The Destiny Of A Shiny ✨ Flar...

By adecroliere146

8.7K 403 41

Book 1 (Warning there is Violence and curse words) Hey, this is the first story that I'm posting so there mig... More

Chapter 1 The beginning 
Chapter 2 A Little Troublemaker
Chapter 3 A New Friend
Chapter 4 A Special Bond
Chapter 5 A Danger In The Forest
Chapter 6 A Sad Farewell
Chapter 7 Cleo's training lesson
Chapter 8 A New Life Begins
Chapter 9 A Unnecessary Battle
Chapter 10 A secret in the forest
Chapter 11 A vision
Chapter 12 Broken Heart
Chapter 13 Fitting in
Chapter 14 Trouble in the forest
Chapter 15 Signs of the Future
Chapter 16 The First Step For War
Chapter 17 Unnecessary trouble
Chapter 18 A Long Journey
Chapter 19 Double Trouble
Chapter 20 Behind Blue Eyes
Chapter 21 A Disagreement
Chapter 22 The War With Darle
Chapter 23 The Betrayal 
Chapter 24 A Rescue Mission
Chapter 25 the ice Mountains
Chapter 26 On The Hunt
Chapter 27 Trouble is coming
Chapter 28 Trouble Has Found Us
Chapter 29 Unexpected Help
Chapter 30 The Search
Chapter 31 A Reunited Friend
Chapter 32 Death Awaits
Chapter 33 Escaping The Problems
Chapter 34 A Suicide Mission
Chapter 36 Solo Rescue Mission
Chapter 37 Finding The Pecha Berry
Chapter 38 Near death
Chapter 39 The New Evil Plan
Chapter 40 Finding A Home
Chapter 41 The Lost Travelers
Chapter 42 The Lost Woods
43 A New Problem
Chapter 44 An Unwanted Mission
Chapter 45 The Lycanrocs
Chapter 46 No Trust
Chapter 47 The Beginning Of A Journey
Chapter 48 A New Group Of Shinies
Chapter 49 On The Move
Chapter 50 A New Recruit
Chapter 51 A Confession
Chapter 52 A Bad Idea
Chapter 53 Jessie's True Color
Chapter 54 A Dark Place
Chapter 55 Another Tragic War 📍
Chapter 56 in hideing
Chapter 57 a chang in heart
Chapter 58 Jeissie's problems
Chapter 59 a new problem
Chapter 60 evil sprits
Chapter 61 our new home
Chapter 62 Change In Time
Chapter 63 Trouble Awaits
Chapter 64 A Hard Lesson Learned
Chapter 65 the cursed umbreon
Chapter 66 A Dangerous Umbreon
Chapter 67 war that's Brewing
Chapter 68 the final war
Chapter 69 the final part

Chapter 35 Plan Of Escape

82 3 0
By adecroliere146

Fredrick's P.O.V.

Fredrick was running as fast as he could trying to keep up with Roary but, he was falling behind. "Come on Fredrick you have to move now! or you'll die!" Roary hissed. The world in front of him was turning black and he felt like vomiting he was panting as he began to feel feverish. "I...I can't I feel Dizzy." Lupin got beside him. "Come on Fredrick I've gotcha buddy." Then suddenly there was a flapping sound and Fredrick knew it had to be the flying types. Roary ran up and gave Fredrick a shove. "Come on you have to pull Through if Denny catches us that's it for you." Lupin nudged him. "You can lean on me for support" He offered. Fredrick gave him a grateful nod and leaned on him as they all started running. Fredrick felt sicker the more they moved and he couldn't take it anymore. "STOP!" He yelled and they all came to a halt. Lupin and Roary both exchanged a worried glance as three flying types landed in front of them. One being a Salamence while the other two were a Flygon and a Fearow. They all glared at them. "We'll take that shiny Flareon from here if you don't mind." The Fearow said. Roary hissed as they stood their ground. "Yes! We do mind!" Fredrick tried to use flamethrower but vomit came out instead and he fell in the snow feeling really weak and sick. He could hardly see what was happening but he knew a battle broke out. Roary used Thunderbolt and Lupin used Dark plus the Fearow flew towards Fredrick with claws stretched out ready to seize him but then it was hit with an ice beam as a shiny Glaceon jumped out in front of Fredrick. "You'll never get Fredrick! Now beat it! I'm an ice type I can Easily beat you all with blizzard is that what you want?" She asked in a threatening tone. The Salamence glared at her and then turned to the others. "Go for backup now! We need fire types plus more flying types!" Jennifer got mad and her fur bristled up into ice shards. "Not on my watch!" She used an ice shard and hit the Flygon bringing it down then Lupin jumped on it and pinned it. The Salamence growled and flew at Lupin only to be hit with another ice beam by Roary. He gave a smirk. "What can I say? I'm a really well-experienced fighter!" the Fearow charged at him and used a drill peck then he met it with a slash, the Freaow screamed and then it flew up calling for more help, and then the other two followed. The Salamence snarled. "We'll be back with more Mons soon! Don't you go anywhere!" Roary and Lupin both exchanged uneasy glances with each other. Fredrick was still lying in the snow watching them as much as he wanted to help he was too weak to fight. Jennifer ran up to him. "Come on Fredrick I know a good hiding place we just have to make it!" Roary stood up. "You guys go I'll stay here to hold them off." Lupin looked shocked "No you can't!" He whimpered. "They'll kill you!" Roary shook his head. "No, they won't Denny wants to keep me alive for now until he learns I don't want to join him that is." Lupin stood beside him. "I'll stay with you." Roary shook his head. "No! Fredrick needs you!" Jennifer was getting impatient. "We need to go now!" Roary hissed "She's right go! Get Fredrick out of here, Jennifer will need your help carrying him. Lupin you have to go!" Lupin shook his head. "I'm not shiny! I'll be fine if I stay with you, we can escape together." Jennifer didn't want to waste another second she nudged Fredrick to his paws and he leaned on her for support, but she was struggling with him, she hissed at Lupin. "GET OVER HERE AND HELP!" Roary growled "Lupin if you stay here, we're all gonna die is that what you want?" The Mightyena sadly shook his head. "No..." he whimpers then he ran over to Jennifer and grabbed Fredrick on his other side and they both ran as fast as they could move. Roary called out "Make sure you get him somewhere safe! I'll hold them for as long as I can!" Fredrick was feeling more sick the more steps they moved. "I'm gonna pass out!" Jennifer gave him a worried glance. "No, you can't! please Fredrick just a little further we're almost there!" Fredrick kept forcing himself to move then he collapsed in the snow, his vision slowly faded as he fainted.

Third P.O.V

Shortly after Fredrick fainted a pack of Lycanrocks ran out. "Come this way! You can hide with our pack, for now, friends of Roary!" They called to them. Jennifer looked relieved seeing that they were the same Lycanrocs that helped on the attack earlier to rescue Fredrick. "We'll help carry him." A Night form Lycanrock ran up and grabbed Fredrick and started carrying him away. "Qiuk this way!" One of them called and they all followed. One paused by a big ice rock and they dug away some snow to review a hidden tunnel that went underground wide enough for all of them to fit. "This tunnel leads to a cave, that's where our pack lives, we keep the entrance hidden so no Mon knows about it, that Vaporeon won't be able to find you here." Lupin and Jennifer both thanked them as they headed in. "Oh, thank you! We can't thank you enough!" Jennifer said sounding grateful.

Fredrick's P.O.V

Fredrick opened his eyes feeling puzzled by his surroundings. "Where am I?" Lupin was sitting in front of him. "Fredrick you're awake!" His tail started wagging. Fredrick looked around they were sitting in a cave. "What happened? And where's Roary?" He asked. Lupin hung his head and his ears drooped. "You don't remember?" Fredrick felt puzzled he had been awake but he was so sick and dizzy the whole time it was hard for him to tell what was going on and he didn't remember. "What happened?" He asks again. Lupin sighed "Denny sent some flying types after us, and we couldn't take them on so Roary stayed behind," He responded sounding upset. Fredrick tried to struggle to his paws but then Jennifer who was sleeping opened her eyes and yelled at him. "Fredrick no, you're still poisoned you can't go anywhere!" She hissed with worry. Lupin looked sad. "Yeah, but sleeping is not going to help he needs a pecha berry or else he'll never wake up again it will kill him at some point."
Jennifer frowned and then looked upset. Fredrick slowly got up. "Denny did this to me, why are we in a cave?" Then a Lycanrock came in to see them "You are here because we saved you, Roary came and got us." Fredrick frowned "Yeah but now he's in danger..." The Lycanroc looked shocked. "WHAT?!" Then Lupin got up "Denny has him now." the Lycanroc frowned. "Why didn't you say so? We'll send out a group now to get him!" He barked then ran out. Lupin looked happy I'll go with them!" Jennifer's tail was flickering with irritation. "Ok, so that's only one problem solved, what about Fredrick?" She asked Lupin sighed. "To save Fredrick we need Roary he knows where to find a pecha berry tree. Look if we don't get him back they're both gonna die, I have to go!" Then he ran off leaving Jennifer alone with Fredrick.

Roary's P.O.V

Roary was fighting giving it his all but he was surrounded. He had no choice but to surrender the Salamence padded up to him. "Where did the others go?" Roary hissed "I don't know! They just ran for it they could be anywhere!" The Salamence looked at the other flying types. "Go!" He ordered, "Denny wants that shiny Flareon found so do it!" Then he turned his glare back on Roary. "And you will come back with me!" Roary lets the dragon-like Mon carry him back to Denny's camp. Once they got back he dropped Roary in front of Denny's cave. "Hey Denny! I don't have the Flareon but I was able to capture the Persian." Denny and Jessie both emerged out of the ice cave entrance. The Vapreon didn't look very pleased. "Did you send the others out to look?" He asked sounding rather annoyed. The Salamence nodded. "I did, and I'll go back out to look myself." Then he flew off leaving Roary alone with Denny and Jessie. 'Great I'm stuck with the love couple' Denny looked at him seeming calm. "Roary please do come in." He gestured with his tail towards his den. "I don't think I want to." Roary growled "Why don't you just let me go? You got what you wanted Fredrick is dead!" Denny's eyes lit up. "Oh? is he really? Or are you just saying that? I'm not as gullible as Fredrick was, so don't think you can fool me!" He spat. Roary rolled his eyes. "Well, last time I checked he was poisoned." Denny frowned "How did a dying Flareon get away?" Roary made no response then Jessie laid one of her feelers on him. "Come on, let's talk this out in the den." Roary gritted his teeth, then followed her in.
Roary sat down and Denny walked in and sat in front of him. "I think you know why you're here, where is Fredrick? I know you know!" Roary hissed. "I told you he's dead!" Denny growled "Liear! Where is he? tell me now!" Roary hissed "Never! why does it matter? he's dying anyway!"
Denny clawed him in the face, Roary felt it burn then he got mad and used Thunderbolt. Denny screeched in pain. "Oh, you shouldn't have done that!" He hissed then before he could attack Jessie stopped him him her feeler. "Let me handle him Denny I have my ways to make Mons talk." Denny gave a frustrated sigh and then sat down, his tail lashing back and forth with impatience. Jessie slowly walked up to him although Roary was tense he kept glaring at her anyway.
She had a smug look on her face. "Hmm, now is that any way to treat a lady?" She asked Roary hissed. "It is if you threaten to hurt me!" He spat "Oh, well I'm not doing that. Look we're not here to harm you." She said as she spoke softly. Roary felt puzzled as she went on. "All we ask is that you join us, and take our side." Roary unsheaths his claws. "NEVER!" Jessie laughed. "Hehehe oh, you're funny... I don't think you understand what we're ever offering you." Denny sat quietly with narrowed eyes. "I don't think you understand that you have no choice. I will make you." He muttered in a low growl his voice was cool as he spoke. Jessie laughed even more. "Haha hehe!" Roary's claws slid out. "Stop laughing at me! Or I'll claw your eyes out!" He threatened her in a low growl. Then Denny got up. "No Roary you're gonna join my side and you can start by telling me where my brother is!" He paused. "Or I'll be the one to claw your eyes out!" Jessie smiled "So what's it gonna be? Your eye or Fredrick?"
Roary hissed and lunged at Denny clawing him in the face and aiming for his eye. Denny yelled then used an ice beam and Roary got hit hard by it. He dropped to the floor of the ice den. He was frozen after the hit and he couldn't move. Denny walked up to him and Jessie grabbed Roary with her feelers and held his head up to look Denny in the face. The Vaporeon had a claw mark on his face going right over his left eye. Roary struggled to move trying to break free but couldn't he be frozen in place? The Vaporeon hissed and held his claw close to Roary's face Jessie smiled. "Do it, teach him a lesson." Denny sliced his claw through one of Roary's eyes and blood gushed out. He screamed in agony. Then Denny took a step back he had some blood on his face from Roary. "Put him in the prison den with the others." He ordered as he turned away. Jessie guided Roary with her feelers toward the prison den. Roary's eye really hurt, he could feel blood dripping down his face from it, and he didn't want to dare try to open it. Jessie smiled "I know it really hurts but it's just an eye you'll live with, you will just have to get used to having one eye." Roary felt like ripping her face off. "How would you like to lose an eye?! This is permanent!" He hissed "Oh well... you should do as you're told next time then." Once they got there she shoved him into the den and he hit the ground pretty hard some snow got in his injured eye causing it to burn and he yelled in pain. A little shiny Eevee ran up to him. "Hi sir are you ok?" he asked sounding sad. Roary was trembling as more blood dripped down his face and hit the snow turning it red a few tears fell down his cheeks. And the little Eevee brushed up beside him
"It will be ok." The Eevee was so young it had to be level 5 still Roary tried to see with his other eye. "W-where are the other prisoners?" Then a Pikachu answered. "It's just me and the little Eevee here, there was a Glaceon but she escaped. Why are you here? You're not shiny." he said. Roary focused on the Pikachu with his right eye trying to see better, but it was difficult because of the blood on his face. "I'm here because I'm a friend of Fredrick's plus Denny is trying to force me to join him even though I would rather die first!" The Pikachu looked upset. "I'm Thunder by the way.... here let me help you." He walked over and grabbed a pile of snow in his paw, the Eevee stepped back. "My name is Nathan nice to meet you, sir" Roary tried to smile but winced in pain when Thunder rubbed his eye with snow, he gave a furious yell. "REMOW! THAT HURTS!" Thunder paused. "I'm sorry but it needs to be cleaned or it will get infected." Roary turned away "No thanks, just leave it, I told you I'd rather die!" Thunder stopped. "Look on the bright side Denny wants you to join him right?" Roary rolled his good eye. "Yes.." Thunder growled "So he'll want you alive so if it does get infected he will find someone to treat you then." The Pikachu lay down looking upset. "I don't know about you but we need to get out of here." Thunder said as he glanced at the shiny Eevee. "Or we will die, maybe we can come up with a plan for getting out?" Nathen gave a worried look at Roary. "Is he going to be ok?" He asked. "Yeah, don't worry little one he will be fine." Roary was starting to feel dizzy from all the pain coming from his eye he lay in the snow and some more tears dripped out, it really burnt his eye but he couldn't hold them back. His eye was badly injured and he knew he would only have one eye for the rest of his life now.

Lupin's P.O.V

Lupin followed the lycanrocs feeling on edge once they got close to Denny's camp they all paused and Lupin frowned. "Ok... so what's the plan?" He asked. The leader lycanrock who was a dusk form named Chief, looked at him. "Well, I hate to say this but it's obvious that we can't beat Denny so I was thinking..." Lupin felt puzzled. "Thinking what?" They all looked at him and it made him feel uneasy. "Why are you looking at me like that?" Chief sighed. "I'm sorry to put this on you but Denny knows you as Fredrick's best friend that's why he held you hostage before." Lupin's ears went down. "Oh no, just what are you getting at here?" He frowned and awkwardly brushed his paw in the snow. "Well, we thought maybe you could create some kind of diversion to distract Denny while we rescue Roary." Lupin sighed he didn't like the idea but if it was the only way to save his friend then he would do it.

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