Will I? 💫

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A/N hey guys hoped you guys like that little flash back sequence sorry it was so short though but I promise you guys their will be more.

And don't ask me why an 11 year has black hair with green highlights it's supposed to show her rebellious side and that her family doesn't care about her anyways enough about with my Rambling let's get on with the story.

Lily and I drove around neighborhood's looking for party's to crash nothing, we were almost left defeated I mean it makes sense it was close to 3 in the morning so we decided to head up the rich neighborhood's and lo and behold we found a house a quite nice one if I do say myself.

"Look that looks big enough that we can crash." I said pointing to the house.

I analyzed the house it was big but had some brightness to it it was lit but not fully lit the streets were empty and it seemed to be on some sort of hill.

"Hey did you fill up the gas tank before we left?"

I asked Lilly.

"Ya I'll do it after the party."

I looked at her and rolled my eyes this girl I swear sometimes she can act stupid she should have done it before hand I know we have enough money but were gonna be on the road for a while.

"Fine but if the car runs out of gas don't say I didn't warn ya." I said unbuckling my seatbelt.

"It's not" Lilly said in a irrigated tone.

"Now let's go get our party On!!" Lilly yelled while unbuckling her seatbelt as well.

Me and Lilly get out of the car and enter the house sweaty bodies were everywhere dancing as their was bear pong and a pool from outside with loud music from inside going to the outside it was pretty big but I've been to better party's though.

"So Lily wanna get changed or do you want to gawk at hot guys all night

She rolled her eyes at me

"Am not," she paused and gave me un i caught you look. "I'm gonna go get a drink."

I started laughing like a Hinayana ahh I love that girl to death.

"You know I'm right."

She yelled across the room "ya ya whatever."

I go outside moving people aside and see a handsome face I haven't seen in forever


He looked dashing he had smoldering eyes that were stern and serious on the outside. But on the inside he was like a big teddy bear. He had tan like skin to to show his Spanish roots. He had sharp eyebrows with a sharp jawline that could kill. He had messy brown hair with a body of a demigod. He was wearing a white shirt with a black leather jacket with ripped black jeans and some sneakers.

I walk over to him and see him talking with a group of friends the last time I saw him was in 8th grade he didn't go to my same High school as me. We all went out separate ways some more then others but as for Lily she sticked by my side like a stick of melted butter.

We ended up going to Francis University were we spent our days dancing and drinking. And some how being scholars on top of that. We were the highest of our class and we were the most popular. But I would say she was my very first long lasting friend whatever comes our way we know we have each other to the end.

As for Michael I tried dating when I was around 13 he was my first boyfriend I only did it to make Adam jealous.

But me and Michal never saw each other like that in fact he was gay it just took him some time to understand it all but I was their by his side to help him with getting dates but also to talk about personal stuff.

Summer loving (Wattys 2018)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora