just saying. You're the one who brought it up," I chuckled.

"Okay but now it's just embarrassing," she mumbled.

"Oh is it-"

"Good morning!" I heard the voice of the doctor enter the room.

But when my head turned to see who the voice really belonged to, nothing could prepare me for what was right in front of me. Who was right in front of me.

If I never experienced an out of body experience before, I sure as hell did now. In this very moment, I felt completely paralyzed. Like time stopped and it was just her and I present.

My ex-wife, Camila, came into vision like I was dreaming. But I was pinching myself only to remind me that this was real life and I was very much awake.

"Camila?!" Bella squealed excitedly, causing me a near death experience.


"Bella?! What are you doing here?!" Camila matched her excitement milliseconds before her own eyes landed on mine.

Then time really slowed down.

A horrified expression not only washed over me but the dumbest words fell from my mouth, "What the hell are you doing here?"

"Mom!" Bella peered at me like I was mad. And yes, maybe I was!

Camila's eyes were wide at first but then brows furrowed after that pretty rude question. "Oh my.." both hands slapped over her mouth while letting her manilla folder of papers fall to the floor.

We both stared longingly to add to my daughter's confusion. "Okay, why is everyone always looking at Camila like that? Is it just me?" Bella squinted at the both of us.

But we were just speechless. This had to be destiny as the last time the three of us had been in the same room as a family was 10 years ago on this exact day. October 18th.

Now Camila I were just people who didn't know how to react. Just strangers.

"I-I'm so sorry. I didn't mean-" Camila shook her head and began to leave the room.

Out of Mama Bear instinct, it was then that I got up from my chair and stood in front of Bella for her protection. Not that Camila was going to her hurt her or anything but that was what she did before and I swore to always put my daughter first. My daughter.

"I'll.. be right back," my ex's hand reached for the door handle and frantically walked out.

"Wait, no. Camila! Bella, stay here. I'll be right back," I rushed, following her.

"Can someone please explain?!" she called out.

This was scary. Just like the time I was running after her when she packed up to leave for the airport. I ran, drove, ran again and again for her until it was too late. When they wouldn't let me on the plane since Camila accused me of being some sort of creepy stalker trying to follow her.

And now what was I doing on the same day 10 years later? Always chasing and never giving up.

"Camila?" I found her not even a few feet away behind a corner.

She stood there, tears glistening in her eyes and a sob about to break lose. Much similar to mine. "W-what.. h-how are you h-here?"

"I moved here. Bella and I did just recently," I explained with as much bravery and confidence in my voice that I could muster.

"No," she finally sobbed in a high pitch, trying to get away again but I stopped her by the arm.

"No, please don't. Don't you leave. Not like how you did ten years ago when you ripped my heart out," the words escaped a little too viciously, causing her a fright.

"Everything okay over here?" a middle aged male doctor approached us with a concerned look.

"Yeah, we're just talking," I peered back innocently.

Camila nodded but still cried. "Come here," she tugged on my arm sleeve to walk me into her office.

It was quite big with a nice wooden desk, a name plate reading "Dr. Camila Hussey" in the middle. Would you look at that?

"I.. I apologize for my unprofessionalism," she said after she blew her nose, offering me a seat.

"It's okay," I quickly tried to wipe my own tears and rejected any tissues. Come on, Lauren, don't show weakness. You cried enough tears for her in the past decade.

She tried to speak as did I but yet again, we both fell speechless. Shaking her head and biting her lip, "I was just... not expecting to see you. At all. I didn't even bother looking at the patient's name yet."

"I was just as shocked. I don't even know what to say," I replied.

"There's so much."

"I... I never thought I'd see you again," I whispered, making her emotionally quiver her lips like she was about to break down a second time.

"I never did either," she stared back with red, puffy eyes full of god knows how she was really thinking.

Was she angry? Upset? Disappointed? Happy??? I didn't know the feeling I had on my end either. It was of both shock and confusion. But also relief. Sounded crazy but I felt at peace after a decade of running around in circles, trying to find where the hell she even was. Not to get her back but just to see her even if it was for one last time.

Camila was right. There was so much to say and we didn't know how to say it. But we talked. A lot. Not for hours or anything since Bella was still in the room, waiting for us and answers to our bizarre interaction.

"You just moved here?" she asked, sitting across from me at her desk.

"Yeah like almost two weeks ago. It took not even ten minutes to drive over here from Carroll Gardens. How far away are you?"

"I'm about ten minutes away but from Clinton," she replied, surprising me.

"Holy shit. We're incredibly close," I sort of let out a chuckle.

She did too. "Who would've thought?"

"And you're married to a guy with the last name Hussey?" She looked back with a soft laugh like I was teasing her for it. "Not trying to make fun at all. Just wondering."

"No, it's fine. He's.. uh.. yeah, he's a Cardiologist at an office in Midtown." So, they have more money than I thought. A lot more.

"Damn. Cardiologist?" I couldn't help but smirk.

"Yeah, I'm sure you know I went to the medical school at Chicago University. Him and I met there," she explained which I in fact knew nothing about.

"I.. I actually didn't know. We hadn't spoken since that night and so I had no further information about where you were or what you were doing. You were just gone," I muttered.

She looked at me regretfully. "Oh... I'm sorry. Yeah, I guess I fell off the face of the earth after the divorce. I barely saw my parents and sister till I married Matt."

"..Really?" I frowned, shocked at that. She loved her parents and sister more than anything. Guess she really did have a thing on skipping out on family.

"Yeah, but I'm trying to get back in there. Trying to make up for my mistakes." I wondered if she thought leaving Bella and I was a mistake. But that was a question for a different time.

"That's good. Happy for you. Happy that you're.. finally happy," I nodded, trying to smile but the heartbreak only resurfaced.

"Lauren.." her face fell just before Bella opened the door.

"Hello? It's been twenty minutes. I'm bored and so confused," she shot daggers at both Camila and I.

"Oh, Bella, honey... Dr. Hussey and I were just talking," I allowed her to come over and sit on my lap. I turned to see who Camila who shook her head, signaling for me to not say anything to Bella about this yet. I nodded. "Sorry if we freaked you out."

"Your mother and I just knew each other from before and it was... a surprise," Camila went on further.

"Clearly," Bella rolled her eyes. "How do you guys know each other?"

"We.. went to... high school together. We were friends," I told which wasn't a lie.

"In high school?! Then you must know my mommy! Well, my other mommy," she beamed in delight. Shit. Forgot I told her about that.

"Excuse me?" Camila gave us a strange expression.

"My mommy named Cameron? Mom keeps her a secret from me so maybe she's a secret to everyone-" I covered her mouth immediately.

"Okay, that's enough, Bells. Remember to keep it up here sometimes?" I said, pointing to my brain.

"Sorry," she said against my hand.

Thankfully Camila just laughed at the nonsense. "You guys are funny."

"Yeah, yeah, she keeps me going. Like a never ending ball of energy," I raked my hand through her brunette hair almost the same color as Camila's. It was then that I could really make out the similarities between the two of them now that Bella was a bit older. There was no question that Bella was my daughter but Camila could very well be her mother too. And she was. My baby was finally in the presence of her parents after 10 whole years.

"Why are you crying, Camila?" Bella snapped me out of my thoughts, causing me to realize my ex cried as she looked at our child.

"Bells, it's Dr. Hussey," I told.

"She can call me Camila. It's okay," she smiled through the free falling tears. "Sorry, I'm a mess. I just can't believe what I'm seeing right now. You're so beautiful, Isabella."

I wasn't sure how to react. Should I have cried some more? It sure as hell was emotional seeing this thing myself. But I didn't want to ruin anything. Surely, I was at least happy Camila got to see her daughter in the flesh again.


I figured that Camila would want to reschedule the appointment for another time after this moment. But she insisted that she didn't want to waste our time now and continue with the checkup. "Okay, Bella Jauregui," she stood close to the girl as I watched from the parent chair. Bella was excited that Camila was her doctor just because they caught me up on how they saw each other at the store twice. What a truly small world. "Lauren, how many hours a night does she sleep?"

"About ten hours. Her bed time's around nine and we get up at seven," I told.

"Alright, good. Bella, you feel well rested when you wake up every morning?" she asked her.

"Yep," she smiled cutely.

Camila then took a listen to the child's heart, lungs and back. Crazy how during this, it hit me that my ex-wife was an actual doctor. White coat, stethoscope and everything. She looked so mature and... professional. Honestly, she never looked better. Maybe I shouldn't have blamed her for leaving in order to find herself. If she couldn't find happiness with me, at least she eventually found it.

"Are you gonna check me for puberty?" Yet again had Bella surprised me with such a question. "I wasn't going to ask at first but Mom wanted me to. And I trust you."

"Hey, I didn't want you to. I asked if you wanted to. Not that I'm opposed to the idea or anything," I raised my hands at Camila's curiosity.

She laughed, "Sure, sweetie. You think you might be showing signs?"

"I don't really know. Mom doesn't know either since she has a penis."

"Isabella Grace!"

"Oh.." Camila stifled a laugh. "I mean, not that we didn't know already." Oh god.

"See?" Bella defended.

"Jesus, just..."

"Sorry, Lauren," Camila giggled, then began the inspection on Bella. She wasn't wrong... just didn't need that.

Turned out, my daughter was practically showing signs with the increase in hair in places no one really enjoyed to have hair in. Well, at least for girls. Bella wasn't too thrilled but hey, that's growing up.

"Thank you again for letting me make up this time for you. I'm really sorry for reacting that way, especially in my work place. I'm better than that, I swear," she spoke to me as if we weren't married before. Like I was meeting her for the first time when we in fact spent six years of our lives together.

"No need to apologize, Camila. If I were you, I would've done the same. Still surprised to say the least. Especially on this exact day," I said.

"I know. It feels so much like serendipity." A sparkle in her eyes made my gaze last a little longer than I planned. Although it'd been 10 years, she was just as gorgeous as I remembered. If not, more.

Fuck. That wasn't good. Best to get out while I could.

"Well... I'll see you."

"Bye, Camila. Maybe I'll see you around the store again," Bella giggled, waving goodbye.

"Bye, honey. I hope we do," she smiled before we turned to go.

Next thing I knew we were almost outside before Camila called out my name. I paused before slowly turning back around, meeting those regretful brown eyes.

"I'd be stupid if I let you go without asking you to go get coffee or something with me sometime. Would... that be okay? Just you and me to.... talk?" she shrugged pleadingly.

I withheld from blurting out how much I'd love that. I mean like that. I mean... I couldn't give in too easily. "Uh.. yeah, that's fine. To catch up?"

"Yeah just plain and simple."

"Sounds good," I nodded. "Number?"

We exchanged the digits quickly, saving her contact name as "Camila" and nothing else. But it was incredibly strange to see as I stared down at my phone.

I used to be in love with this girl. I used to be married to her for fucks sake.

Now she was just Camila to me.

And I was just Lauren to her.


"I'll text you soon," I said, taking Bella'd hand again.

"Okay," she said quickly after. "Umm, Lauren?"

"Yes?" I looked annoyed but it was only an act. I wasn't annoyed at all. Well, just a little but deep down. Right now I enjoyed her in my company after a decade of missing her.

"Can I.. give Bella a hug? Just a tiny one?" she whispered privately.

I nodded before saying, "Go for it."

With a heavy heart, I teared up once more as Camila was crouched down, hugging... squeezing my little girl. Bella was wondering why the doctor was crying again and hugging her like she didn't want to ever let her go but only in my heart I understood why.

It was mother and daughter. A love that couldn't be denied. Something irreplaceable.

"You're incredibly smart and so so so beautiful. I'm always here for you, okay?" Camila finished up.

"Okay...?" Bella tried to remain as composed but I could tell she was still confused. I mean, why wouldn't she be?

I wasn't sure when Camila and I would tell her but it couldn't be until we talked about our own issues first. It was only fair.

"Okay. I'll finally let you go. Goodbye," she waved at us and watched as we walked out of the building and onto the sidewalk.

Sad thing was that it wasn't the first time she said that to me.

I turned back when we were a good few feet away, our eyes still meeting one another's and never looking away.


That was Camren's first interaction after 10 long years and the first of many. We'll see where it goes from here ☺️

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