The Hatred That Fuels You (Ho...

By The_Pseudonymous_One

93.8K 2.5K 2.4K

Normal. What is normal? Normal is defined as the usual, typical, or expected state or condition. But what is... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

Chapter 2

6.5K 192 325
By The_Pseudonymous_One

I just finished packing my bag for the school day when mum called me downstairs.

I walk down stairs and she was at the door talking to someone.

"Oh y/n your here" she said with a smile "There are some people here to see us" 

I look at the door and see the two boys from yesterday and their mum.

I awkwardly wave and they wave back.

"y/n sweetie" mum said to me "this is Liu and Jeff, they're our new neighbours and they need you to show them the way to the bus stop, I was going to ask Charlie, but she had drama this morning"

I look at my mum then at the boys then back at mum.

'I'll just get my stuff' I sign to her

I run upstairs and grab my bag and $5 from my piggy bank then run back down.

The two boys smile at me and start to walk down the front stairs. 

I hug my mum goodbye and she hands me something.

"Just incase" she says as she hands me a notepad and pen

I nod and run to where the boys were.

We start to walk in silence until the taller boy speaks.

"So y/n is it" he says "I'm Liu"

I smile and shake his hand.

"and this is Jeff" I turn to his brother and shake his hand too

I pull out my notepad and pen and write something on it before tapping Liu on the shoulder and showing him.

'Did you bring money?' it said

He looked a bit taken back by the question but answered anyway "Uh yes, do you need some?"

I shake my head and put my hands up.

"Why did you ask then?" Jeff asked

'You might need it' i write

They both look at each other then me for a second. I smile softly and they look back ahead.

We soon arrive at the bus stop and sit on one of the seats. I walk past them and go to sit in the corner as always when Liu says "y/n don't you want to sit with us"

I look at them for a second before slowly walking over and sitting next to Liu.

'Sorry i'm not used to people accepting me' i write

"Well get used to it" he says with a smile "because we are going to need a new friend at shool"

'You think we're friends?'

"Yeah of course" he says "right Jeff?"

"Yeah for sure" Jeff said with a smile.

I have friends. I feel something new. It was a nice feeling. A feeling of acceptance and belonging. I smile and look at the floor.

"Look boys new meat" I look up and see Randy and his gang

I stand and pull the money out of my pocket before they could do anything and go to hand it to them when I feel a hand on my wrist. It was Liu.

"Who do you think you are" Jeff spat

"well since your new here, i'd like to introduce ourselves" Randy said "over there is Keith"

Jeff and Liu looked at Kieth "and he's Troy" he pointed at Troy "and I, am Randy"

"What do you want" Jeff sais

"Well in this neighbourhood, there is a small price for bus fair, if you catch my drift" Randy said with a smirk

Liu got up, ready to punch Randy, when Keith and Troy pulled their knives out on him.

"Tsk tsk tsk, i hoped you'd be more cooperative" Randy said "but it seems we must do this the hard way"

Randy walked up to Liu and took his wallet out of his pocket.

Jeff then stood up but Liu gestured him to sit back down. But Jeff ignored him and walked up to Randy.

"listen hear you little punk"  Jeff growled "give back my bros wallet, or else"

Randy put Liu's wallet into his pocket and pulled out his own knife.

"oh, and what will you do?" Randy said with a devilish smirk

Just as he finished his sentence, Jeff punched Randy in the nose.

As Randy reached for his face, Jeff grabbed his wrist.

a loud and terrible crunch could be heard after.

He had broken Randys wrist.

Randy screamed and Jeff grabbed the knife from his hand.

Kieth and Trow rushed at Jeff, but Jeff was to quick, and threw Randy to the ground.

Keith lashed out at him, but Jeff ducked and stabed him in the arm.

Keith dropped his knife and fell to the ground screaming as he gripped his bleeding gash in his arm..

Troy then rn at Jeff. Jeff didn't even need the knife, he just punched him in the stomach.

Troy fell and vomited all over the floor.

Liu and I just stared at Jeff as he stood over the three boys.

The bus was approaching and we panicked and Jeff began to run. Liu and I ran after him.

I loook back and see the bus driver running off the buss and helping Randy and the others.

We soon got home and I asked mum for a ride

"Didn't you take the bus?" she asked

'we missed it' I signed

"oh thats ok" she says as she leads us to the car.

We all sat in silence in the car, not talking about anything that had just happened.

We soon got to school and I hugged my mum goodby.

We walk to class, still silent.

The rest of the day was ok.

No one had heard about the fight yet. We wanted to keep it that way so we decided to talk about other things.

We got to know each other better. It was fun to have people to sit with and talk to.

I usually hate it when people talk to me, but this was different. I felt comfortable 'talking' with Liu and Jeff. 

I finally had friends.


We were on our way from the bus stop to home and Jeff was making jokes that made me and Liu laugh. We were walking for a while, unusually longer than usual when we finally arrived at our street.

"Race you there Liu" Jeff yelled as he bolted for his house.

"Well see ya then y/n" He said with a smile that made me blush

I nod and wave goodbye.

He starts to run for his house when I grab his shoulder.

He stops and spins around.

"Whats wrong?" he asked

I grab out my pad and pen and write something down before ripping out the page, scrunching it and shoving it into his hands before running to my house. Retreating back to my hole like a mouse being hunted like an owl. I was blushing like crazy when I ran in.

"Whats wrong y/n" asked mum

I sat at the door hugging my note pad.

I felt butterflies in my stomach and my face was as red as a tomato.

Why did I feel this way?

Why did I feel this way around Liu?

What is this feeling?

Liu's POV

I watch as y/n runs to her house with her head down.

I stand there for a second. Just staring where she was going.

I wasn't really paying attention to anything until Jeff started yelling at me from the house.

"Come on slowpoke!" He yelled

"Coming!" I yell back

I look down in my arms and see a small piece of paper scrunched in my hands.

I slowly unwrap it, careful not to rip it.

'(Number) Just incase'

She gave me her number.

I feel my face start to heat up.

Did she like me?

I walk back to my house slowly, pondering about what just happened.

Jeff was waiting for me on the porch when I got there.

"What were you doing?" He asked

"I-I just- I'll be in my room" I manage to get out

I walk through the door and was greeted by my mum in the kitchen making dinner.

"Hi sweetie" she said "how was your first day of school?"

"Uh good" i say "uh call me down when dinners ready"

"Ok hunny" she said with a smile as she continued dinner

I walk up to my room and put my bag down in the corner. I sit on my bed and look at the note.

This has to be a joke right?

I put the number in my phone and send a text.

Me- Hi its Liu

y/n- Hey Liu its y/n

Me- k just wanted to make sure it was you heh

y/n- yup its me

y/n- oh sorry gotta go

Me- k see ya

It was legit.

She gave me her number.

My face started to heat up and I buried it in my pillow.

Why did I feel this way?

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