By beautyandbeyond

487K 13.6K 2.3K

19 year old Averi was a very quiet college student.she only payed attention to her work and her job and that'... More

Chapter 1~ confused
Chapter 2~ Hard to believe
Chapter 3~ Being his target
Chapter 4~ feelings and beatings
Chapter 5~ rescue
Chapter 6 ~ all that matters
Chapter 7 - heaven
Chapter 8~ Push yourself
Chapter 9~ leaving and killing
Chapter 10~ Reunited
Chapter 11~ insecure
Chapter 12~ humuliated
Chapter 13~Karma on the rise
Chapter 15~ its not what it looks like
Chapter 16~ FML
chapter 17~ real friends dont die
Chapter 18~ new people: same feelings
Chapter 19~ Jealousy
chapter 20~ best friends care/fuck the police
chapter 21~ broken heart
Chapter 22~ permanent love
chapter 23~ My love/ RIP friend
chapter 24~ Beware
chapters 25~ not worth it
2-5 chaps left
Chapter 26~ suicidal
chapter 27~ The end ♥

Chapter 14~ payback

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By beautyandbeyond

Major POV

"What the fuck you mean he still alive, I thought you killed him?" I asked

"Man I thought i did too! but I guess that nigga went Michael Myers and now he back to fucking life bruh"

"Man you gotta be fucking kidding me!" I said

"Shit I was wish this was a joke"

"How you know he alive?" I asked

"Man I went to the cobras hide out where we keep our drug stash cause I needed a blunt with all these irrelevant classes, and I walked in on him talking to some fellow cobras. he didn't see me but I saw him." He explained

Man just when shit was starting to get better for us, Seth wanna come and screw shit up.

I just got Averi and I on good terms I really don't need no fuck ups.

"Man what we gon do?" Sonny asks

"Look the main Thing we can't do is show fear, just lay low and be on the look out." I tell him

"Man that's it?!? do you know how fucking dangerous and sneaky Seth is? what if that nigga put some parasites in my boxers or sum"

"Man quit acting like a little punk bitch and just be on the look out while I come up with a plan" I tell him

"I'm not being no punk bitch I'm just trying to think of the possibilities." He says

"Well look I got to get back to class I'll meet you after school at my dorm, ight?" I say

"Ight man, think of sum quick" he says and walks away

I sighed

Man shit is hetic


So far so good with morning classes, only thing that was bothering me was my mom's death

I just hate that I wasn't there when she died. I coulda saved her or talked to her or do something. it's just crazy how she ain't here on earth no more. I hope my brother in good hands as well, I haven't heard from him since I left home.

Major was posted up by the cafe door with his headphones in his ear.

I stood there analyzing what I have with him.

I'm glad were off on good terms. it's nice to have that connection.

I walked over to him and greeted him with a hug and a kiss but by his emotions I could tell something was wrong

"What's wrong ?" I asked

"Nun bae, come on let's go eat" he said as he took my hand and we walked into cafe.

Sonny and Monay have different lunches so there not in here.

We got our food and took a seat in the corner by the cafeteria.

I dived into my salad just munching away but I noticed Major was barley picking up his fork to eat.

"You sho you ok?" I asked

"Yeah I'm good" he says as he was paying attention to his phone.

I was kinda curious to see who he was talking to, but at the same time I cannot be clingy. if he says he good then I should leave it at that

"So Friday, you and sonny have to come with me and monay to her cousins beauty' shop. Diana is getting a repay visit from karma. then Saturday me and monay plan on...MAJOR?" I caught him drifting off not even paying attention

"Yeah I'm listening" he said still looking at his phone

I tried to see who he was talking to but he snatched the phone away

"Why you acting so weird?" I asked

"I'm not I'm just trying to take care of something" he says

"Well ima go to the library and return this book, you have fun with whatever your doing" I got up and left him. I didn't even care if saw me leave but space is what he need. I'll catch up with him after school

*After school*

"So you talked to Major about Saturday?" monay asked

"I tried to but he was too busy on his dumb phone" I said as I unlocked the door to our dorm.

I plotted down on the living room couch and took a deep breath

"That's unusual" she says as she walks over to the fridge and gets a bottle of water.

"I don't know.... but for some odd reason he was just all of a sudden shady acting today" I tell her.

"You think he hiding something?"she asked

"No... I trust him, besides we just got back on the right foot I don't wanna screw that up" I tell her

But for the rest of the whole week major been distanced and quiet and always on his phone.

I was becoming so fed up with it


"You ready?" monay asked me

Today is the day Diana is going to get what she deserves

Pay back is a bitch.

"Been ready" I say as I grabbed our room key and locked the door

Our gear was army theme.

We was looking completely good and ready for revenge

"What time is there appointment?" I asked monay

"5 o'clock, we gotta be there by 5:30 cause that's when Tia is going to start her chemical treatment" she explains

We had everything ready. the camera, too take pictures. the snacks, and drinks.

This was going to be the best day of my life.

We hopped in the car and droved off which only took us 10 minutes to get there.

We parked on the side of the building so we can see when Diana and puppets come through

An all white Expedition pulled up.

Diana and her friends load out the car with weaves and everything in there bag.

"Come on" monay said as we load out the car and head to the back of the beauty shop where Tia left the door unlocked for us

We went inside and locked the door behind us and met up with Tia who was getting the treatment ready

"Y'all just sit over there when I bring her to the sink, and when you hear screaming, the job is done" Tia informed

We waited paintently as Tia worked on her hair

Diana and all of her friends was getting this treatment.

Monay and I was recording and eating away.

Tia moves Diana to sink and nodds for us to move by the chairs.

She drenched Diana hair with chemicals in the bottle.

Within moments later Diana started to scream with pain. following her friends as well.

Me and monay was laughing as hard as we could choking on our drinks

Diana was just whining.

She had a huge bald patch on the side of her head.

Tia came rushing to the back pretending to get a towel

We all high fived each other

"Y'all should get out of here" she says

We agreed and out the door we went

We quickly got back in the car and and re watched the video when we got back to the dorm.

"We gotta show this at our get together tomorrow night" monay says

And I agreed

*The next day*

I got up early and got dressed to meet major by the park cause I just wanted my quality time.

He was 30 minutes late and that really set me up on a A wall.

"Wasup bae" he says as I turned around

"Why you late?" I asked

"I had to shower, and sonny was taking his precious fucking time" he says

We both took a seat on the picnic table.

"Yesterday was too hilarious bae you shoulda been there, you woulda been dead" I tell him

"Y'all got her back?" he asked

"Monay did, I just watched it all happened" I tell him

"They deserve it tho, dumb ass bitches always trying to fuck with somebody" he says

"I was thinking tonight we could celebrate at me and monay dorm. a couple of people gon be there, and I was wondering if you was comming too?"

"I got plans though....." he says

I wanted to uppercut him so fucking hard

"Plans with who?" I questioned

"I can't tell you....look it's for your safety trust me" he says

"First off I told you way earlier this week about this but you was too busy on your phone, now you wanna sit up here and just straight up put something before me"

"Look bae it's not even like that, it's business" he said

"With what????" I asked

"I want to tell you but I don't want you all worried" he says


Just as he was about to speak his phone vibrated and that really pissed me off

"Who you texting?"

"Man it's business bae!" he snapped

"Let me see" I asked

Of course he refused.

"Why you acting like this, you cheating?" I asked

"Hell no! why would I do that shit to you? I absolutely promise you that is far of what I'm doing."

"Then let me see" I insisted

"Just trust me" he says

"Man whatever major" I grabbed my belongings and walked off

He wanna play games and not tell me shit well fuck it I'm not gon push up on him constantly.

If he cares about me he would tell me what's going on.

I feel like this chapter was kinda suckish but I tried!

Major just trying to handle shit with Seth....but Averi thinks otherwise. hmm.......

Please vote,comment, and fan me

~corrections in progress

~Xoxoxoxo Tyvia

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