The Royal Romance Book 1

By ZimmerGurl

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Love awaits in the royal court of Cordonia. Travel to the beautiful kingdom of Cordonia with the Crown Prince... More

Chapter 1: Once Upon A Time
Chapter 2 : Welcome to Cordonia
Chapter 3: Reunited
Chapter 4: Save The Last Dance
Chapter 6: Queen of Hearts
Chapter 7: Fire and Ice
Chapter 8: A Waltz to Remember
Chapter 9: Race to the Finish
Chapter 10: Beach Party
Chapter 11: The Apple of His Eye
Chapter 12: As Sweet As Apple Pie
Chapter 13: Hunting for Love
Chapter 14: Fair Game
Chapter 15: The Brothers Beaumont
Chapter 16: The Beaumont Bash
Chapter 17: Lady In Waiting
Chapter 18: To Be A Princess
Chapter 19: Long Live The King

Chapter 5: Off to the Races

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By ZimmerGurl

It's the morning of the Derby...

In my room, Maxwell is giving me tips on how to conduct myself.

"So let's review. At the lawn picnic, you'll have to eat with perfect civility..."

"I've got this, Maxwell. I won't stuff my mouth, pick my teeth, or stab Drake with a fork... no matter how tempting that last one might be."

"Right. Well, Bertrand said I should go over everything. Speaking of which, how would you address Bertrand?"

"Your Grace."

"Right! And in case it comes up, his full title is Duke Bertrand Beaumont of Ramsford, also known as Duke Ramsford."

What a mouthful. Suddenly, there's a knock on the door, and Maxwell answers it. Bertrand strolls into the door and neglects to acknowledge my presence. 

"Maxwell. How's the progress?"

"As planned! Riley and I were just about to review her entrance to the Derby and how to get out of a car without flashing the press..."

"Adjust skirts before moving and keep your knees and feet together while swiveling out," I say matter-of-factly.

Bertrand looks even angrier than when he walked in, "Anyone who can run an Internet search can spout off that kind of protocol. We're asking you to be a LADY. Maxwell, I hope you don't mind if I take the liberty of testing Riley myself."

I begin to form my hands into fists trying to retain my anger.

"Pretty sure it doesn't actually matter whether or not I mind..." Maxwell steps back trying to go far from this heated conversation. 

"Indeed." Bertrand walks over to me, and I un-clench and compose myself. "Riley, let's pretend I'm meeting you for the first time. Hello. It's a pleasure to meet you, Lady Riley Summers."

"The pleasure's all mine, Duke Ramsford." I curtsy. Bertrand takes my hand with his right hand and kisses the back of it. 

"Now, what did I do wrong?"

"You... used the wrong hand."

"Correct! I used my right hand instead of my left."

"So, what is the point of knowing that? I'm not going to be kissing Olivia or Hana's hands, am I?"

"No, but you should recognize the insult. It's not enough for you to know your rule. You have to be able to read the other person. The slightest shift could signal disapproval."

"Thanks for the reminder."

"Anyway, the real reason I came was to inform you that our limo awaits to take us to Honeyhill Downs..."

"Limo?!" I am enlightened by even the idea of a limo, and now I'll be able to ride in one? One dream at a time seems to be coming true.

A few minutes later, we are riding in a limo towards the Honeyhill Downs. 

Bertrand turns to me, "Now as we mentioned earlier, how you come across to the Cordonian people is very important, and the press can make or break you. What the press writes, the people read. If people love you, then it'll be easy to convince them you deserve their prince."

Maxwell touches my shoulder and gives me a reassuring smile, "So you've got to impress the press, so to speak. You'll be surrounded by them as soon as we pull up to the Downs."

"All right... What kinds of questions should I be expecting?"

"It'll depend on who's doing the interview..." Bertrand looks sternly at me, "They'll start with easy questions, asking who you are, where you're from, that sort of thing."

"People want to understand your story.... so think about how you want them to see you," Maxwell says, as I try to pay attention to each of their words. 

"Then the hard questions... I don't know what they'll ask but..."

"Be me?" I say, trying to encourage myself. 

"Heavens, no. Be a future queen who loves Cordonia and acts with grace and poise. And for the love of king and country, if they as you about Cordonian apples, make sure you take the question seriously." An answer I could have only expected from Bertrand. I turn away from him and towards Maxwell.

"Cordonian... apples?"

"It's the national fruit, and one of our most important exports." 

"Ah, got it."

"Do you?" Bertrand adds as I turn back towards him. "How confident are you feeling about this?"

"I Feel Great! It'll be fun."

"I hope your overconfidence won't be your downfall."

"Well, I believe in you." Maxwell smiles at me and I try to prepare myself.

The limo pulls around, arriving at the racetrack. Ladies and gentlemen wearing bright colors and big hats parade through a throng of press reporters jockeying for interviews behind a line of velvet stanchions. 

"Wow... it's so exciting. I feel like I'm at a fair."

"A 'fair'? This is no county fair where you weigh pigs and eat pie. This is the outdoor event of the social season." 

Maxwell opens the door to the limo for me and I whisper into his ear, "Someone needs to remove the stick up his ass."

Maxwell chuckles and gestures for me to continue walking, "This is your stop, my lady."

"You're coming with me right?" My heart starts pounding in my chest at the thought of being alone.

"No. We don't need to be interviewed." Bertrand crawls back into the car. 

"Okay.. but where should I go after I talk to the press?"

"The ladies vying for Liam's hand have their own section. Just continue down the red carpet and search for the pink tents, and you'll be fine."

"We'll see you there," Bertrand shouts from the car as Maxwell gets in as well. As the limo takes off, a swarm of reporters approaches me, nearly hitting me in the face with a flurry of microphones. I glance back nervously at the limo and see Maxwell, who gives me an encouraging nod. Here goes nothing.

I turn to face the press and a reporter shouts over to me, "Over here! Donald Brine from the Cordonia Broadcasting Center. We've heard about the new lady on the social scene! What's your name?"

"Lady Riley Summer from House Beaumont," I say with a smile for the cameras.

"Our viewers care about getting the real story. Tell us about yourself!"

"I'm... A mystery."

"Most of the ladies here can't wait to talk our ears off."

"What can I say? I'm not like everyone else."

"A fascinating spin... Now I've heard early rumors that you're Prince Liam's favorite... What do you think makes you stand out?"

"Prince Liam first noticed me because... I share his love for the Statue of Liberty."

"A true American girl. Can I get a photo of you?"

"Of course!"

"Throw us your best look!"

I pose aloof and many reporters cheered. 

"Wonderful. Just Wonderful. You're very photogenic..." I can hear him murmur as he types some notes on his phone. "'The Mystery Woman' sweeps the Derby red carpet."

An attractive woman in a designer suit lifts her hand, "Lady Summers, Ana de Luca here on behalf of Trend, fashion and celebrity news magazine. Now to get into it... Lady Summers... As an outsider, what do you think of Cordonia?"

"Cordonia is full of charm and wonder."

"The people will be happy to hear it. Lady Summers if you marry Prince Liam, you'll be our next queen. What qualities make you fit to rule Cordonia?"

"I intend to rule graceful and composed. The people can trust me to look out for them and to keep a cool head in times of crisis. I'd also consider myself brave, caring, and honest."

"That'll be a nice soundbite. Last question... Hypothetically, how would you handle news about low crop yields from the Cordonian apple orchards?"

"My first act would be to comfort the people. I know how important the Cordonian apples are to the country and its people, and they deserve to know I'd take this problem very seriously. Then, of course, we'd talk about ways to deal with the crisis at hand."

"I can use that..." I'm about to say more, but the line of people arriving behind me starts moving me down the red carpet.  "Looks like that's all our time. Glad to have someone interesting like you in the running..." Ana says as she turns to talk to the ladies behind me. 

"Thank you!"

"Thanks, Lady summers" Donald smiles and also moves to the next lady behind me. 

I wave goodbye, smiling at more photographers as I proceed towards the field. I let out the breath I didn't even realize I was holding in. I think I made a good impression with them. Now, I'm supposed to join the other suitors... somewhere. I walk around trying to find the pink tents Maxwell mentioned but can't spot them. A few moments later, I lose my way in the mass of moving hats, unable to see anyone familiar. I wonder where I'm supposed to go...

I wander inside a nearby stable, hoping to find someone to ask. Most of the pens are empty, save for one horse. It retreats deeper into its pen at the sight of me. 

"Hello? Any humans in here? I could use some directions..."

As I look around the stable, a gust of wind causes the door behind me to slam shut. It causes the horse to become frightened and charges through the pen's loose door, kicking and neighing... it barrels right for me! 

I try to calm the horse down, "Easy, easy horsey! Everything's okay!"

It doesn't seem to work, the horse snorts and gallops straight at me! The horse rears up right in front of me and I scream frozen in place. In the last moment, someone darts in between me and the horse! I stumble safely into a stack of hay as I look up to see Drake.

"Whoa there. Whoa." Drake tangles his fingers in the horse's mane and gently pulls the horse's head down. The two lock eyes. "Nothin' to worry about, big fella. I'll get this girl outta here for you."

Drake leads the horse back to his stall, then turns to me. "You okay, Riley?"

I pick myself up from the hay and brush off my skirt. "Drake?! You saved me!"

"Really? I thought I was saving the horse... these Derby runners are like athletes. Can't risk an injury tripping over a stray human."

"Oh, charming." What an ass. "Did the horse knock the sense out of you?"

"Nah... in fact, I got away without a scratch."

"What are you even doing here?" I cross my arms and try to hide how mad I am.

Drake runs his fingers through his hair. "Look...I... The truth is, Liam told me to keep an eye on you and make sure you don't end up in the wrong place... exactly like now."

"He told you that?" The butterflies start to awaken in my stomach. 

"Yeah, good thing I followed his instructions, huh? Speaking of which, you should get back to the racetrack and your adoring fans..."

"I'd love to, but I'm lost. Maxwell told me to look for the pink tents?"

"He's wrong. You're looking for the white tents next to the starting line... Can't miss them. Good luck!"

"You're not coming with me?" Is this the day of abandonment or something?

"No... I'm due to meet Liam. He has his own private tent. We usually just hang out there and get some drinks, watch the ceremonies, place our bets on the horses... it's pretty sweet."

"In that case, I'm going with you!"


"It sounds more fun where you're going. Take me with you."

"I don't think you're supposed to..."

"What are they going to do? Put me in Princess Jail?"

He shakes his head but doesn't stop me. I follow him in silence until finally, Drake stops in front of one private, enclosed tent ringed around the racetracks. 

"Here. You go ahead. I'm going to grab some beers for us." He hands me a pass.

I take it, and go into the Prince's private tent... and I spot Prince Liam staring intently at the racetrack. I playfully cover his eyes and I feel him go tense. "Guess who!" at the sound of my voice, he relaxes.

"There's only one person who could find me here and sneak up on me. Riley."


"However in the world did you manage to get in here?"

"I have my ways," I say smiling. All this mystery makes things more exciting. 

"I should know not to doubt you by now. I'm convinced that you could move mountains if you wanted to, Riley."

"Speaking of which... I had a funny conversation with Drake. He said you told him to look out for me."

"Ah... right. I guess you caught me. I did say that to him."

"Liam... That was really thoughtful of you."

"I'm often thinking of you, Riley."


"Ah, they're leading the horse to the standing gates now." We watch as the majestic-looking thoroughbreds prance forward, tossing their heads and nickering. "I love watching the horses."

"What strikes me is that they're so beautiful," I say as I take a seat next to Liam. 

"That they are. These are no show ponies, but they have a beauty and grace all their own. Did you know the winner gets covered in flowers?"

"That must be an incredible sight!"

I start to move towards him just as Drake lets himself into the tent, holding three cups of beer and hands one to each of us. 

"Hope I'm not interrupting anything."

"Drake... of course not. We're always happy to see you."

"You are?"

"Yeah, come join us."

"And you're just in time." Liam gestured for him to sit on his other side. "The last race is about to start! I say Twilight-Dash takes the crown."

"That's not a bad prediction, but I've been studying that stats. My money's on Marabelle's Dream." Drake takes a seat and tries to look 'high-and-mighty'.

"Want to bet on that, Drake?"

"Sure. The usual?"

"What's the usual?" I chime in.

"Ever since Drake and I were kids, we'd bet each other push-ups."

"Not just any push-ups."

"Push-ups while the other person sits on your back."

"That's so cute!" I say smiling and enjoying the boy bonding moment. 

"It's not 'cute'. It's... rugged. And manly." Drake clears his throat and lowers his voice in order to install manliness. 

"Yes, very tough, I'd say." Liam adjusts in his seat making himself look taller and puffs out his chest.

"Oh, right. of course."

"So do we have a bet?"

"You're on."

"Except perhaps one change to the usual." Liam turns towards me and has a grin plastered on his face. "I think we'd be incredibly rude to leave out Riley... Maybe she should be the one to sit on the loser's back..."

"Sit on your back while one of you does push-ups? I'm... Happy to help" I chuckle and hope in my heart that Liam ends up the loser. 

"There we have it, then" 

Just then, I hear the race starting! We all lean forward in anticipation.

"Twilight-Dash takes the lead," Liam says, hanging off his chair.

"Race isn't over yet. Go, Marabelle!"

"They're rounding the third bend..."

"Come on, Marabelle. You're gaining..." Drake starts inching off of his seat too as I sit silent but excited. "Catch them in the final furlong."

"They're neck and neck!" I shout, really getting into this race. 

"Come on..."

"And there goes Marabelle! Ha! I knew it!"

Drake cheers as Marabelle's Dream crosses the finish line first. The horse is led to the side and wreathed in roses! He turns to Liam, "I believe you're up!"

"Well, here we go..."

"If you think I'm going to bow gracefully and let you out of the bet, you're dead wrong."

"Oh, I know. That's one of my favorite things about you, Drake. You never let me get away with anything. Now, I can't get these clothes all sweaty..." Liam pulls his blazer and shirt off and drops down to do the push-ups!

I gaze down at his back muscles, feeling my body tense. I examine every curve and imagine running my hands down it. He turns to look up at me, "Riley, I believe I need your assistance here?"

"I'm on it."

I rest my weight on Liam's back, "Is that all? I barely feel anything."

"Maybe I should get on there too..." Drake says as they both laugh and he begins to lower then come back up. "Too easy." Drake scoffs, and he makes it to ten in no time. 

I get off his back and he stands up, pulling on his clothes. "Never let it be said that I've ever backed out of a bet."

"And you lose all the time, so that's really saying something."

"I must've done something very wrong at some point for you to be my best friend."

"I think it's part of my job to keep you humble. Hard to do with all these gorgeous women chasing after you."

"Speaking of which... Now that the races are over, it's probably time to get back to the social barrage. Next up is the lawn picnic..."

I look up at them, realizing my place. "I guess that means I should get back to where the girls are... Bertrand and Maxwell are probably looking for me." 

Drake looks from me to Liam... then sighs. 

"I'll go see where they are" He begins walking out of the tent, then Liam turns to me. He takes my hands into his, and we gaze into each other. 

"Thank you for coming here, Riley. I'm not exaggerating when I say that you made my day"

"Liam, you made mine too."

"You don't know how glad I am to hear that."

"Ahem." Drake sounds for us to separate. "I just saw Maxwell run out and bring the car around. The ladies are a few tents down, and they're headed to the lawn picnic. I can show Riley over there.

"If you must."

"Goodbye, Riley. Until we meet again."

"Until then." 

I give him a quick kiss on the cheek but feel myself linger by his jaw. We both breathe for a second and I release his hands. I walk over with Drake to the white tents and see a couple of familiar faces in the crowds. Olivia is talking with Penelope and Hana.

"I can't believe we didn't get to see the Prince at all.."

I chuckle at the thought of the moment I just had with him. 

Penelope chimes in, "He's sure to be at the lawn party, though...."

Drake turns towards me and looks ready to sprint away, "I guess I leave you here. Good luck."

"Sometimes I feel like I'd rather face a rampaging horse than deal with the others..."

"I don't know... You didn't fare so well in front of the horse..."

"Ha. I guess that's true. Hey, Drake. Thanks for saving me."

"I know I can be a jerk, but I'd have to be a real low-life to let a horse trample a girl."

"Well, thanks anyway." I turn to walk towards the ladies, catching up with them. 

"Look who finally showed up. Fashionably late has its limits, you know." Olivia stands with her hands on her hips ready to kill with her words. 

Hana runs up to me and looks relieved to see me, "Riley, I was worried about you. What happened?"

"Oh, well, I... kind of got lost."

Kiara waltzes up to the group, "It's only day two and you can't even keep up? Tres embarrassant."

If only she knew that it was because I got lost I ended up spending some time with Liam. I think I'll keep that a mystery as well.

"I know it can be really overwhelming... how the press swarmed us all when we arrived..." Hana gives me a shy smile. 

"Hana, How do you handle all the attention?"

"All of the pressure to be perfect and keep up appearances can be pretty overwhelming. I guess when I'm up there, I try to think of the person that I want everyone to see, and act like that person."

"Is that all?" I laugh trying to comprehend who I want people to see.

"Sweets and massages help too. I'll have to introduce you to all the pastries from my home."

"Now that the races are over, what happens next?"

"Now the real party starts!"

~What will happen at the lawn picnic? Find out in the next chapter~

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