The Mysterious Girl

By LiaUchiha_NoLife

76.7K 1.6K 292

(COMPLETED) "W-What's wrong with your hair!?" He stuttered while pointing to my hair. I glared at him, pulled... More

Chapter 1 - The Mysterious Girl
Chapter 2 - The BadBoy
Chapter 3 - And then they met
Chapter 4 - The reveal
Chapter 5 - The sleepover
Charecter Info
Chapter 6 - Dodgeball! And a hidden ability?
Chapter 7 - A prodigy?!?
Chapter 8 - The buddy project
Chapter 9 - We're Back!!
Chapter 10 - The party
Chapter 11 - The Kidnapping
Chapter 12 - The Rescue
Chapter 13 - My Return
Chapter 14 - Sleepover at the school!?!?
Chapter 15 - Goodbye
Chapter 16 - Settling back in
Chapter 17 - The Reunion (1)
Chapter 18 - The Reunion (2)
Chapter 19 - Long Time No See
Chapter 20 - Is this a proposal?!
Chapter 21 - Why is Titanic so sad!!! (Bonus part at end)
Chapter 23 - Kidnapped again
Chapter 24 - Feel the feels!!
Chapter 25 - Last Chapter
1K 😱😱😱
I got tagged :P
I once again got tagged :3

Chapter 22 - The First Date

850 24 7
By LiaUchiha_NoLife

Violet POV

It's been 2 weeks since Ryder and I kissed. Every time I look at him my face heats up. Am I falling back in love with him?

"Violet. Violet. VIOLET!" I snap out of my daze and face Angela. "What's up?" I ask.

Angela sighs will face palming. "I said, 'I overheard Ryder asking Alex advice about dates.'" She recited.

"Dates? Why dates?" I ask her. She shrugs. "He might be planning on asking you?" She says nudging me.


I was taking a stroll in the park when I feel a tap on my shoulder. Me being the over dramatic person I am, shrieked. I turned around and came face to face with Ryder.

I stumbled back in surprise. "You scared the hell out of me!" I say holding my hand over my chest.

Ryder chuckled and walked towards me. "I came to ask you on a date!" He says cheerfully...strange.

"O-Oh. Ok then! What should I wear?" I ask. He looks up like he's thinking and says. "Something you would wear to a restaurant. I'll pick you up at 7." He said looking at his watch.

I nod and he pecks my cheek before jogging to his car. I just stood there, my face a deep crimson red (AKATSUKI NO YONA!!!!! sorry I'll leave now 😐).

After walking back to my car I drive to my house and go into my room. Then proceed to freak out. "What should I wear!?! What dress has Ryder seen me in?!?! Why am I excited!?!?"

I jump from my bed and run to my closet.


It took me an hour but I found the perfect dress! Before putting it on I take a quick shower and wash out the black dye from my hair. I step out of the shower and wrap a towel around my body.

I dry my hair and put light curls. I put on my make up which consists of light red eye shadow and red lipstick.

I walk into my room and grab the dress laying on my bed. It was a long, flowing bright red sleeveless dress. (Photo at top. The top of her dress isn't see through. Also the pic is Taylor Swift and there is a Taylor Swift song playing where I'm at rn 😂)

I swiftly walk back into the closet and grabbed my bright red heels that matched perfectly with my dress.

I grab my black clutch and put my phone and keys inside. As I'm walking down the stairs the door bell rings. Blake opens it to reveal Ryder. He was coincidently wearing a dark red button up dress shirt with black jeans. He had his hair styled the way it always was.

Ryder thanks Blake and looks up the stairs. He froze with his eyes wide. "Do you not like the dress?" I ask with sadness in my voice.

He snaps out of it and shakes his head. "You look absolutely stunning! I froze out of shock." He reassures me.

I make and 'oh face' and continue walking down the stairs. "Seems like we matched! Did you know I was wearing red?" I asked him.

He looks away and smirks. "You really should get curtains, Violet." He says starring directly at me now.

I blushed and playfully smacked his shoulder. "Pervert." I mutter under my breath.

"What was that?" He asked. I shook my head. "Nothing!" He looks at me then shakes his head. "I don't even want to ask."

I roll my eyes and he grabs my hand. "Bye Blake! I'll be out for a while so keep watch over the house." I told him. He nods and sinks back into the shadows.

"I'm going to have to blind fold you since it's a surprise." Ryder says. He brings out a black piece of fabric and places it around my head covering my eyes. "Also when we get there you have to put on sound proof head phones and listen to some music. The sound of this place will give it away." He says.

I nod and look back forwards.


Ryder said that we arrived so I put the headphones on. I felt the car door open and a hand clasp around my own.

Ryder guides me out and down some sort of walkway. I feel him walk down something and tugs my hand to follow. I walk down and instantly start swaying. Wait...swaying?

Ryder lets go of my hand and does something then returns and takes off my headphones. "When I say so, take off the blind fold." I hear crashing and water. 'Where are we?'

"Now." Ryder says. I open my eye and we're on a boat in the middle of the ocean. I start looking around and notice the blankets and pillows scattered all over the floor of the boat. I also take notice of the food and many candles surrounding the boat.

"It's beautiful Ryder!" I exclaim. He gives me a proud look and he smirk. "Would you like to take a seat?" He asks. I nod and he takes me to the front of the boat.

I sit down on the chair and he sits in the one across from me. He turns and grabs 2 covered plates. He lifts the lids and reveals steak. (Mmmm steak~!)

It's still light out. By the time we finish our food the sun started setting. "Come!" Ryder says as he drags me back down to the pillow and blanket fort. He lays down and motions me to lay with him. I comply and lay with him.

We had a perfect view of the sunset. "It's so pretty!" I say. Ryder rests his arm across my shoulder. "I love you." He says turning to me.

I turn back wide eyed in shock. "You l-love me?" I stutter. "I do. I love you more than anything in the world." He smiled to me.

I smiled back and said the magic words. "I love you too!" His look of shock disappeared and turned into a look full of love. We kissed and laid in the boat until midnight.

Ryder POV

I was driving back to our houses when Violet got a call. "Hello?" Then the person she was talking to started speaking. She sighed and said, "Got it. Bye." Then she hung up.

"Who was that?" I asked. "It was Blake." She said rubbing her temple.

"What's wrong? Did something happen?" I asked. "She closed her eyes. "Apparently I have to go back to New York because of work." She sighed.

My eyes widened. 'Shes leaving.' I kept my eyes on the road and asked her when. "In 2 days." I sighed. "Well then, let's make the most of those 2 days." She grinned. "I'm down."

That's one chapter down. I'll upload it straight away! I'll upload the next chapter at 10 (HST) aka time here in Hawaii. My phone died earlier so I had to charge it 😛. Also last time I checked the story had 447 reads. 447!!! HOLY FOOD BABIES!!!! THIS IS SORCERY!!! Thank you for reading 😋!!

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