Attack On Titan Boyfriend Sce...

By KittyWritesStories

250K 3K 1.6K

Love the boys in Attack On Titans? Wanna have short scenarios that some couples get like "First kiss" and "Wh... More

Note before we start
How you guys met :D
He goes to my school! 0.0
When he asks you out! <3
Your first kiss!!! ;*
When he accidentally hurts you XD
When he sees your Halloween costume
When he meets your parents *-*
When he's sick/sore
When he cheats on you
When he sees you with your new bf
When you get back together!!
When he gets scared
When he sees you in a dress

Valentine's Day (-*-)

10K 190 104
By KittyWritesStories

Well this is pretty obvious with your date on Valentine's day.


You were laying on the couch with Eren when, "Hey (y/n) you know what today is right?" "Yeah I do what's your point?" He tilted your head and between his lips were a pocky stick. He put the pocky stick in your mouth which made you blush. Your face turned really red because he looked so cute. Your lips went closer as you both ate the pocky stick. You were about to kiss! You pulled away cupping your face which made Eren laugh with the pocky stick in his mouth. "So how about it?" You peeked to look at him, "What do you mean?" He said one second and broke some pocky sticks making art on the table. "H-hey you are making a mess causing bugs to come!" He looked at you then at the table. "A... heart.." You looked at him. "Be my valentine date?" You smiled happily, "Of course", and you two cuddled together.


You opened your locker door after going to math class. "Finally god all those problems beat me out. And on valentines day." "Hey (y/n) how many valentine cards did you get?" "None.." You sighed but honestly you couldn't care less. If only your boyfriend had "Hey what about Armin?" Wow it was like she read your mind! You shrugged anyways. You proceeded to open your locker when all of a sudden boxes fell and cards and a bouquet of roses. It presented on your wall a heart that says "Happy Valentine's Day sweetheart." You felt a hug from behind and when you turned around Armin put a chocolate piece in your mouth. "I know its cliche and I was too shy to give it to you straight forward, but I love you." You friends awed and you blushed and hugged him happily "Oh I love you too Armin!" You both picked up the chocolate and cards and ate happily on the rooftop on the roof alone.


You were riding your skateboard to school since your bike was still broken. You finally got there and saw Bertholdt. "Happy Valentine's Day, my sweet Dulce." You blushed and knew that Dulce meant candy in spanish. "Happy Valentine's day, Bertholdt, my sweet... umm I'm not fluent with Spanish. haha." You both laughed, "You're so cute. Oh yeah we are gonna be late so let's get in." You nodded and you both held hands together. "Oh yeah." He grabbed your skateboard and threw it in the garbage. "Bertholdt! What the hell?! That's the only thing I got." He shook his head which still made you pissed. He laughed which made you blush because even though you were mad his laugh was so cute. You guys attended class normally then at the end of the day. "Stop looking at the trash (y/n) its dirty. I don't want you to be all dirty yet." You ignored him as he laughed. "Well, I hope you know that I don't have a ride home and I don't want to walk home so I need to get my board that you threw!" He rolled his eyes. "What's this?" You accidently took a step back and fell. "Ahhh!" Bertholdt caught you. "So clumsy." You sighed which made Bertholdt blush "Fine I threw your board away because I got you a new bike." He took it out from the school which surprised you. "Oh Bertholdt thank you so much I'm sorry for raising my voice at you." You hugged him tightly and you both went home together with your new bike.


You were reading a book before class started when you felt a hug from behind. "Hey sweetie what ya doing?" You didn't raise your head, "Reading a book." "On Valentine's day?" "Why not?" He tilted your head, "because you are supposed to focus on me." You smirked, "Aren't I suppose to focus on something smart?" Everyone screamed "Ooh Jean you got treated!". He didn't frown but also smirked, "Ooh sexy playing hard to get ehh?" You rolled your eyes. "Valentines day is a waist of time." "Probably because you spent it alone all your life." Everyone said the same thing "Ooh (y/n) he just said that!" You lowered your head and left the room slamming the door shut. "Nice job, Jean you made her sad." "And on Valentine's day." He ran after you "(y/n)!" He grabbed your arm. "I'm sorry for what I said back there." You shook your head. "Its okay you were right I just want to be alone." You continued running to the rooftop and sat down, your head on your knees. You heard the door slam open with Jean breathing heavily. His eyes widened seeing your tears. "(y/n)..." He said softly. He sat next to you and squeezed your hand tightly. You sobbed as he held you tightly to his chest his lips on your head. "I'm sorry Jean!" "No I'm sorry (y/n) I didn't want you to cry." You slowly raised your head to meet his eyes when his eyes widened. You sticked your tongue out. "Got you! Haha I wasn't crying!" You held up an eye dropper with water. "Why you... why did you trick me?" You hugged him tightly. "Cause I want to be alone with you and here we are." You both looked around alone on the rooftop. Then he tackled you down. "J-jean!" "Yeah we are alone. Now time to be punished for tricking me." You both heard a snap and looked at the door. Connie got a picture of Jean on top of you. "Wow Jean you are more naughty than me and during school!" "Get out!" You both laughed and went to class. "Oh yeah happy Valentine's day, babe." "Happy Valentine's day sweetheart."


You weren't very fond of Valentine's day mostly since you have no one to go with. You didn't want any flowers, no chocolates, no hearts, or shit like that which cause every girl to cheerfully scream and kiss the boy. HELL NO!! You opened the locker and slammed it open. You heard a thump and felt like you hit something. "Wow, and I was going to say Happy Valentine's day, but slam a locker in my face." You didn't look at him and continued placing in your books in alphabetical order like you usually do. "Perfectionist much?" You glared at him. "Leave me alone." He smirked "Sorry sweetie, but we have a date at 7 and it's valentine's day." I sighed and leaned on my locker. "You have 5 minutes." He smiled and knealed down. "Happy Valentine's day (y/n)," He opened a box with a crystal ring and placed in your middle finger as a gold ring was on his. You gasped, "How much did that cost?! TAKE I BACK!" "It doesn't matter, you cost way more." Everyone crowded up gasping and saying "Rivaille is actually kneeling down to (y/n)!" He looked at the crowd then back at you. "See everyone is watching you can't say no now." You sighed in defeat knowing he was right. All this attention would get your reputation up, but it wasn't like you cared at all. You nodded your head and you both hugged each other as everyone cheered. "KISS HER KISS HER!!!" We both looked at each other nervously and you kissed his cheek, but NOT THE LIPS. "Not yet, but I'll get it sooner or later." You rolled your eyes and left to your next class. You both went on your date as you wore a turquoise dress hugging your waist as he wore a plad polo shirt. You both ate at (favorite resturaunt) and had a pretty good time except for him accidently flicking a fork at you so you had a food fight and had to leave. You both laughed and held hands your rings touching each other.


You and Connie went to a store for Valentine's day. He said it's the best store for Valentine's day. He was right for him... We went to a magazine store, an explicit store. All you could se are bikinis, bikinis, hot bodies. Then you saw a camera on a platform. You tugged at Connie staring at it grinning. "What is that?" He looked at you "Well, it's a special camera that can capture the beauty of any girl!" Your eyes widened, "Really?! Let's buy it!" You then looked at the price. "$12,000?! That is so expensive!!" He smiled at you. "Do you want it?" You looked at him, "No it's okay we don't have to. Not to mention all he is going to do is see the beauty in girls." You looked back and saw him about to buy it. "NO! CONNIE STOP!!" He turned on the camera and took a picture of you. You sighed in defeat that he just spent $12,000 on a perverted camera. "YAY I KNEW IT!" You raised an eyebrow in confusion. "What?" You looked at the picture. "This is a rip-off I didn't change at all!" Your picture was exactly the same. "Yeah because it senses true beauty from a woman. They are correct you are all beauty." You blushed "Awww Connie I love you so much!" You hugged him as he slowly without you knowing gave the man $100 and the camera back. "I know what you did, but thank you that was so sweet!" The man gave him a thumbs up.


(Sorry that Erwin's are always with kids)

You were pretty excited for Valentine's Day. 1, because Erwin said there was a secret he had and 2, you always loved it in those movies when a couple were to hug or kiss and the children would just awe over it. After school Erwin dragged you to the babysitting center. When you both opened the door the kids yelled "Happy Valentines Day!" The girl kids gave Erwin their cards and the boy kids gave you the cards. They all said I love you, you are the best babysitter ever. I hope you can stay our babysitter! You are so pretty! You smiled and hugged them all "Thank you guys I love you too!" You both spent the time with the kids, unfortunately you couldn't hang out with Erwin that much.


Reiner had invited yo on a date to an adventerous place. Your mind exploded with ideas and you were so excited, but of course it wasn't what you expected. You both went to some area where men rode their motorbikes on sand-dirt trails. Forgot what it was called, but it's definitely not what you wanted it to be. Well, you actully expeced something romantic to happen, but nothing for 2 hours straight he was just hanging with his firneds in some random path! You sat on the dirt in a safe area sitting with other girlfriends watching their "Baes get dirty," for what I hear them talking about. A girl did ask me if I had a boyfriend. I sighed and nodded and pointed at him. "Ooh pretty muscular." I rolled my eyes, I think I am supposed to be jealous, but it was stupid I am still here yet the fact this is interesting for them to watch! Finally, I stood up and walked out. He saw me and drove to the eit. "H-hey (y/n) where are you going?" You gave him an are you serious face. "Maybe to somewhere interesting." He started laughing, but all it caused was for you to glare at him. "Look stay there for 5 minutes I'm almost done. Here take this and go up there." He pointed up at the tallest floor of the bleaches and handed me a key. You sighed and nodded your head running up there. After all those damn stairs I finally got up and sat on the chairs. There was also this button that said ignite. Probably some fireworks at night or something, but I dare not to press it. I looked at the bleachers and my eyes widened. T-this is som kind of joke! "Happy Valentine sweetie!" This is some kind of evet where these boys, plus Reiner write a note to their partners and I can't believe Reiner said that! I leaned in closer and accidnetly pressed the ignite button. Fireworks exploded showing a heart and- "AHH!!" I flew out of the building onto a pillow. "Thank god you landed safely!" You lifted your head off dazed "Are you crazy if I had missed I could've died!!" He laughed, "Now would I let my baby get hurt?" You blushed, bt looked down your fists clenched. "It's Valentine's day be happy." He hopped you onto his bike and you rode off into the sunset.


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