My Guardian Angel - Brusnop

By BVBGirl1234

2.3K 53 19

Ever since Ben Bruce was a small boy, he heard voices, the voice of his guardian angel; Danny. Now Danny has... More

Chapter Two

Chapter One

1.7K 15 0
By BVBGirl1234

Ben's P.O.V

I was falling down, down through the cold air and towards earth at breakneck speed.I tried spreading out my uninjured wing to slow my descent but it flapped aimlessly in the wind, useless against the raging currents.There was nothing I could do as the ground welcomed my body, with a sharp thud I slammed into the earth, sending hunks of dirt, rock and stone flying everywhere....

My eyes flew open and I sat bolt upright, panting heavily. I ran shaky hands over my face as I tried to calm myself down. 

It was only a dream 

I told myself firmly, echoing the words in my head in some hope that I would believe it myself. But try as I might I couldn't stop the image of the black haired angel falling from the heavens, his poor, tattered wings unable to save him from slamming into the ground and the pain he must of felt as he made a crater in the earth's surface. My thoughts were interrupted by the sound of my alarm clock, signalling the time for me to shift myself out of bed. I groaned and thumped the top of the alarm clock roughly, hating it for making me remember that it was my first day of school in years. 

Grumbling to myself I swung my legs out of bed and stretched in front of the mirror. I yawned and tousled my brown, unruly locks then started the hunt for something to wear. Half-heartedly I picked up a black tank top and sniffed it, it smelt a little sweaty but I could probably still get one more day's wear out of it. I threw it on and then picked up my skinny jeans from the night before which were slung haphazardly on the floor, I wriggled into those then glanced at my clock. Fuck, I was now running late. I shoved my feet into my converses, grabbed my backpack and bolted out my bedroom, taking the stairs three at a time. I skidded into the kitchen, were my mum sat reading the newspaper, disinterestedly.

"Morning, Your late," she commented, looking over her glasses at me.

"I know, I know,"  I rolled her eyes at her then went to the refrigerator, opening it and delving inside to find something to nourish myself with.

"Do you know there was an earthquake near here last night?" my mum asked, turning the creased page.

"No," I grunted but then stopped, in my dream the angel had fell to earth with enough force to start an earthquake....

No, No Ben

I told myself firmly, I had to stop jumping to these stupid conclusions about my dreams especially about this damned angel that wouldn't seem to leave me alone.

"Well there was this huge one just outside the town, Police have gone round the area to investigate," my mum sighed and folded up the newspaper then tossed it back on the kitchen table. "By the way I'm dropping you into school today," 

I rolled my eyes and cursed in my head, Great it was bad enough that the sad, little weird kid is back in town but now his mum is dropping him off at school? This was just adding insult to injury.

"It's okay mum, I can just take the bus, You know like normal kids do," I said hurriedly.

"No Ben, I have to take you, So I can have a-" my mum coughed. "-chat with the headmistress," I curled my fist and roughly grabbed my backpack, not bothering with breakfast. 

"Let's go then," I grunted and shoved past her then out the front door. I clambered into the car and shoved my headphones deep into my ears, wanting to shut out all the memories of this stupid town. Finally my mum came out of the house, tottering on her heels, she half-ran to the car and climbed in beside me. She glanced sideways at me and sighed, not wanting an argument I turned my music up louder so she could tell that I didn't want to talk.

-Time Lapse-

My mum pulled up outside the school, parking the car just outside the building. I grunted and swung myself out of the vehicle, walking off without my mum, partially because I didn't want to be seen with her and also because I wanted to be alone. I walked for quite a long time and into the crowded halls before I realised I hadn't a clue what my first lesson was, cursing myself under my breath I pulled out one of my earphones and tapped the nearest guy, that was around my age, on the shoulder.

"Excuse me but what do you have first period?" I asked, trying to be polite for once.

"Chemistry-, Ben? Ben Bruce?" the guy I had tapped on the shoulder gasped at me.

"Urgh, Yeah that's me," I said, the dude beamed at me.

"It's me!...James? We went to nursery together?" the guy called James grinned at me. I wanted to remember him but there was a haze in my head that I couldn't break through, I sighed and gave up.

"Sorry I don't remember you," I admitted, I just couldn't ever since I had been taken away from here I couldn't remember a thing about this place.

"That's a shame," he pouted. "I missed you though, Where did you go?"

"I-I can't tell you, I'm sorry," I whispered.

"Everybody said you were crazy," he mused and immediately I felt the anger build inside of me. "They said you heard voic-"

"Shut up! Just shut up!" I shouted, the chatter around us stopped instantly and all the students turned to look at me. I could feel all their eyes on me, tears built up in my eyes and I fled, running away from everyone and into the boy's bathrooms. I locked myself in one of the stalls, sitting on the toilet seat and curling up into a ball. I cried unabashedly, my sobs echoing in the empty room. I couldn't escape my past no matter where I went, no one would except me, they wouldn't believe me.

It's okay Ben

The voice rung in my head, my senses welcoming him even though I had been taught not to.

I understand, I always will understand-

I shivered as I felt a ghostly presence surround my exposed skin, almost like arms folding around me.

-I'm here to look after you, to protect you Benjamin

I sighed and leaned my head back, giving in to his voice, the voice that had haunted me, drove me mad.

"Why can't you be real?" I whispered to his voice. "Why can't you be here with me?"

I'm closer than you think Benjamin

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