Summer loving (Wattys 2018)

By Epy_aliabella

98 6 0

Emma Blake age 16 background she's not like any other girl she's strong willed and gets what she wants and wh... More

Characters πŸ’«
chapter 1 Let The Adventure Begin πŸ’«
The Fashon Police πŸ’«
The FlashBack/ Adam πŸ’«
My Adam He's Back/ Partying like I Don't Give A Fuck πŸ’«
Feelings Resurfacing I Think/ The Talk πŸ’«
Pool Time Siting Alone Watching The the Stars Go By πŸ’«
Surprises So Much Surprises Awaits πŸ’«
"When you Wish Upon A star" Off To The Magic Kindom We Go πŸ’«
What a peeping Tom? πŸ’«
The Long Journey πŸ’«

Will I? πŸ’«

5 1 0
By Epy_aliabella

A/N hey guys hoped you guys like that little flash back sequence sorry it was so short though but I promise you guys their will be more.

And don't ask me why an 11 year has black hair with green highlights it's supposed to show her rebellious side and that her family doesn't care about her anyways enough about with my Rambling let's get on with the story.

Lily and I drove around neighborhood's looking for party's to crash nothing, we were almost left defeated I mean it makes sense it was close to 3 in the morning so we decided to head up the rich neighborhood's and lo and behold we found a house a quite nice one if I do say myself.

"Look that looks big enough that we can crash." I said pointing to the house.

I analyzed the house it was big but had some brightness to it it was lit but not fully lit the streets were empty and it seemed to be on some sort of hill.

"Hey did you fill up the gas tank before we left?"

I asked Lilly.

"Ya I'll do it after the party."

I looked at her and rolled my eyes this girl I swear sometimes she can act stupid she should have done it before hand I know we have enough money but were gonna be on the road for a while.

"Fine but if the car runs out of gas don't say I didn't warn ya." I said unbuckling my seatbelt.

"It's not" Lilly said in a irrigated tone.

"Now let's go get our party On!!" Lilly yelled while unbuckling her seatbelt as well.

Me and Lilly get out of the car and enter the house sweaty bodies were everywhere dancing as their was bear pong and a pool from outside with loud music from inside going to the outside it was pretty big but I've been to better party's though.

"So Lily wanna get changed or do you want to gawk at hot guys all night

She rolled her eyes at me

"Am not," she paused and gave me un i caught you look. "I'm gonna go get a drink."

I started laughing like a Hinayana ahh I love that girl to death.

"You know I'm right."

She yelled across the room "ya ya whatever."

I go outside moving people aside and see a handsome face I haven't seen in forever


He looked dashing he had smoldering eyes that were stern and serious on the outside. But on the inside he was like a big teddy bear. He had tan like skin to to show his Spanish roots. He had sharp eyebrows with a sharp jawline that could kill. He had messy brown hair with a body of a demigod. He was wearing a white shirt with a black leather jacket with ripped black jeans and some sneakers.

I walk over to him and see him talking with a group of friends the last time I saw him was in 8th grade he didn't go to my same High school as me. We all went out separate ways some more then others but as for Lily she sticked by my side like a stick of melted butter.

We ended up going to Francis University were we spent our days dancing and drinking. And some how being scholars on top of that. We were the highest of our class and we were the most popular. But I would say she was my very first long lasting friend whatever comes our way we know we have each other to the end.

As for Michael I tried dating when I was around 13 he was my first boyfriend I only did it to make Adam jealous.

But me and Michal never saw each other like that in fact he was gay it just took him some time to understand it all but I was their by his side to help him with getting dates but also to talk about personal stuff.

But my plan worked because the week after Adam kissed me on the playground at recess.

It was the best moment of my life i was so giddy that I of course told Lily and thanked Michael for helping me out.

Soon after Lily found out and before you know it the whole school did some were able to accept him for who he is while others didn't take to kindly to the news but don't worry me and Lilly defended him we had each other's backs through anything and nothing was going to break the bond that all three of us had I guess you could say at that time I had my own mini squad.

And so I looked closely again to see if that was Michal he was with a group of friends they seemed to be around my age maybe older .

It was a group of three, one girl had her hair up in a pony tail with glow in the dark highlights it was pretty wild and it gave me some ideas for how I wanted to do my hair the next time I dye it whenever that will be. Moving on the guy next to her was a smaller but thiner guy with zebra pants. He had black hair and a thin face. The girl next to him was more presentable she had a simple dark red wool sweater with a black Spanish style like crop top she had grey ripped jeans and wavy hair.

I tapped on Michaels arm as it takes him a while to turn around but when he does his I his eyes light up. As if he was a kid at a candy store.

"Oh My God Emma!!"

I smiled at him as I embraced him in a hug. He smelted of colonel and alcohol.

He leg go of me eyeing me up and down in excitement.

"Girl you look so good your hairs so different you don't have black hair with green highlights it's a lot lighter which gurl I love!!" he said squealing.

"Thanks Michael how have you been how has high school been treating you enjoying the dating life". Or are you single."  I said in a sweat tone.

And omg you have grown your not that dorky little boy anymore.

"Well thanks darling it's just comes with the charm." He said while winking
We both laughed as it was nice to seen him again moments and memories of us and Lily together resurfaced.

"Well high school sucks."

"Trust me honey I can understand the feeling."

"But I have news more then news I think I found my one and only true love."

"Do tell?"

He paused as his face lit up

"Well as you know I met somebody and I really feel happy with him we met at a coffee shop in Baltimore as I ordered my coffee I turned around and he spilled my coffee it landed all over my balenciaga's but instead of beating the shit out of him I instantly felt something he apologized right and away and helped clean the mess up he was so kind enough to get me new Balenciaga's with a new cup of coffee and In return I asked him out on a date and this is where we are now.

"Ohh la la so romantic but how is you know in bed ." I said nudging his shoulder.

Michael almost spit his drink

"Omg gurl you almost gave me a heart attack you should really be in a horror movie you would fit so well as a killer wife or something."

"Lmao sorry Michael but really how is he."

"Well let's just say he took my breath away it's hot and fun with him but also I really feel connected with him in some way like I can spill my guts and he wouldn't judge."

Aww how cute so how old is he and what's his name

"His name is Daniel and he's 17." Going on 18 soon I can't wait to celebrate my baby's birthday."

"So he's the whole package ugh I wish I could find me a man like him."

"Trust me sweetheart you will and when you do your gonna have your ups and downs but once you find the one you'll be happy like me." He saids taking another sip of his drink.

"So do you have any friends in High School or did you just replace me and Lily"

"I did I would I would like to introduce you to Brenda Brent and Kylie the coolest most sweetest friends I could ever ask for."

"Huh so me and Lily were replaced it's fine." I said in a silly dramatic tone

"Honey no one can replace you your irreplaceable you and Lily are just to remarkable for you own good."

"Why thank you darling."

"It's nice to mean you all my Names Emma, Emma Blake."

"Hi nice to meet you." they all said in unison which was kind of creepy in a way.

"So where's Lily or is she even here with you if she's not then their is something you are not telling me."

"She's hear she's just flirting like usual." I said laughing.

"My lord Lily has grown up so much remember when she chased a boy down the hall doing bird noises because we dared her to."

"I was surprised that she even went through with it Lilly was the type to stay quiet and put."

"Honey I think the whole school was shook."

"So how's the dating scene for you girls."

"Well so far it's been hookups nothing serious."

"Well why I mean I can understand the single Pringle life I just am a bit confused have you dated at all."

"Well I tried but mostly people didn't like me that much my parents mostly scared them away ever since I was a little kid."

"I never understood why they would do that."

"Because they wanted me to focus on my study's and since they heard about my contest partying and drinking they banned me from dating and so when I would try they would give me rich boys snobby not bad looking boys who only liked me for my static and besides all of them were so boring not girl mitral."

"But then I found him my true love."

"Ohh it's getting juicy."

"His name was Justin, Justin Clack he was like me, the kid who rebelled he was the hot loner kid in my school."

"It was one after noon when I was roaming the halls I was bored out of my mind and saw him he had his earbuds in jamming to some heavy metal."

"He was quite dashing he had spiky hair and a muscular frame but also he was the outsider the misunderstood so I grew up a conversation with him I got to know him a little bit and I was able to listen to some music with him."

"And shortly little by little we became friends but things changed when we both grew strong feelings for each other and before you know it we couldn't take the strong tension anymore and we became fuck buddy's .

"And when I tell you the sex oh my god the sex was good. I mean the kind that makes you coming back for more. But sadly things things took a turn and let's just say it ended badly but yet when I think of him it even talk about him it still hurts it like my heart was being ripped out of my chest and feed to the dogs."

"I'm sorry hun maybe it just wasn't meant to be but I'm glad we crossed paths again because it felt really good to talk to you."

"Well I feel the same Michael so let's lighten up the mood shall we." I said wiping my blood ridden tears off of me

"So what college will you be attending to."

"Probably Megan Grad School The College Of Colorado. "


"And what college will you and Lily be attending."

"Well Lily is thinking about going to NYU while I might be attending The University of Pennsylvania."

"Nice I heard it's top of top schools with the best education money can buy."

"Now just sound like a sales person."

So change of topic why are you here cause I know sure as hell that you do not live in this part of town.

"Well me and Lilly are running away" I said bluntly with finishing what I was saying.

"Huh" Michael said as his mouth dropped to the floor.

"Spill the tee honey." I chuckled as I continued forward.

"Well Remember what I told you about my Ex well it's that's story I don't want to talk about it as it's to personal but basically we just want to drum away be free for once and with this whole drama going on well they wouldn't notice me gone since their worry about their precious company."

"I'm sorry I can't tell you more but I know my mother I know she would say since they are involving lawyers in the mix that I shouldn't say exclose details to anyone about the situation and I wouldn't be surprised it's on the cover of a TMZ Magazine as it's the latest news since Kim Kadioucs has Black Ivy."

"Damm then this is big."

"Well I'm sure your family will figure this out but hey if you need anyone to talk to you have me and plus don't forget you have Lilly."

"Thanks Michal it really needed that."

He smiled as I embraced him in a hug.

"He let go as his smile widened with wonder."

"Michal I know that look what are you up to."

"Nothing" he said in a high pitched voice.

"Michael spill the tea please."

"Ok well it's just a thought but hear me out."

"Ok I'm listening."

"Well I know of a place where theirs lot's of fun lots of drinks party's anything that you can eve imagine and it's only with the price of 100 dollars."

Michal you know I need money to go back right

I know but you can spilt it will Lilly you can stay however long you want but here just think about it.

He gave me a card and as I looked at it said Summer Loving 🥰

Make Your wildest Dreams Come True

I was conflicted I mean one side of me said go your gonna have lots of fun while another part of me the logical side of me thought that I need the money to eat and go back home to get class for the car but also try to not get caught by my parents or the poprize

"Where did you see this ad on on what app or site.?"

"From insta Shayle shayle Mitchell was posting about it all the hottest celebrity's go their you probably heard of in."

"I may have I just don't remember."

"But Just think about it me and Daniel are going."

And so I gave in I couldn't help it all the logic was threw out the window beside theirs nothing wrong with a little fun

"Fine your persuasion worked I'm going god your to good for your own good I'm doing this because I love you"

EHhh I'm so happy you and Lilly won't regret it

Speaking of Lilly I need to go find her to let her know of the good news

I looked over at Lilly who was outside now talking with a boy. I didn't even get a drink yet because I've been talking with him for so long

"I"ll be back Michal it was Lovely talking to you."

"Ok I can't wait to see you girls their."

Michal said as I went off looking for Lilly.

But of course things must come with a price and this adventure was just getting started.


A/N So how's Lilly gonna react to this and how long will the girls have to keep running from their parents and especially the media and what secrets is Emma hiding what's this scandal that so bad that it might break her.

A/N See you guys next time make sure to vote and while your at it comment or even star ⭐️ it and while you wait for updates to Summer Loving cheek out my other story's as I write a lot and as always stay awesome 😎

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