Fat Thug Love

By NayFlawlessbih

131K 4.8K 588

Courtney a young girl who thinks she will never find love because of her looks and at the same time trys to... More

Internet Love(new)
! time to turn up!
computer time
new love!
courtren(the real one)
Love or Not
Love or Not pt 2
The Truth Is Out!
Courtney aka C-dog!
5months later
fuckin up!
new addition to the family
surprise!! jared who...
fat thug love chapter 20
fat thug love chapter 21
fat thug love chapter 22
Fat Thug Love Chapter 23
Fat Thug Love Chapter 24
fat thug love chapter 25
Fat Thug Love Chapter 26
chapter 30 Fat Thug Love
chapter 31 Fat Thug Love
Fat Thug Love Chapter 32
Fat Thug Love Chapter 33
Fat Thug Love Chapter 34
Fat Thug Love Chapter 35
Fat Thug Love Chapter 36
Fat Thug Love Chapter 37
Fat Thug Love Chapter 38
book 2

fat thug love chapter 19

2.7K 117 13
By NayFlawlessbih

Courtney's p.o.v

"you better explain this shit you fuck boy ass nigga"

I screamed I was so pissed off you could probably see the steam coming off me

"Yes I'm Jared but cpop I never ment to hurt you I just didn't know how to tell you I was Jared and I'm sorry for lien saying I was busy when in reality you saw me every day I know I cheated on you with Nicole as Jared but I did not know she was pregnant I swear Nicole I know I turned my phone off but it's because I was tired of living 3 lives I couldn't be jared,Darren and ghost and I wanted Courtney I wanted to be with her as for us you don't fit in my life anywhere so I hope you dont think we going to be a family I'm sorry to both of you I really am I don't know what else to say but please cpop forgive me"

I looked at this nigga like he was crazy and before I can speak Nicole says

"i did want you to leave her for me and be a family but now I don't wanna be a family I just want you to take your bastard ass son and stay the hell away from me "

she storms out of the room leaving the baby on the floor crying I don't even know his name


I scream hoping she hears me but unfortunately she didnt it I got out of the bed and looked through his diaper bag and found his name on it Jackson markel white then it dawned on me I have two kids now fuck my life...

Darren's p.o.v

I watched her as she rummaged through the diaper bag I guess she found what she was looking for because she then walked over and picked up both baby's and sat in the chair

"I will always be here for you both now who your daddy is I don't know he got 3 different names but I will me the best mommy I can be I love you Marshawn and Jackson "

she said rocking them I just put my head down

"Courtney I'm really sorry please I'm begging you forgive me"

she said nothing she didn't even look at me I was about to say something else but the door opened and everyone came in


em, A and ro screamed at the same time scaring the boys making them cry Courtney gave them a look then tried to quiet them down

"who's the light skinned kid"

the twins say

"why don't you ask ghost"

she said not looking my way everyone looked at me and then Jay says

"so Nicole finally showed her face huh"

I looked at him

"you knew about this shit nigga and didn't say anything you was suppose to be my boy"

I said getting angrier by the millisecond

"I'm sorry Jared you told me to keep my mouth shut remember"

he said with a smirk and before I knew it I was punching that smirk right off his face the twins were trying to break it up when they did I walked out I was beyond pissed the doctor saw me and came up to me and said

"I was told to give you this and your wife and your family are free to leave she had a perfect birth of your son no ripping at all"

I looked down at the paper and unfolded it..it said: nigga you thought this was over watch ya back and that precious gang or yours - D before I could think about who D was the lights went out and I was running back to the room


I know I know your probably going to hate me but I had to lol I know said you get an update tomorrow but I had to update to day but good news you get another one tomorrow so be ready. thank for reading guys please vote comments.


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