Kung Fu Panda/Zootopia

By MalachiAlt

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Kai supposedly died in the Spirit Realm, but what the kung fu masters don't know is what happens when you dis... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
AN. I wouldn't mind if you read
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Opinions Needed!
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 8 Alternate Ending
Chapter 9
Good News (not a chapter)

Chapter 10: Final Battle + Epilogue

583 8 14
By MalachiAlt

Po, Shifu, the Furious Five, and sets of police officers stealthily sneak through the woods around where they think/know Kai is hiding. The police were armed with chi destabilizer guns.

"Wait, where'd we get these?" One asked.

Because continuity.

"Don't think it matters. They look useful." Another replied.

"Wait a minute." Po called as he turned around and observed the officers. "There are fewer than before."

"Po, I'm right here." Mantis tapped him in his shoulder.

"No I know. Look, there are fewer officers than what we started out with."

"Oh you're right. Where'd the other one go?" Mantis asked.

Po made a mistake by turning his back, because once he turned back around -as he was looking around- Shifu was gone; that set him off.

"Master Shifu!" He yelled.

The others shushed him as to not attract any unwanted attention.

"Po, look!" Mantis said as he jumped to the ground and picked up Shifu's flute.

Po took it from Mantis and looked at it for a second. He gripped it tighter and looked forward. "Cmon. We better hurry."


Shifu and the officers that were taken woke up strapped with chains around poles. They tried struggling, but couldn't break free.

Shifu then exclaimed, "Who else knows better to work with metal than-"

"Lord Shen?" Shifu heard Kai's voice, and the captured officers' scared whimpers. "You were going to say Lord Shen-" They then saw Kai jump down from the roof and land in front of Shifu. "Weren't you?"

"How does he have anything to do with this?" Shifu asked.

        "He doesn't." Kai shrugged with a grin. "Mostly." He finished before summoning Lord Shen from his chi belt. Shifu's jaw dropped slowly, in shock. "These minions might not talk much; but, they have their ways of communicating. That's how I came to learn the use of all the junk in this uh, w-w-ware? What is it?" Kai forgot for a moment. "Warehouse!" He laughed. "I lost the word there."

"You captured us didn't you?" Shifu interrogated.

"So?" He asked.

"You could've taken us then and there. Why didn't you?" Shifu pressed on.

. . .

"You appear to have an army strapped to yourself; you could've used them."

        "Because I won't be there with them." Kai growled, edging a jade blade against Shifu's neck. "The panda has been known to have found his ways around my armies, and could possibly take advantage yet again. I would have to be there with them, but I have to remain here to make sure you don't escape."

"You have me. Why don't you take my chi?" Shifu wondered.

Kai just laughed, then answered, "No no no. I'm not doing the same plan over again. I'm going to lead them here, then I'm going to take your chi." He paused for a dramatic effect. "Then I'm going to destroy it. Right. In front of. His eyes."

Shifu became concerned, but had faith in Po. "They will stop you! No matter what, you will lose."

        Kai chuckled again. "I don't think so. I have it all planned out, and forseen. Once I kill you, I'll kill him next." Kai pointed to where Lord Shen pulled a sheet back and revealed Nick chained to a chair which was bolted to the floor.

        "I'll be doing what I should've done before." Kai said as he showed Shifu specific chi orbs from his belt. "Your greatest enemies will be taking a special part in my plan. Soon, Master Shifu," He emphasized his name; he had never used it before. "Soon, the world will be witness to the greatest battle ever known."


"Shh! Guys! Do you hear that?" Po halted immediately; everyone positioned themselves defensively. They heard what sounded like trees falling. They couldn't see anything past the thick tree layers, then the sound stopped.

Then from above them, a giant green dragon appeared, roaring and tearing trees back. It breathed green fire at them, but they moved out of the way.

"It's Ke-Pa!" Tigress exclaimed before she dodged another fire blast.

"He's more powerful in this form! Defeating him won't be easier." Po exclaimed.

"Then use your chi powers! You're the most experienced with it." Tigress reasoned.

'Oh right!' Po thought, smacking his forehead. He stretched his hand out, and it glowed. But it had next-to-no effect on the dragon, as it continued spewing fire. "Wait. What am I supposed to do?"

"Send him back to the Spirit Realm!" Everyone else shouted simultaneously. Ke-Pa furrowed his expression and blasted at Po before he could do anything. Tigress -with a boost from Mantis- jumped high up and chi-powered-punched Ke-Pa, knocking him aside a little. He roared as he nearly fell.


Kai heard the roar and grinned. "The time is near." He mumbled. "Your students are up against Ke-Pa. If you have any hope of surviving, then you had better hope they stand a chance" Kai told Shifu.

Then at random, Kai noticed a flaw in his plan (because I actually noticed this just now). "Now that I think about it, keeping you in this form when they arrive may be too risky."

And judging by the concerned look on Shifu's face, Kai knew that Shifu knew what he was talking about.


        Po recovered off the ground and immediately knew he couldn't defeat jombie Ke-Pa by thrusting his hand at him; he'd have to summon his "big gun." So Po rushed behind a tree so he could focus. He summoned the chi to his hands swayed his arms and legs, performing the Inner Peace "dance." 


"What's Po doing?" Mantis asked when he saw Po seemingly retreat.

Then a giant chi explosion erupted, knocking everyone onto their backs. Po's friends (the officers weren't enough; their guns didn't work, and the didn't know Kung Fu)(Chief Bogo stays alive)

Everyone looked up in curiosity, but Ke-Pa got up and roared at it. But he quickly shut his mouth at what he saw.

Master Po in his chi master regalia, and his chi dragon. (What's supposed to make this epic is that it's happening outside the Spirit Realm.)

         Ke-Pa got over his fear and shock, and shot fire at Po. Po grinned and spread his arms. The fire hit him, but didn't affect him. The chi dragon was now a fire chi dragon. Po laughed his typical laugh, and thrusted his hands forward; fire shot out from the chi dragon. Ke-Pa thought quickly and retaliated. Their fire met in the middle, and each side struggled to overcome the other.

"He's holding him! Let's help him!" Monkey said to his other kung fu friends. The others ran towards the preoccupied evil dragon in hopes of using chi to weaken it, but were swept away by his tail.

As the cliché would have it: Po overcame Ke-Pa, and Ke-Pa was knocked down.

Po floated down to the ground and placed his hand on Ke-Pa. His paw glowed, then so did Ke-Pa. Ke-Pa began fading into smoke, then back into his chi ball.

"We gotta send him back to the Spirit World before something happens." Po said. He held it in his hands thinking, 'Maybe I can do it' He closed his eyes and kept his palms on either side of the orb. His hands glowed yet again; and soon, the orb disappeared into the Spirit Realm. (Of course he returned to his form once he arrived.)

"So did you just send the demon king to the Spirit Realm?" Mantis asked.

"He didn't reign there before; are you sure he's in the Spirit Realm?" Tigress asked.

"Yeah, I'm sure."


        Kai held Shifu's chi orb in his hand and chuckled. "We will see who comes out victorious this time. More likely, I will see who will." Then Kai felt Ke-Pa's presence no longer around. He tried seeing through Ke-Pa's eyes, but couldn't reach him. "Those idiots could've only sent him. . . Oh no."


"Kai could only send him to us because we're close. We have to keep moving." Po said as his chi form vanished and he was back to normal. The remaining team continued running in the desired direction.


Kai paced around in slight panic; his panic only increased when the wall began cracking (the cracks were glowing). He knew what this meant and pulled his blades out.

The wall exploded, and the whole team struck poses. (The officers aimed their guns) "BOOM!"

Then Po mumbled, "Dramatic entrance."

"You!" Kai growled and aimed his blades at Po. "Do you have any idea what you've done?"

"Been stopping you." Po thrust his hand forward, and a chi blast knocked him over.

"Come!" Kai commanded his scouting chi army.

"Keep the chi orbs from getting to him." Po commanded, running forward and engaging in a duel with Kai.

Kai spun his blades around, keeping Po away. Po caught one of his blades and landed some hits on Kai.

Then his chi orbs flew in towards Kai; Po's team held off the orbs. They grabbed them, but they were still relentlessly pulling to Kai.

Kai pushed Po away and held up Shifu's chi. "Ahem!"

Everyone stopped, stared, and gasped.

"I have the power to take master Shifu from existence. If you persist, he won't." A big pause. "Neither will you." He managed to take Mants and Vipers' chi.

. . .

"Now now." Kai said. "Who dies first?"

Then they heard muffled screaming from somewhere in the abandoned warehouse.

"What is that?" Po asked.

"My plan B." Kai answered, tossing his blade being him. It cut a chain, and then stuff fell, and Nick was revealed chained to a chair with a bandanna over his mouth.

Kai stuck his hand out towards Nick and asked, "Who will you save? An innocent fox? Or your master? I can tell your team is smart; they haven't attacked me yet, and they know I'll kill Shifu if they do."

"Why haven't you attacked us yet?" Po asked.

. . .

Out of a moment of pure inconvenience, Po's team became slightly distracted and Kai's power was fully restored.

Still, Kai did nothing.

"You're scared aren't you?" Po asked, actually concerned. "Of what?"

"You have yet to realize the mistake you have made." Kai said.

"Our mistake? You've spent years taking peoples' lives and destroying their memories, but now you're concerned with our mistake?" Po interrogated.

"It is much bigger than the both of us." Kai said simply.

"What does that mean?"

"I mean: something to come is bigger than you, me, them, and him." He turned and pointed to Nick.

It was too late when Kai realized his mistake. With his back turned, Po outstretched his arms and kept Kai from moving. Kai then saw himself turning green; he was turned to Po, who he then saw taking his chi. Kai's orbs then dropped to the ground.

"So, it has come to this. You're taking chi. Once you down this path, there's no going back."

"Yes there is." Po replied. "Because I'm the Dragon Warrior."

Just before Kai was taken over, he muttered his last words, "Don't blame me." Then Po held Kai's chi in his hands.

"There are ways around killing." Po closed his eyes, and Kai's chi -rather than being crushed- slowly blew away into the wind as gold dust. "Skadoosh."


Chief Bogo looked out for the return of Po's team, hoping to see Nick with them. Judy was there too, and they were greeted with a full entourage. Po, Shifu, the Furious Five, the extra police officers, and Nick Wilde. Judy began tearing up; she ran up to Nick and tackled him into a hug.

"Woah woah, easy there Carrots. Yeah yeah, I missed you too."

"Well well. I'm impressed." Chief Bogo complemented.

"I know! We were so awesome! We were all kapow! Kaboom! We took down a demon king all 'kashing,' and, andandand we beat Kai, and 'skadoosh,' and-" Po cleared his throat. "Um, thank you."

"You have done us a great service. Is there anything we can do to repay you?"

Po smiled.


"Did we really have to bring all these different kinds of noodles along?" Mantis asked.

"Why do you always gotta ask stuff like that? Of course we do. I'm not the only panda alive, you know." Po replied.

Mantis just shrugged it off.

"Everone in position?" Po asked. Everyone was gathered in a circle where they were transported.


Po's dads were gathered around, hoping their son would return soon and safely.

(That sounded uncomfortably gay. I'm sorry.)

Then they were greeted with sweet satisfaction.

They all told stories of the day they trekked into another dimension. They continued living normally.

For the time being.

The End

I hope that was worth the wait.

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