Secure The Heart

By 400_SoKold

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**PLEASE READ SECURE THE BAG FIRST BEFORE READING THIS STORY!!** We followed the journey of Treasure and Cart... More



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By 400_SoKold

Norristown, P.A.


"Are you outside?" Mariani questions over the line.

"I'm almost there. I'm right around the corner." I inform.

"Ok, I'll see you in a little bit." Mariani informs.

"Ard." After hanging up the phone, I arrive in front of the door and pull into the garage behind her car. I called Mariani up to talk and she invited me over her mother's place. Her day was kind of busy so she told me to meet her at around eight tonight. I didn't ask questions of why so late, because I knew she worked late today. This conversation however, is suppose to be about me telling Mariani about Kelis and I. We're getting more serious day by day and I need to set things straight. Yes Mariani and I are friends but I'll be honest. She is my type. Although, I know what I have at home. Grabbing the flowers from the back seat, I sit them in my lap and contemplate this situation. I don't want anyone's feelings to get hurt because I know how it feels. After a good twenty minutes, I finally decide to get out of the car. Closing the door, I lock the car with the remote until the horn honked. Instead of walking across the fresh cut grass, I walk down the garage to the pavement that leads to the two flights of stairs to the entrance. Holding the flowers in my hand, I switch them to the right hand and ring the doorbell. Mariani opens the door with a smile, letting me in. I witness she's still in her scrubs so she hasn't been here long I'm guessing.

"Hey, are those for me?" She questions while closing the door.

"No, they're for your mother. Is she around?" I question, turning towards her. Mariani smiles and narrows her brows in awe.

"That's sweet, and she's asleep, I'll put them in some water." She says, taking the flowers away from me. I nod while following her to the kitchen. I watch as she grabs the vase and begins to prepare the flowers. I watch while standing in front of the counter. I don't know how to start this off but I knew small talk was in the right direction.

"How was work?" I question.

"The usual. I had a easy day today though which was surprising." She shrugs.

"For real?"

"Yea, so what's up what did you want to talk about? I know it wasn't about my day at work." She chuckles, placing the flowers in the vase. I nod while sighing and tucking my hands in my pockets.

"No it wasn't." I state. Mariani nods while crossing her arms and leaning up against the sink.

"I'm listening." She assures. I don't want to waste anymore time, so I figured that I get straight to the point.

"We aren't confused of what this is between us right?" Mariani jolts her head back while narrowing her brows.

"We're just friends. Why?" She questions confused.

"I just need to know that we're on the same page. I know that there's no big deal between us, but Kelis thinks otherwise." I stress. She chuckles lightly while poking her cheek with her tongue.

"It's because of the late night calls, isn't it?" Nodding, I lean on the counter while interlocking my fingers.

"Even though we're rebuilding, it's still disrespectful to her. Especially when I'm with her and you call. I don't want to be an ass and ignore you, because I do value our friendship. Then I don't want to put anyone before her because she's my woman and I respect her wishes." I explain.

"So y'all are back together." Mariani smirks while crossing her arms across her chest.

"Yea." I respond.

"It's about damn time." She chuckles, causing me to do the same.

"Damn it's like that?"

"Yes it's like that. As much as you whined about her-"

"Aye, I wasn't whining." I assure her while shaking her head. Mariani playfully rolls her eyes back towards me.

"Well complaining or expressive about it. Whatever you want to call it. You were doing it, but you finally stepped up to the plate and got your woman. I'm proud of you bro." She shrugs while smiling. I completely thought this was going to go in another direction, because her reaction to this is quite shocking.

"I expected your attitude to go in a whole other direction."

"What, you thought I liked you and that I was going to get jealous?"

"Well, yea." I agree. Mariani sighs while shaking her head in hard amusement.

"No offense, but you aren't my type TyHeem. Yes you're a well rounded guy and have a good head on your shoulders, but I see you more as a brother to me that I always wanted. If you hadn't notice, I'm like the female version of you and there's not a bit of chemistry between us." She protests while shaking her head. She was right. Although she is a woman, she acts like one of the homies. I guess my ego was getting the best of me, because I thought she was feeling a nigga in some type of way. I was thinking that she's was catching feelings, when it's obvious she isn't.

"You're right." I chuckle,  scratching the back of my head.

"I know and I'll chill out with calling you all hours of the night. I do have other friends I can talk to, but they don't understand what I'm going through like you do. I'm happy for you and Kelis, I only hope that our friendship doesn't change you know?" I nod while crossing my arms across my chest.

"Of course. Just as long as we keep things like they are now and chill out on the late calls we'll be cool. I just want you to respect my relationship as all."

"If I would of known about it when y'all first started, I would have backed off. I'm not the type to get in the middle of relationships, if I'm a friend or a future rebound that doesn't know it." She scoffs, heading over to the fridge. I crack a smile and twirl my keys on my finger.

"Okay, cool. I'm glad that we could talk this out. I'm going to go now though and take this trip to Philly." I mumble, mentally sighing at all the commuting I put myself through.

"Okay, have a safe trip. I'll let my mother know that you dropped by and brought her the flowers. Hopefully y'all will get to meet soon." Mariani smiles.

"Yea hopefully. Ard Ima get out of here, talk to later." I inform her as she walks me to the door. She nods as I step out and walk over to the side steps that lead to the drive way. I didn't even see them earlier. Getting in my car, I crank up and get ready to leave. Once I back out the parking spot, I honk the horn and turn on the street. I feel better now that I went on and talked to Mariani. I know Kelis will be happy that I went on and talked to her. It was like she was constantly reminding me so I won't forget. I admit that it began to get annoying, but I understood why she was doing it. She wanted to get her point across and let me know what's up. I know that I won't hurt Kelis in anyway and I need her to know that. She's been through a lot so her trust is very thin, but I know I can change that. I was the same way once but I eventually came around to loving some one again. Kelis was my first choice. We're building things back up from before and I need her to know I'm all in for this. I'm a good guy and she's a good woman. She deserves someone that will do right by her and love her like she always dreamed of. I just need to get us back to that place of where we use to be.


the next morning | Philadelphia, P.A.

"Nigga when can we stop my fucking stomach hurts." Nasim grumbles in between his crunches. After doing my last set, I sit up and chuckle while resting my elbows on my knees.

"For someone to be fit, you sure as hell whine a lot." I say between breaths.

"Stop bitching and just do the work out." Carter tells him as he sits down against the wall. Nasim smacks his lips while sitting up.

"Nigga you need to be over here doing these crunches with your potbelly ass." Nasim roast.

"It's a pudge and my wife loves it nigga." Carter tells him confidently, hunching his shoulders. I couldn't help but laugh.

"It's a pudge." I repeat while chuckling, looking over at Nasim who was laughing himself.

"Real shit." Carter assures while shrugging.

"Ayo, he never gets the hint that when he says some funny shit seriously. It's really hilarious." I tell Nasim as I point back at Carter.

"Forreal though. Are we done now, because I'm hungry as hell." Nasim sighs while laying back on the floor. I nod while getting up and heading to my office. I called Nasim and Carter to see if they wanted to workout  this morning. We did a mile run, some lifting and ab workouts. Carter and I did fine without complaints, but Nasim on the other hand. That's all he kept doing until we finished up. He's good for that. I grab my towel and wipe my face of the sweat. Nasim and Carter let me know that they're leaving and I dap them, telling them that I'll see them later. They have work to do as do I, and that's meeting with Treasure to check on this venue. The launch of my sportswear line is in a few weeks and I'm more nervous than anything. I don't know if the consumers will like it or if it will sell. Then again, I can't think that way. Treasure has worked her ass off and she sells out as soon as her designs hit the market. I have nothing to worry about. Grabbing my ringing phone, I take a seat behind my desk and see it's Kelis wanting to FaceTime. She's on a last minute trip in Chicago, Illinois and she'll be back tonight. I slide the icon to the right to answer. The call connects and Kelis shows up on my screen looking good as always.

"What's up love." I smile, causing her to do the same.

"Hey what are you doing?" She questions while pulling the covers up to her neck.

"Just got done working out with Carter and Nasim. Why are you still in bed?" I question, narrowing my brows.

"Because it's early as hell and you were the first thing on my mind." She smirks as I do the same thing while arching my brows.

"Mm. You had a wet dream about a nigga didn't you?" Kelis laughs and shakes her head.

"No I didn't. I just woke up and thought to call you as all." She says.

"I'm happy to know that you were thinking about me."

"Are you?"

"Mhm. I was thinking about you too." I admit. Kelis sits up while stretching.

"You were?" She questions narrowing her brows in awe as she places her hand on her chest.

"Yea, I wanted to ask you something." I inform her and lick my lips.

"What is that exactly?" She questions.

"My Aunt Fay is having a cook out this weekend and I was wondering if you'd like to go." Kelis scratches the back of her neck while stretching her eyes.

"Like meeting your family?" She questions lowly.

"Yea, if you're not ready I can understand. It's no pressure." I assure her. Kelis shakes her head no with a slight grin.

"I'll meet with your family. I mean, we have known one another for a year now. I feel it's time we get to know the people that makes us who we are. I'm willing to meet them, if you'll meet mine?" She questions.

"Hell yea! I've been waiting to meet my in-laws since day one." Kelis giggles and shakes her head.

"I really feel like I'm dealing with a lowkey psycho." She mumbles in laughter.

"Shit once I found out the sex was lit, I knew the crazy ass nigga would come out soon or later." I shrug nonchalant, causing Kelis to straight face me.

"I really can't stand you." She says.

"Yes you can." I tell her as she gets up from the bed. She enters the bathroom and turns on the lights, looking back at me in the camera.

"What do you have planned today?" She questions. I sigh while resting back in my seat and rest my hand behind my head.

"I have to do a little running around with Treasure today. Then I'm going to check out this apartment and I'm going home afterwards to get some rest." I mumble.

"You won't be home till sometime tonight then." Kelis frowns.

"Yep. It's cool, because I need all he sleep I can get. I'm glad that I don't have to go check on my businesses or anything like that. At least not for a few days." I shrug.

"That's good. Well I'm going to let you go. I need to get ready and with you being shirtless like this, is only going to distract me." She says and bites her lip. I chuckle and jump the muscles in my chest causing her to hiss.

"You wanted to take things slow remember?" I remind her.

"I know but don't start teasing me. I'll fly your ass out here on my nigga shit in a minute." Kelis warns. I stop jumping my chest and rub my abs.

"Shiiiit I'll be your bitch for the night." Kelis bursts into laughter and covers her face with her hand. She's being her old self which I fell in love with. Not all gloomy and worried about the past.

"Ard, I'm done with you on that note. I'll talk to you later. I love you Ty." She says. Chuckling, I nod while sitting up.

"I love you too." Kelis blows me a few kisses and ends the call before I could react. She knew I was going do something and didn't want to prolong our phone call. I laugh and shake my head as I stand to my feet. I need to go meet Treasure and I'm glad I actually thought with my head this morning. I brought a bag of clothes and I'm going to go over Calvin's house to freshen up. He told me that he didn't have a problem with me doing so. I truly forget that I do have another place I can come to and chill out at. If I can't find a place, I might have to ask Calvin if I can't stay with him until I find a place. I would stay with my Aunt Fay, but she already has a house full. That's chalked. I get in my car and make my way to Calvin's home. When I get there, I head inside and take my shower. After about twenty minutes, I get out and get dressed when I'm good and dry. Leaving out, I make sure to secure the house. I arrive at the venue around twelve which is when Treasure said to meet her. She smiles when she sees me as I do the same, getting out of my car. I was ready to see what we were working with and how everything was turning out so far. Galore is here to show me of some examples that she feels I might like. I also have some ideas of my own that can mix and match with theirs. I'm just ready to get this done and see the money roll in. I'm feeling confident.


a few days later. . .


"Well, we're here." Ty says as he puts the car in park. I look out the window at the nice house as my mind raced. It's been so long since I met the family of a man I'm dating. I really didn't think that Ty and I would be together. In my mind, he was going to be a one night fling and I could move forward. Another plan was honestly put to the test. Here we are and here I am, meeting his blood family for the first time. I just hope his family accepts me and we don't have problems in the future. Ty comes around on my side and opens the door for me. I get out while grabbing my purse and closing my door behind me. You can hear the people in the backyard and the loud music blasting. You can get the whiff of the food cooking from the grill as well. There are cars every where and a few people are sitting on the porch. I'm definitely nervous. Ty stares down at me, I look down at myself and frown.

"My skirt isn't too short is it?" I question while tugging at the end of it.

"I don't think so, turn around." He tells me. I do as told and look over my shoulder at him.

"Is it?" I ask for assurance.

"I still can't tell, bend over real quick." He tells me. Smacking my lips, I turn to him and hit his arm.

"Stop playing TyHeem, I'm serious." I whine, causing him to chuckle. He wraps his arms around my waist as I cross my arms over my chest.

"You nervous?" He questions while kissing my face down to my cheek.

"What do you think?" I mumble while rolling my eyes in another direction. Ty turns my head towards him by my chin and smiles.

"You don't have anything to be nervous about. My family is chill." He tells me, but does he really know that? He hasn't been around his family in years and always talked about how they were to him. I didn't want to start an argument or make him feel a certain so I kept my mouth shut. Exhaling deeply, I nod while placing my hands on his biceps.

"Okay. I'm calm." I assure him. Ty kisses my lips while pulling me closer to him. I moan when his tongue slowly slides across mine. I wrap my arms around his neck and feel his hand cup my ass and give it a squeeze.

"I hope we get to meet her before you suck her got damn face off." A woman's voice booms from afar. Ty chuckles and pulls back as I burry my face in his chest in embarrassment.

"Damn Shabrea, take your nosey ass in the house." Ty tells her while removing his arms from around me. I lift my head and shyly smile at the woman. She nears us and gives Ty a hug and they pull back afterwards. She looks familiar.

"You know I'm only messing with you little cousin." She laughs.

"I know." Shabrea looks over at me and smirks raising a brow.

"Well since he wants to be rude. I'm his cousin Shabrea, you look familiar." She says to me.

"My name is Kelis and I think we follow one another on social media." I chuckle.

"Kelis Rogers, the vlogger? Yesss, I do follow you. I get some decent discounts from you shopping online with the promo codes. It's look like I done shopped in your closet." Shabrea says, causing me to laugh.

"Ard groupie, she's not here to talk business and take pictures with your cheap ass. Keep it moving." Ty flags while pulling me close to him. Shabrea laughs and flags him off.

"I'll see you inside boo, we'll talk then." She assures while pointing at me. I nod to reassure her as she walks off to the house. Ty shakes his head and turns to me. I shrug my shoulders and look over my shades.

"She seems cool."

"I guess she would sound cool to you because y'all act somewhat alike." Ty mutters while walking to the entrance of the house. I laugh and tuck my hair behind my ear.

"Don't be a hater." I chuckle while following him. Ty and I stand on the porch and he introduces me to some people. I waved at the men that sit there and follow Ty into the house. Everyone is in the kitchen, so that's where we head to. I could tell that his family misses him because in every room he entered, excited expressions or screams were made. He had to be away from them for a long ass time. As Ty hugged people, he would tell me who is who. He introduced me to some of his aunts and uncles. It's a lot of people to keep up with. I didn't know that he had such a big family. We get to the backyard where the majority of his family resides. It's a few of them playing cards, dancing, eating and drinking. There's a few guys that look like Ty and I's age, laughing and talking obnoxiously over at the grill. It's just three thirty and half of them are drunk already. One of them turn around and narrow his brows, causing Ty to laugh.

"Aw shit." He says.

"Is that? oh shit! It is...Tiny Ty." One of the guys hollers.

"He ain't no damn Tiny Ty no more." Another guy comments.

"Hell nah. Nigga look like he'll knock the wind out of your ass." Another one of the guys say in the group, and they all laugh.

"That nigga on steroids?" Someone else questions.

"No nigga I work out, step your weight up." Ty shouts back.

"Literally." One of the guys co-signs while coming up behind Ty. We both turn and he laughs while dapping him into a hug. I step back a little bit and smile as the older man and Ty pull back. Ty turns to me and wraps his arm around my shoulders.

"Unc, this is my lady Kelis. Kelis, this is my Uncle Charlie. He's Aunt Fay's ex husband. He wants her back but his ass doesn't get the hint." Ty says, mumbling the last part only for me to hear. I lightly hit him in the chest and extend my hand to shake Charlie's.

"Nice to meet you." He replies.

"Same here." I respond as he walks off.

"Is that my nephew?" A sweet voice calls.

"Hey Aunt Fay." Ty greets. As they near one another, I couldn't help but stare. She had to be about the same age as my parents, but she looked good. With her dark glowing skin and light brown eyes, I would've mistaken her for Treasure's mother Empress. For her to be pushing sixty, she could still turn heads. So could this woman here. They were definitely goals. Once Ty and Fay are through hugging, they pull back and turn to me. I look between them both and remove my shades out of respect. My parents told me to always look another person in the eyes instead of hiding behind the shades.

"You must be that special someone that Ty was talking about." Fay smirks.

"How are you doing, I'm Kelis." I introduce myself as I travel over towards her. We hug and pull back.

"I'm Aunt Fay, but you can call me Fay." She says.

"Ok, it's nice to finally meet you. I've heard a lot about you." I tell her.

"Not good things I know." She chuckles, and we both snatch our attention towards Ty. He sighs as Fay rubs his back while laughing.

"I'm only playing TyHeem. We're past it right?" She questions him.

"Yea Auntie, you know that. Now, Ima go and talk with the guys. You going to be ard with Aunt Fay?" Ty questions while stepping in front of me. I nod in assurance.

"Yea, go ahead." I tell him as he approaches me.

"Ard, give me a kiss." He says. I narrow my brows while shaking my head.

"Uh huh no, we not doing this again." I chuckle while pressing my hands against his chest.

"What you trynna act right for that act right?" I open my mouth to speak and stare at him appalled. I wasn't expecting him to say that. Ty walks off while bumping my shoulder, causing me to chuckle.

"Always on ten." I mumble to myself, turning to Fay.

"Come on, I'll introduce to you to some other women in the family that are around your age. They'll love you." Fay says as we walk towards the group of women. As we approach them, Shabrea turns around and extends a wine cooler to me.

"Thank you." I tell her, twisting the top. Fay tells me that she'll be back and to talk with the other women. They seemed welcoming so I didn't feel like things would go wrong. I take a seat on the chair while sitting pretty. I converse with the women who were full of questions. I'm guessing Shabrea informed them that Ty and I are dating. The women question of how Ty and I met and who spoke to who first. I told them of course and shared some stories about him and I. So far, these women are fun to be around and seem cool. I don't usually hang around with females but Treasure. I always had problems with other women, because they were either competitive or jealous for no reason. All I wanted was my coin. Ty's family seemed different though. While drinking my wine cooler, I got to know the women. Ty definitely comes from a family with people who have a good head on their shoulders. The women are strong minded and are working their dream jobs. They asked me about my occupation and I told them what I do. They love that I get to travel around the world and get paid to promote other businesses. A few of them even asked for my help. Ty's family seems like something I would want to be apart of. They remind me of my family and how engaged we are with one another. I feel as though if Ty and I were to get married, our families would get along. Fay reminds me of my mother and his cousins remind me of mine as well. I feel as though we might have a match here.


later on that night. . .

"Do you have everything?" Fay questions someone as I help her clean up.

"Aunt Fay where do you want this to potato salad to go? There's no mor room in fridge." I inform while wrapping it up with foil. She shakes her head no while laughing.

"You are a guest up in here. I don't need you getting your hands dirty." She says while taking the pan from me. I chuckle while frowning.

"I don't mind helping."

"Nonsense, if you know me you know that I don't allow guest to work in my house. Shabrea, put this in the fridge in the basement please. The one up here is full."

"My mom is the same way." I inform her while taking a seat at the kitchen table. After speaking up my mother, I couldn't help but to think about her. We haven't talked in a few days and it has me worried. I definitely have to talk to her to see what's going on. Glancing at my watch that reads eight forty-five, I look out the window at Ty again who's still in the backyard with the guys. As loud as they were laughing and conversing, you would think they were the only ones in the yard. It's still a crowd of people out, but not as much as it was earlier. A lot of people came, got their plates and left. I thought that was going to be Ty and I, because of his situation with his family. Not to mention, he's had a busy few weeks. We're both enjoying ourselves and when he's ready to go, so will I.

"You want another drink?" Fay questions while digging in the cooler.

"No thank you. I might have to be the designated driver tonight. Ty has been throwing them shots back like water." I mumble, causing Fay to laugh.

"I honestly didn't think he could drink like that." She comments.

"He doesn't do it purposely, but when he's having a good time he does like to drink. I'm just glad to see him smiling and enjoying himself. He's been working real hard this week."

"Word around town is he's going into fashion." Fay says while raising a brow and sipping her cooler. I couldn't fight the small chuckle that escaped because I knew where she was getting at.

"He's building a brand of sportswear and equipment." I explain.

"Oh okay, makes sense. He has a big head full of ideas like his father, God rest his soul. That man would come up with an idea off the top of his head and build it in a matter of seconds. He could build a house from the ground up if he wanted too. When it came to fixing things in the house, he was the first to get to it before our father could. I remember when I called myself having a man and my heart was broken, he'd always would say if he could fix it he would. He was a great big brother, I miss him dearly." Fay reminisces while shaking her head in slight laughter. A smile grew upon my face, because Ty is really no different from his father. Even though those words never left it mouth, his actions always showed where his loyalty lies.

"You know what's crazy. Ty and my brother are the same way. With the wanting to protect me and fixing a broken heart thing." I chuckle, causing her to the same.

"Whether the guy is older or younger than you, they always try to do what's best to keep you safe. Its what they do to make them feel manly you know." She says.

"Yea. I know exactly what you mean." I chuckle. Fay nods while sipping her drink. She then sits it down on the table and tilts her head a bit.

"Yea, you can't live with them or without them. Like they can't live without us." She sighs.

"Sure can't."

"I like you. I never met any women Ty was dating because we drifted apart, but I feel you're right for him. You're independent, smart, beautiful and a hard working woman. Ty is a smart business man and needs someone like you in his corner. You have to be someone special if he brought you around to meet us. You must really mean something to him."

"Yea. He means something to me too. It took me a while to realize that I do have someone good and I don't want to lose him you know. Just to see how much support and love he has, lets me know what kind of person he is. I thank you guys for letting me into the family and getting to know me." I smile, playing with my fingers as a I look down at my hands. It's clear that I've known what I've had in the beginning. I was scared to move forward because of all the bullshit I've been through, but I'm letting it go. I have to deal with something first and afterwards, I'll be ready to take this relationship to the next step. Ty has been patient enough and I feel it's time that we get back to what use to be. Especially after this. Getting to know the type of person he is, has really opened up my eyes to the true man he really is.

After a few hours of talking with Fay and Shabrea, Ty walks in and informs me that he's ready to go while handing me the keys. I tell him to grab our plates out the fridge and stand to my feet. I hug a few members of Ty's family and wave goodbye to others. Before leaving, Ty make sure that he has the right plates and I inform him that we do. He hugs her and a few others, waving good bye at the remaining. We head out towards the car and get in, placing on our seat belts. We weren't even ten minutes on the read before I heard Ty snoring. I knew he was tired because he's working hard these past few weeks. I want to talk to him, but it can wait until in the morning.


the next morning. . .


I flutter my eyes open and sigh, looking over at the digital clock that sits on the nightstand. It's four in the afternoon and I'm definitely feeling the hangover. I turn over and witness that I'm alone which I should be. I slept through the whole day. Throwing the covers back, I travel to the bathroom. After using the toilet, I brush my teeth and cleanse my face. When done, I enter Kelis' bedroom and raise my brows to Kelis who's in a lingerie set. She holds a tray of food in front of her with a huge grin on her face.

"Good evening." She greets.

"Good evening, what's all this?" I question in laughter while stepping towards her. 

"It's some medicine, fruit, orange juice and some pain medicine for your headache." She says. I nod and arch a brow.

"What's the hot body oil for?" Kelis bites her lip while sitting the tray on the dresser.

"I was thinking I could give you massage, but we can get to that in a bit. I want to talk to you." Having a seat at the foot of the bed, I stare at her and watch as she reaches into her jewelry chest for something.

"What's on your mind?" Kelis exhales and turns to me.

"Yesterday, I met your family and I really gotten to know you from them.  It's clear to me that you really want us to take this to the next step as do I. I've been thinking about it for weeks now and I feel that you should be here with me. I have one more thing to do but I want us to live together. I'm giving you the key to my place and you can move in. I really do love you and I want this to work out." She extends a key to me and I smile, taking it from her. Scoffing a laugh, I look down in my hand and then up at Kelis. She was basically waiting on me to respond and I wasn't going to keep her guessing.

"You know you really do mean the world to me and I will do anything to make you happy. I took you to meet my family, because I believe that what we have is real. You've always been honest and true with me about your feelings as I have with you. I'm happy to know that you're willing to take the next step towards our relationship. I'd love to move in with you and I love you too. I always will." I assure her. Kelis slowly walks towards me while grinning, and we wrap our arms around one another. I kiss her cheek and she buries her face in my neck. It's hard to believe that we're back here again and rekindling the fire that we had. It's like I said before, I'm attracted to Kelis because she's different from any other woman that I was involved with. She doesn't take no one's shit and she keeps it real with you. It might take her some time, but she comes around. I'm honored that she told me I could move in. I honestly didn't know where I was going to go and I wasn't going to beg her to let me stay here. That would like making up her mind for her without her thinking to do it herself. It just wasn't the right timing, but here we are. After kissing and hugging up, I let Kelis know that I needed to go. Treasure wanted to meet at the venue and as much as I wanted to stay, I couldn't. I'll definitely make it up to Kelis because she's deserves it. She's my everything again.

Ty talks to Mariani about respecting his relationship with Kelis. How do you feel about their conversation?

Kelis meets Ty's family for the first time. Was the love she received genuine?

Kelis is ready to take she and Ty's relationship to the next level after meeting her parents. How do you feel that will turn out?

Ty receives the key to Kelis' house. Are they ready for this step?

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