Horror Family Scenario 2

By Chanbien

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You wanted another horror family scenario you will get one. This one is going to add some new characters from... More

When You Hire A Babysitter
When The Kids Act Cute
Kid Bedroom (Guy Characters)
Kid Bedrooms (Girl Characters)
A Little Help
Kids First Day Of School
Kids Personality
Kids Best Friend/Friends
What Subjects The Kids Are Good At
When The Kids Catch Their Parents In Bed
Family Vacation
When They Are Honoring Chester Bennington
When They Introduce Their Boyfriends/Girlfriend and How The Parent React
Parents Caught Their Kids Making Out
When The Parents Follow The Kids Date
How The Parents Celebrate Their Kids Birthday
When The Parents Caught Their Kids In Bed
Jobs That The Kids Have
When The Kids Are Proposed And Their Parents Reaction
The Kids's Wedding Theme
Separate Or Together
Damien's Wedding
Pennywise's Wedding
More Devastating News
Jack Baker's Wedding
Wendy Torrance's Wedding
Mary, Sarah and Winifred Sanderson's Wedding
Phantom Of The Opera's Wedding
Hachishakusama's Wedding
Sweeney Todd's Wedding
Otis Driftwood's Wedding
Hikiko's Wedding
Baby Firefly's Wedding
Horny The Clown's Wedding
Amanda Young's Wedding
Bughuul's Wedding
Babadook's Wedding
Asami Yamazaki's Wedding
GhostFace's Wedding
Kuchisake-Onna's Wedding
My Nephew Is Born
Annie Wilkes's Wedding
Bloody Mary's Wedding
When The Kids Announce Great News/Adopt A Child
Houses For The Kids Part 1
Houses For The Kids Part 2
Book has Come To A Close

Family Killing Spree

735 7 3
By Chanbien

Otis Driftwood:

Otis is now holding Bradley softly as he gave him a small knife for him to use as Bradley looks at Otis as Otis already at an area with two guys.

"What is that little boy doing here?" The first guy asked

"He's my son." Otis chuckled

"We already did what you said." The second guy said

As Otis puts Bradley down, he told the guys that he's calling the shots as one guy grabbed the branch and hit Otis down as Bradley feels mad.

"You big meanie!" Bradley said

Bradley stabbed the man in the leg as the man groans with pain as he fell down as the man kicked Bradley in the face as Bradley whimpers with pain as Otis then shoot the first guy in the neck and the second guy was on the ground and give him a few pistol whips on the head as he came over to Bradley.

"Did he hit you?" Otis asked

"He kicked on my cheek." Bradley whimpered

Otis growled with anger and came over to the second man who is bleeding from the gunshot wound.

"You walking like a big fucking hero. You wanna see what happens to heroes boy? You wanna see badass motherfucker?" Otis said

He came over to the first guy as Bradley looked at the second guy on the ground.

"I want you to pray to your god. I want him to come here and save you. I want lightening to crash upon my fucking head." Otis said

As the man prays to God, Bradley hold the stick in his hand as Otis begin to chuckle at Bradley

"I'm the devil and I'm here to do the devils work." Bradley giggled

Bradley raised the stick and hit it down on the first man's head multiple times as he died from the blunt trauma as the second man screams with pain as Otis smiled at Bradley and kiss his nose as Otis came over to the second man.

"I got some plans for you hero!" Otis said while holding the knife

As Bradley and Otis skinned the man together, Otis is very proud as he pick up Bradley and tickle him.


Brody and Emily are killing along with their dad as Emily use a small phone and dial the house to the female. The female answered it and begin to answer.

"Hello?" The female asked

"Hello miss. Do you like scary movies?" Emily asked

"Sure do. They are my favorite." The female smiled

"Well what's your favorite scary movie?" Emily asked

"Well I like Bride Of Chucky, Halloween, House Of 1000 Corpses and many others." The female said

"Well how about my brother and I will quiz you?" Emily suggested

"Quiz me anyways." The female asked

"Alright. Name the man who tortured the three cheerleaders in House Of 1000 Corpses." Brody said

"Easy peasy it's Captain Spaulding." The female said

"WRONG!!" Brody and Emily said

They both jumped into the woman's household and raised small pocket knives and plunged them through the chest where the heart is located as Brody stabbed the eyes as Emily slide the knife down where the heart is located.

"Great job kids." GhostFace smiled

Both Brody and Emily feels very happy about their first killing spree as GhostFace is proud of them.

Jack Baker:

Kaden and Mason are now beating up a teenage bully who's insulting them as Kaden takes out a knife and slash the leg down hard as the bully screams with pain.

"Don't insult me or my brother you big jerk!" Kaden said

Mason plunged scalpel to the stomach as the teenage boy coughed up blood as Kaden went for the eyes and plunge the knife into the eyes. Blood coated on their bodies as Mason stabbed the scalpel and pull out the heart.

"Eww!" Kaden said

Mason dropped the still beating heart as Kaden stomped it with his foot. Jack applauded and came over and is very proud of the boys doing his first killing spree.

Damien Thorn:

Mikayla is now outside as she is about to go to a church as she begin to be brave and go inside as plenty of people are praying as Mikayla looks at them.

"Young lady, please leave. We are praying at the hands of god." The priest said

"Well God can't save you. No one can." Mikayla said

Just as the priest was about to throw holy water, Mikayla used her demonic powers to summon black vicious dogs as they all attacked the priest at will as the people screamed with fear as Mikayla made many of them get dragged down to the deepest parts of hell, get aneurysm and even jump off the church buildings. She then snapped her fingers as the church got set on fire in a snap as she got out as Damien applauded.

"Lord Satan, let Mikayla be worshipped under your name." Damien said

"Hail grandpa." Mikayla giggled


Tony is now hunting with Pennywise to find a victim as he saw a mean kid bullying a defenseless child. Pennywise begin to nod as Tony looks at the bully.

"Hello there." Tony giggled

The bully turns around and notice Tony holding three balloons as Tony turned into the kid's worst fear as the bully screamed and tried to run but Tony grabbed him fast and the bully whimpered.

"You'll float too." Tony said

Tony opened his mouth showing his sharp teeth and bite the neck down hard, tearing it in half as Pennywise feel very proud of his son.

Horny The Clown:

Horny is now at the fast food place as Donna got on a cute mask just like Horny's as she got a meat cleaver in hand in pink. She is in the ball pit as two mean kids who are high on marijuana as she carefully rose up and makes a cute giggle.

"Did someone say pork.." Donna giggled

The two kids noticed as Donna throws her little meat cleaver into the second kid's stomach as he coughed up blood as the first boy is afraid of her.

"L-Leave me alone.. don't hurt me!" The boy whimpered

"Hurt you? Oh no I'm not going to do that." Donna said

Donna pulled out the meat cleaver as guts came out as she makes a giggle.

"I'm just going to bash your brains in. Time for me to bash them right the heck in!" Donna said

Donna use the tip of the meat cleaver to butcher him into pieces as she is finish as Horny came over and notice the bloodbath and sniffles with happy tears.

"That's my girl!" Horny smiled


Tyler is now with his dad as Bughuul brought him a mean adult who's abusing a helpless little kid as Tyler looks at the man with hatred.

"You big meanie. Don't you dare abuse another kid!" Tyler said

"He's a mistake anyways." The adult growled

Tyler feels angry and grabbed the man by the arms and twist them with his strength till they broke as the adult screamed with pain. He slowly plunge his hands through the eyes and pulled them out. He then suck out the soul as he gagged and crushed the soul with his boot.

"That's my boy!" Bughuul smiled


Lily is now with Babadook in a house as they see a lady reading a poem in the book as she begin to look as Babadook nodded as she makes a demonic growl.

"Ba-Ba Dook Dook DOOK!!" Lily roared

The woman didn't believe in that as Lily appeared with a growl and raised her clawed hands and plunge them through the chest and pull out the lungs as Babadook made a nod of satisfaction as he's very proud of his daughter.

Sweeney Todd:

Julia is now with Sweeney Todd as a judge came as he noticed Julia and came over to her.

"Listen to me, your mom is a whore for sleeping with Sweeney Todd." The judge said

"No she's not you meanie. She's my mommy now leave my family alone." Julia said

"I'm taking somewhere far away.." The judge said

That's when Julia used her dad's razor and slit the throat as blood popped out and on her pink shirt as Sweeney begin to make a small smile as he's very proud as you also came as Julia told you what the judge said which made you angry as Sweeney told you that she took care of it.

Phantom Of The Opera:

Emma-Joy is giggling as a man came over and snatch her as she screamed out for help as Walter barks and growls and chase after the man as the man is about to get out until Walter bites the leg as the man tried to get out as Emma begin to look at the man and take out her sword and stabbed him straight in the stomach as Phantom came behind.

"Emma-Joy are you okay?" Phantom asked in worry

"That mean man almost took me away.." Emma-Joy said while shaking

That's when Phantom started singing about how he wants him to suffer but Emma-Joy came over and give him his sword that have blood as Phantom patted her head.

"Good. Next time if anyone snatched you again, let me take care of him." Phantom said

Baby Firefly:

Corina is now with Baby Firefly at a club as Baby Firefly begin to shoot a bunch of people as Corina got a small shotgun and also joined in the shooting as she shot about 5 people.

"Like that Mama Baby?" Corina asked

"Yes. That's my girl." Baby praised

After when Corina shot a few more people, Baby praised her by giving her a cookie.

Bloody Mary:

Joshua is now with Bloody Mary as they are going to the lady's house as she's now drinking vodka as Bloody Mary appeared through a mirror and scare her as she yelped.

"Hello.. are you the one responsible for harming my adopted boy Joshua?" Bloody Mary asked

"Yeah. He's a horrible piece of shit." The lady said

She made the lights come off as Joshua came over to the lady with the hook in hand and cover her mouth and slit his throat right open as blood pool down. He then stabbed the hook through the stomach and pull out the guts. Bloody Mary is proud as Joshua got picked up by Bloody Mary and she kiss his cheek.

Annie Wilkes:

Peter is now smiling softly as he noticed a man who's reading his book and nodded no.

"Who wrote this story? It's so sloppy and with badly drawn pictures." The man said

"Hey meanie that's my book." Peter said

Just as the man is about to say something rude, Peter got out a tiny sledgehammer as he bashed the man's legs as he carefully pick it up as he smashed it on the head as Annie Wilkes smiled softly as he's very proud of him.

Asami Yamazaki:

Jayden is now in the torture room as he's now torturing a rude man all by himself. He push the needles deep into the chest, stomach, and eyelids as the man screams with pain. Jayden then use the piano wire to cut through the neck as the head came off. Asami came over and begin to clap her hands as she is very proud of him.

Amanda Young:

Beth and Amanda both drugged a drug dealer and put him in the trap which is an Iron Maiden as the man woke up and tried to get out. As Amanda explained the rules, the man struggled to get out of the trap as Beth slowly push the Iron Maiden as the spikes impale through all over the body as the man bled out. Amanda smiled as she feels proud at Beth for doing her first kill.


Anthony is now with his mom Hachishakusama as she pointed to a father being abusive towards a baby. Anthony begin to feel angry and came over to the father while growling.

"Po..Po..Po." Anthony said

Anthony plunged the man through the chest as the man screams with pain as the baby makes a few whimpers as Hachi covered the baby's eyes and Antony keeps stabbing till the man is dead. Anthony took the baby and bring it to the adoption place as Hachi is proud of her son.


Lauren got some scissors as she is ready to kill at night as she found a rude woman being rude to a child.

"Hello miss.. do you think I'm pretty?" Lauren asked

"Ugh no! You're ugly and stupid!" The woman said

Lauren then plunge the scissors through her stomach and pull them out and plunge them in the neck as SMW smirked at the killing as she cut the lady in half. She feels so proud of Lauren doing her killing spree.


Kira is now playing hopscotch as a rude teenager push her down as she begin to get up and look at her.

"You big meanie. Why did you push me?" Kira asked

The teen told her that she's an ugly girl as got out a axe and cut her legs off as the teen screamed in pain as Kira cut her head off and Hikiko smiled as she's proud of her.

Mary, Sarah and Winifred Sanderson:

"Tonight we fly!!" Jax giggled

Suri and Mavis got their brooms as they all flew out and and went into the night as Jax see a few teenagers bullying a few little kids. They all flew down together as Suri giggled as Mavis growls at them.

"Meanies! Don't you dare bully the kids!" Mavis said

"What are you? Freaks of nature?" The teenage boy said

"Sisters shall we do something to them?" Jax asked

"Lets give them a little taste of their medicine." Suri said

They all closed their eyes and chanted a spell as the bullies felt their arms twisting as Suri made another spell to make their legs broken as Jax made the final spell to make their necks snap, cutting them from oxygen. The little kids approach them and hugged them as Winifred, Sarah and Mary are proud of them.

Wendy Torrance:

Eric is now with Danny as they are going to the prison as the guard notice them and came over as Danny looks at them.

"We are here to see the parents of Eric." Danny said

The guards allow them to come inside as Eric hold his axe in his hand as his parents see him and Eric growled.

"You are the ones responsible for trying to kill my brother." Danny said

"So what?" Eric's mom said

Eric then cut his mom's head off as the dad slowly backed away as Danny kicked him down as Eric then cut the dad's head off as well. Danny then carry the bodies to the wood chipper and shred them in as Eric did the same. He then went back home as Wendy looked at them.

"I killed my parents." Eric said

"Well they are bad people. Go after bad ones." Wendy said

Wendy is proud that Eric killed for the first time.

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