Bathroom Break...with Niall?

De bracefacex209

10.8K 196 97

Between all the crazy modeling shoots she has going on, Bree accidentally runs into one out of five of One Di... Mai multe

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13

Bathroom Break...with Niall?

2K 27 22
De bracefacex209

"We love you, honey, take care."

"Love you too, Mom," I said, turning my iPhone 4s off as I walked out of my flat, locking the door. Running late, I practically flew down the stairs, taking in the beautiful view of Big Ben, and I got the shivers again. Living in England was awesome. I came the minute I turned eighteen, saving up all my money.

I was meeting Kristin and Bryson at Nando's for lunch, and I was 15 minutes behind schedule. I turned my phone back on, typed out a quick text to her, and hailed a taxi, giving him the address. Kristin was my very first friend when I had moved here, I'd met her at one of my modeling shoots because she was interning as a photographer, and we had been close ever since. Bryson was her long term boyfriend, and we got along nicely. 

The taxi finally got to Nando's and I handed the driver a wad of cash, running out of the car. I heard him asking about my change but I ignored him. I had money to spare. I looked around the restaurant, trying to regain my composure, and I saw Kristin frantically waving to me from the back. I smiled and strutted down between tables before reaching her and hugging her. Bryson got up and politely kissed me on the cheek and we all sat down.

The waiter came over and we ordered our drinks, then we all turned to each other and our menus.

"SO! Bree! What's new?!" Kristin asked, touching my hand, "I haven't seen you in weeks!"

"I know, I'm sorry! But you know how Elle is. They take forever for one little shoot!" I moaned, giving her puppy dog eyes.

"I guess it's not your fault..." She trailed off.

"Love you," I smiled. Then I turned to Bryson. "How's school going?" I asked. He was studying at the University of Manchester.

"It's interesting, right now we're learning about the habitats and natural instincts of..."

He went on forever about some stupid sea animal; he was studying marine biology so I just tuned out with the occasional "wow" or "no way!" along with a little head bob. He didn't know the difference, but Kristin gave me a sarcastic look and I smiled guiltily. 

The waiter then came with our drinks and I gulped mine down with gusto because I had a meeting with the photographer this morning and then I ran home and changed, so I didn't have time to eat. He took our orders, mine Peri Peri chicken, and left, grabbing our menus. I stood up.

"I'm going to the bathroom," I announced. Bryson rolled his eyes and Kristin gave me a sarcastic happy look.

"Get a good seat!" She waved. I gave her a fake smile and waved back, rolling my eyes at her and she winked. I loved her.

I opened the door and...did my business...and as I was washing my hands I heard screaming from outside the restaraunt. Not even a second after that, the door to the ladies' room flew open and a white blob flew at me, knocking me over.

I let out a girlish squeal and pushed myself up so I was sitting up. The blob, which I made out to be some blonde teenager, looked at me apologetically.

"Sorry, love," he said in an Irish accent and something rang a bell in my mind, but I couldn't remember what.

"Hey, you look familiar..." I said, cocking my head to one side, narrowing my eyes at him. I'd never been good with names or faces.

"Weelllll, I'm in-" But he couldn't finish his sentence because out of nowhere, a hundred and one girls opened the bathroom door and started screaming at this boy. I wondered what he did that got him all that trouble. 

I squeezed my body along the walls, finally reaching the door and looking back one last time, and I caught the eye of the boy, who gave me a weak smile, trying to fend off some of the rabid teens. I opened the door and walked out of the restroom to see a huge burly guy in a black suit running towards the restroom. I furrowed my eyebrows and walked toward my table when I noticed that Kristin and Bryson weren't there. I grabbed my bag from the back of my seat and checked my phone.

One new message.

Kristin: Sorry babes, but we had to get out of there. Screaming girls everywhere. Madhouse. Paid for food. Coffee tomorrow? Love you!

I typed back a quick reply, telling her everything was fine, already forgetting about the guy in the bathroom, and I checked the time, realizing I was almost late for my shoot.

I grabbed a taxi and hopped in, not even looking back, because if I had, I would have seen a certain blonde boy joined by four other attractive guys...

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