Olly, Olly

By dg4787

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Aria never imagined that she would see Oliver again, it had been many years since she had last seen Ollie. He... More

Intro: Description. Oxen free
"All rights reserved."
Chapter 2. Olly Olly Oxen free
Chapter 3. World domination
Chapter 4. Eightball
Chapter 5. Home
Chapter 6. Shots and scars.
Chapter 7. Chicken soup and criminal minds.
Chapter 8. Little yellow coin envelopes.
Chapter 9. iPod light in the darkness.
Chapter 10. The greatest miracle in the world.
Chapter 11. From San Antonio to Las Vegas and then back to Chicago.
Chapter 12. Superheros aren't supposed to break your heart.
Chapter 13. The aftermath.
Chapter 14. Surreal
Chapter 15. Lab Rat
Chapter 16. Lost days, numb days, nights of destruction and six Period.
Chapter 17. The potter's hands and a new life.
Chapter 18. The Letter.

Chapter 1. Pennies

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By dg4787

I saw him for the first time standing at the entrance of the parking lot. I could tell that he was far from at peace, as he was alone, and quickly pacing back and forth. He seemed entranced and in deep thought. I stood by the front door of the restaurant, still planted in place where I first spotted him. I was scheduled to work tonight. My heart desired to go towards him, but it wasn't my place to fill. So, I just stood there for what seemed like hours. I had to restrain myself from crying. I suddenly felt my eyes warm as they held tears on standby, ready to run at any moment. He seemed so distant from what had been his home all of his life. I could tell he was mumbling something to himself, but from this distance, there was no way of making any of it out. So— I just stood there, still holding my gaze upon him, this was the only form of embrace I could offer him at this moment. Suddenly his reality quickly filled up with actual living bodies in a blink of an eye. I watched as his family abruptly surrounded him. Quickly filling the space where his thoughts seemed to have occupied— just moments prior.

His parents and grandmother came immediately towards him after exiting the car, that they had parked out of place. His two sisters also came rushing from the back exit of the restaurant. I was immediately released from the hold of compassion and curiosity that had built up, as I stood planted and entranced from afar. I stole another glance as I exhaled deeply in a form of release. My eyes forced themselves closed upon being liberated, in some odd form of relief. I forced in a couple deep gasps of air, as I started to take steps towards the front door. I realized my breath had grown shallow the more I fixated on him, I was trying to make up for the air that I seemed to be lacking at the moment, as I first spotted him.


The restaurant was busy and meeting its capacity. After greeting and kissing some of my co-workers on the cheek 'hello,' I made my way to the 'back of house.' The 'back of the house,' is just restaurant lingo for behind the scenes; in this case— the 'kitchen.' The back of house was just as crazy, people running around, plates clicking and clacking as they were in motion to their destination. The fryer and grills were sizzling in the background and a heavy stream of water ran as it filled the three compartment dish sink, trying to keep up with the loads of dishes that kept pilling up. I walked through— more liked weaved through, trying to avoid crashing into anyone. I made my way to my locker in the employee area that stood outside of the employee bathrooms. I hung my jacket in my locker and placed my bag inside, turned off my iPod, pulling the buds off in one quick motion and made sure to wrap the cord around it. I placed it in my bag, to make sure not to misplace this one. After a quick glance in the mirror and washing my hands, I made my way to storage to grab an apron from the cage. I double wrapped the apron strings around my waist and snuggly tied it in the front. I headed through the double doors and so my shift began.

I was assigned to one of the side stations today, it was one of the smaller stations. Oddly enough named, station thirteen. It was not a favored station among the waitstaff, due to the fact that while most stations had six or seven tables, this section only had four. I foresaw that I'd probably be walking into this assigned station since I asked to be scheduled for a later time today. I had some errands I needed to get done, including picking up that new iPod; replacing my previous one, that I had misplaced. Most servers frowned upon being assigned to this station. Granted, it wasn't my favorite either since losing two to three tables brought in less money, but the trick to this station was exceeding customer expectations. It was one of those qualities over quantity, life lessons. Working smarter not harder! Whoever was scheduled here, usually, had more free time. Fewer tables meant fewer customers, so every penny had to count. Yet, at the end of it, you still found yourself at the mercy of the generosity of your customers.

Being a server, we are mentally built to have the 'get them in and out mentally.' The more tables we turned, the more tips we'd make. This station though was hard to build up to that pace. It was tucked away in the back right corner of the restaurant. The restaurant was shaped like an upside down, 'L' and the entire dining room was surrounded with windows, but this section sat in the corner angle and was less appealing— because it faced the parking lot. From the angle of this station, I could see the Cartagena family still rooted in the parking lot. Noticing one sister had left the gathering.

I walked up to my first table to introduce myself and started my spiel. I could overhear that they were in talks of the outside gathering expressing their curiosity. "Is that him?" I heard as I walked up to the table.

I would love to say that this was a fascinating big city and we would have different interesting people come through everyday— or even on the flip-side of things; 'Comfort' and say this is a small town where everyone knows each other since birth. Truth is, we are somewhere more in the middle, where if you know someone you know someone and if you don't know them, chances are you probably heard of them. This is what is known as Marble Falls, Texas.

After taking their order and avoiding answering any unwanted questions about their curiosity. I made my way to the 'P.O.S.' and placed their order. More restaurant lingo, 'P.O.S.' means 'point of sale,' just a fancy way of saying cash register but in our case, our P.O.S didn't handle cash it was just where we rang in our orders. I made sure to introduce myself to my second table and had thanked one of the bus boys— Jeff, for greeting them first and starting them with ice waters and chips and salsa.

After the food for my second table came out, I was immediately flagged over by one of the customers at that table. He complained about his plate being too spicy— even after, I explained, that dish leaned on the hotter scale as I was taking their order. He had shushed me with— "trust me, honey— I'm good with it, I can handle it!" Even though being called 'honey' was one of my biggest pet peeves I bit my tongue and took his order.

I grabbed the plate, with a crooked smirk in place, as I was glad that it proved that I was right— that he couldn't handle it. My own way of calling him a wuss without using so many words. Jeff noticed as he took the plate out of my hands and made a frowned puckered face at me as our eyes met. I asked him to please watch my tables as I had to put in this new order and track a manager down to authorize the void on my check, to avoid the write-up later. It was company policy to bring this to a managers attention right away to avoid the discrepancy later. The manager was to void the item off the check to balance it out.

I placed the new order and I went through the 'front of house,' again restaurant lingo for the 'dinning-room,' to see if anyone with the capacity of authorization was there. Which then lead me to the back of house and then into the office. Sam, the office assistant was busy cashing servers out from the lunch shift. I asked her if she knew where I could find a manager and she informed me that the family was still outside. The main reason I was asking her in the first place, was to avoid interrupting them. I had hoped to find someone else who was available who could handle this. Sam informed me that Lily was around here somewhere. Lily, was the sister that I noticed earlier had left the gathering through section thirteen windows.

Sam reached for the walkie-talkie sitting on edge of her desk and called out to Lily— waited and received no response. Impatient with the lack of direction Sam was able to offer, I walked out of the office and walked around a couple more times searching for her myself. I passed by my tables to check in with Jeff, to see if everything was okay, which he assured me it was.

I ended my search at the back door, with my hand on the handle debating if I really wanted to bother the family at this moment with this— but I knew, I had no choice. This wasn't my decision to make, it was their business. I just had to deal with my responsibilities— and follow company policies so I pushed the door outward and headed out.

As I reached the entrance of the parking lot, where the car was still double parked and found the family seemed to be in strong conversation in the midst of all confusion. I walked up and tried to get someone's attention without getting everyone's attention. I felt uneasy in the process with the struggle of accomplishing this— especially through the commotion. With my frozen smirk in place and failed attempt of drawing attention, he slowly raised his head and seemed to notice me. He stared directly at me with this strong glance. I could see as his eyes immediately locked and focused solely on me.

Does he know who I am? I wondered. Am I causing him more confusion?

But, his eyes just stayed fixated on me as they narrowed in focus. I didn't know what to make of it. Then his lips suddenly formed a gentle smile and I couldn't help but smile back.

His abuela jumped in and called out my name, breaking whatever moment he and I were sharing as she reached over and embraced me.

"Ariana!" She called out.

I turned my face in her direction caught off guard— since no one besides my parents ever called me that. I went by Aria, for short.

"Ariana?" He whispered back under his breath and smiled again as he said it.

The family was still in the midst of their discussion that had broken up into groups and had grown in number since I last looked through the windows of station thirteen, and he was in the center of it all.

"Hi, Ariana," Abuela Cartagena repeated my name.

"Is everything okay?" She asked still having a grasp on my forearm, which at this point was interlocked with hers.

"Yes, ma'am, I just have an item that needs to be voided off a check!" I said, holding up my checkbook.

"Oh— that's it?" She questioned.

I couldn't help but notice that his glance was still locked in my direction.

"Ariana, we are having some family issues right now, I promise I will take care of the void. Well, honestly, I won't, because I know nothing about that P.O computer thingy, but, I will make sure it gets taken care of."

"Thank you!" I responded as I took steps back to walk away, immediately feeling a slight resistance as she held onto my arm stopping me in my tracks.

"Can I ask you a favor?" She said in a low tone.

"Sure anything!" I replied.

"Well, as you can see, we are not getting anything accomplished here, and my grandson is in the middle of all this nonsense. Our family needs time to straighten some things out." She continued to whisper. "Would you mind going with my grandson for a walk and keeping him away from here— for just a little while?"

"Me?" I questioned all too confused.

"Yes!" She responded, as she took my checkbook out of my hand and pulled the string on my apron, to quickly release it.

"But— I have two tables seated right—"

She cut me off, "Don't worry, we will take care of them."

"Okay!" I responded seeing it wasn't much of a choice as it was an order.

"But Jeff—" She cut me off again.

"—Don't worry Ariana. I will talk with Jeff and he can bring us up to date on your tables."

She leads me through the gathered group, which caught the attention of most of them still in the midst of confusion.

"Oliver, do you remember Ariana?" She questioned him as she introduced me walking up towards him.

He continued to hold his eyes locked onto me.

My guess was he was trying to place me— to figure out who I was.

He just smiled again softly.

"Oliver, Ariana wants to know, if you want to go for a walk— with her?"

I turned in her direction confused but trying not to show others how lost I was, at how this became my idea.

"Walk?" I heard the others question in whispers in the background as they were trying to piece together her solution.

"Hi, Aria!" He greeted me in a soft tone.

"Hi!" I replied, pleased he called me Aria.

He slightly shook his head up and down to agree to my so-called request.

"Okay, then— um, you two should get going." Abuela Cartagena said.

I lead the way out of the parking lot as he was a step behind.

I glanced back and could see the family was in awe at what had just happened. The conclusion confused them, as well as me. "A walk? That's it?" They asked and I could hear abuela Cartagena, shush them and start to explain; but we were too far off to make out her words. I did lock eyes with Oliver's sister, Amy for a moment, who's head waved from side to side, as she raised her hands to gesture in question on what was going on. She also held a puzzled expression. I could only shrug my shoulders in response.

We managed to walk out of the parking lot and onto the sidewalk in complete silence. I turned in his direction and saw that he was in deep thought with eyes locked forward.

Say something Aria! I ordered myself in thought, say anything to break the awkwardness of what just happened and the dead of silence we are entrapped in.

"Um,—" was all I managed to get out when suddenly he turned, and leaned over into me in one quick swift move and— kissed me. Okay, so— a kiss is the wrong word, a kiss would be what I did to people as I walked in the restaurant today, or how he probably greeted his abuela. This was melodramatic— he firmly embraced me and pulled me in passionately. His lips felt soft, I realized as I found myself kissing back. It wasn't awkward, it was truly passionate and long and peaceful! Mostly, comforting!

I didn't pull away. Even though I probably should have, but I quickly found I was fine right where I was— with him. My body seemed to lock into position. I froze in the surprise of the unexpected kiss. I didn't wrap my arms around him or grab him as one would typically do finding themselves lip-locked with someone. My arms hung lifelessly at my side— but his embrace grew firmer pulling me in closer.

"I'm sorry!" I heard him release in a whisper as he pulled away gently from my lips. His eyes still closed, and his forehead resting on mine as he towered over me in height. Yet, still close enough to feel his breath touch my skin as he spoke, with his arms still wrapped around my waist.

"I just promised myself, that if I made it back, I would do that— the first chance I got."

It's okay! I have wondered many times, what kissing you would be like. I returned— in my head of course, with no desire to hear those words actually come out of my mouth, to come across as a possible one-time stalker.

I just stood there looking at him still in his embrace, his eyes remained closed and he was still in a deep breath. I could feel as each breath inhaled— filled his lungs and expanded his chest in my direction and the moment the air was exhaled as it pulled him slightly away from me.

I quickly realized that we were still in plain sight, we hadn't made it but a few feet of the gathering and worse 'section thirteen' had front row seats.

"Um— how about that walk now?" I questioned in response to the kiss— breaking the embrace.

His lips formed a firm pressed smile as he shook his head again in approval.

We continued to walk in silence keeping pace with each other. I was trying to get out of the line of sight as fast as possible. My mind still captivated by what had just happened, by that kiss. We carried on for a little while in stillness, until little childhood flashbacks started to chip away the barrier of silence. The old neighborhood, which brought in some comfort to the awkwardness that had built up with every step we took away from the broadcast kiss. We talked about our grammar school, he was amazed that it was still standing, seeing it has been around since the late eighteen hundreds. It had definitely taken a beating with the countless of rugrat's that have managed to go through there. He pointed at the brick two-story building that was settled on the corner— at one point during our reign in 'Colt elementary.' It was a frozen in time era penny candy store. It was really a general store but to us, it was known as 'the penny store.' Walking in, the store was brightly lit with the suns natural light, that filled the small store through the glass windows. There was a wide spaced counter that went three sixty in distance in the middle of the store where Mr. Gellar would ring people up. The shelving around the counter held many plastic bins; that were filled with all types of small candies, each for the cost of one penny. He carried a variety of other things like basic foods— milk, eggs, and canned goods to rakes, charcoal, and scarves. Which we found very odd because it never dropped cold enough here to actually sell one. Like the penny store, these scarves were permanently rooted too. We never understood it— but we loved it, especially stocking up on sweets before and after school. We would fill up brown paper sandwich bags that old man Gellar placed on the counter for his loyal customers. Adults typically stayed out of the way during hours leading to and after school. They knew the rush of kids that filled this little hole in the wall shop between those hours. What would start off to be a quick errand to the general store would become a time-consuming frustration with all the kids in the way. Our proclaimed candy haven was shut down right after we hit middle school. Mr. Gellar grew ill very quickly, to the point where he struggled to open the store most days, but managed to some days, knowing the kids would be heartbroken if he didn't. On those days, he would open for an hour or so, so we could get our bags filled and then he'd close up shop at the sound of the school bell. Until the day, the store never opened again; Mr. Gellar had passed away. It was sad days at Colt Elementary after his passing. Looking back now, we know we didn't boost Mr. Gellar into millionaire status by our patronage and to be honest I'm not sure why he put up with all of us. But reminiscing with Oliver about old man Gellar and his penny candy store— reminded us, we were thankful he did.

After it had been shut down the location remained empty for a while before other random businesses tried their luck in that location. Until their short-lived time— came to an end and the hole in the wall found itself empty again. Time and time again, nothing ever to become as popular as the penny store. You couldn't walk past it after it shut down without seeing pennies left randomly around the property or on the windowsills. People just grew used to paying homage to Mr. Gellar by leaving a penny as they passed by. Now, it was replaced by a 'Seven-eleven.' It has become an old town folk story—one that Seven-eleven couldn't escape when it was announced they were tearing down the building to build a new store. When news broke people fought back by petitioning to save the building and placing pennies on the property. Seven-eleven didn't put up much of a fight, they ended up keeping the original building and just built onto it. You could still see the buildings skeleton under the halogen Seven-eleven signage. But yet, pennies still manage to find their way to the property. So Seven-eleven ended up putting a plague box on the frame of the building, so people can drop their pennies in, that would go towards a children's charity in Mr. Gellar's honor. It became so bad that the cement around the building had to be redone a couple times because pennies ended up in the wet cement. That too became a lost battle to Seven-eleven. Walking on their property you still see random pennies that are now forever embedded in the concrete.

We reminisced about the park that we had played every summer since I could remember. Endless games of tag, hopscotch and softball games. The boys playing basketball while the girls were hanging out on the playground. Just gossiping on the swings and daydreaming as we laid on the slides starring up into the sky. Only to be interrupted by the guys who would finish their basketball game and start a game of tag or hide and seek around the playground.

"Ollie, Ollie oxen free," He mumbled remembering or hide and seek days.

"Yeah, I remember." His words brought up a faint smile to form on my face by reminding me of those innocent days we had with no true cares in the world or at least by today's standards that is. He also noticed my reaction and he followed with a faint half smirk.

We continued to walk around for a while and walk through the old abandoned lot where the lime tree still stood high and strong. He just stood at the base of the tree and stared up at it, as he placed his hand on the tree, still in awe. I reached up and grabbed a lime and smelled it. It was a fond smell of our childhood as this tree was pretty popular for climbing. I took a step closer to him and lifted it to his face and told him to smell. He leaned in and wrapped his hands around mine and pulled it in close up to his nose and inhaled deeply as his eyes shut. He pulled his hands down towards his lips with mine still in his grasp, and held them there for a moment, opened up my hand and released the lime from my grasps and took a hold of it. My hand was rested on his jaw, with his left hand over mine holding it in place, as he softly kissed the palm of my hand and gently released it. It should have been awkward but it wasn't. There was a sort of comfort to it, that I couldn't grasp. This is where I noticed that he had a hearing aid on his right ear. I had been so close to him, close where our lips met, but I hadn't seen this till now. It was just as he turned to kiss my hand that revealed the placement of the hearing aid.

I chose to continue, to ignore it. After reminiscing for a while through the town we walked passed the Seven-eleven again as we came around and decided to go in to get something to drink. I went straight for a pink lemonade, and he reached in for a bottled water. We made our way over to the register and I asked him if he wanted anything else, he said he was fine with water but stated that he was paying. We went back and forth with this until we reached the register. By the time we made it there, there was an older gentleman with a toddler in arms, who cut in and said, "I've got this brother, from one veteran to the next, it's the least I can do." This got the cashiers attention. The man reached out his hand and said thank you to Oliver for his service. Oliver reached out his hand in return as well and shook his hand in a strong grip. The man pulled him in and embraced him, with the toddler in hand. As they pulled apart, he introduced himself as Dax, and the little boy was his grandson, Riley.

Oliver responded and introduced himself and me as well, as he reached out to Riley and shook his hand.

"Hey, little man!" He greeted.

Dax asked him if he wanted or needed anything else and Oliver replied no, that the water was fine, but told him he didn't have to.

Dax repeated again, brother it's the least I could do for what you have done for us.

He pulled out a business card and handed it over to Oliver.

"That's my shop, give me a call anytime, man. We can trade war stories or just hang." The card was for a bike mechanic shop.

"Well, I'll let y'all be on your way, it was nice to meet you, Aria!" He stated.

After another handshake and embrace, we parted ways. As Dax pushed open the door he turned back, "Hey soldier— welcome home!" He smiled and Oliver smiled back and with a small head nod released his words "you too!" As we walked out of the store Oliver pulled out his wallet from his back pocket and opened it enough to slide the card in.

"He was nice!" I stated.

"Yeah— he was!" Oliver, smiled back in a crooked smile as he reached into his pocket pulling out a penny and placing the penny on the windowsill as we passed it. He cracked the seal of his water bottle and took his first swig.

We walked over to the river-side and sat there, under one of the trees. We just sat there for a while and continued to reminisce.

"So besides promising yourself, that you would kiss the first girl you could... what else are you looking forward to doing now, that you're back home?" I asked in curiosity taking a jab at his forwardness in jumping in for the kiss. I couldn't help but smirk as I got the words out.

He turned in my direction and smirked back— holding back a laugh.

He leaned back, laying on the grass to look up towards the clouds.

He whispered— " the first girl!" He brought his hand forward above him. I noticed he still had the lime in hand. He played with it tossing it up and catching it in mid-air like a ball.

I sat facing slightly in his direction picking off the grass in my grasp as my fingers glided over the grass.

We stayed there as the sun was setting. We sat in silence and made small talk here and there. Nothing serious or personal just enjoyed each others presence. At times, it seemed like I was the only person in his world— and he gave me all of his attention; almost like he was reading into every word I said and studying my face as he would lock his eyes in my direction. Then, would come the occasional feeling that he was distant like he lost himself in thought; possibly daydreaming. Spending some time in silence but it was a nice break from all the commotion of the restaurant and my life that I didn't mind it. I was surprised that I actually welcomed it.

Everything inside me wanted to ask, "How it was?" "How it was overseas?" and "What happened to him?" I had heard the town stories and gossip. I was curious but didn't dare to ask.

As darkness started to overtake the sky, I figured his family was awaiting his return.

"Well, maybe we should be heading back... I have to close my section and your family must be worried about you."

He shook his head, up and down softly in agreement.

On our night walk back, we kept a slow steady pace, we weren't in a rush to get back and the conversation was easy. But yet, it seemed a shorter distance to get back then it originally was to leave the restaurant. The walk back seemed easier.

As we reached the restaurant, we could see it had slowed down a lot from when we had left. From a distant, we could see through the windows that it was basically empty, only employees were in view and about four tables seated.

Before we crossed the parking lot he reached and grabbed my hand, which grabbed my attention. "Thank you,—for the walk!"

"Sure, I enjoyed myself!" I responded. "It brought some peace to my chaotic day of running errands, I should be thanking you."

"—and the kiss!" His lips formed into a crooked smirk. I, on the other hand, grew mute. I had no words to respond. Was I supposed to say you're welcome, part of me felt I should thank him because I had imagined kissing him back in high school on many occasions, and yet I would not be revealing this to him tonight or ever.

He suddenly leaned over, placed his hands on the back sides of my head stared into my eyes and kissed me on the cheek.

I smirked and tried so hard to hold in the laughter but I didn't succeed.

"What, you thought I was going to kiss you again?" His eyes squinted as he asked sarcastically. "What kind of guy do you think I am? Maybe buy me dinner first and then will see! I'm not easy!" He chuckled, "come on!" He walked ahead of me as we weaved through the cars in the lot.

We walked in through the front doors and could see that his family was one of the tables seated having dinner. They had a spread of food laid on the table as they ate family style. We walked over in their direction.

"I'm returning him back to you guys!" I stated as we made our way to their table. "Thanks for letting him come out to play for a while."

"Yeah so— um, what have you guys been up to?" Amy asked in a quirky tone, with a smirk on her face from across the table.

"Come on you two, sit, there is plenty of food." Abuela Cartagena, cut in helping us avoid Amy's question. She quickly brought us plates and utensils and placed them on the table in front of us. She came around and put her arms around the small of my back and Oliver's as well. She pulled the chair out and lead him in the chair pushing him in place by his shoulders.

This was my best chance at exiting, I thought.

"Buen provecho!" As I uttered the words and went to take my first steps away as Oliver was being forced into the seat by his grandmother, someone took ahold of my hand. I turned to look down and followed the hand back to its owner, it was Oliver. I quickly turned and rolled my eyes to look at Abuela Cartagena and the rest of the family seated.

"Ariana sit," Abuela Cartagena said. "You must be hungry!" She leads me to the chair next to Oliver. He looked at me as I sat and let out a faint uncomfortable smile.

"Oliver, what are you doing?" I whispered to him under my breath.

"Just stay— with me, for a little while longer— please." He whispered back.

I couldn't help but look up in his families direction and noticed his mom had a blank look on her face and his dad had a wide grin.

"Eat up, Aria!" His dad said as we met eyes. "There is plenty of food!"

"Thank you, but I have closing duties."

"Nonsense," Abuela Cartagena stated as she put plates down in front of us that she had dished up samples of basically everything on the table.

"Your station has been taken care of." Abuela Cartagena informed me.

"Really?" I questioned.

"Relax Aria!" Amy stated. "Eat!" She said as she picked up her plate and came across to sit next to me. I looked around the table as everyone easily re-entered conversation's with each other and the awkwardness faded quickly. I sat and spoke with Amy.

Oliver, was next to his brother-in-law, Lily's husband holding a conversation with him. I looked over and saw him take a couple bites holding the fork in his right hand which he had switched hands and held onto my left hand, in his left hand on his lap. He realized I had noticed, he then pulled his chair closer in my direction and whispered into my ear and asked, "do you mind if I hold on just a little while longer?" I turned slightly in his direction and agree with one faint word..."sure!"

I could feel as he constantly rubbed his thumb side to side on the top of my hand as he held it.

I just smiled at him and we both went back to our previous conversations.

After we finished dinner, well, we all ate dinner— I noticed Oliver just picked at his plate. He barely ate anything, maybe three or four spoonfuls, if that.

Everyone was around the table when Abuela Cartagena lifted up her wine glass and toasted her grandson's return. Everyone lifted their wine glasses or drinks and he held on to his glass of water in one hand and my hand in the other.

"Salute!" Abuela Cartagena said in a cheerful manner. Everyone at the table repeated and the employees jumped in and clapped in the background. His grip got tighter around mine at that moment.

After a while he let go, we stood around talking but he would turn to look in my direction ever so often, it seemed as if to make sure I was still there. I excused myself seeing the restaurant was shutting down for the night. I had to go retrieve my stuff from my locker. As I took steps towards the kitchen doors, Oliver caught up to me.

"You're coming back right?" He asked almost uneasy.

"Yeah of course!" I answered in response to the awkwardness of his question. Honestly, it wasn't as if I was planning to sneak out the back or anything but I didn't think I needed to come back as well. I was planning on saying my goodnight and goodbye's to everyone before I left.

"Is it okay, if I walk you home?" He asked.

I couldn't help but laugh as I looked around and saw that we had his family attention again—although they were trying to play it off like they weren't snooping.

"Um, yeah— sure, but shouldn't you be with your family?"

"I will be after I walk you home. I'll meet up with them at home!" He replied.

I glanced around again, and said, "Sure— of course, if they don't mind."

I went and grabbed my stuff out of the locker after I tracked down Jeff and thanked him for his help especially tonight. I left him with all my responsibilities tonight and I didn't feel at ease with it. He assured me that it was fine, he enjoyed it. He assured me of no ill feelings especially as he was able to step into the role of a server tonight as opposed to food running and busboy. He said Amy helped him and they even talked about him picking up shifts as a server a couple nights a week, to start transitioning him into the role. He even thanked me, because it meant he would have the opportunity to make more money as a server.

I just laughed, "Nice!" After repeatedly thanking him, we said our goodbyes and I grabbed my stuff and headed out.

Oliver was still waiting for me as his family gathered around.

I said my good nights, abuela Cartagena and Amy hugged me.

"Will see you at home mijo!" His mom stated as she walked out.

"Are you sure you guys don't want a ride?" His dad asked as we hit the front door.

"No thanks, dad!" Oliver replied. "I could use another walk after all that food."

"Okay son, we will see you at home,— good night Aria!"

"Good night, Mr. Cartagena! Thanks again for dinner!"

He replied with a head nod and a smile.

We headed home, well to my home anyway. We talked and even laughed some along the way about sitting at that table with his family. He slyly slipped his hand into mine as we began to walk away from the restaurant, interlocking his fingers into mine.

As hectic as today was, add on all the confusion and awkwardness— It turned out to be a good night. Oliver and I had taken an unexpected trip back to our childhood together. When times seemed a lot simpler.

As we reached my home, and he walked me to my door— I couldn't help but smile when our eyes met. I tried really hard to conceal it but I knew I wasn't succeeding.

"So—?" I said.

"So—?" he replied in a low tone. "This is where you live?"

"Yep! This is my residence, temporally."

"Temporally?" He questioned.

"Yeah— long story, maybe for another night."

"Another night, huh?" He smirked.

"Yeah, maybe— another night, I'll tell you."

"Are you offering me another night or asking me for another night?" His smirk grew bigger. "Is that supposed to be a hint for me to ask you out again?"

"Again? You didn't even ask me the first time!" I responded sarcastically in laughter.

He just stared at me again, which seemed deeper than that, it was more like he was staring right through me. He had this deep mysterious look in his eyes. They projected out, curiosity and wonder but underneath, he couldn't hide the sadness in his eyes.

I think he realized I was starting to notice— because he became almost jittery as he turned his eyes away slightly.

"Goodnight, Aria!" He kissed my hand again as he raised his eyes back in my direction.

He turned and was down two steps on the patio stairs—

—when all of a sudden a word rolled out—

—"WAIT!" I said, probably a little louder than I should have. As panic hit, I immediately thought, what was I doing? Why am I calling him back? For what?

He stopped and looked back towards me.

I couldn't help but become confused again. I tried quickly to rationalize things. I hadn't seen him since we were in high school and even though we grew up together more like around each other, I barely knew him. Growing up, I was best friends with his little sister. I have only been with him for a couple of hours today, and he hasn't even left, so why am I feeling like I'm missing him already. Granted, I had a secret crush on him growing up and Amy came to notice it when we were about sixteen. I made her promise she would never say anything, she has since held my secret all these years.

Why wait? Wait for what? I questioned myself again in thought.

As he stood there, I found myself wanting to ask him if he wanted to—

-Get a drink?

-Watch a movie?

-Hang out?

Anything, say anything!

I just stood there in silence staring at him for a moment.

"Do you want to come in for a while?" I asked sheepishly.

"Are you sure?" He asked. "Won't I be keeping you up?"

I smiled and said come on.

As we walked in, I was in front of him leading the way in. I turned around to ask him if he wanted something to drink? "I don't drink alcohol, so my house is dry but any other drink I should have," I said.

"Water is fine," he replied as he closed the door behind him.

"Water, sure— I have that, come on."

I went towards the kitchen and he followed me through the house.

"Nice place!" He said, making small talk. "Do you live here by yourself?"

"Yeah, for now!" I followed as I reached into the refrigerator and grabbed two bottles of water and walked back over to the kitchen entrance where he stood leaning up against the door frame.

"So, do you want to watch a movie?" I asked.

"Sure!" He replied.

"Well, should you at least call home and let them know you will be here for a while."

"Aria, I'm twenty-five! I stopped asking permission long before I went off to service."

"I know, but they worry about you. Do you mind if I text Amy at least to let her know you're here— with me? Just so she could pass it along if need be."

"You don't have to Aria, I've been off to war and back, I'm guessing me being here with you is not an issue." He took a swig of his water."Fine Aria, but only because you look so cute when you pout." He took steps in my direction grabbing my hand and kissed me softly on my nose.

"I'm sorry Aria," He released my hand and took a step back. "I know I keep kissing and touching you. I must be making you feel uncomfortable? Honestly, that was never my intention! I apologize if I'm making things awkward between us." He paused for a moment— his lips grew crooked, "Just to be clear though, I'm not apologizing for the urge I have to kiss and touch you though."

I just couldn't help but stare back at him as we locked eyes.

Just then I took a step forward and leaned in and kissed him on the lips. My hands landed on his chest as I leaned into him and he wrapped his arms around the small of my back and kissed back.

"I'm— sorry," I managed to get small words out in-between kisses. "I just---- haven't ----- been able---to get -----that kis--s out---- of ----my ———mind! I ---- couldn't----- let you ---- leave ---- without kissing you ----- again!"

I could feel as his lips curved up as we continued to kiss. "Good, me —either!" He snuck out between kisses. "I've been trying to find a way to kiss you all night, without it freaking you out." He whispered under his breath as he pulled his lips back and kept his forehead on mine. I still— don't want to— stop, he said as he leaned in again. His hands moved up to the back of my head. He intertwined his fingers in my hair and took a firm yet gentle grip on my hair in-between his fingers. Massaging the back of my head and neck softly with his fingers. We were pressed up against the doorframe and I couldn't bring myself to stop kissing his still soft lips. I felt as if I belonged here— in this moment with him, no feeling of awkwardness existed. Even though a couple of hours ago we didn't exist in each other's worlds, now he was here and I didn't want to let go of him. I wanted more of him, quickly realizing that the more I had him with me the more I found I needed him. My hands moved to explore him as we kissed, his chest, shoulders, neck, and face. He continued to explore as well, kissing my face and neck repeatedly. It got so passionate and steamy quickly that I knew If I didn't stop now I wouldn't be able to. So I jerked back. "We have to stop, this isn't going to—"

"I know he said. He passed in a deep breath. I just can't— control the urge I have to want to kiss— you, — and hold you," he said in-between kisses as he pressed up against me harder. He suddenly stopped and pulled away enough to just look at me briefly. I watched as his eyes scanned my face until his lips broke into a smile, as he held my chin in between his thumb and fingers he then leaned in to kiss me.

I managed to pull away from him after that one kiss. Knowing things needed to slow down. I made my way to pick up the water bottles that ended up on the floor. As I stood up he hugged me, gripping tightly from behind me. He kissed my cheek and moved up to my ear. I knew I was losing control and wasn't sure I was going to be able to get it back if it went any further.

I had to inhale and exhale deeply to try to regain my composure as he slightly pulled my hair back off my neck and continued kissing my neck. "Wait— stop! This needs to stop now!" I said not knowing if I was telling him or telling myself.

"I know!" He said. "I know—" He stopped mid-sentence, "just don't ask me to let go now that I have you." He kissed my cheek one last time as I grabbed his hand and pulled him, come on let's go watch that movie. He followed somewhat dragging in steps. I grabbed my phone off the table and sent Amy a text on the way to the sofa.

**Amy, Oliver is at my house, we decided to watch a movie. I will let you know when he leaves, please pass that along so nobody worries. They can call my phone if they need to reach him. Ari.

She replied about a minute later,

**K, have fun! But, not too much— thanks I will let my mom know; she has been worried that he isn't home yet. Have a good night! ;-)

We finally made our way to the sofa. I grabbed the remote turned on the TV. I started to explain where the movie channels were and I came to the conclusion that he hadn't heard any of it because he continued kissing me.

I put the TV on mute and left it on in the background to avoid full darkness.

I turned to look at him and he leaned in for a small peck on the lips.

"Do you know how hard this is for me right now?" I asked.

"Yeah, I think I have an idea— seeing I'm in the same position. No pun intended," He grins.

"It makes me think if I hadn't have gone out to the parking lot, who you would be with tonight."

His head hung low and shook from side to side as I finished my words.

"Aria—," he called my name in a deep breath as his face lifted slightly in my direction and slightly bit at his bottom lip. His eyes slowly open as he exhales deeply, "—I didn't make a promise to myself to kiss 'A' girl or 'the next' girl I'd see.

"But earlier you said—"

"It was you!" He stated as he cut me off mid-sentence as his eyes narrowed focusing on mine.

"What?" I found myself confused even more now.

He leaned back and laid his head on the sofa arm and stared up again, this time his view was blocked by the ceiling as he continued, "I promised myself, whenever I made it home— If I'd get the chance to see you again, I wouldn't hesitate— I would kiss you!"

"Hesitate? You thought about kissing me before?" I asked under my breath finding myself in awe of this moment again.

"Countless times!" He smirked almost ashamed to admit it. "Especially, when I was leaving and then it got worse when I left because I couldn't do anything about it— to change it."

Not knowing what to say I leaned over and kissed him and laid next to him. Placing my head on his chest as I inhaled deeply trying to put things together in my head.

He kissed my forehead and held me tight. We laid there in silence, with the occasional defeat of fighting the urge to kiss each other.

"It was always you, Aria." He held on tighter...

and so did I.

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