Harry Potter Percy Jackson Tr...

By cammiemorganbex

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Harry Potter Percy Jackson Truth or Dare
Ron's Crush
Author's Note
Crushing and Crashing
Kisses all Around!

Impossible!... right?

202 4 3
By cammiemorganbex

Me: We're back!


Me: And the applause is deafening!

Harry: (sarcastically) woo

Me: *glares at Harry* And for some dares!

Everybody: *gulps*

Me: First off, this is dedicated to girlzrule1010, because she gave us two awesome dares! Ron!

Ron: Do I get to, er, have to kiss Lavender again?

Me: Nope! You were dared to go a whole week without eating anything!

Ron: But I'll starve!

Me: Nope! While unhealthy and a bad habit to get into, you will not starve without food until four months! And you DO get water! In fact, to keep you alive and in the game, you will be forced, by me of course, to drink ten glasses of water over the course of each day! Ready,

Ron: No...

Me: Set,

Ron: *stuffs his mouth with food*

Me: Go! Hermione?

Hermione: *waves wand and all food that Ron was eating is moved into cupboard*

Me: Next! Two people, Annabeth,

Annabeth: Centaur poop!

Me: And Ron.

Ron: *raises eyebrows* I'll pretend that I'm not offended to have been picked twice in a day.

Me: On your right is a closet. Hermione is about to fill it with, non venomous, spiders.

Hermione: *waves wand at closet*

Everyone: *hears scratching from inside closet*

Me: Go in.

Annabeth: But-

Me: Now.

Ron: I'm not-

Me: *pushes them into closet*

Percy: I am NOT okay with them being in a closet together!

Me: It's only for nine more minutes and 48 seconds.

*Nine minutes and 47 seconds later*

Percy: Out time!

Me: Hermione?

Hermione: *waves wand at closet*

Annabeth: *chucks open door and collapses into Percy's arms*

Ron: *Follows in suit, and attempts to collapse onto Lavender*

Lavender: *Moves out of way* Eww! Dust!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ron: *hits head on floor* Oww... Note to self: Lavender is not the one.

Me: See you next time!

Hey! Thanks again to Girlzrule1010, everybody go follow her right now! So, I know I didn't get the right amount of anything for an update, but this time I'm serious. Either 3 votes, 3 truths, or 3 dares, and not just one of each! Love ya'll!


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