How i met Shane

By Chaton20413

342 73 14

This story is about a girl who isn't like other people. Shes not a werewolf but you could say shes close to o... More

The beginning
The meeting
Who is he?
The coffee shop
the confession
blood part 1
Blood part 2

im coming for you

25 6 3
By Chaton20413

I didn't leave Shane's house after that morning. I felt like a caged bird doing so but at-least i had Shane with me as i enjoyed being in his company. I still couldn't believe that he loved me as i had never been loved, not once. I didn't even know what it felt like until that moment. Me and Shane never left the house unless we really needed too, but we always went together. The problem was, we always expected to get into a fight, but we never did and that made me  suspicious as i felt someone was watching us, all the time and i bet it was one of Bruces buddys. The main thing was, we were happy and thats what mattered, but all good things come to an end.

One night, i woke up in shanes bed, feeling his arms around me. It was peaceful. I felt as if nothing could ever happen to us, it was like the whole world had disappeared.

I sat up and waited a few seconds for my brain to realise that i was getting up. I stumbled out of the room and up the corridor to the bathroom, clutching the wall on the way as i wasnt fully awake. I opened the bathroom door and switched the light on, the light  flooded the room all of a sudden and scared me as my eyes felt as if they had been pierced by needles. I stumbled back landing on the floor. I felt sweat dripping down my face as i sat there thinking 'what just happened?'

I stood up again and walked into the bathroom. I looked in the mirror that was in there and rinsed my face off with cold water. I looked a mess. I stood there examining my self  ,for absolutely no reason, when all of a sudden the lights went out. I looked around waiting for my eyes to adjust when someone came from behind and put their hand over my mouth and pulled me back. Their scent was similar to the smell that i picked up from my house when i was attacked.

I bit there hand and screamed but just before i had finished they put their hand back over my mouth again. I was just thankful they were wearing gloves and that they weren't stabbing me to death. Shane woke up and came running out of his room
He ran over to me but before he could reach the bathroom, he was out numbered as more of these people came out of the shadows, they were vampires. I could smell the scent of human blood all over them, fresh. Not exactly my cup of tea. As Shane stopped in his tracks to think of a plan, foot steps came from the stairs. They were slow and steady. The vampire started to appear as he got closer and closer to the top, it was Bruce. He was wearing the same evil smirk he wore in the field and he still looked like a modernised Dracula.

"Well isnt this the life of the party, its nice to see you again Kiera, i hope that knife taught you a lesson"

I squirmed but it was no use. Shane started to approach but before he could even take a step, Bruces buddies  started closing in.
"Shane if i was you, i wouldnt come any closer, and anyways im not here for you, im just here for your wolf friend over there"

He walked past shane as if he wasnt there and started to approach the bathroom. Shane went straight for him and grabbed his wrist.
"Dont you lay a finger on her" he snarled

Bruce moved his wrist slightly and Shane collapsed to the floor holding his wrist as if it had just been broken and Then Bruce lifted his foot and stomped on shanes head. "Thats right Shane, grovel"

I bit the hand that was over my mouth and screamed "LEAVE HIM ALONE! Shane has nothing to do with this"

Bruce looked at me and walked over. He grabbed my face and started poking at it again.
He then looked at shane and smiled " does bother you lover boy? Me touching your girl?"

Shane stared, his eyes widened and i could see tears trickling down his face. I had never seen him so scared. "LET GO OF HER!"

"Oh but why should i, she is my partner after all"

I could feel tears running down my cheeks as i saw Shane's eyes fill with sadness, anger and fear. Why did this happen? Why did it have to be like this?

As i lost myself in Shane's eyes, i felt something cold and hard on my lips when i realised Bruce was kissing me. I tried to push him away but i couldn't as i was grasped so tightly.

I heard Shane scream in terror "NOOO! GET OFF HER!"

I saw Shane try to stand as Bruce's lips finally left mine. I looked at Shane and said in a teary voice "Shane stop. Its ok don't worry im ok." I turned to bruce and looked at his menacing eyes "your sick"
He looked at me and smirked, then he with drew his attention and focused on Shane.
"Oh I'm sorry, did i touch a nerve, maybe i should do it again but sadly i don't have time"

Bruce started walking back towards the stairs, kicking Shane's head on the way. His buds started to follow. They gagged me and took me with them leaving Shane on the floor.

I fought with all my might to get free but it was no use, these vampires had a really tight grip. I turned into a wolf at one point and got free but i easily got caught again as there was too many of them. I didn't know exactly what Bruce wanted with me, but i knew it wasn't something good. I tried to think about why i was so important but there wasn't really a reason apart from that i was the last of my kind. I guess i just had to find out. I just hoped that Shane would stay out of it.

Shane's view: back at Shane's house:

I couldn't believe that he did that. The heart break i felt was unreal. As i laid there and watched him kiss her, my whole body started to shake and how i ached to rip his throat out.
It was my fault, i should have protected her!
I laid there crying until i realised that i was being an idiot and i wasn't going to save her by just sitting in the middle of my landing floor.
I got up and went back to my room to grab my phone, i called freya.

"Hey freya i need your help"

"What is it bro, dont tell me she hurt you? If she did im gonna kill her!"

"Save that for Bruce"

"Why whats happened?"

Tears starting trickling down my face again but i tried to suck it up as much as i could.

"Kiera has been taken. Bruce came with his gang and they took her. There was nothing i could do. Thats why i need your help, we need to get her back?"

"Look brother you know i love you right but you cant just go to Bruce's door and go 'hey can i have my girl back please' and me and you cant just ambush it our selves"

"I know but i will do anything to protect her even if i die in the process"

"And thats why im gonna help you bro, ill be there in ten"
The called ended.

I went to my basement and found some chopped wood that i carved into stakes from after the time i found out about Kiera being attacked. I put then in a bag with some silver dust bombs that i had collected over the years.

I got changed out of my PJs of course. I put on a long black leather jacket that had two pockets on the inside that carried stakes, a pair of commando boots that held to silver daggers, and then a black shirt and a pair of black trousers. If you hadn't noticed, black is my favourite colour.

Before i knew it Freya had arrived and not alone. She had brought 20 of her friends with her.
1. Maya - the muscle
2. Jay-dee - the demon
3. Luka - the knife thrower
4. Ash - the fire thrower
5. Ki - the ninja
6. CJ - the axe wielder
7. Adrien - the dagger man
8. Kirito - double swords man
9. Bob - the mace wielder
10. Jeff - machine gunner
11. Asuna - rapier wielder
12. Karma - good at everything
13. Scarlet - sniper
14. Taylor - assassin
15. Thor - hammer wielder
16. Peppa- witch (bad temper)
17. Rin - sword wielder
18. Mikka - hacker
19. Yugo - archer
20. Joe- boxer

i looked at Freya, eyes wide "you really brought an army didn't you"

"what do you expect, were never gonna beat Bruce without friends" she laughed

i wondered how she could laugh at this time. i couldn't even bring up a smile, my heart still ached from that moment on the landing upstairs.  i couldn't erase the image of their lips touching. it hurt. i had never felt this painful feeling of heart break towards anyone before, i wanted it to end, i wanted to feel Kiera in my arms again, i wanted to feel her warm embrace, her soft blood red hair. she was everything to me. if i lost her, i wouldn't have a purpose.

we got ready, gathering what equipment we could find in the house. we left at the crack of dawn, walking across streets as if we were marching off to war. We were ready but we all knew that we could be defeated at the click of a finger. The only thought i had while walking down those cold concrete roads was "im coming for you Kiera".

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