Tied Souls

By TheHiddenDiamonds

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Starting school is always tough. How about moving to a school by fate? Selena has a secret that even she does... More

Chapter 1 - New School
Chapter 2 - Memories; The Old and the New
Chapter 3 - Let's Get Serious
Chapter 4 - I've Something To Show You
Chapter 6 - Pain
Chapter 7 - Unknown

Chapter 5 - Will You Keep It?

48 1 0
By TheHiddenDiamonds

“Are you sure you’re ready for this? It could possibly ruin your perspective on reality and fiction.” He said warningly as he edged closer to me until I could feel is nervous breath on me. I nodded and he continued to warn me with things like you may be very shocked, you might hate me you might think I’m a freak of nature. I wasn’t giving in.

“I am a Demon.” The four words wrapped around my mind and squeezed until I couldn’t think anymore, I felt my thoughts go cloudy. I reached for his hand but I missed and fell straight to the ground where I felt myself go out of conscientiousness.

I awoke in my bed with Lars at my desk reading my journal. I glared at him and he placed it gently on the desk as he ran to my aid screaming, “She’s awake!”

“What happened?” I asked as Gran ran in and put an icepack against my head and kissed my wet cheek. I rubbed my eyes and took a deep breath before I sat up, “What happened?” I said more persistently.

“Lars came over and knocked on the door, when he came up you were unconscientious.” Gran said it so carefully that I didn’t recognise the tone in her voice. I looked over to Lars who looked surprisingly content to have found me unconscientious just a few moments ago. He saw my stare and then moved towards the door, “Wait,” I said whilst looking at him. “Gran can Lars and I have a moment. Alone.”

She nods and leaves the room quietly. I search the room as Lars come to my side and knees on the floor, “What really happened? Are you really a d-e-m-o-n?” I asked.

I realise how silly it was for me to spell it out because Gran can spell. He holds my face and says, “Everything you remember is true but you can’t tell anyone.”

I felt a tear drip slowly down my face and roll onto my lap. What happened to ‘normal’? Why was the fiction world real? Aren’t things like Vampires, Demons, Witches and all the rest, only found in books? What should I believe? 

The thoughts echoes through my head as more and more tears fell from my face. Lars wiped them from my eyes as he went for yet another kiss, this time I gave in and let the romantic vibe take over. The past feelings returned and I felt like a better person when our lips met and the raw passion filled us both. 

My skin tingled as he lay is hand against my face and pulled me onto his lap. I kissed him back with as much passion as he kissed me; I felt the lust and need that he let off. 

He removed his shirt and revealed his slim chest with his hard pecks and abs. I touched his chest with my hands, as I felt their smoothness and every aspect. He rolled over and lay on top of me as he helped me remove my shirt; the passion became more and more intense as our bodies lay together. 

“Stop. We can’t do this; it’s only my first day of knowing you.” I said as I removed myself from under him and fetched my shirt which I slipped on. I saw Lars’ shirt and threw it at him; it hit him square in the face. I laughed at my amazing shot and he giggled a little too. 

We walked down stairs hand in hand; I looked down and realised which made me flinch and grab my own hand from his. I couldn’t do this because I didn’t really know him but when we were together it felt so right.

Gran said goodbye to him and thanked him for everything before he left and we stood in the door way awkwardly for a moment.

“Goodbye.” He said awkwardly as he went for a kiss on the cheek, “You can’t keep doing this!” he snapped.

“Doing what?” 

“Being with me then not being with me. It’s confusing; I love you even though I don’t really know you. When you come to terms with that I’ll talk.” He responded and took off down the street. I turned around to see Gran looking at me with disappointment in her eyes as she slowly shook her head. 

“He loves you,” she said and paused for a while before continuing. “Isn’t that enough?”

I ran to my room without looking back. I collapsed onto my bed and cried more and more with each passing second. How can I hurt him? It’s not like he had much of a choice about what he would be, I thought to myself. 

Time seemed to pass by and my drowsiness seemed to take over as I wept and sobbed. Eventually it was time for school and I only had one hour sleep; I did my usually routine to get ready and then made my way to the car. My long hair was curled and hanging gently around my head, my eyes had bags under them from the limited sleep I had. I felt dead. 

When I hopped into the car something felt different; there was a vibe that I couldn’t describe. I looked in my revision mirror and my eye caught something glistening in the light. Hanging under my mirror was the star and moon pendant, it looked graceful and peaceful as it spun delicately. I carefully removed it and put it around me; a violent zap spread right through me and my back began to itch excessively.

I ignored it and drove to school with my goal in mind; to talk to Lars. Overnight I thought about many things and one of them was that I couldn’t let a bond like the one Lars and I share go to waste. 

I got out of my car and stormed straight to Lars who was sitting with Jessica. I death stared Jessica as I grabbed Lars’ hand and pulled him away; she sneered and I hissed like a cat at her.

We walked into the library, with my excessive scratching, and took our seat on the romance level again. “Look I’m ready to talk.” I said.

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