Save Me

By Ezra_Ann_

8.3K 332 46

Louis Tomlinson - 16 year old gay male, who's a very smart individual who can pass all of his classes without... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5

Chapter 4

1K 45 17
By Ezra_Ann_

When I arrived home Sunday night, needless to say, Dan was pissed that I left and ignored him and mum the whole weekend. Mum she wasn't pissed though, which surprised me. She was upset that I knew about everything and she explained that she only lied to protect me; saying that she was going to tell me before my birthday.

Dan tried grounding me but mum over ruled him saying that I had every right to be upset. I'm still pissed that Liam never told me himself but I do understand why he couldn't - he wasn't allowed. I'm starting to trust Harry more, if Liam trusts him than I can too.

This up coming weekend Harry and Liam want me to spend it with them at the pack house, to be introduced to the pack. I reluctantly agreed only if I was given answers to any questions I might have.

Finally Friday after school arrives and I drop my sisters off at home before meeting Harry and Liam at the pack house, which turnes out to be what I thought was an apartment building was actually a five level house with many bedrooms, a kitchen, a laundry area, a massive living and dinning rooms, a game room and a few other rooms.

Liam and Harry usher me inside the house and instantly I'm overwhelmed with how many people from school are here and the noise. Harry loudly clears his throat gaining everyones attention.

"I'd like everyone to meet, Louis Tomlinson, he's going to stay here the weekend to meet everyone. Please don't bombard him now, gradually introduce yourselves, he'll be here until school Monday morning."

Everyone takes this in stride and about a dozen people introduce themselves as everyone else attends to what they were doing. I even earned a few snears and mocks from the other high school students. Nothing out of the ordinary. Kent smiles weakly at me but avoids me the entire night. Fine by me.

I have to say by far my favorite people that I've meet since Friday, being today is Saturday morning and we're all having breakfast; are Gamma Niall Horan and Warrior Zayn Malik. Niall is hyper, upbeat and funny where as Zayn makes me feel safe and he's funny too.

"Lou, would you like to talk a walk with me?" Harry asks from his seat to the right of me.

Glancing upwards to him from my plate, smiling brightly at him. "I would love too, thank you." Harry flashes me his award winning dimpley smile that makes me want to lean over to press my lips to his.

"Oi, nice getting the big bad Alpha to take you out on a small date and only knowing him for a few weeks," Niall quitly says while waggiling his eyebrows at me and a small smirk gracing his lips.

"Whatever Niall, I'm sure he's just being polite, I'm definitly not calling this a date," I huff finishing off my food. "Besides why would he like me? There are so many things wrong with me."

"There's plently to like about you, Lou," Harry says causing me to jump slightly and a blush to cover my entire body. "Are you done?" he asks as he makes a grab for my plate to place in the kitchen sink. I nod as I stand quickly taking mine and his plates to the kitchen instead.

Walking quickly to the front door to slip my shoes on, I notice Harry is already there with his on. Slipping my last shoe on as I straighten Harry holds his hand out to me, which I shyly take, allowing him to lead me out of the house toward the woods. Upon closer examination of the woods, there's a trail that we take.

The first few minutes is a comfortable silence as we listen to the birds and animals in the woods rustle around us. Fifteen minutes later, Harry has lead me to a meadow in the woods filled with colorful wildflowers. Giggling around my hand, I pick random flowers and twigs until I have enough to make a flower crown for myself and Harry.

Settling myself on the grass, I start making the flower crowns while Harry and I talk softly, not wanting to distrub the sernity of the meadow. Finishing the last crown, I shyly smile at Harry as I climb onto his lap facing him to place the crown on his head. Placing mine on top of my head, I smile brightly at Harry, who's intently staring at me.

Giggling as I gently clasp my hands around his neck, I lean upwards as he tilts his head down and we softly kiss. Harry pulls back after a few minutes to stare into my eyes before he leans back in for another kiss after I nod slightly giving him the okay.

Our soft and tender makeout session turns into a heated session quickly. Harry lays on his back pulling me with him, his hands settling on my bum as he pulls me tighter to his body thrusting his hips to grind our erections together causing us both to moan into each others mouth.

An hour later, we're heading back to the pack house, me riding on Harry's back. Both of us are spent and happy, as well as my mate mark on my neck with my permission of course.

"Hazza," I mumble against his neck where I had been giving his lazy soft kisses. He hums in response as he carefully walks us back. "Can I see your wolf soon?"

He turns his head to look back at me as I tilt my head around to look at him. His eyes are sparkling with excitment. "Of course, baby, how about when we arrive back at the house?" I nod excitidly back at him causing him to chuckle.

"Can I move into the pack house?" I softly ask him just as the house comes into view.

"Of course you can, little one, any time that you want. We're mated now, so you have every right to live with me," he assures me as he gently rubs his finger across my cheek before pecking me on the lips.

"Good, I want to tonight then," I mumble leaning into his palm that's cupping my cheek now. Harry agrees that we'll go in an hour to get my stuff and move into his room.

Climbing off of his back when we enter the house, with a snicker from Niall and Liam until Liam catches sight of the mark on my neck. Instantly Liam stops laughing as he pulls me into his hold as he inspects the mark with his eyes and his fingertips from one hand earning a growl from Harry.

"You mated him without permission!" Liam hotly accuses my Hazza making me jump from his tone and volume.

"Liam, he asked I agreed, knock it off," I say quickly trying to avoid any issues between my best friend and my mate.

Liam turns his glare to me, forcing me to shrink into myself. "You're stupid, do you know this, Louis?" he spats back with a small shove to my shoulders.

Instantly breaking down in tears, I stammer out a 'fuck you' before running outside to toward the meadow Harry and I were just at. As I'm almost to the trail head I hear a loud growl and something breaking. I don't care at the moment to worry if anyone is hurt.

"Why is Li so mad at me? What did I do wrong?" I manage to stutter out between sobs. Harry turns me in his hold and I monkey climb him until my legs and arms are wrapped tightly around my head is buried in his neck.

Harry rubs soothing circles around my back as I slowly calm down. Soon enough my full out sobbing turns into hiccups before Hazza answers me. "I'm sorry, love, Liam was just trying to protect you. He thought I forced you to mate me."

Shaking my head into his neck, I cry out, "But you didn't! I choose this when you asked, after you explained, I agreed! It was my choice to agree not his!"

"Shh, love, I know and he knows this now, I explained everything," he continues as he walks us back to the house. "Well not everything, I left out our love making."

I giggle slightly at that. "It would have shut him up quicker I think if you had explained it."

Once back to the pack house, Liam and Niall quickly come out when they hear us. "I'm so sorry, Lou, I shouldn't have jumped to conculsions, pushed you or called you stupid. Can you forgive me?" he finishes off while giving me puppy dog eyes.

Climbing off of Harry I walk until I'm standing in front of Liam, looking up slightly. I smack him across the face, his hand flying up to hold his cheek with wide eyes. "I'm not someone who's stupid, Liam. I asked questions before I allowed this to happen. I just didn't decide willy-nilly but yes, I forgive you on one condition."

"What's that?" he asks hopfully.

Grinning evilly at him as I answer, "I want you to take Harry, Niall and myself out to Nado's for dinner tonight." Liam's lips break out in a huge smile as he nods and agrees to do that tonight after we stop at my mum's to get my belongings. I win.

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