Stories to make your Heart Go...

By ari_todorokidoki

1.7K 50 13

A Series of Boku no Hero Academia Reader Inserts with your favorite hot&cold sport pack, candy-cane Boi. Enjo... More

Carousels, Cotton Candy, and Confessions
Blind Man-date
Blind Man-date (Bonus Chapter)
Cooking Conundrums

Blind Man-date Part 2

181 10 2
By ari_todorokidoki

A continuation from Blind Man-date 

Summary: As a surprise advanced-birthday gift, your animated associate, Ashido Mina, reluctantly, sets you up on a blind date at a nice restaurant. Lo and behold, your mystery man is your class' registered cool headed pretty-boy, Todoroki Shouto. Watch as an unexpected evening shifts from awkward and agitated to a shojo daydream.

Author's Note: Props to John Mulaney for the Salt and Pepper Diner  Bit. If you don't know  John Mulaney is a talented American stand-up comedian famous for writing scripts for Saturday Night Live and other of his stand-up performances, like New In Town and Kid Gorgeous. If you haven't heard/watched him perform, you should do it. He's a pretty funny guy, but  s p o i l e r , not enough to make Todoroki laugh.  Enjoy the chapter 

PSA: Hey, Pretty Stranger was moved to its own story. 

 <3 Ari

"I can't believe I just did that", you dejectedly grumbled, burying your fuschia face into your hands as your slowly slid down the chair, wishing to just melt into a puddle of nothing.

The scene replayed in your head

Flashback 2 minutes

"Tonight, I'm going to make you laugh for real!", you boldly declared to your astonished date, standing tall in your (f/c) dress and heels, your grin brimming with confidence and determination.

Todoroki's face thawed from one of surprise to a mellow smile, looking up at the daring girl at the start of her new quest.

"I'll be looking forward to it.", he pleasantly responded.

Flashforward 2 minutes

"It's okay, (l/n)-san", the bi-colored boy reassured your flustered facade, "You had a good intention".

His pleasant smile bolstered your confidence to at least get you sitting properly in the chair, but you still used the menu to hide your face from the concerned whispers and stares of other diners who witnessed your sudden outburst.

As the waiter took the table's orders, you and Tordoroki bobbed in and out of small conversation; mostly about class, hero training, spirit animals: basic stuff.

" "It's not unusual" fades out...
it's dead quiet...
"BWaAaAh BwOa"
people went insane!
No one could handle it!
No one could handle it!
And they were surrounded by
This like seemingly different staff
That was just like
"Yep same crap as always"
My ONLY wish is that one of the SCHIZOPHRENICS
Stood up and have been like
"Now YOU know"
"Now YOU know what it is like to live in my brain"
They unplugged the jukebox
after ELEVEN plays
And THAT was the best meal i've ever had" "

You leaned back in your chair wiping the tear from your eyes as you fought the urge to continue laughing at the story you were telling, so you could actually tell it. But, instead of a laughing Todoroki, you were met with familiar red and white brows furrowed in confusion and, frankly, concern about your mental wellbeing. You chuckled nervously to try to smooth out the awkward silence.

"I don't understand", the half-half hero finally spoke, "why would you play the same song over and over again?"

"Because it's funny", you anxiously replied through a fake smile, a bead of sweat dripping from your temple to the jawline.

After more awkward silence and looks of confusion, you sighed in defeat, relinquishing your happy-go-lucky aura. "Sooo..., no John Mulaney"

Hours seemed to pass by as the two of you waited for your food, but that presuming awkwardness soon faded away as your icebreaker topics shifted to more casual, friendly conversation, making your realize how little you actually know about your new icy-hot friend.

You took a swig of your water, looking back up at your date to confirm his absurd statement, "So, you'd sell Bakugou to satan... for cold soba?"

The stoic boy casually nodded.

You paused for a bit, absorbing the recent information, "I mean, I can't blame you... he's kind of the worst."

"That's a understatement", Todoroki intuitively replied, taking another bite of his meal.

His apathetic response caused you to giggle a little, but alas, the stone cold boy remained as frozen as ever.

"I'm sorry for not laughing at any your jokes", your candy-cane companion remorsefully apologized.

Your eyes softened at his genuine concern about you.

"Hey... it's fine.", you gently assured your troubled date

Sympathetic (e/c) eyes met heterochromic orbs.

"Everyone's different, expressing their emotions is all kinds of ways that fit their personality or their environment", you added, gently smiling to smooth over your audaciously philosophical statement.

Instead of his usual complacent nod, Todoroki glared straight at you for an uncomfortable amount of time. His normal aloof face was replaced by more subtle, discontent features. You swallowed you food hard, feeling the (f/f) drop to the pit of your stomach like a bomb.

"Did I say something bad", you thought, mind scrambling to look for some sort of response to save you from the judgmental gaze of blue and grey.


You shot your frazzled eyes back up at the bi-colored boy, hoping for some sort of positive response

"Could I tell you about my past?", stoic orbs softened a looks of lament and internal turmoil.

"Of course", your replied through your usual soft simile, tilting your head a bit for added appeal.

Timeskip 30 minutes

"And that's why I want to become my own hero without the help from my shitty old man... despite being cursed with his disgusting flames", Todoroki continued to narrate his tragic story, clenching fists indicating strong underlying emotions of resentment and sadness.

You opened your mouth to console him, but nothing came out. You knew absolutely nothing about this boy, all the pain and suffering he endured and what kind a person his terrible father made him. You bounced between a "That's rough, buddy" and "I'm so sorry to hear that" in your head as adequate responses to fill in the gap that was supposed to be your replies.

Instead, your hand, subconsciously, decided to interlace with his clammy fists, as a way to relay your slight understanding of the situation. The troubled boy almost instinctively gripped your hand. You shared a small sympathetic smile.

Another period of silence rolled over, but it wasn't awkward at all; it was a time of contemplation to better understand one another without the exchange of words.

You gathered the courage to drive a stake in the meditative silence, "Like Midoryia-kun said, you are your own person, and that quirk is yours; not your father's or your mother's... Yours"

Your delicate hand squeezed Todoroki's tighter as you continued your indignant rant, "Use the infinite resources of UA and positive support from loved ones and friends...WHO GENUINELY CARE ABOUT YOU... to discover yourself and reach your ultimate goal of being a great hero"

Adrenaline rushing through your veins, you leaned closer to the bi-colored boy, "Whatever challenges and hardships face you in the future, I'll do my best to support you... as your biggest fan, Shouto-kun"

A few seconds ticked as your brain finally put two and two together to realize the placement of the current scene. 

Your face, uncomfortably close to Todoroki's as you basically climbed on top of the table, hands gripping his passionately.

 M e n t a l  O v e r l o a d.

You jumped back into your seat, steam radiating off of your bright red cheeks as you really wanted to just evaporate into the air from embarrassment. Luckily, Todoroki looked equally as flustered from your closeness and the fact that you basically confessed to him, cALlInG Him bY HiS fIrSt NamE. 

Your didn't know if you could scream internally any louder. 

However, it was fun to see level headed Todoroki disheveled and flushed, coughing a bit to hide his loss of cool.

After a cool down time for the both of you, the half-half hero looked into your kind, (e/c) eyes once more.

"Thank you, (l/n)-san", the boy smiled with gratitude,

"You are very welcome, Todoroki-kun", you mused, grinning back at him.

Time passed as the two of your continued finishing your dinners, soaking in the contemplative silence.

You happily munched away at the remainder of your food, relieved that Todoroki appreciated your little speech.

"What's the difference between my father and a trash can", the aloof boy casually spouted.

Your (h/c) brows furrowed in confusion.

Your candy-cane companion smugly continued, "Nothing, they're both garbage".

You blinked twice in astonishment. Todoroki Shouto. Pretty boy, cool headed, Todoroki Shouto just told a joke; a pretty lame one, but yes, it was a joke.

Despite how absolute trash the joke was (literally), you couldn't help but laugh out loud, grabbing your sides as the bland humor tortured you in ways you couldn't fathom. Your date, seeing your helpless form, was somehow drawn into your wheezes, share his own chuckles, filling the restaurant with sounds of two children having too much fun for a school night. Ultimately, this laughing charade caused the 3rd scene from your table.

You somehow found a way to catch your breath, wiping the tears from your face as you looked back up at your dining partner, probably horrified at your joyful spasms. But, you weren't met with an apathetic or flustered Todoroki, but an ecstatic figure, laughing out of pure joy. All traces of hatred and dejection were whisked away by fanciful chuckles and wheezes. 

To be honest, It was kinda out of character and freaked you out. 

But Nonetheless, you were content that you were able to see a new side to Todoroki, developing an unusual relationship with a new character, and seeing the half-half hero genuinely enjoying himself.

"WAIT a minute", you muttered to yourself, snapping your mind from the rosy daydream

"YOU'RE LAUGHING!", you proudly exclaimed, flashing a blinding smile at the poor boy gasping for air at the table.

 "It sucks that I wasn't the one to make you laugh, but you're still laughing!" The excitement radiated off of you like a fluorescent light bulb.

The heterochromic boy's breathing began to relax as his laughter began to die down.

Slightly dejected, you decide to use Todoroki's newly vulnerable form to make him laugh at your jokes.

"I mean, giving him the "Shittiest Father of the Year Award" probably wouldn't be a hard Endeavor", you casually cooed at the bi-colored boy, still uneasy from his previous laughing session.

Almost immediately, the formerly stoic boy gripped his sides, bursting into lively and oh-so-satisfying laughter. Unwilling to give up this newly exposed side of Todoroki, you ruthlessly pumped out Endeavor jokes, torturing your poor date with joy.

Post dinner, the two of your walked back through the twinkling, urban lights to the school dorms. Your icy-hot friend, clamped his arms around his stomach, face pale in sickness.

"You never told me that laughing caused physical pain", the half-half hero grumbled, feeling betrayed by his evening date.

"Well, it's not my fault that those garbage jokes made you laugh so much", you cheekily replied, smug from accomplishing your mission.

"Also, you didn't have to pay for my meal", you added, looking up at the starry night sky.

"Please", the ill boy scoffed, "Using my scumbag father's money to pay for an expensive dinner was the highlight of my week."

You giggled at his nonchalant statement, gently pulling his silver jacket (that he lent to you) over your shoulders to cover more of your body from the cold, "Well, thank you anyway", you beamed up at the taller figure.

Although the trip to the restaurant took you about 30 minutes, train ride included, walking and chatting with Todoroki made time fly. Before the two of you knew it, you guys stood 5 feet away from the dorm entrance.

"Thank you again for dinner, you were an excellent date", you sheepishly spoke, feeling redundant for saying thank you so much.

Soft hues of grey and blue gazed upon your form: slightly flushed cheeks the the cold, cutely bundled under his oversized jacket.

"No (l/n)-san, thank you for all you've done for me tonight", the bi-colored boy said, timidly rubbed the back of his neck.

"Even though it was supposed to be your special day...", he added.

"Hey now", your chilled (s/c) hands wrapped around his, "I had fun spending time with you".

You soothing voice calmed his regrets, earning you a rare, heart-melting Todoroki-smile.

Hating to ruin the moment, you spotted a nearby clock, shocked by the displayed time, "We should probably get inside before curf..."

You began to turn around to head into the warm building, your voice trailing behind you, only to be abruptly stopped by a familiarly strong hand grabbing your wrist, leaving you frozen (metaphorically, not Physically) in place for what it seemed to be hours.

"I... I have another gift for you", your icy-hot friend impulsively blurted out

"Okaaayy", you hummed, turning your body to face your offset associate.

"But... you have to close your eyes", Todoroki included. 

It was pretty uncommon for him not to make eye contact with you when he spoke, but, you couldn't deny it, his averted, uneasy eyes and slightly pink cheeks were kind of adorable.

"Fine", you huffed, deciding to play along with his little charade.

You patiently waited for an unknown object to plop into your hands, but what you got was the complete opposite of whatever casual thing you predicted.

You felt something soft and cool brush against your lips, like a blast of AC straight to the face. It probably lasted for like a millisecond, but to you, it was like you were in a hour long York Peppermint Patty commercial. Surprised couldn't describe half of what you were feeling, you body and mind both frozen on the spot by a single touch.

You snapped your eyes open. Ironically, despite the chill of Todoroki's gift, your (s/c) radiated various shades of crimson. Your beet red face and wide eyes stared into blank space as your mind exploded, registering the idea of cool and handsome Todoroki Shouto kissing you and the other fact that iT wAs YouR fIrST KiSs.

"I..I'll see you around, (l/n)-san", the half-half hero stuttered, quickly turning away from you to walk towards the side entrance on the boys dorms.

You couldn't help, but stare at the bold bi-colored boy that stole your first kiss' back as he headed towards the door. The hues of red prickling his ears and white wisps steaming off of his left side indicated that he was probably just as flustered from the kiss. You smiled at his eccentric (for Todoroki) reaction, taking your turn to head into the warmth of the UA dorms.

Waltzing through the sliding glass doors, you reminded yourself to thank the girls (and Mina) for your incredible birthday gift.

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