The Royal Romance Book 1

By ZimmerGurl

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Love awaits in the royal court of Cordonia. Travel to the beautiful kingdom of Cordonia with the Crown Prince... More

Chapter 1: Once Upon A Time
Chapter 2 : Welcome to Cordonia
Chapter 3: Reunited
Chapter 4: Save The Last Dance
Chapter 5: Off to the Races
Chapter 7: Fire and Ice
Chapter 8: A Waltz to Remember
Chapter 9: Race to the Finish
Chapter 10: Beach Party
Chapter 11: The Apple of His Eye
Chapter 12: As Sweet As Apple Pie
Chapter 13: Hunting for Love
Chapter 14: Fair Game
Chapter 15: The Brothers Beaumont
Chapter 16: The Beaumont Bash
Chapter 17: Lady In Waiting
Chapter 18: To Be A Princess
Chapter 19: Long Live The King

Chapter 6: Queen of Hearts

3.7K 26 4
By ZimmerGurl

It's the day of the Derby...

I've just finished watching the races and are walking off the field with Hana...

"So we're on our way to the best party ever?" I grab her arm and jump in excitement. 

"Well, if your idea of the best party ever is a tea party with lemonade, finger sandwiches, and butter cookies..."

"To be honest... I love a good tea party. I know some people think they're childish, but I can't help myself."

"What's not to love? There's nothing cozier than eating scones off a pretty set of china on a sunny afternoon. When I was little, I didn't have that many toys to play with because my parents thought they were frivolous... But I was allowed a tea set so that I could learn to be a proper hostess..."

"Naturally," I say sarcastically. These royal families are strict beyond belief. 

"I spent lots of happy afternoons sipping tea with all my favorite guests... Mr. Sock, Miss Lemon Curd, and Princess Snickerdoodle..."

"Uhmm..." I look at her, a little sad about how her childhood has played out.

"As I said, I wasn't allowed to have toys... so I had to get a little creative."

"I just hope the company today can keep up."

"Oh, I much prefer your company. You actually talk to me!"

"Princess snickerdoodle was never one for conversation?"

"Not so much. And don't forget, we'll be meeting the Queen today! That's sure to be... eventful."

"Ah yes, the Queen. Have you met her before?"

"Once, a long time ago, but I doubt she remembers me. Today will be our first official meeting. I must confess, I'm a bit nervous..."

Hana and I arrive at an area where a line of cars await. A black town car rolls to a stop near Hana, and a driver gets out to open the door for her. "Well, this is me, Riley. I'll see you at the lawn party."

"Looking forward to it."

I wave her off as a familiar limo pulls up in front of me. The driver comes around to open the door for me, as Maxwell calls out from the limo.

"Hop in!"

I slide into the limo with Maxwell and Bertrand. 

"I hope you had a good time!" Maxwell has positive energy emanating throughout him. 

"It was --" 

Bertrand cuts me off, "Enough pleasantries. We only have time for business. First of all, was that Lady Hana Lee I saw you with before we pulled up? You two looked friendly."

"Hana and I are becoming friends."

"Hm... interesting. An alliance with her family isn't the worst thing as long as you don't let it distract you from the Prince... In any case, your focus today should be on impressing the Queen. She holds more sway than anyone else at court..."

"Even more than the King?"

"Socially, yes. Don't underestimate her. Thankfully, you heeded my recommendation to wear something modern. That'll curry her favor."

Maxwell turns towards me, "Yeah, that'll help, but more than that... You need to get her to like you."

"If I'm going to get her to like me, tell me... what she likes."

"The Queen enjoys fashion and like a woman with grace and style. She tends to favor the ladies who are originally from Cordonia, so you're at a disadvantage there.

"I see..."

"But I'm sure your natural charm will win her over."

"Thanks for the vote of confidence." I smile at Maxwell and my brain goes through different scenarios of meeting the Queen. 

"She has high regard for royal protocol." Bertrand turns to me, "You should call her 'Your Majesty' when you first meet her, and 'ma'am' thereafter. Etiquette-wise, don't forget that you must stay a step or two behind her when keeping company with her."

"Oh! She also loves to play games and can be quite competitive." Maxwell chimes in.

"Ultimately, she's concerned about how the Prince's bride will be partly responsible for Cordonia's future. Keep that in mind when talking to her."

"Got it." I only have a million different things rolling around in my head. I try to focus on one thing, Liam. He keeps me smiling and ready for whatever comes next. Seeing him shirtless just made him an even better thought.

"I hope you do." Bertrand snaps me out of my dream. "You might have performed well with the press, but remember, Riley, it only takes one slip-up to tear apart the reputation you've built."

A short time later, I arrive at the picnic. The driver opens the limo door for me, and Maxwell takes my arm when I stand up. 

"Wow, this looks like something right out of Downton Abbey."

"You've been to an abbey? I find that hard to believe." Bertrand snips as he walks over to us. 

"It's a TV show, brother. Pretty good, if I say so myself. Very upstairs, downstairs, that sort of thing."

"Good god, television? Don't bring it up with the Queen... Now Riley, go stand over there with the rest of the ladies in the receiving line..."

I walk over, ignoring Bertrand's attitude, and stand near the other noble ladies. 

"Welcome to the tea party," Hana says as we stand anxious to impress. 

"Cutting it awfully close there..." Olivia spats with her unfriendly smile.

I follow Olivia's gaze over to where a herald announces the coming of the Queen of Cordonia! She is a very elegant looking women with graceful poise and a beautiful silver dress. 

"Welcome, all... I am so delighted you could join us this afternoon."

The Queen makes her way through the crowd, greeting guests. I notice a woman on the Queen's left escorting her. She seems very stern but pretty. Hana leans over to whisper to me, "I wonder who that lady with the Queen is..."

"Hmm, She looks familiar. I think her name is Madeleine."

"That's Countess Madeleine of Fydelia to you, and if you haven't heard of her, then you really are behind on the times," Olivia answers, matter-of-factly.

Penelope strolls over to join our group, "Her name was all over the tabloids at one point. She was betrothed to the former Crown Prince until he abdicated..."

Kiara was soon with us as well, "It was particularly embarrassing for her to be thrown over like that. She was the one who was chosen during that social season, after all. To go through all that and not be a royal..."

"Poor thing must be the Queen's guest as a consolation prize..." For a moment, I could have sworn I saw a hint of empathy in Olivia's eyes. 

The Queen passes the Prince's suitors, talking briefly with each. At last, she stops in front of me. I step forward and curtsy. Suddenly all the advice given to me has reached its maximum levels and I begin to forget. As I rise from my curtsy I take a breath and think of Liam. Then, I know it will be okay.

"It's an honor to meet you, Your Majesty."

"Ma'am, this is the one I was telling you about..." Madeleine chimes in as I give her a gentle nod.

"A pleasure to meet you, Lady Riley Summers. The press speaks well of you. It takes great effort to manage one's image so responsibly. And you've selected the appropriate attire for the event. They're touting you as 'The Mystery Woman', someone who they can't quite figure out... I hope you realize no one can remain a mystery long when they are a public servant and must attend to the people."

"Of course, ma'am. Trust me when I say I'd take my service quite seriously..."

"Lady Riley, tell me, what do you think is the best quality for a ruler to have?"

"The best quality should be... A sense of duty. Loyalty to the kingdom you represent and the people you serve will carry you through any crisis."

"Good answer."

"Thank you, ma'am"

"Governance is not to be taken lightly. You will be bombarded daily by a hundred little decisions. Few will be glamorous, and many will weigh on you. Loyalty to the kingdom and to the people must guide your every decision."


"As heads of state, we have a responsibility to the people. The press acts as their eyes. We must always portray a sense of calm and dignity. If the rulers appear in control, then everyone will be reassured. Hysteria benefits nobody. Do you agree?"

"Ma'am, I believe... we can show the people we're human. If we set the example that it's normal to have gaffes, weaknesses, and anxieties, then we can foster compassion for our faults rather than restrain them."

"Normal people are allowed to have weaknesses. Rulers aren't."

"Ma'am..." Madeleine comes between the two of us, " I hate to interrupt, but it's time to begin the game."

"Yes, thank you for reminding me. Everyone, please, follow me. It's time to begin the ceremonial croquet match."

The Queen leads the ladies in a procession across the lawn.

"Know that one of you will be the next queen, and I expect you to represent Cordonia well. Madeleine here had been the embodiment of dignity and devotion. It is my hope that you may all learn from her example."

"Thank you, ma'am."

The procession comes upon a bend. The Queen begins to turn, threatening to bump into you. I calmly step back, maintaining my position between the Queen as she turns. She smiles at me and gives me an encouraging nod. Was the Queen testing me?

Across the lawn, a number of croquet hoops have been set up. Prince Liam waits near the game equipment as the procession approaches, greeting each lady as they pass. As I approach, I hold out my hand, and he brushes his lips over my knuckles sending the butterflies into an uproar. Lowering his voice..."Lady Riley, I'm so pleased to see you."

"Prince Liam... It's nice to see you again too. Is it wrong that I want to kiss you in front of all the other ladies?" I curtsy to him and lower my voice, imagining his lips on mine. I smile at the thought and he lets out a chuckle. 

"Maybe a little. You know that'd cause a real scandal."

"That's half the fun of it!"

"My Lady."

I brush past him and focus my attention on the Queen. 

"Custom has it that the Queen and the Prince play a round of croquet with two of the season's suitors. I have chosen Madeleine as my partner." The Queen gestures to Madeleine as she glides next to her.

A flurry of whispers from the noble ladies rises around me.

Penelope gasps, "She's a suitor?"

"Pas bon!" Kiara exclaims.

"That scheming little..." You could practically see the fire emanating from Olivia's red hair.  

Madeleine smiles as she confidently remains by the Queen's side. 

"As for myself," Liam adds, "I shall choose Lady Riley."

I freeze in place and can't believe what my ears just heard. He chose me! My heart pounds fast in my chest. I try to keep myself poised and walk over to his side.

"Riley? But..." Olivia begins to stammer, and I shoot her a loving grin.

Penelope grabs her arm, "Shh. The Prince has made his choice."

We separate into two teams, with the Queen and Madeleine and one side and Liam and me on the other. We grab our mallets and set up at the beginning of the circuit. 

"Looks like we found another way to steal a few moments," Liam whispers to me, sending warmth down my spine. 

"Hey, I don't want to cause you alarm or anything, but I don't know how to play croquet."

"No worries. Just follow my lead. Hit your ball through the same hoop as mine, and you'll be fine."

"Just so we're clear, hoops are the little arch-shaped things in the ground, right?"

"Right. Come on, we're up."

Liam smoothly knocks his ball through the hoop. I set up to take my shot and calmly knock the ball through the hoop. I hold back my urge to jump and pump my fist as Liam touches my arm and moves to my other side.

"Nice swing."

The game continues to proceed through the circuit. The Queen and Madeleine look deep in conversation. While the Prince takes his turn, I approach them.

"Am I interrupting anything?"

Madeleine looks at me and smiles, "No. We were simply discussing how to best undress when meeting with ministers during the coucher."

"We do what now?"

"Oh, goodness, Madeleine. You're too funny." The Queen begins to laugh and I nervously join her. 

"Forgive me, Riley, it was only a joke. I hope you won't begrudge a small laugh at your expense."

Well Madeleine at least apologizes for playing tricks. Olivia needs to take a page out of her book. 

"Now, let's give Riley the opportunity to speak her mind. Tell me your thoughts on governance, my dear."

"Governance... Is an art lost on most."

"A sad truth."

"Indeed." I give the Queen a smile and feel as though I am moving mountains with her. 

Liam calls me over to the end of the circuit. "My apologies for interrupting your conversation, but I believe it's your turn. No pressure or anything, but if you hit the peg in the center, we'll win the game!"

"That's an easy shot! I can definitely make that."

I remember that Maxwell and Bertrand told me to impress the Queen. Would making this shot make her feel hurt? She does enjoy competition, so if I win she could respect me. I line up for the shot and take the win for myself. The ball rolls into the center peg.

"I believe that means victory is ours" Liam smiles at me and I turn towards the Queen.

"I'm glad you had the guts to finish the game. Too many ladies have thrown the game on purpose to impress me. That's why I decided to make it a point to lose this match."

"You mean...?" So it was a test after all.

"It was a test... and you passed." The Queen did three gentle claps on her hands and smiled at me. "I'm sure we'll have times in the future where we'll find ourselves on opposing sides. Next time, though, I expect we won't be simply playing croquet... and I won't be holding back."

Each one of us lays down our mallets by the center peg for the grounds crew to clean up. I hesitate in doing so, I'm so used to doing things myself I almost feel bad leaving them there. 

"It was a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Lady Summers. You've shown yourself to be unlike many of the ladies at court, which is no small feat in my eyes."

"You honor me, ma'am"

The Queen addresses all the other ladies on the field, "Thank you all for coming, and I look forward to seeing you at the next event."

The Queen and Madeleine retire behind some bodyguards while the rest of the ladies dispersed to the tables. As Liam and I take a seat at one of the tables, Hana approaches.

"Riley, Prince Liam, that was well played."

"Thank you, Hana. Won't you sit with us?" Liam extends his hand to an empty seat and smiles. 

"I'd love to!"

As servants bring around piping hot tea, cream, and tiny tea sandwiches, Maxwell and Drake join us. 

"Hey! We finally get to eat!" Maxwell exclaims as he pats me on the shoulder.

"If you can call this eating." Drake takes his seat with his grumpy stare.

"Drake... Clearly, you and fun don't go together." I say, smiling at him.

"I'm fun. I do fun things all the time. ... Don't I?"

"Er... is someone gonna tell him?" Maxwell glances around the table, avoiding contact with Drake. 

"Tell me what?" Drake begins to become enraged.

"I'm the fun one. You're kind of the... angry, moody one." Maxwell inches away from Drake. 

"What? Angry? Moody?" He inches closer to Maxwell, which causes the rest of us to move back. 

"Look in a mirror, buddy. When your eyebrows get all caved in and you frown? That's being angry."

"I..." Drake begins to cool down, realizing his anger. 

"Anyway," Maxwell turns to me, "Onto the big question! Riley, do you think you impressed the Queen?"

"Well... I think I impressed her."

"Fantastic. It's like watching a bird learn to fly on its own."

I turn to Liam who is already looking at me.

"Do you think the Queen approves of me?"

"Yes, I think you performed quite gracefully in front of her." He smiles and grabs my hand for a moment. He quickly releases and I sigh.

"Enough about Riley." Drake states, trying to change the subject, "All the little sandwiches are gone, and I'm still starving."

"Not to worry, there's more food waiting for us back at the palace." Maxwell pats Drake on the shoulder and smiles at me.

"I could really go for a cronut right now." I dream about the cronut shop back in New York I would go to every day before work. They were the best kinds of pastries to fill my stomach.

"A what?" Liam looks at me full of confusion.

"I think you mean donut, Riley," Hana says as she lets out a little laugh.

"You haven't heard of cronuts before?" I look around the table at all the confused faces.

"Can't say that I have," Maxwell says.

"Really? Okay, guys, we have a critical problem to fix. None of you have had cronuts."

"Please tell me it doesn't have anything to do with crows." Maxwell starts to sink in his chair scared. 

"It's the sumptuous inside of a croissant mixed with the glazed outside of a donut. It's one of the best pastries ever invented."

"It sounds... American."

"This is true, Maxwell. From New York with love! We have to get some!"

"While that sounds like quite an adventure... I don't think the schedule will allow for it." Liam holds his head down in disappointment. 

"Then how about a little jailbreak tonight? Think we can sneak out of the palace and go for a cronut run?" I give Liam a sneaky smile, "I'm pretty sure I saw them in a window at a nearby bakery while we were driving here..."

"That does sound like fun..." Liam begins to have a playful, carefree look in his eyes. 

"Guys, meet me out front once it gets dark! It's time to have an adventure!" I grab Liam's hand under the table and run my fingers along his knuckle. He chuckles and shakes his head at me. I give him a wink and continue eating. 

That night, me, Hana, Drake, and Maxwell wait for Liam outside the palace.

"Prince Liam is taking a while." Maxwell checks his watch and starts to walk in circles.

"He's the Prince. We'll be lucky if he can sneak out at all." Drake puts his hands in his pockets and reaches his head up to the sky out of boredom.

"There he is!" Hana exclaims, and I quickly turn to see him running towards us. 

"You made it!" I smile and he stares at me.

"It's been a while since I've had to sneak out of my own bedroom window... I nearly fell into the rose bushes. But I stand before you unscathed."

"And now the real adventure begins!" I take his hand and we begin walking.

A little while later, we're walking down the beach towards a small pastry shop.

"Is it just me, or is it more fun to be out at night when you're also breaking the rules?" Maxwell begins to skip around the empty streets and we all playfully laugh. 

"It's more fun when you know you're headed to something delicious!" Hana claps her hands together trying to contain her excitement.

"After the day spent answering the press and The Queen, this is the sweetest freedom." Liam smiles at me.

"And it's about to get sweeter." I gesture towards the bakery as we arrive and Maxwell throws open the doors. 

"We need all of your finest cronuts, please!" Maxwell exclaims.

This takes me back to when I first met him in the restaurant. Still as playful and happy now as he was then.

Hana whispers to Maxwell, "I think you're supposed to go to the counter, not just shout from the doorway."


"Like normal people," Drake says as he walks past him.

"I'll handle this. You guys take a seat." I go up to the counter and order a cronut for everyone. Once they're ready, I take them and join the others at the table. I sit next to Liam and he drapes his arm around my chair. I lean a little closer towards him and smile while my heart pounds.

"Well, these look delicious," Liam says, not taking his eyes off me. 

Everyone reaches in and grabs a cronut.

"All together?" I say hold up mine as if to clink them together.

"One... Two... Th--"

"Delicious!" Maxwell yells out and causes us to sigh.

"Maxwell!" Drake yells.

"I regret nothing. MMmmmmmmmm... a flaky, crusty, glazed cloud of flavor..." We all take a bite as Maxwell devours his.

"I really must take some of these back home I've never tasted anything so light and fluffy and sweet!" Hana says as she daintily cuts into hers with a fork and knife. She is still so proper away from courtly life.

"This rivals the finest pastries from the palace chefs. Even Drake is smiling." Liam says as he grabs my hand and squeezes. My heart flutters and I look into his eyes. I get lost once again in them and can't seem to turn off my smile.

"The last time I had something this good, Bertrand hired a pastry chef from a Michelin-starred restaurant to make his birthday cake." Maxwell's voice lifts me from my daydream.

"Wait for a second, Are you saying that Bertrand... Used to actually have fun?" I say letting out a chuckle.

"Heh, Yeah, he wasn't always like he is now." Maxwell puts his head down and I reach my hand across the table to give him a reassuring look.

"There was a time when Bertrand would've been here with us tonight," Liam says as I glance in disbelief.


"Yes. We were all close, once. But, he's grown distant in the past few years..." Liam starts to fiddle with his fingers and looks down. 

Maxwell glances toward him and puts on a smile, "Aw, Bertrand's gonna be fine. He's just sorting some things out. You know what? I'll even bring him back a cronut."

"That's sweet of you." Hana smiles at Maxwell.

Drake runs to them, "It's a noble thought, but we'll see if that cronut actually makes it back to the palace..."

"I hope you're not implying I'd eat my brother's cronut..." Maxwell starts to eat his third cronut then wraps one up to take to Bertrand. "Well, it's the thought that counts anyway, right?"

"I can't believe mine is gone already." Hana sighs and places one hand on her stomach. "It was delicious."

"What did I tell you? Have faith in me." I say, smiling in my triumph. 

"That was a treat! Thanks, Riley." Maxwell pats me on the back.

"We should sneak out more often," Drake says, emitting a sense of happiness.

"I wish I could." Liam looks at me and takes my hand again. 

The night wanders on as I laugh and talk with everyone.

"Wow, it's gotten late..." Hana looks at the clock hanging on the wall of the bakery and gasps. 

Liam looks at me and sighs, "We should be getting back."

"Don't want the kingdom to panic over a missing prince?" I joke as I nudge his arm. 

"Precisely. I've already been gone for quite some time." 

Drake begins to get up, "Historians will tell of the day when Cordonia nearly collapsed because the Prince went out for the cronuts."  

We all let out a well-needed laugh. 

"Okay, maybe it's not that bad, but we should still head back to the palace."

We start walking along the sand speckled sidewalk. Suddenly, I spot a figure lurking behind us. I poke Liam to get his attention and when he sees the man he's shocked.

"Bastien? What are you doing here?"

"I couldn't let you go out without security, Prince Liam."

So this must mean it's his personal guard. I thought he had ditched him at the palace. Having him here, though, gives me a good sense of safety in a way.

"How did you even know?"

"Please, Your Highness. I was assigned to your brother before this. I've seen every trick in the book." 

"I'm sorry to have troubled you."

"As I said, I was assigned to your brother. Compared to him, you're hardly any trouble at all. But..."

"But we should be getting back." Liam turns towards me with an apologetic glance. I smile and nod and he takes my hand.

"You go on ahead," Bastien says as he begins to turn away. "I'll trail behind and keep an eye on things."

"Thank you, Bastien." 

"My pleasure."

Everyone begins heading down the boardwalk, back towards the palace. I fall into step with Liam, a little ways away from the others.

"This was an excellent idea." Liam says as he swings his arm around me.

"I thought we could all use a little fun." I entangle my fingers into his hand. 

"It's more than that, it's ... really seeing everything." Liam takes a moment to look at the beach and the shops around him. "It's strange. I'm the potential leader of my own country. Yet there's so much of it I haven't experienced." 

"Well... That's why I'm here. I'm your escape into your own backyard."

"You have no idea how happy I am to have you here." He pulls me closer and I feel myself warm up. He smells so fresh and clean. He has on just enough cologne to make you want to snuggle into him. "Being an icon of sorts robs me of certain luxuries. Like visiting people, going out with friends... Spending time with you..."

"Liam... you know you should be fair to the other ladies." I nudge his side and curl up closer. 

"Maybe I don't have to when I'm outside the palace."

"Ohh, scandalous." 

"Riley, thank you for another rare glimpse beyond my princely world."

As I stare into his eyes I can see them sparkle and light up. I want to kiss him and lose myself at this moment.

"Hey! You two are falling behind. Catch up or we'll leave you!" Maxwell pulls me out of our moment and I sigh.

Leaving us here wouldn't be the worst thing. I would get more time with Liam with no interruptions. 

"Looks like we better close the distance." Liam runs his hand down to the small of my back to guide me forward. 

"But not too fast. I want to hang onto these precious moments." I look up at him and close my hand around his so we are walking side by side. 

"I will oblige, my lady."

I catch up with the group, and walk away together, laughing under the moonlight. 

The next morning, I awake early to an insistent knock at my door. Quickly changing clothes, I answer it and find Maxwell and Bertrand outside.

"Rise and shine, Riley!" Maxwell says, as his excitement only makes me want to crawl back into bed. I let out a faint sound trying to make out the word coffee but not fully forming the word. 

"I'll assume that was the appropriate morning greeting followed by the proper use of my title." If there was ever a time to slap Bertrand, now would be it. Only my muscles aren't awake yet so I settle for the glare in his direction.

"Why are you both here so early? And how are you so cheerful?" I crawl back into my bed and put a pillow on top of my head to drown out their voices. 

Maxwell grabs the pillow and pulls me off the bed, "We just heard where the next social event will be, and if we're going to arrive there with everyone else, we should get packed. It's going to be fuuuunnnn!"

"Where are we going?"

"To the northern region of Cordonia, to the snow!"

"Snow? I love the snow!"

I can already see the wonderful things we could be doing: ice skating, snowball fights, skiing, and most importantly cuddling by the fire with Liam. The thought awakes the butterflies in my stomach. I can't help but smile and start to get excited for the days to come.

"I wouldn't celebrate so soon." Bertrand walks over with a stern look on his face, "The family that's hosting us up there, the place we're staying at, belongs to the Lythikos dutchy..."

"That means?"

"That you're about to go straight into Olivia's home territory. If you want to get time with Prince Liam, you're going to have to beat her at her own game."


~Will Riley be an ice queen or receive a chilly reception at the wintry festivities? Find out in the next chapter!~

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