My Sweet Riku

By Ulteacup

35.8K 1.1K 233

《Completed》 Hellooo Soooo, it's my first story in fandom Idolish7 Thanks to The Voice By Kina97_X57 I got an... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Just Ignore it!!
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
🚫 Chapter 17 🚫
Chapter 19
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 30
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
🚫 Chapter 35 🚫
Chapter 40

Chapter 6

1.6K 68 21
By Ulteacup

Yay!!! It's up!!

Sorry for the wait guys


"What a weird day"

Third pov

Yesterday was an exhausting day for Riku, but she still woke up with joy and excitement.

It's her second day of school, she does not want to miss it and she wants to meet his friends soon. Although they did not spend much time together yesterday, she still enjoyed it.

Riku wakes up early to make a bento for herself and she does not need to rush to school. Finished getting ready, looked at the clock and she still had 55 minutes left, time to go to school from her house didn't take that long as people think so she decided to leave for school by walk. Thinking it would be good for her to move more.

She walk with a slow rhythm while enjoying the refreshing morning breeze. Staying at place far enough from city is really good for her condition.

As she passed the park, she heard a child crying, stopped, she tried to sharpen her hearing. After being sure of where the voice came from, Riku approached it and found a child hugging one of the legs of a student who seemed to be in same school with her weeping.

And it seems the student did not know what to do, because she can see the confused and troubled on his face. She wanted to ignore them, but she was weak when it come to children and again she felt bad for the student.

Sighed, she approached them. She exchanged glance with the student, she smile at him and turned her attention to the child, "Hey, why are you crying? Where are your parents?" she asked while she equalize their height.

While the student just stood watching her a little surprised, did not think that she will help him. Considering some people just pass by without noticed or just ignore them.

At first the child ignored her by hiding their face, in a softer tone she said, "it's ok, I'm not going to hurt you, you can trust me. I'm his friend afterall."

The child just silently listening to her words until finally looked up at the student. "Is she really your f-friend?" Asked the child whispering

The student just silently watching them, lost, make Riku sigh and look at him, "It's true, right? We are friends." Riku said with smile, make him stunned for a moment.

Clearing his throat, he said while looking to the kid, "yes, we're friend, you can trust her."

Riku turn her attention to the kid, "see, we're friend, so you want to tell me what happened?" said Riku with cheerful tone.

Hesitantly, he said, "I'm separated from m-my parents, I just go for a while to catch the grasshoppers and w-when I get back they *sniff* *snif*"

They about to cry but, "there, there" Riku hugged the child to calm the child down.

After being hugged, the child suddenly cried louder, it just made them a little panicked and Riku decided to hug the child more tightly while rubbing the child's back. She try to stop them from crying and look at the student for help, but he just look back at her with 'i don't know what to do' face, make her sigh.....again.

"We'll help you find them ok? So stop crying." Riku comforted him.

They still sniffling and take a time to calm, "You promise?" the child asked, a little calm now and staring at her, and being answered with a nod by Riku,

"you will not leave me until you find them right?" they look at Riku with hopefully eyes.

"Of course" replied Riku while wiping the child tears with smile, the kid held up his little finger, "pinkie promise?"

"Pinkie promise" Riku say smile wider and linked their little finger.

After that the child turned their attention to the student and held up their little finger, the student just stared at the child, did not know what to react.

Sighing, Riku grabbed one of his hands and held up his little finger, causing the young man to surprise, "pinkie promise" linking their fingers,

"Gomenne, he never did a pinkie promise, so he does not know how." Explain Riku at the sight of the child's sad expression, thought he would not help them.

Surprised to hear her explanation, the child asked, "then how do you make a promise with each others?"

"We are know each others for a long time." Say Riku winking,

"let's find your parents shall we?" the kid just nod and take Riku's right hand and the student's left hand, much to his surprise but allow it.

If you see them, you'll think that they're a family if not for the uniforms they wear. While searching their parents, the child invite them to chat with joy and excitement. Much to Riku relieve because they're not look sad anymore. Riku respond to their words cheerfully and sometimes involves the student who answer awkwardly. When he is not in the chat, he just looked at them especially Riku with interest. It took a long time then their thought to find their parents.

After finding them and do a little chat, they split up, "bye bye onee-san, onii-san let's play together next time." The child shouted with enthusiasm as they waved.

"Of course" Riku shouted slightly and waved her hand, saw the student not waving his hand, Riku grabbed one of his hands and said, "you wave too, they will be happy."

Amused with her action, he raise his hand and wave, make the kid smile wider. "See? You make them happy."

They stuck for a moment until they can't see the family and turned to school. They walk in silent, don't know what to talk about.

"I don't know that we're friends and know each other for a long time. " Ask him suddenly a little joking try to break the awkward silent.

Riku stratled, "W-well if you want to be my friend, I'll be your friend, and I can't help it, if I don't lie, the kid won't let you go." Said Riku crossing her arms.

"Really a bad example to lied to children" he smirk,

"Just this time" said Riku look away still crossing her arm and pout.

"Cute" whisper the boy,


Clearing his throat, "Nothing"

They walk in silent again, but being a curious kid she is, "By the way, how can you get caught in that situation?" Ask Riku.

"Ah, that's...... "

Mini Flashback

He walked casually toward school, "sometimes walking like this is not bad either" he murmured.

At the moment he is not wearing any disguises because there are not too many people around here. So he can be free without fear of any fans chasing him.

Upon reaching the park, he seen a little child sitting, hugging their knee and hiding their face, judging from his place it looks like the child is crying.

Don't know what gets him, he approach the child and asked hesitantly, "hey, are you ok?"

Unanswered, he walked closer and tapped the child slowly on the shoulder, "are you ok?"

The child looked up, and could be seen if the child really cried.

They just stared at each other until suddenly the child jumped hugging his one leg and crying loudly, "huwaaaaaa"

It made him panic, "o-oi"


"... That's what happened" he explained.

"Hahahaha" Riku can only laugh at his's explanation.

"What you laughing for?" Asked the student a little annoyed.

"S-sorry, I just can't believe it, why you came to them if you do not know what to do?" Said Riku while giggle and wave her hands slowly.

"Well, I just can not leave that kid alone, I'm not heartless." The student said it sarcastic.

Riku stop laughing and watch him with a smug face and stupid smile, "hmmm".

"What? Why do you see me like that?" Asked the student still a little annoyed.

"If I don't meet you in a stuation like that before, i would think you are a rude and bad person like my brother said." She said with stupid grin.

Feel annoyed, the student flick her forehead, "is that so? I'm lucky we meet then."

Riku just stroking her forehead while pouting with a pained expresion. Seeing this, the student suddenly feel bad, "do i flick your forehead too hard? It is hurt?" he ask worried trying to get a better look at her forehead.

"No, i'm fine." She look up at him and say, "You're really a good person." Riku smiled sweetly.

Looking at Riku smile, the student suddenly stopped and kept staring at Riku forgeting his worried, make Riku come stop and look at him with a puzzled look while tilting her head.

Snap up, "ahem, I do not know your name." Said the student change the subject.

"Ah" as if just realizing it, "my name is Nanase Riku, you can just call me Riku, I'm first years, it's nice to meet you."

The boy frown after hearing her name, "so who is your name?" Ask riku,

"My name is Yaotome Gaku, second years, nice to meet you too."

"Ooo ... So you're a senpai. Say senpai, are we ever meet each other before? Your voice sounds familiar." State her while continue walking.

"I do not think we ever meet before, but I feel that I'm already heard your voice somewhere before." He said thinking.

" So you feel the same, huh?"

They had just set foot in the schoolyard, but the bell rang, startling them.

Riku hurriedly ran after saying out loud to her senpai, "I have to go now, bye senpai, let's meet and talk again sometimes."

"Hey!!" call him before she goes any further, she turns with puzzle expression, "Thanks for before",

She just smile and say, "no problem" continue running while wave to him.

"What a weird girl" sake his head, "but she's pretty interesting." Said gaku smile while walk calmly to his class.


I'll get you to define the child genders

And i'm sorry for the long wait *bow*

I don't have too much time to write

So the next chapter maybe need time longer than this

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