The Reign Of Vause

By Rach-xo

77.6K 799 106

Sequel to Vauseman: Forever and Always. As PoPi has reached global success, the Vauses have come back from th... More

Vegas calls
I hate long distance
Night of loneliness
When Piper broke my heart
Business dinner with Wyner
Viper in Vegas
Vegas. Day 3
Spending time with Polly and Finn
Last day in Vegas
Coming back to New York for a weekend
Alex is due back
Oh fuck you
Get over here
The next morning
What the fuck?!
Oh dear God
Fine line.
Was it something I said?
Cheer up babe
Love and luck is all about perspective
In your arms
The Vauses and the Blooms-to-be
Penny for your thoughts
The One That Got Away- An Alex Flashback
I have an idea
PoPi before Christmas
After the 4th July party
Things to sort out
Phone calls
Piper's Christmas present
Christmas shopping with Nicky
Why not?
Christmas Eve morning
Holy shit dude
Piper, meet Diane. Christmas Eve flashback
Packing for Connecticut
An awkward dinner
The pork chop story
I just love my family
Piper before I met her
Midnight snack and chat
Getting ready for my wedding-Piper's flashback
Piper's nightmare
Christmas morning
Snowball fight
Alex's yoga and Christmas dinner
Tickle war
Piper Vause? MRS Piper Vause?
Alex's gift to Piper
Wedding flashback
Christmas theme park
Piper's book
Rio flashback
Alex's Surprise
Larry said what?!
Vauseman crash the Varry wedding
The closet
Wait, Alex! No!
Round two
Unwanted intruders
A piece of Alex's mind
Landing in Paris
Turn bad memories to good ones
Piper's flashback of Diane's funeral
Refresh our memory babe?
The pastry restaurant
Big baby
Strip poker
New Year's
Club flashback
Nightly stealing
Duvet stealer
My Piper
Bar flashback
The Vauses become aunts
Speaking of new things
Alex dating Piper- A flashback
Familiar faces
Drowning my sorrows
I'm sorry babe
Wedding dress store - Piper's flashback
Is that Mrs Vause?
We're going where?!
Piper's fantasy
Cal's favourite cocktail?
Dreams and nightmares
I have something to tell you

I miss you already

1.1K 9 0
By Rach-xo

(Piper's POV)

Alex shut the door and now I wouldn't see her again for 5 days. I felt so empty and she had literally been gone for 5, 6, 7 seconds.
I sadly shuffled away from the door and went to the stereo player in our bedroom on Alex's nightstand. I turned it on, it continued from what we were playing last night when we were having 'I'll miss you' sex.
"Wait For Me" by Theory of a Deadman started playing and I shuffled back out into our living area.
Alex and I had revamped our penthouse apartment, the huge red leather couch was now 3 red leather couches, one facing the huge glass window running from the ceiling to the floor which had panoramic views of New York City which now had its lights on as it was now dark, and the others facing each other in a square shape, we liked the layout of the couches in our honeymoon suite in Hawaii, we now had a cream carpet with a dark wood and glass coffee table with a black glass TV stand at the window with a 50" flat screen Sony TV sitting on it. The kitchen was the same besides the new mini bar and wine cooler we had installed beside the huge double doored American refrigerator that dispensed ice which Alex often used for her Jameson. The kitchen had black marble tiles on the floor and a black sparkling granite counter, the kitchen island with its 4 bar stools and stove built into it was also still there although we had now installed long hanging lights above it. The extensive bookcase ran the length of the corridor which led to our bedroom and was jam-packed full of books ranging from literary classics to travel guides. Our apartment was still open plan but Alex and I didn't agree on a surprising amount when it came to furnishings. I liked carpets and soft floors, she liked tiles, wood and hard floors. So, our mix-match apartment was our compromise.

I stretched up to the higher level cupboards and opened the one where we kept our glasses, I grabbed one of Alex's whiskey glasses, grabbed her Jameson from the bar and a large tub of Ben & Jerry's mint choc chip ice cream from the refrigerator that I'd been saving for this knowing I'd get depressed the minute Alex left. I poured myself a glass of her Jameson and took it and my ice cream to the couch facing the TV after grabbing Alex's pillow to hug.
I flicked it on and put it on a low volume since I wanted to listen to Alex's music too, anything and everything of Alex's just so I could pretend she was still here with me.
The song played while I watched Dr Phil although it wasn't helping because this episode was about a breakup. Alex and I clearly weren't broken up but I was treating it that way because I hated missing her, it plunged me into depression immediately. How I had left her 7 years ago I will never know.
"You are not alone tonight
Imagine me there by your side
It's so hard to be here so far away, from you
I'm counting the days 'till
I'm finally done
I'm counting them down, yeah, one by one
It feels like forever 'till I return to you
But it helps me on those lonely nights
It's that one thing that keeps me alive
Knowing that you wait for me
Ever so patiently"

The TV was now boring me so I turned it off and lay on the couch hugging Alex's pillow with the whiskey and ice cream sitting on top of it. It had now been 2 hours since Alex had left. Surely she would be on our jet by now? I decided to think nothing of it, finishing the whiskey and setting the tub of ice cream on the coffee table I could feel my eyes getting heavy.
Bzzz bzzz
My cell phone vibrated in my back pocket of my shorts startling me.

"I miss you. xxxxx- A"

Appeared on my lock screen. I grinned and rubbed my eyes. I unlocked my phone and furiously typed back.

"I miss you more. I've nearly finished your bottle of Jameson and I'm halfway down that huge tub of Ben & Jerry's we had in the refrigerator hugging your pillow and lying on the couch. xxxxx- P"

"Aww Pipes! Not possible! Wait, can't you at least save me one glass of Jameson for when I get back? xxxxx- A"

"Nice. Great to know what your priorities are Al." - P"

"Don't I get kisses this time? xxxxx- A"

"No. You prefer Jameson over your lonely wife. - P"

"Oh for God's sake Piper! I told you it wasn't possible for you to miss me more! I was trying to lighten the mood! xxxxx -A"

"I bet you've got a glass of some in your hand right now." - P"

"Pipes. Come on Jameson vs Mrs Piper Vause... hmmm.... Jameson with Mrs Piper Vause... in a bathtub... waiting for me when I get home.... hmmm.. xxxxx- A"

"Alex. -P"

"Piper? xxxxx- A"

"Stop putting images like that in my head. I miss you too much. xxxxx- P"

"Good. My kisses are back. And hey, those images are the only thing that get me through being away from you, let me have my fantasy! Besides, I'm only just onboard our jet. xxxxx- A"

"You're what?! Jesus Alex you'll be up all night and all morning. You'll be dead on your feet tomorrow! xxxxx- P"

"Can we FaceTime? It'll be easier and I want to see your beautiful face. xxxxx- A"

"Sure. xxxxx- P"

We stopped texting and the music continued and my phone screen lit up again,

"No one else knows the feeling inside
We hang up the phone without saying goodnight
Because it's the sound of your voice that brings me home
It's never been easy to say
But it's easier when I've gone away
Knowing that you wait for me
Ever so patiently"

'You have a FaceTime call waiting from: Alex'. I answered it immediately while the music kept playing,
"Yeah, you're everything I've ever dreamed of having and
It's everything I need from you just knowing that you wait for me
What I'd give
What I'd do
Knowing I'm not there for you
Makes it so hard to leave
What I'd give
What I'd do
Anything to get me home to you
And this time I'll stay"

"Aw someone really is missing me! Hi baby!" Alex said through the camera taking note of me playing her music and looking the way I did.
"Yes. I am. A lot. Babe, what do you mean you're only on the jet now?! You'll be exhausted!" I tell and ask her, worried.
"Ugh, some fucking idiot kid thought it would be a brilliant idea to yell, 'I don't have a bomb I swear!' So, obviously, 6 security guards jumped on him and took him in for questioning and delayed the rest of us." She said taking a sip of Jameson on the rocks.
"Jesus! And I knew you had a glass of that in your hand!" I said triumphantly.
"And? You expect me to be forcibly removed from you and have a kid basically yell 'bomb' and not want one? You can't exactly talk babe." She challenged pointing out the empty glass in my hand.
"Touché". I concede.
"Hey Piper! Gonna have to cut this call short soon, need to get Alex here to Vegas." Jason our pilot interrupted coming into view instead of Alex.
Alex shoved him away from her screen and camera so she could see me again and rolled her eyes in annoyance.
"Thanks Jason for that. Not like I'm not going to see my wife in a week and want to spend every waking moment I can get to talk to her or anything."
I smiled at that.
"I'm sorry Alex but I'm serious, unless you want the jet to crash and never see her again never mind a week and actually get to Vegas tonight, you have 5 minutes left." He firmly told her from somewhere down our jet because all I heard was his voice and all I could see was Alex glaring at him but conceded,
"Fine." She said with lips closed firmly shut with a tight line forming the shape of her mouth.
"Jason! Give me a sec!" I call through the speaker. I put my phone down on the couch, remove Alex's pillow and run to our bedroom, I grab my subtle pink lipstick, apply a thin layer, grab a post-it note from Alex's nightstand and run back onto the couch,
"Alex baby, this is for you since I can't do it literally." I tell her as she watches.
I kiss the paper leaving a lipstick mark and hold it up to the screen.
"Aw Pipes!" She coos. Screenshot noises go off, Alex had screenshot it.
"Ok Alex we're being pushed out to the runway now, can you finish up with Piper?" Jason calls now from the cockpit going by the crackling sound of his voice coming from the overhead speakers.
"Jason! I know I need to go to Vegas at some point tonight but have you ever thought that you might be killed by an annoyed lesbian who really misses her wife?!" Alex shouts down the jet back at him.
"Alex babe, it's fine, go set up Viper in Vegas, make it global, have your dream baby, I will see you in a week. I need to go shower before bed anyway. Have a safe flight. I love you so much." I tell her.
"I love you too Pi-" She starts but I cut her off forgetting I need to ask her this,
"Call me when you land! Promise me, on second thoughts, FaceTime me when you land I need to make sure you're ok!" I blurt out. After I had been shot a couple of months back we were both uber aware of the other's safety now. It took everything in Alex to leave me alone here in New York. I had to convince her that I'd be fine and if she couldn't set up her clubs because of me I'd hate myself.
"I will don't worry babe. But what if it's like 3AM?" She asks.
"I don't care I just want to know you're okay." I tell her.
"Ok babe, go have your shower and go to bed, you look like you need both." She points out the ice cream around my mouth and continues,
"Just you wait until I get home and get my hands on you, there'll be two of us in that shower, and in bed, trust me babe we won't be sleeping." She says smuttily with a smirk.
Jason had now come out of the cockpit since we had hired a co-pilot, Kevin, who was I guess, driving the jet.
"Aaaand on that lovely note Alex. We need to go now." He tells her. Alex glares at him.
"Babe, leave him alone, he's just helping you get to Vegas." I tell her so she softens her glare.
"Oh I'm not finished." She says and continues.
"I am GOING to show you just how much I'm going to miss you, how much I already miss you." She tells me diverting her gaze back to me.
I blush and giggle,
"Ugh Pipes. I'm going to miss you so much." She says putting her head back and I could clearly see she was fighting back tears.
"Alex. It's only a week we've gone longer!" I tell her. It made her laugh which was good.
"We weren't married then!" She quips back at me and her face drops again, "and you weren't shot back then."
"Alex. I'll be fine. I've got Polly, Nicky, Lorna and my family all here in the city if I need them. Go get us a club in Vegas! Have a safe journey baby!" I kiss the screen.
"Have a nice shower babe, ugh God the things I would do to you if I was there too. Alright, we're dragging this on too far-"
"Huh, you think?" Jason sarcastically interrupts.
"Fine line Jason, very fine line." Alex warns.
"I'll see you on Friday night babe. I love you so so much." Alex tells me and kisses the screen also.
"Bye babe." I tell her and hang up before it got to the point where neither of us could bear to stop but not before I heard "Bye babe." from the other end.

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